Page Erroring if Fnd:Diagnostics profile is not set...

When I run the OAF page and click on Apply the page was erroring as the Fnd:Diagnostics profile was not set I could not see the reasons for error. So I enabled the Fnd:Diagnostics profile at the responsibility level and when I openeed the page and clicked on apply, now the page is not erroring out. Is there any connection between this profile with the pages erroring out? Note: I am using pageContext.writeDiagnostics to log the comments....

I am facing the similar issue
but in my development instance it is working fine when i click on Yes or No button in my Dialog page,
the issue arises when i try it out in my TEST instance or in SUPPORT instance,
how can this work fine in one instance and fail in the others.
The code in my PFR:
String action = pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM);
String parrowid = pageContext.getParameter("paramRowid");
OAApplicationModule am=(OAApplicationModule)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
if ("deleterecord".equals(action))
OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("HyperionNPIEOVO1");
OAException dmsg=new OAException(" Do you wish to delete the Record? Please Confirm ");
OADialogPage dpage=new OADialogPage(OAException.CONFIRMATION,dmsg,null,"","");
java.util.Hashtable ht=new java.util.Hashtable(1);
System.out.println("In Dialog");
String s2=pageContext.getParameter("rowid");
String s1=pageContext.getParameter("action");
Serializable paramDel[] = {s1, s2};
plzzz provide me your valuable suggestions on this.
Thanks in Advance,
Edited by: Afzal on Sep 20, 2011 9:28 PM

Similar Messages

  • Page erring if FND Diagnostics profile is not set

    I did see the old thread, but I do not have the same code issue.  Here is the part of my CO code that seems to be erring.  This is a dialog page with Yes/No button and error occurs when the Yes button is clicked.  If is set the FND Diagnostics profile, the error goes away.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
    if (pageContext.getParameter("YesButton")!=null)
          HashMap cpParameters = new HashMap();
          String requestId = "";
          requestId = am.invokeMethod("newBatch").toString();
          String id = ""+ requestId + "";
          cpParameters.put(requestId, id); 
          //Test modifying the followint to call DCRD_OKS_MASS_UPD_VIEW_REQ
          String url="OA.jsp?akRegionCode=FNDCPREQUESTVIEWPAGE&akRegionApplicationId=0&REQUESTID=requestId";
                                   ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                   ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                   ,cpParameters //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                   ,true //retain AM

    public class OksBatchCO extends OAControllerImpl
      public static final String RCS_ID="$Header: 71353 2013-10-22 14:58:23Z haycrae $";
      public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
            VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
       * Layout and page setup logic for a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
        //Check for back navigation
        if (!pageContext.isBackNavigationFired(false))
          TransactionUnitHelper.startTransactionUnit(pageContext, "OksBatchesTxn");
          if ((pageContext.getParameter("Ok") == null)  && pageContext.getParameter("Cancel") == null)
              super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
          OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
          OksBatchesVOImpl batchvo = (OksBatchesVOImpl)am.findViewObject("OksBatchesVO1");
          OAHideShowHeaderBean lineHS = (OAHideShowHeaderBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesHSRN");
          OAHideShowHeaderBean contractHS = (OAHideShowHeaderBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("ContractDtlsHSRN");
          OAHideShowHeaderBean billHS = (OAHideShowHeaderBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("BillingPeriodsHSRN");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean batchDetailView = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchDetailsViewRN");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean batchDetail = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchDetailsRN");
          OAButtonBean applyButton = (OAButtonBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("ApplyBatchBtn");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean itemDflt = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("ItemDfltsRN");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean acctSiteDflt = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("AcctSiteDfltRN");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean acctSiteFFDflt = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("AcctSiteFFDfltsRN");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean BusPurDflt = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("BusPurDfltsRN");
          OASubTabLayoutBean s = (OASubTabLayoutBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesSTRN");
          OAMessageComponentLayoutBean contractDflt = (OAMessageComponentLayoutBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("ContractDtlsRN");
          OAAdvancedTableBean billPeriods = (OAAdvancedTableBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("BillingPeriodsRN");
          String batchId = pageContext.getParameter("batchId");
          String viewOnly = pageContext.getParameter("viewOnly");
          System.out.println("batchId is "+batchId);
          System.out.println("viewOnly is "+viewOnly);
            if(batchId == null || batchId.equals(""))
              Serializable[] parameters = {null};
              am.invokeMethod("createBatch", parameters);
              Serializable[] params = {batchId};
              am.invokeMethod("createBatch", params);
              Serializable[] parameters = {batchId};
              am.invokeMethod("initDetails", parameters);
          OksBatchesVORowImpl row = (OksBatchesVORowImpl)batchvo.first();
          if ("Y".equals(viewOnly) && batchId != null && !batchId.equals(""))
             ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, webBean);
             row.setAttribute("NotUpdate", Boolean.FALSE);
             //Do not show update button if the batch is not updatable
               row.setAttribute("Update", Boolean.FALSE);
             row.setAttribute("Update", Boolean.TRUE);
          else if ("N".equals(viewOnly) && batchId != null && !batchId.equals(""))
            if(row.getAttribute("BatchStatus")!=null&&!row.getAttribute("BatchStatus").equals("")&&!row.getAttribute("BatchStatus").equals("CANCELLED") && !row.getAttribute("BatchStatus").equals("COMPLETE"))
              row.setAttribute("NotUpdate", Boolean.TRUE);
              row.setAttribute("Update", Boolean.FALSE);
                if(row.getIbProcCount()!=null && !row.getIbProcCount().equals(new Number(0)))
                  ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, itemDflt);
                if(row.getWrtyProcCount()!=null && !row.getWrtyProcCount().equals(new Number(0)))
                  OAMessageLovInputBean contractNumber = (OAMessageLovInputBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("ContractNumber");
                if((row.getOksProcCount()!=null && !row.getOksProcCount().equals(new Number(0))) || (row.getCompleteCount()!=null && !row.getCompleteCount().equals(new Number(0))))
                  ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, contractDflt);
                  ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, billPeriods);
                  row.setAttribute("NotUpdate", Boolean.FALSE);
                  row.setAttribute("Update", Boolean.FALSE);
                ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, acctSiteDflt);
                ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, acctSiteFFDflt);
                ClientUtil.setViewOnlyRecursive(pageContext, BusPurDflt);
              row.setAttribute("NotUpdate", Boolean.TRUE);
              row.setAttribute("Update", Boolean.FALSE);
            row.setAttribute("NotUpdate", Boolean.TRUE);
            row.setAttribute("Update", Boolean.FALSE);
          //Set Approved as default open tab
          if( !s.isSubTabClicked(pageContext))
            s.setSelectedIndex( pageContext, 0);
            Serializable[] parameters1 = {"SITES"};
          OAMessageFileUploadBean uploadBean = (OAMessageFileUploadBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("SourceFileName");
          // set file name display
          OADataBoundValueViewObject displayNameBoundValue = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(uploadBean, "SourceFileName");
          if (batchId != null)
            String countS = "";
            String countI = "";
            String countW = "";
            String countO = "";
            String countC = "";
            String countCc = "";
            OAViewObject linevo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("OksBatchesVO1");
            countS = linevo.first().getAttribute("SiteCount").toString();
            countI = linevo.first().getAttribute("IbCount").toString();
            countW = linevo.first().getAttribute("WrtyCount").toString();
            countO = linevo.first().getAttribute("OksCount").toString();
            countCc = linevo.first().getAttribute("CancelCount").toString();
            countC = linevo.first().getAttribute("CompleteCount").toString();
            OALinkBean siteLink = (OALinkBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Sites");
            siteLink.setText("Sites ("+countS+")");
            OALinkBean ibLink = (OALinkBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Instances");
            ibLink.setText("Instances ("+countI+")");
            OALinkBean wrtyLink = (OALinkBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Warranties");
            wrtyLink.setText("Warranties ("+countW+")");
            OALinkBean oksLink = (OALinkBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Contracts");
            oksLink.setText("Contracts ("+countO+")");
            OALinkBean ccLink = (OALinkBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Cancelled");
            ccLink.setText("Cancelled ("+countCc+")");
            OALinkBean cLink = (OALinkBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("Complete");
            cLink.setText("Complete ("+countC+")");
            //Message after Apply button is clicked
            if(pageContext.getParameter("apply")!=null && pageContext.getParameter("apply").equals("Y"))
              OksBillingPeriodsVOImpl billvo = (OksBillingPeriodsVOImpl)am.findViewObject("OksBillingPeriodsVO2");
              OksBillingPeriodsVORowImpl billrow = (OksBillingPeriodsVORowImpl)billvo.last();
                if(billrow.getEndDate()!=null && row.getEndDate()!=null && billrow.getEndDate().dateValue().getTime()!=row.getEndDate().dateValue().getTime())
                  OAException confirmMessage = new OAException("Billing Schedule end date does not match Contract end date.  Please make sure to fix the Billing Schedule.",OAException.WARNING);
            OAAdvancedTableBean oatb = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesRN");
            UINode uinode = oatb.getTableActions();
            OAAdvancedTableBean oatb1 = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesRN1");
            UINode uinode1 = oatb1.getTableActions();
            OAAdvancedTableBean oatb2 = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesRN2");
            UINode uinode2 = oatb2.getTableActions();
            OAAdvancedTableBean oatb3 = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesRN3");
            UINode uinode3 = oatb3.getTableActions();
            OAAdvancedTableBean oatb4 = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesRN4");
            UINode uinode4 = oatb4.getTableActions();
            OAAdvancedTableBean oatb5 = (OAAdvancedTableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("BatchLinesRN5");
            UINode uinode5 = oatb5.getTableActions();
          if (!TransactionUnitHelper.isTransactionUnitInProgress(pageContext, "OksBatchesTxn",    true))
            OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(NAVIGATION_ERROR);
       * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
       * a region.
       * @param pageContext the current OA page context
       * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
      public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
        super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
        OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
        OksBatchesVOImpl batchvo = (OksBatchesVOImpl)am.findViewObject("OksBatchesVO1");
        Row batchrow = batchvo.getCurrentRow();
        String batchId = pageContext.getParameter("batchId");
        if (pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM).equals("applyBatch"))
            //Check if file is a .csv
            String fileName = batchrow.getAttribute("SourceFileName").toString();
            System.out.println("Source File Name is "+fileName);
              throw new OAException("File is not of type .csv.  Please upload the correct file.", OAException.ERROR);
            String batchNumber = batchrow.getAttribute("BatchNumber").toString();
            OAException confirmMessage = new OAException("The program Datacard Load Source File will be submitted for Batch Number "+batchNumber);
            OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.CONFIRMATION,
            String yes = "Ok";//pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_YES", null);
            String no = "Cancel";//pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_NO", null);
            pageContext.setForwardURL("OA.jsp?page=/com/datacard/oracle/apps/dcrd/oksupdate/webui/OksBatchPG&batchId="+batchId+"&viewOnly=Y&apply=Y"+"&"+OASubTabLayoutBean.OA_SELECTED_SUBTAB_IDX + "=" + 0
                                            ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                            ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                            ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                            ,true //retain AM
        else if (pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM).equals("cancelBatch"))
          //String debugMode="Y";
          if(batchId!=null && !batchId.equals(""))
            pageContext.setForwardURL("OA.jsp?page=/com/datacard/oracle/apps/dcrd/oksupdate/webui/OksBatchPG&batchId="+batchId+"&viewOnly=Y"+"&"+OASubTabLayoutBean.OA_SELECTED_SUBTAB_IDX + "=" + 0
                                      ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                      ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                      ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                      ,true //retain AM
                                      ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                      ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                      ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                      ,true //retain AM
        else if (pageContext.getParameter("YesButton")!=null)
          HashMap cpParameters = new HashMap();
          String requestId = "";
          requestId = am.invokeMethod("newBatch").toString();
          String id = ""+ requestId + "";
          cpParameters.put(requestId, id); 
          //Test modifying the followint to call DCRD_OKS_MASS_UPD_VIEW_REQ
          String url="OA.jsp?akRegionCode=FNDCPREQUESTVIEWPAGE&akRegionApplicationId=0&REQUESTID=requestId";
                                   ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                   ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                   ,cpParameters //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                   ,true //retain AM
        else if (pageContext.getParameter("NoButton")!=null)
                                          ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                          ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                          ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                          ,true //retain AM
        else if (pageContext.isLovEvent())
          String lovInputSourceId = pageContext.getLovInputSourceId();
          if ("AccountNumber".equals(lovInputSourceId))
            Serializable[] params = {"Account"};
            am.invokeMethod("defaultValuesFromTemplate", params);
          else if ("Period".equals(lovInputSourceId))
            String rowReference = pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_SOURCE_ROW_REFERENCE);
            Row currentRow = am.findRowByRef(rowReference);
              String seq = currentRow.getAttribute("SeqNum").toString();
              System.out.println("Period seq is "+seq);
              String item = "UOM";
              Serializable[] parameters = {item, seq};
              am.invokeMethod("validateUOM", parameters);
          else if("TemplateName".equals(lovInputSourceId))
            Serializable[] params = {"Template"};
            am.invokeMethod("defaultValuesFromTemplate", params);
        else if ("updateBatch".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
                                "OA.jsp?page=/com/datacard/oracle/apps/dcrd/oksupdate/webui/OksBatchPG&batchId="+batchId+"&viewOnly=N"+"&"+OASubTabLayoutBean.OA_SELECTED_SUBTAB_IDX + "=" + 0
                                , null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                ,true //retain AM
        else if ("tabSites".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"SITES"};
        else if ("tabInstances".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"INSTANCES"};
        else if ("tabWarranties".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"WRTYS"};
        else if ("tabContracts".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"CONTRACTS"};
        else if ("tabCancelled".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"CANCELLED"};
        else if ("tabComplete".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"COMPLETE"};
        else if ("cancelNewLine".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"NEW"};
        else if ("cancelErrorLine".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"ERROR"};
        else if ("cancelProcessLine".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          Serializable[] parameters = {"INPROCESS"};
        else if ("addRows".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          System.out.println("In addRow");
            throw new OAException("Please enter a contract number before creating billing schedule.", OAException.ERROR);
        else if ("deletePeriod".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          Boolean notlast = Boolean.FALSE;
          OksBillingPeriodsVOImpl billvo = (OksBillingPeriodsVOImpl)am.findViewObject("OksBillingPeriodsVO2");
          Row rows[] = billvo.getAllRowsInRange();
          //System.out.println("total rows = "+billvo.getFetchedRowCount());
          for(int i=0; i<rows.length; i++)
            OksBillingPeriodsVORowImpl rowi = (OksBillingPeriodsVORowImpl)rows[i];
            System.out.println("SeqNum = "+rowi.getSeqNum().toString());
            if(!rowi.getSeqNum().equals(billvo.getFetchedRowCount()) && rowi.getPeriodMultiSelect()!=null&&rowi.getPeriodMultiSelect().equals("Y"))
              notlast = Boolean.TRUE;
            OAException confirmMessage = new OAException("Since deleting one of these sequences will cause a break in billing periods, all of the subsequent sequences will be deleted.  To proceed please click Ok");
            OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.CONFIRMATION,
            String yes = "Ok";//pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_YES", null);
            String no = "Cancel";//pageContext.getMessage("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_NO", null);
            Serializable[] params = {"Last"};
            am.invokeMethod("deletePeriod", params);
        else if (pageContext.getParameter("YesDelButton")!=null)
          Serializable[] params = {"NotLast"};
          am.invokeMethod("deletePeriod", params);
          pageContext.setForwardURL("OA.jsp?page=/com/datacard/oracle/apps/dcrd/oksupdate/webui/OksBatchPG&batchId="+batchId+"&viewOnly=N"+"&"+OASubTabLayoutBean.OA_SELECTED_SUBTAB_IDX + "=" + 0
                                    , null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                    ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                    ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                    ,true //retain AM
        else if (pageContext.getParameter("NoDelButton")!=null)
          pageContext.setForwardURL("OA.jsp?page=/com/datacard/oracle/apps/dcrd/oksupdate/webui/OksBatchPG&batchId="+batchId+"&viewOnly=N"+"&"+OASubTabLayoutBean.OA_SELECTED_SUBTAB_IDX + "=" + 0
                                    , null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                    ,null //not needed as we are retaining menu context
                                    ,null //pass the hashMap that contains values for all of the parameters
                                    ,true //retain AM
        else if ("levelPeriods".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          System.out.println("Passed sequence is "+pageContext.getParameter("pSeqNum"));
          String item = "LEVEL_PERIODS";
          String seq = pageContext.getParameter("pSeqNum");
          Serializable[] parameters = {item, seq};
          am.invokeMethod("validateUOM", parameters);
        else if ("uomperperiod".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          System.out.println("Passed sequence is "+pageContext.getParameter("pSeqNum"));
          String item = "UOM_PER_PERIOD";
          String seq = pageContext.getParameter("pSeqNum");
          Serializable[] parameters = {item, seq};
          am.invokeMethod("validateUOM", parameters);
        else if ("enddate".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
          System.out.println("Passed sequence is "+pageContext.getParameter("pSeqNum"));
          String item = "END_DATE";
          String seq = pageContext.getParameter("pSeqNum");
          Serializable[] parameters = {item, seq};
          am.invokeMethod("validateEndDate", parameters);

  • What is "FND : Diagnostics %"  profile option used for ?

    What is "FND : Diagnostics %" profile option used for ?
    How is it different from "FND : Debug%" profiles ?

    I guess my above update was misleading (Sorry for that) .. Please find below more details about (FND: Diagnostics) and (FND: Debug Log Enabled):
    Both profile options are used to configure logging, the difference between them is (FND: Debug Log Enabled) is a database profile option used to configure logging while (FND: Diagnostics) is used to configure logging to screen.
    Logging to screen provides:
    - The ability to enable logging on a per HTTP request or per HTTP session basis.
    - Dynamic configuration which does not require restarting any servers or changing any log profiles.
    - A convenient lightweight mechanism to diagnose performance issues. Each message is timestamped to the millisecond.
    If Logging to Screen is enabled, then the Java log messages generated for a particular HTTP Request-Response are buffered in memory and appended to the end of the generated HTML page.
    This feature does not affect any existing configurations of file or database logging. File or database logging continues to behave per the configured middle tier log properties and/or log profile values.
    Note that this mechanism currently provides only Java layer messages. Regular file or database logging should be used if messages from other layers (e.g., PL/SQL) are needed.
    In brief ..
    FND: Diagnostics (Self-Service) --> To see this, Login as that user and navigate to self-service, Click the Diagnostics link in the upper right corner
    - Default = “No”
    - Recommendation = “No”
    - Requires APPS password to use Examine function
    - Usually set to “Yes” during development

  • "FND: Diagnostics" profile option is disabled

    When I choose the system administration responsibility and click on JSP class information under Diagnostics, I get a message "FND: Diagnostics" profile option is disabled. What should I do to avoid this message and see the ouput.

    Hi All,
    Thanks much for your help. The FND:Diagnostics setting at site level did help. The other levels are disabled. I actually did not bounce apache. After enabling FND:Diagnostics at site level, logged out and logged in again and this helped.

  • Error 56 "EDI: Partner profile inbound not available"

    I am tring to post IDOC using we19.
    Bu t, I am getting the error 56 "EDI: Partner profile inbound not available"
    Could any one please suggest me to solve the problem.

    Hi Sam,
    When you process the inbound IDoc using standard inbound button, the system will perform validation for a given IDoc control record against the partner profile and file port setup. In your case, there is no inbound partner profile setup (WE2) for the corresponding message type. Therefore, you got an error message 'Partner profile not maintained'.
    When you process the inbound IDoc using inbound function module button, the system will <b>NOT</b> perform validation against the partner profile and file port setup. The system will call directly the inbound FM to process the inbound IDoc. You may get an error based on validation of IDoc data record within the inbound FM.
    In production environment (real case), the system will always validate againts the partner profile and file port setup for incoming IDoc.
    Therefore, it is important to have ALE and IDoc corretly setup for inbound and outbound message types.
    Again, hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto

  • HELP with Error in /usr/sap/trans :transdir not set

    when i import request from DEV system dev to PRD system P01,error show :
    XCPRD01:p01adm 1> tp IMPORT DEVK900298 P01 client=01 U0 pf=/usr/sap/trans
    my PRD and DEV system client number is 01
    now the system show:
    Error in /usr/sap/trans :transdir not set .

    <b>trans</b> directory will not be created by itself by should be created under /usr/sap.
    if u r working on linux machine full permissions should be given to trans folder by command <b>chmod 777 *.</b>
    It should work fine after that.
    reward points if helpful

  • Error: Object variable or with variable not set while accessing BPC Excel

    I am working on BPC NW 7.5. When I am trying to access BPC for Excel I am getting the below error.
    'object variable or with variable not set'
    When I click on BPC for Excel it ask for the credentials, after entering it we encounter this error.
    Any idea why is this happening?
    Priyanka Singh

    Hi Renne,
    Could you share me the solution to resolve the issue?
    I am getting an error "object variable or with block variable not set" while trying to submit data through an Input schedule.
    I am working on SAP BPC 7.0 NW and using MS Excel 2003.
    I can log in to BPC Admin and excel with my user id and password.
    Only when i am trying to click esubmit --> send and refresh schedules i am getting this error.
    I checked my security profile and i have the submit data task in my task profile.
    Following couple existing SDN postings i tried to check the ADD-INs of the excel on my system. However it looks like the steps listed in the existing SDN posts are for MS EXCEL 2007.
    Please suggest me how do i resolve this issue. Please note I am working on SAP BPC 7.0 NW and using MS Excel 2003.

  • Error: Object variable or with variable not set while accessing

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing 'object variable or with variable not set' Error while opening BPC Excel.
    I have done, In Excel 2007, go to Excel Option -> Add-Ins -> Manage: COM Add-ins and Go...
    You look "BPC COM" disable and need enable again.
    But I am getting same Error message again and again. Please help me...
    I did BPC uninstall & install but still error massage poping
    Thank you in Advance

    Hi Kumar,
    I doubt if you are following the below steps. Please confirm. Thanks
    1. Open your normal Excel.
    2. Check for Planning and Consolidation tab on the top ribbon.
    3. I assume this wouldn't be available for you.
    4. If this is not present, open the Excel Options
    5. Click on Add-Ins and check the Active Application Add-ins
    6. Is Planning and consolidation present in it?
    7. If not, select "Disabled Add-ins" in the drop down below besides "Manage".
    8. Click "GO"
    9. Select the Planning and Consolidation add-in from disabled add-ins and "Enable" it.
    10. Check once again if this add-in is prersent in "Active" add-ins .
    11. Now close and re-open excel
    12. The Tab should be present now (Planning and Consolidation)

  • I have tried replacing the Firefox start-up page with my own home page choice many times and it will not set--I get the circle with the slash through it when I try to drag the webpage icon to "home."

    I am using Windows 7 Professional, and have tried all of the recommended troubleshooting tips for this problem. I do not have the new version of Firefox installed because it had all kinds of problems so I went back to the version I had--I believe it was 3.6.24. Since then, I have not been able to set a home page. Any help out there? Thank You!

    Try to drag the tab or the website's favicon on the Home button if you currently drag selected text.
    If it doesn't work with dragging the icon then copy the URL to the clipboard and paste it via the Options window in the home page field.
    *Tools > Options > General > Startup: Home page
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • The IC WebClient profile does not have a component 'ERP Sales Order'

    Hi CRM Experts,
    While creating the ERP Sales Order in web-IC
    we have bumped into following error:
    "The IC WebClient profile does not have a component 'ERP Sales Order'".
    And also we are not able to see sales area data and Plant data in the drop down lists.
    we have done the following settings:
    1) ERP Sales Order Profile:we have defined ERP Sales Order profile,maintained RFC destinatin and assigned document type to ERP Profile.
    2) Business Transaction Launcher: We have defined the Business Transaction Profile and assigned dependent business transaction.
    3) We have assigned the Business Transaction Profile to the Navigation Bar Profile.
    Please suggest me regarding above error also let us know did we miss any configuration?
    Waiting for your valuable inputs.

    Hi Sree,
    There is a setting needed for the IC webclient
    you need to define ERP sales order profile and assign it to your ic webclient profile.
    And the ERP sales order scenario can only be used with a ERP 6.0 backend system, at least.

  • LSMW LOGICAL PATH not set error

        when i save an lsmw the error is coming as logical path not set. I guess this is for the CONV and READ files. Can ne one tell where can we speicfy this path. Right now we have to manually store the paths for these. Where in the settings can we defualt this path for these files.

    Check the Specify Files Step:
            Legacy Data          On the PC (Frontend)
                Input File                     D:\Documents and Settings\file4.txt
                                               Data for One Source Structure (Table)
                                               Separator Tabulator
                                               Field Order Matches Source Structure Definition
                                               With Record End Indicator (Text File)
                                               Code Page ASCII
            Legacy Data          On the R/3 server (application server)
            Imported Data        File for Imported Data (Application Server)
                Imported Data                  /usr/sap/tmp/
            Converted Data       File for Converted Data (Application Server)
                Converted Data                 /usr/sap/tmp/ZHR.lsmw.conv
            Wildcard Value       Value for Wildcard '*' in File Name

  • EDI: Partner profile inbound not available Message no. E0337

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing very wiered issue for incoming vendor frieght invoice. When the IDOC is sent to SAP from the edi subsystem, it gets posted with status 56 and error message
    EDI: Partner profile inbound not available
    Message no. E0337
    An inbound partner profile could not be found with the following key:
    This involves the key fields of table EDP21:
    -SNDPRN  partner number of sender
    -SNDPRT  partner type of sender
    -SNDPFC  partner function of sender
    -MESTYP  logical message type
    -MESCOD  logical message code
    -MESFCT  logical message function
    -TEST    test flag
    I have created the partner profile in WE20 for Partner type LI, partner role VN and process code INVL, message type INVOIC, message code MM. I have also checked the entry in TABLE EDP21 and the entry exists.
    When I open the IDOC in WE19, and click on standard inbound TAB it says partner profile not maintianed, however when i click on the control record it opens a dialog box, where we have all the entries for partner profile and when I just click on any field in the dialog box and click continue and when again click on standard inbound it say partner profile maintained.
    None of the data is changed in the IDOC control record, I just click on any field and it finds the partner profile.
    Please let me know your thoughts, what could be possible reason and a solution.

    Hi Deepak,
    I am facing the same problem with a different message type.
    But same effect. I can copy the IDoc with WE19 and it will process nicely, completely unchanged.
    Have you found the reason for this?

  • Partner profile are not available.

    Iam doing file to idoc scenario. when i execute the scenario  idoc is created with error 56 showing partenr profile are not  avaialble. what will be the exact reason partenr profile  in R/3 input parameter is added but still showing the error . Can anybody tel me soultion please.

    Hi Aparna,
    Please see this
    The distribution model describes the ALE message flows between logical systems.
    You can specify the relationships between logical systems, message types, BAPIs and filters in the distribution model. Applications and the ALE layer use the model to determine receivers and to control the data distribution.
    For more information about maintaining the distribution model see the Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG):
    SAP Web Application Server
      IDoc Interface/Application Link Enabling (ALE):
        Modeling and Implementing Business Processes
          Maintaining the Distribution Model

  • Parameters not set error, when launching jdev 9i from Unix

    I have downloaded the patch to install jdeveloper ( )
    and ftp'ed to Unix directory and unzipped.
    I have modified the jdev.conf to the location where SDK is installed. we are using SDK version
    I have set up the variable, JDEV_USER_HOME
    When I run the jdev.exe script from jdevbin/jdev/bin
    . jdev
    I get the below error, saying that the parameters are not set.
    Oracle9i JDeveloper
    Copyright 1997, 2003 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved
    sh: JDEV_NATIVE_PATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_VERBOSE_MODE: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
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    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_NATIVE_PATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_VM_OPTS: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_VM_OPTS: Parameter not set.
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    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
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    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_CLASSPATH: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_VM_OPTS: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_APP_OPTS: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_VERBOSE_MODE: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_JAVA_VM: Parameter not set.
    sh: JDEV_VM_OPTS: Parameter not set.
    sh: JAVA: Parameter not set.
    Appreciate your help.
    Srini Pendem

    If this is happens only with services view bills, view consumption history.. or this happens for every other service if you are trying to access 5 minutes after logon.
    Have to restarted your ITS server after changing these parameters.
    well i am not aware of any ITS based service Bill.. can you please help me out.. if this is part of ESS/MSS service.

  • Middleware BDOC Error- Parameter I_IBASE is not set

    Hi All,
    In our system, when a CRM Sales Order transaction is replicated from CRM to ECC6 and completely processed in ECC 6.0
    through Invoice, the CRM Middleware receives a BDoc that is in error with message Parameter I_IBASE is not set and the
    result is the Document flow is not replicated to CRM transaction. I could not find any relevant OSS note or solution for this
    problem. Could you let me know what is the solution for this problem. Please explain the steps to fix this error.
    Thanks in advance.
    --R D

    We have experienced the same error; however we have not found any solution.
    Has anyone experienced with this error found a solution?

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