Pages données multimédias beug

Bonjour, J'ai un problème avec pages ou iphoto. Quand j'ouvre pages et qu'ensuite je vais sur données multimédias, pages charge mais aucune photo ne s'affiche et ensuite pages plante. J'ai déjà rencontré ce problème que j'avais résolu en mettant iphoto à jour. Or là, les deux logiciels sont mis à jour, et j'ai toujours le même problème.

Certaines dates sur SQL Serveur démarrent au 1er janvier 1900, si tu utilises Smalldatetime et non datetime (qui démarre en 1753)
Voir ce sujet
I would *GUESS* that you used a SHORTDATETIME field, and indeed it can NOT accept dates prior to 1900.
Look here:
  Change your field to just DATETIME, instead of SMALLDATETIME, and you can go back to 1753. 
(The reason SQL Server doesn't allow dates before that is because it doesn't want to have to figure out the difference between Roman dates and Gregorian dates. But it's a totally BOGUS reason. 1753 is when England (and the Colonies, that would become the USA) changed to the Gregorian calendar. But many many countries changed before that date and several changed after that. So it's a bogus USA-centric decision on SQL Server's part.)
(And why ANYBODY would use a SMALLDATETIME field is beyond me. Oh, sure, there are lots of apps where it will "do", but what are you saving? A whole 4 bytes per record. Whoopee.)

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    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 11 décembre 2007 18:12:34)

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    If you see "Remember history" then you have the default and that should mean that remember form data is selected.<br />
    You can verify that via the custom settings choice.<br />
    That choice won't stay selected if all settings have the default value like I wrote above, so in such a case it is merely for inspection or to make it possible to make changes to the default settings.
    If Firefox isn't storing form data despite that the remember form data setting is selected then there can be a problem with the formhistory.sqlite file that stores form data.
    Rename or delete formhistory.sqlite (plus formhistory.sqlite-journal and formhistory.sqlite.corrupt, if they exist) in the Firefox Profile Folder in case there is a problem with the file that stores the "Saved Form" data.<br />
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
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    If there are some miss understanding or need mor information, then please let me know!
    Waiting for responses, best regards, Debuger!

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    Best regards, Debuger!

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    pdf was at
    ashx was my utility bill on

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    I have no idea why out of the blue IOBit would be causing a problem like this so if someone knows, please let me in on the secret. Additionally, IE was working fairly well last night but not this morning. I also don't know why removing IOBit would take care of the nsAppShell issue, because supposedly, that's related to Firefox plug ins. And one more thing...when Comcast hooked my neighbor up to cable, they did it by putting a splitter on my line. They were messing about with the lines yesterday before I got on my computer last night trying to decide how to rerun them and today they did that, taking the splitter off my line and giving my neighbor his own line. That was finished about 30 minutes before I uninstalled IOBit. So....who knows?
    But I ain't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. I have my Firefox back and I am so sorry for bad mouthing you last night - I love you, Firefox!

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