Pagination problem when printing.

I'm  doing the layout for a photo book.  The last sample I printed did not have correct pagination, and I do not understand my error.  The pages section shows page one as a right hand page, and the other pages look like they are in the correct sequence, but when the printer, a pro printer, prints the pages, the numbers are off, and the what shows as facing pages in the layout are not facing pages.
Does this make sense?

I wish I could upload a picture.  It's a book of photos, about 45 images in this example.  The final book will be several hundred pages.
Page one is a right hand page with no left page, the next to pages are spreads.  It looks fine in the spread, the page number are on the outside, the layout looks fine in the pages section.  However, when I go to view side by side, page on ei snow on the left.  .  
I am having this printed by a professional printer from the pdf that InDesign makes.  When the last example was printed, the pagination was incorrect.  The numbers were on the inside, and he images that faced each other in the spread were now off by one page. The printer said it was a layout issue wiht my design.
Let me it this way:  When you have a layout of mnay spreads, for a book, page one on the right, page two on the left . . .is that the way it's printed or is there something that must be added to make it print right?

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    Suresh Seetharam (guest) wrote:
    : I have a problem when printing the "<" .It is always printed
    : "&#60;" in the HTML file.
    : I wish to transfer a Javascript text . I tried
    : using CDATA . This is an extract of a portion in my XSL File
    : which uses CDATA.
    : <![CDATA[
    : function createLOV(lov_name, array_touse) {
    : document.writeln("<select name='" + lov_name + "'>");
    : for (var i=0; i < array_touse.length; i++) {
    : document.writeln("<option value='" + array_touse[i] + "'>" +
    : array_touse[i] + "</option>");
    : }]]>
    : And this is what the HTML file contains
    : function createLOV(lov_name, array_touse) {
    : document.writeln("&#60;select name='" + lov_name + "'>");
    : for (var i=0; i &#60; array_touse.length; i++) {
    : document.writeln("&#60;option value='" + array_touse[i] + "'>"
    : array_touse[i] + "&#60;/option>"); }
    : document.writeln("&#60;/select>");}
    : I tried using the <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> but
    : vain.
    : If i use < or &x3C; , i still get &#60; in the HTML file.
    : How do I solve this problem. I'm using XSQL Servlet with
    : both running on Sun Solaris2.6 .
    : Thanks in advance,
    : Suresh
    Currently, the parser does not support the xsl:output and
    output-escaping mechanisms. We plan on adding support for this
    in a future release.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

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    Bugger. PSR is often a winner
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    many thanx for your reply & help.
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    thanx for your help !

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    developers have a problem when printing a Polish form, special charactors like ł, ś, ć etc are all printed as '#'.
    Edited by: Juan Reyes on Sep 10, 2009 12:22 PM

    Let me correct your thread...
    problem when printing a Polish
    You cannot print "a polish", you have problems printing "in polish".  :-D

  • Crystal report problem when printing

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    Version :
    The viewer im talking about is the integrated preview of crystal reports.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: RolandWorms79 on Sep 2, 2009 10:41 PM

    Like I said, let me send the report to you so you can try. I have tried everything on this green earth to get that report to print correctly. I must say im getting very unsatisfied and frustrated because everyone seems to have the solution (either upgrade x or y), but nobody is willing to look at my report and try themselves.
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    Helping is very simple. If you think its the printer driver and you have never had such a problem before, try it yourself, see what happens. I have been told to buy the new crystal, because that would solve it. it did not. Upgrade to the newest version, that would help, it didnt. try to change some settings in CR, does not help. Try a different printer, did not help.
    To be honest, i have had it with try this or try that. My suggestion, try yourself. If someone had done that from the start i would have solved this problem ages ago.
    I am working on this problem for about 3 months(!!!) now and i just simply need a solution.
    So if anybody has a suggestion that does not include upgrade to x or y, please let me know.

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    All my test data was set up for me by the functional guys. The output messages that were repeated were originally set  to language of English rather than Russian, and hence the problem.
    Apologies everyone.
    Gary King

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    Oh my how embarrassing! The only place I neglected to check was in Firefox itself and under File-> Page Setup it was set to 50%. Reset it to 100% and problem solved!

  • InDesign Problems when Printing to Xerox 700i Digital Color Press Running Fiery EFI

    Mac OS 10.9.3, up to date Adobe CC InDesign.
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    Today I installed Indesign CC (2014).  Every time I print an Indesign file using the Xerox with the Fiery features, the application prints, then crashes.  I was hoping the new version would be better.  For me it is WORSE!
    I have written nine books with InDesign.  They are each 500+ page manuals.  I have tried to find help for a year and can't seem to find it.  I am close to telling my partners that we need to find a new solution.  I cannot take the extreme hit to my productivity that I have taken trying to work with this software package.  Seems a shame since I've been through several versions of InDesign over the last 12 years.  Changing will be extremely painful, but I may just need to bite the bullet.

    Yes, I have Fiery Hot Folders Console.  That is certainly an alternative that should work as I can then avoid having to choose Fiery Features from the print dialog box in order to choose the paper tray and other features I need.
    I am about to try a clean install of OS 10.9.3, and I am not the least bit happy about it.  Adobe CC is my main set of go-to applications for my work, and those are the only applications that give me ANY problems with printing.  I have forked out real money on different versions since I started using Adobe in the late 1990's, and my troubles seem to increase with every new release.

  • Resolution problem when printing JPanel with picture on bg

    I have some problems with printing JPanel component. I have a picture drawn on the background of the JPanel and several buttons on it. The whole JPanel is about 1600x800px. When i print whole the component with the help of PDF virtual printer, component is printed larger than A4 list. It is strange for me because print resolution is 600 dpi, so whole component must be a rectangle with the size about 2.5x1.5 inches. When I scale the graphics before painting component to fit image to page (i mean ... {color:#ff0000}g2d.scale(sc,sc); panel.paintAll(g2d);{color} ...), the picture's quality becomes very bad.
    I understod it so: I draw the component on the paper in screen resolution, then I decrease image size, so quality also decreases.
    My question is: how to draw on the graphics of printing paper the component in printers resolution (600dpi), but not in screen resolution.

    Hi there,
    Could you provide the community with a little more information to help narrow troubleshooting? What operating system?
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

  • [smartforms] Problem when printing on distant printer

    I'me facing a printing problem with a smartform : it's OK when it's printed on LOCL printer, but KO when printed on other printer.
    In this case, I obtain some gaps on colomn and differences in font size.
    Would someone have an idea that could help me to solve that problem?
    Thank you by advance.

    Usually we print our forms in SAP configured printers, so always try to design your forms according to printer configured in SAP.
    now, coming back to your question, this is the problem why it is picking the wrong font... the font family that is used in your smartform(check smart style) with specified size may not be loaded into SAP system... check the font families that are available in SAP system in SE73 tcode and modify your smartform accordingly...
    If you are using LOCL as your printer it picks the fonts from your local machine.. since the font exists in your local machine it may be displaying correctly...
    Close the thread once your question is answered.

  • Aligment problem when printing calendar

    We previously used Sharepoint 2007 and had no problem printing a calendar (month view) with about one or two appointments per day.
    Since I have recreated one of our calendars in SharePoint 2010, when we print, the alignment is off (events do not line up under the dates).  This is especially evident when printing at 70 or 80% instead of having it fit to window.

    We had the same problem with a client. This seems to be the workaround for now.
    Select Calendar from Quick Launch
    Site Actions drop-down to  
    Edit Page
    Calendar’s drop-down, choose Edit Web Part
    Expand Appearance
    Choose the “Yes” radio button under
    Width , and put 12 and drop-down should be
    Hit Apply
    You may need to adjust the width to get it just right for your screen resolution.
    Currie & Wiltshire Inc.

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