Palm TX to I touch and memos -- repost since no answers !

I recently got an I touch 2nd generation and was able to transfer my contacts (although not their categories which is a bummer since I look at my "Doctor" list to find my MDs not their names...)... now I would like to transfer my huge "Memo" file, by category of course to the I touch. I downloaded a memo app called Fliq Notes which seems to meet my needs, but how do I actually do the swap? Is the name of my Palm Memo file "memopad.dat"? if yes, what do I need to do? Any ideas greatly appreciated... or another app if you think that's better....

I had the same issue, but I had already installed MarkSpace as my sync manager for my Tx, and all my Tx notes were in MarkSpace Notes app. The transition to Fliq Notes was seamless. It was all handled by MarkSpace.

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    In that JS, a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is included. Also on the JSP page, I have some code that makes use of the JS to create a Windows-style combobox, which is not available through raw HTML. The code is as follows:
    <SCRIPT language="javascript" src="ComboBox.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT language="javascript">
    dm=new ComboBox("dm")
           new ComboBoxItem("barge",1),
           new ComboBoxItem("benluc",2),
           new ComboBoxItem("benlieeeeck",3),
           new ComboBoxItem("taco",4)
    <CENTER><H2>Choose Project S/O</H2><CENTER>
    <% //DB connection to populate the combo box %>
    <% // Database Connection Parameters
        String DB = "dbname",
        query = "",
        HOST = "jdbc:postgresql://URL:5432/",
        ACCOUNT = "username",
        PASSWORD = "pwd",
        DRIVER = "org.postgresql.Driver";
        // authentication properties
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("user", ACCOUNT);
        props.setProperty("password", PASSWORD);
        // load driver and prepare to access
        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(HOST + DB, props);
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
        query= "SELECT * FROM Projects ORDER BY Name";
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    Project S/O:
    <SELECT NAME=projso>
    <option value="dummy">Choose one...</option>
    <% while ( ) { %>
    <OPTION VALUE="<%=rs.getString("Name") %>">
    <%=rs.getString("Name")%> ,   <%=rs.getString("Desc")%>
    <% } %>
    </SELECT>The problem I am experiencing is that if I move the 2nd SCRIPT tag anywhere but where it is, it makes IE bomb and takes me to an error page. The error message is as follows:
    "Internet Explorer cannot open site http://myURL. Operation aborted."
    Any ideas?

    I tried making it static HTML with the same result.
    I took out all the JSP code before doing so, obviously.
    I think it has to do with my code and the HTML FORM tag.
    Anyway, here's the requested code, ComboBox.js
    *     ComboBox
    *     By Jared Nuzzolillo
    *     Updated by Erik Arvidsson
    *     2002-06-13     Fixed Mozilla support and improved build performance
    Global_run_event_hook = true;
    Global_combo_array    = new Array();
        if(isNaN(dx)||dx>this.length){self.status='Array_remove:invalid request-'+dx;return false}
        for(var i=0,n=0;i<this.length;i++)
    function ComboBox_make()
    var bt,nm;
    nm ="txt";
    this.txtview = document.createElement("INPUT")
    this.txtview.type = "text"; = nm; = nm;
    this.txtview.className = "combo-input"
    this.valcon = document.createElement("INPUT");
    this.valcon.type = "hidden";
    var tmp = document.createElement("IMG");
    tmp.src = "___"; = "1px"; = "0";
    var tmp = document.createElement("BUTTON");
    tmp.className = "combo-button";
         tmp.onfocus = function () { this.blur(); };
         tmp.onclick = new Function ("", + ".toggle()");
    function ComboBox_choose(realval,txtval)
    this.value = realval;
    var samstring =".view.childNodes[0].value='"+txtval+"'"
    this.valcon.value = realval;
    function ComboBox_mouseDown(e)
    var obj,len,el,i;
    el = ? : e.srcElement;
    while (el.nodeType != 1) el = el.parentNode;
    var elcl = el.className;
    curobj = Global_combo_array[i]
    function ComboBox_handleKey(e)
    var key,obj,eobj,el,strname;
    eobj = e;
    key = eobj.keyCode;
    el = ? : e.srcElement;
    while (el.nodeType != 1) el = el.parentNode;
    elcl = el.className
    strname ="txt")[0]
    obj = window[strname];
    if(obj.expops.length==1&&obj.expops[0].text=="(No matches)"){}//empty
    obj.value = el.value;
    obj.valcon.value = el.value;
    function ComboBox_update()
    var opart,astr,alen,opln,i,boo;
    opln = this.options.length
    astr = this.txtview.value.toLowerCase();
    alen = astr.length
    if(!boo){this.expops[0]=new ComboBoxItem("(No matches)","")}
    function ComboBox_remove(index)
    function ComboBox_add()
    var i,arglen;
    function ComboBox_build(arr)
    var str,arrlen
    str = '<table class="combo-list-width" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>';
    var strs = new Array(arrlen);
    for(var i=0;i<arrlen;i++)
    strs[i] = '<tr>' +
                   '<td class="combo-item" onClick="''.choose(\''+arr[i].value+'\',\''+arr[i].text+'\');''\'none\';"' +
                   'onMouseOver="this.className=\'combo-hilite\';" onMouseOut="this.className=\'combo-item\'" > '+arr[i].text+' </td>' +
    str = str + strs.join("") + '</table>'
    this.opslist = document.createElement("DIV")
    this.opslist.className = "combo-list";
    function ComboBox_toggle()
    this.update();; = ++ComboBox.prototype.COMBOBOXZINDEX"block"
    this.update();; = ++ComboBox.prototype.COMBOBOXZINDEX"block"
    function ComboBox()
    self.status="ComboBox invalid - no name arg" = arguments[0];
    this.par = arguments[1]||document.body
    this.view = document.createElement("DIV");'absolute';
    this.options = new Array();
    this.expops = new Array();
    this.value = "" = ComboBox_build
    this.make = ComboBox_make;
    this.choose = ComboBox_choose;
    this.add = ComboBox_add;
    this.toggle = ComboBox_toggle;
    this.update = ComboBox_update;
    this.remove = ComboBox_remove;
    this.txtview = this.view.childNodes[0]
    this.valcon = this.view.childNodes[1]
    ComboBox.prototype.COMBOBOXZINDEX = 1000 //change this if you must
    function ComboBox_init()
         if (document.addEventListener) {
              document.addEventListener("keyup", ComboBox_handleKey, false );
              document.addEventListener("mousedown", ComboBox_mouseDown, false );
         else if (document.attachEvent) {
              document.attachEvent("onkeyup", function () { ComboBox_handleKey(window.event); } );
              document.attachEvent("onmousedown", function () { ComboBox_mouseDown(window.event); } );
    Global_run_event_hook = false;
    function returnFalse(){return false}
    function ComboBoxItem(text,value)
    this.text = text;
    this.value = value;
    document.write('<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="ComboBox.css">');
    If you would like me to post the code for the CSS, let me know.

  • Ipod touch and the palm pilot z22

    My palm pilot z22 is reaching the end of its life cycle. Can the calendar, contacts, etc. be imported into the ipod touch?

    Not directly from the Palm desktop. The Touch does sync with Outlook, however, so if you can change your sync conduit to sync your Palm with Outlook to get your data transferred there first, then Outlook Contacts and Calendar can indeed by synchronized with the Ipod Touch. I had a Palm TX and thankfully was already synchronizing to Outlook, so have had no problems. However, there is no syncing for Notes or To Do items on the Touch. There is at least one 3rd party option for syncing Outlook To Do items (KeyTasks from Chapura -- haven't tried it myself).
    The option I have found for Notes that works well is to create a separate Outlook Contacts folder called Notes. Put the name of the note in the last name field and use the memo field for the note. I actually like this better than Outlook's native Notes, which are small yellow 'sticky' notes.
    One thing that is NOT support on the Touch are categories. You can use them in Outlook itself, but they are not transferred to the Touch.

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    For small, independent developers, this "not commonly downloaded" error is a common issues in browsers.  You can see complaints from developers here: a6e-4f10-a26e-d2f5e03fa52d
    I have placed the setup program inside a .zip file to as a workaround.
    Thanks for reporting this!

  • Only want2use iCal+Address book with iSynch and Memos+Tasks with Palm T/X

    I was using Tungsten T2 and isync happily. I was using isync to use the address book and iCal and when I synched it also synched the palm info in the Calendar and address book in my Palm desktop. The memos and tasks in Palm desktop also worked properly.
    I upgraded my palm to T/X and have had many problems with deletion of categories on the handheld, duplication of task and diary entries, address entries with weird symbols added that need to be deleted, desktop memos and tasks not updating. iCal seemed to work OK but the palm desktop calendar did not display any future entries. Is this normal.
    I removed isync and after resorting everything on the device - enabled all conduits for palm and resynced. So now everything seems to work properly.
    My main questions are: what did I do wrong for this to happen which led to me spending hours sorting everything out on the palm device manually?
    And: Is there a way to keep everything synching on the palm device AND iCal and address book for palm?
    And: If not: Is there a way to use iCal and address book for mac AND keep you tasks and memos synching on the palm desktop? As I prefer the palm software for tasks as I have several categories for my tasks and do not allocate tasks on given days.
    Thanks for reading and I hope to hear some quality advice from you soon. Matt

    Starting with your last question about first synchronizing with the Palm Desktop calendar and then later with the Mark/Space Events conduit, the answer is no. Your first synchronization with any of the three Mark/Space conduits—whether one, a pair or the more conventional all three—requires that you overwrite the handheld with that data type using that Mark/Space conduit.
    You should read this article about the limitations between the display and transfer of calendar events between Palm devices and iCal:
    Understanding those limitations, you should selectively 'fix' the events in iCal so that they are represented properly in iCal. You will have to live with the limitations of such event display on your Palm. If you 'fix' them on your Palm, you will only create additional issues when they are synchronized with iCal using either iSync or the Missing Sync.
    Old repeating events can be 'rescheduled' in iCal by selecting the event and changing the end date, or they can be deleted, though that will result in their deletion from your Palm device. That's one reason that it is important to take that last 'snapshot' with the Palm Desktop, so that you can refer to historic data if you need to.
    It's also important to think about why you would want to carry possibly hundreds of aged events around in the Palm of your hand. Realistically, why would you want handheld access to data older than say, one year? After installing the Missing Sync, you can double-click on the Mark/Space Events conduit and optionally limit the transfer of events from iCal to your handheld. You simply select the drop-down menu labeled Ignore desktop events older than: and choose from an interval of 1, 2, 4 or 8 weeks, 6 months or 1 year, instead of the default Sync All option.
    That technique is another method to deal with historic data, because the 'misrepresented' events older than will not be transfered from iCal to your handheld even during that initial synchronization where your handheld data is overwritten, if you select one of those delimiters.
    Mark/Space recognizes groups and categories in iCal and the Address Book when using a Palm OS 5 or later device which supports them. iSync ignores them, because groups and categories are not mapped in the iSync Palm Conduit.

  • Synch palm m500 to ipod touch

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    Post relates to: Palm m500

    answered my own question... goto and put an end to your problems converting palm memos to ipod memos
    thanks for the assist

  • After Importing Tasks and Memos | Let's Move them from Remember to Calendar? More Extra Steps

    After grabbing all your Tasks and Memos from BB OS 7.1, all the entries go unfiled into the Remember App. This is nice, but not nice. Anyone writing code to export these to the Calendar App or within Remember to 'move' them to the Calendar App? Does this make any sense to be left to redo these tasks and memos that invariably and potentially become Calendar worthy in terms of absolute reminders in advance of the due date?
    It would seem logical, that say, for example, that if your old memos become potential Tasks, both the tasks and memos in Remember are somewhat treated the same. So now to export them possibly into the Calendar app? What am I missing here? 
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    Sometimes Memos turn into Tasks, which then could lead to Due Dates/Appointments/Do-To's in the Calendar App IF so chosen. But there isn't a strong blood relationship between Remember and Calendar. If there is, someone advise.
    Relationship: Remember<>Calendar (In other words, strengthening the gap between Remember and Calendar.
    When you've a SLEW of old Tasks and Memos coming from the previous OS'
    In my Old Bold 9930 I had over a thousand valid memos, and over 2,300 regular tasks, segmented. Now joyously and unfortunately in the Remember App, WHAT A "TASK" TO FILE THEM WITHOUT ANY EXPORT to the Calendar or for the new Calendar to receive them with open arms and bifurcate them accordingly. (Splitting the main into two parts yet having the bond between the apps as close as possible)...
    Sad that the old Tasks in BB OS 7.1 now imported into the Remember App has to be copied and pasted into the Calendar App for the Reminder and Re-occurrences, etc. Am I missing something? What a daunting task for power copy/paste people on a full qwerty to a touch keyboard.
    Fervently experimenting with QNX Developers on this one. Need a cognitive, logical thought structure here to make this alleged "smooth" transition from one baton to the next baton (OS 7.1 to BB 10 in this area). Dropping the baton won't win the race against the competition here...

    Well, what I've done is just the opposite as far as Calendar to Remember as the Calendar has the "Share" function base. With an extra step or two and of a 'cleaning house' from the import  from the old OS7.1, I've brought all my tasks and memos into the calendar and brought them back into their respective folder(s) inside of Remember.
    You see, because the Remember app is so vast or initially treated as vast, if one is fast enought to power copy/paste while cleaning house, take all your memos, tasks, etc into the Calendar and sync Remember with the Calendar manually via the due date/time function in Calendar, then you've a precusor reminder due date in Remember, which then leads to your day's events in Calendar.
    For me I've not doubled up on the amount of tasks and memos, but provided myself as a power BB user the ability to work around and strengthen the relationship between the two apps. If the due date is accurate on the Remember app (if chosen), you do get reminded that particular day, and on that particular day you can then revew the day's notes/memos from within the Calendar app, clean the task/memo house as you move along, and sit back until the code is written just for the reversal of what protocol I've taken here. Either way, you avoid third party apps, your passion for BlackBerry remains, and your productivity is elevated with BlackBerry 10.
    A lot of people don't realize how powerful QNX is as I am working with QNX developers now with feedback within the ebb & flow of the code. Give less than three years through BlackBerry Evangelism, Philanthropic aspirations and more, and BlackBerry will take back a strong segmented market space and enhance the quality of lives for those who are loyal and believe in BlackBerry as a lifestyle. All BlackBerry, all of the time.

  • Ipod touch and calendar

    Does anyone know if the updated software will allow you to enter calendar entries into the ipod touch and then be able to sync them to the desktop. This was not allowed in the original software.

    Thanks. I've put off buying one since I wanted to be able to use it as a PDA instead of a Palm device. Does the latest software update address the issue of being able to store Word and Excel files once you've opened them in Mail?

  • Palm Desktop replacement for Mac and iPhone?

    Since Palm Desktop is no longer in active development, is there a Palm Desktop replacement for Mac and iPhone?
    I mean, a single application (not a bunch of them like Address Book, iCal etc) that works on Mac (desktop) and that can sync with the iPhone. Including all data from the current Palm Desktop:
    1. Address List
    2. To Do List
    3. Memo List
    4. Date Book

    If only Apple did something like that (all-in-one-application personal organizer with contacts, memos, calendar, to do lists, etc)
    Well, they offer all those functions--Mail has Notes and To-dos show up in both Mail and iCal, plus Address Book. Clearly someone made the fundamental decision that separate integrated programs were better than an all-in-one, so I wouldn't expect an all-in-one from Apple in any foreseeable future. But you can send a feature request, if you like:
    What would be interesting---and may exist, I haven't looked---would be if a third-party used the open access to iCal/Address Book info to build an all-in-one that integrated with Apple's separate apps, which could provide seamless iPhone/OS X integration while still letting people have the unified interface. Postbox uses Address Book but I didn't see any calendar/notes features in my quick check. Lots of apps build better replacements for Apple's individual programs--BusyCal, I think a Mail replacement, etc---but nothing unified that I've heard of.
    However, my point was that you may be better off grabbing Entourage 2008 while it is still available than waiting for Outlook 2011, which is going to be a different program. Sometimes features go backwards, and Missing Sync compatibility may change or be delayed with Outlook 2011. I don't see the advantage of hanging onto PD until the very last minute.
    ETA re the tech guarantee:
    Message was edited by: Daiya

  • I have an ipod touch and want to purchase an ipad can i use one account

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    the only limits you'll face is if any of your iPod touch apps are for the iPhone only, they'll show up as tiny in the middle of the screen. There'll be a 2X button that'll allow you to zoom it up...some look better than others. All depends on how high resolution they are made.
    Other apps will be in the app store with a + by them, those are universal and scale to fit the screen they are displayed on. Other apps you'll need to buy the iPad version. And you'll find some apps that are iPad only.

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    Refer to this article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

  • I downloaded iTunes 11.4 so I could set up an iPod Touch, and now it won't open at all. Can someone please tell me how to fix it?

    As mentioned - I was trying to set up an iPod Touch, and it kept telling me "open iTunes," so it dawned on me that I probably needed to update it. So I updated it, and now it just doesn't open (it bounces once, and that's it).
    For added info:
    I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X version 10.6.8.
    Technically I keep all my music on an external hard drive, but I don't think anything is corrupted (because it was working fine just before I updated it).
    Thank you.

    Hi, JEvansIII.  
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Try resetting your System Management Controller or SMC then launch iTunes after processing these steps.  If the issue persists, try downloading a fresh copy of iTunes by accessing the second link below.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Jason H.

  • Can i return my ipod touch and get my money back

    can i return my ipod touch and get my money back?

    If you want to return an item, you can ship the item back to Apple, or bring it to any U.S. Apple Store for a full refund. For eligible Mac, iPad, iPod, and third-party products, you have up to 14 calendar days from the time you receive your item(s) to initiate a return.
    Items ineligible for a return include:
    Opened memory
    Opened software*
    Electronic Software Downloads
    Software Up-to-Date Program Products (software upgrades)
    Apple Gift Cards
    Apple Gift Packaging (origami style gift box with ribbon and greeting card)
    Apple Developer Connection Products (Membership and Technical Support)
    * You may return software after rejecting the licensing terms, provided the software is not installed on a computer. However, software that contains a printed software license may not be returned if the seal or sticker on the software media packaging is broken.

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    iPod touch User Guide (For iOS 4.3 Software)

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    i am trying to put music into my 3rd gen ipod touch and older ipod shuffle but neither are popping up on itunes, what could be the problem?

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    - I would start with
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    However, after your remove the Apple software components also remove the iCloud Control Panel via Windows Programs and Features app in the Window Control Panel. Then reinstall all the Apple software components
    - New cable and different USB port
    - Run this and see if the results help with determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Also see:
    iPod not recognised by windows iTunes
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
    - Try on another computer to help determine if computer or iPod problem

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