Panning probs - no right channel

Hey guys
Hope someone can help
If I pan a track to the right the volume on it goes down
Input shows both left and right sound coming in and recording
but the pan makes it disappear
any clues??

warrenphotography wrote:
so I'm assuming the sapphire is working fine?
or it could be masking the problem, take it out of the equation by setting GB to output to the built-in speakers, is there still sound in the right channel?

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    All the Drum Kits available for GarageBand are mixed in stereo.
    Logic provides the same 18 Drum Kits also as "Producer Kits", which are multi-track outputs,. Each Drum Kit Piece (Kick, Snare, HH, etc) and also room mice and overheads are routed to individual channel strips.
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    What that means is that all the Drummers are professionally recorded and sampled with individual mics. The Stereo Drums Kits are just "stereo mix-downs" for easier handling and less CPU demand. I explain all the details about the Drummer ecosystem in my graphically enhanced manual "GarageBand X - How it Works"
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

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    I need to be able to mix down to the following specification for my drummer.
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    Right Channel - Same Mono keyboard sounds plus click track (to be heard through headphones)
    Here are instructions on how to split a stereo track into mono tracks:
    On top of this, you will want to re-import the mono keyboard track back into Garageband, duplicate it onto a 2nd mono track,  then add the click track (on a separate 3rd mono track of course).  Then pan one mono keyboard track hard left, and pan the other mono keyboard track hard right and the click track hard right as well.  Export as normal and everything should be good.

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    Need more info!
    Fully describe your setup and process - are you recording into a USB or FireWire audio interface, using an external click track panned to one side while you record something through the other channel?
    What do you mean "no separated tracks" - do you mean you expect different files for each track? Of course, GarageBand only exports one stereo AIFF to iTunes.
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    You have to create split stero files and seperate them. Here is the link to a thread where I described the procedure:
    You can also try the Direction Mixer Plug In from the Imaging folder...
    Message was edited by: Sampleconstruct

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    No I didn't but I run my Mac's output into an analog mixer and then out to my speakers.
    When outputting through channel 2 only, both speakers work, yet when I pan to channel 1 the sound drops out. As I pan from full channel 2, where both speakers are up full, you can hear the sound fade out.
    Also, I got the Deck Link card to work through my mixer. The L and R channels are outputting through separate inputs in the mixer and work independently and correctly. I even changed out the mini stereo cable just in case and still no left channel out of the Mac.
    Very weird! I've even repaired and defragged my system disk in case it is some sort of corrupted code. Just grasping at straws before I take it to a Mac Genius.
    Thanks for writing. I appreciate any and all suggestions.

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    philsown wrote:
    Is my song file corrupt?
    hopefully not
    philsown wrote:
    Am I going mad?
    could be, but it's hard to tell from here
    philsown wrote:
    Is there something I can try?
    i think you probably have  mouse that can scroll (magic mouse, etc). there is an invisible pan knob on the master track, if you place the cursor to the right of the popUp menu for the Master Volume, Pitch, etc, and scroll your mouse, you'll see numbers appear describing which way the Master track is being panned.

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    Anyone have any suggestions to try? Is this a bug? TIA...

    Snud wrote:
    Thanks to all. - But Matt, I know you just solved the "built-in stuff not working problem"! You certainly win whatever Grand Prize goes along with diagnosing "Drummer Dysfunctional Disorder". Your suggestion most certainly works with the built-in stuff - Thank you!
    Your welcome and... I'm pretty sure the award for curing Drummer Dysfunctional Disorder is a combination Nobel Prize + sneakers with the Nobel logo embroidered onto it, which is really great since I could use a new pair. I'm only grateful that this didn't occur last year because I would feel terribly guilty if my own award interfered with Al Gore's since, as I have read, he is also thrilled by the complementary sneakers.
    Now see if Apple was really smart, they'd have the *opening screen* of GB ask: "Are you a drummer?" and if you answer "Yes", well that would take us to a much simpler version! Hmm... Perhaps I could design it for them - or be the "Test Monkey". But I digress...
    I'm guessing your humility is not exactly warranted... but perhaps an even easier version could be developed and named something like, I don't know, iTunes?
    I'm happy to report that, thanks to you Matt, my stream of obscenities is not only causing the LED to register but... I can *record them in stereo* too! I'll try your final suggestion after I sleep on it. Today, the built-in mic... tomorrow, the world!
    Words to the wise! (particularly when recorded in stereo and including obscenities)
    (I still hope it's ok to leave this as "unanswered" until I try recording my drums instead of the built-in mic, tomorrow)
    I suppose there's a sort of philosophical appeal to leaving all questions unanswered: for what is knowledge, and what can we truly know? But now I digress...
    So back to your Garagebanding.
    The thing is, if you can get your internal mic to work just fine, stereo and everything, that lets you know that at least your system is working, and that there isn't a bug that's crawled into it and is messing things up. Knowing that, you can narrow down your search for the culprit. If the internal mic works just fine, and the software works just fine, what is it about your original setup that's broken?
    I would go back to the notion that the computer never received both channels of your output (its input) to begin with, and that perhaps the physical plug is either mono or, by virtue of its shape, not able to properly seat itself in order to make contact on both channels. That's just a guess, but at least the search for the culprit has been narrowed down to likely suspects.
    (One possibly helpful distinction: a mono signal can record to both channels through a stereo minijack, but perhaps if the minjack itself is mono - or not connecting to both channels of the input - the signal (stereo or otherwise) might be restricted to one side?)

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    Yet another way is to route the interleaved stereo file you got by dragging the video into Logic from a stereo audio track to a mono bus. If you now pan the stereo track L you'll get dialogue only, centered, if you pan it R you'll get temp track only, centered.
    If you make a copy of the audio track and pan the first one L, the second one R, you can mute or solo dialogue and temp music independently. Advantage is you don't have to bounce a separate split stereo file, so you'll have only one dialogue/temp music audio file in your drive.
    Good luck with the score!

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    Other question is ; for some reason the pan slider in viewer does not seem to have left/right affect but kind of mono/stereo affect. It is supposed to be so, or do I have some audio preference button in wrong position?
    Message was edited by: TRST

    To answer to myself: Go to the User Manual and read the Chapter Audio Editing Basics from page 425.
    Or click the clip in timeline which you want to change, and go to Modify---> uncheck the stereo pair option in there.

  • Input on right channel only??

    New to Mac, Mainstage, but not new to recording.  I just don't know a ton about how to use this stuff.
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    If I set the thing to "Mono" then I get nothing at all.
    Thanks for dropping any help you can give. 

    Oh, I didn't just blow out the speaker. I would know, because I was using headphones at the time. I also made sure right away to test with other devices being played through the analog stereo 1/8" input. All play through JUST the left side, regardless of output device.
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    I have tried different software packages aside from garage band and it still happens.
    It only happens at loud volumes and in this situation if you leave both headsets in your ears you can't tell there is a channel bleed, but if you take out the loud one you can still hear it in the non-test ear.
    Suggestions?  Solutions?

    WAIT. I've tried the Mono Audio setting and I think it sounds normal now. I used this video to check out how the left and right channels are doing. ( )
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  • Audio input issue - No stereo... Right channel only.

    First to thank you for taking the time to read and consider this if you do - any help in this would be hugely appreciated
    Ok - I'll try to make this as concise as poss but it needs some explanation:
    I'm home-recording hobbyist musician. One of the things I would very much like to use the iMac for is to back up old four-track tape recordings, recording them as wav or mp3 as the case maybe and saving them to my hdd. Easy right? Apparently not, so far... let me explain:
    On the tape recorder there is only an RCA stereo out (red and white, left and right). The very first thing I did when I got the iMac was download Audacity (the audio software), hooked up a stereo lead to the RCA outs on the tape recorder, and ran it into the line-in port on the iMac, using the 1/8" jack.
    Now, sound came in, but only the right channel. The left channel was completely dead (ie when I panned the audio to the left, or if there was a sound in the mix that was only in the left channel, it was absent).
    Since then I've bought Logic Pro and and an audio interface and this presents the EXACT same problem... Nothing in the left channel. (please note, I am aware you can "fake" stereo by setting a channel-strip to "mono" so that there is sound on both sides, but get this - it only splits the right channel in two - so you still don't have the left channel or genuine stereo signal frustratingly)
    It should be noted that stereo sound is not a general problem on the system. Stereo output is perfect (ie on itunes, cds, online etc - or if I'm using softsynths in Logic for instance) it is solely an AUDIO INPUT issue.
    Needless to say I've explored all options in sys prefs to no avail.
    It should also be noted that I have also tested the actual output of the tape recorder and used the same leads to line into a home stereo system no problems.
    Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about or how this could be resolved? I am even open to suggestions for peripheral equipment, sofware additions etc - any questions at all, just ask.
    Thanks again, any input would be welcome.
    EDIT: I also posted this in the general iMac forum. Posting here for people w specific audio knowledge thanks!

    Pancenter, thanks once again.
    Sorry about delay replying - have had an internet outage here just to add to my woes haha.
    Anyway, the good news is that I think I've cracked it:
    After updating the OS per your suggestion, uninstalling both Audacity and the m-audio (profire 610), and lastly resetting defaults on sys audio midi prefs I was still experiencing this problem - just on a line-in to Garageband. Pure frustration.
    So eventually I just elected (in lieu of chucking the hardware out the nearest window lol) to do a cold re-install of the OS (erase and install option, backup hdd done). As I bought the iMac in January the OS is 10.5.5 I think.
    After install, before doing anything else at all, I opened Garageband, set up an audio track and set input prefs to Line in Stereo 1/2 etc, and hooked up the tape unit via rca and the line-in port. The result? Perfect 2-channel stereo.
    My personal theory is that the problem was created by the audio interface installation - an m-audio "profire 610" - Tho Audio interfaces are a frickin minefield anyway between Macs and PCS, chipset compatabilities, dodgy beta drivers, worthless gadget-hawking etc etc... I also realised that while my first original attempt was on Audacity I had already installed the profire unit just immediately before (but didn't use it). I doubt it was Logic which is designed specifically for the mac - I feel this theory might be proven when I reinstall these.
    So there you go - get the Audio interface right it seems.. And I've got stereo audio.
    Thanks for your help and input Pancenter - much obliged.

  • EQ in the right channel only

    Yesterday I had my 4 year old son as assistent.
    Using Behringer 2442.
    After the session I noticed that he had raised
    the EQ mid to +6dB and the Freq stood in position 800 hz on the mixer.
    It was 2 monotracks panned L & R. It was only for right channel that he EQed.
    The left channel is neutral. Is there any way to restore this recording
    in Logic?
    with regards Nygade 48

    Luckily for you the "Pan" control in Logic's mixer is actually a "Balance" control when using stereo tracks, which I am guessing you're using.
    So if you simply make a new stereo channel in the arrangement, and make a copy of the offending region onto it (so there are two side identical regions). Then in the mixer pan the original left and the new duplicate right, you should hear exactly what you were hearing before making the duplicate, but now you can apply an EQ to one of the channels and it will only affect the left or right channel independently.
    Next time check your employee's qualifications!

  • My external audio recording device only records to the right channel.  How do I send the sound in the right channel thru the left one in Final Cut to get a full stereo sound?

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    I've already copied and pasted the right channel (A2) onto the left channel (A1) but that just doubled the volume on the right channel.
    For instance, when I listen to my audio with headphones it only comes thru the right one.  How do I make it so that it comes thru both headphones?

    Stereo is something else. It is a sound field where the individual elements are located through varying the amount of electrical energy for each element delivered to each channel.
    What you have is a mono source that should be panned to center. This will equally divide the signal so it will be delivered out both the L & R channels.
    Load the original clip to the VIEWER and set the PAN to 0 (zero). Delete any duplicates. They are unnecessary.

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