Pantry Management App help!!!

I need help finding a GREAT pantry management app.  I found ones that have a bar code scanning feature and I found ones that you can share the same "inventory" with another iphone user.  BUT I cannot find one with both features.

First thing to try is to reset your device. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously ignoring the red slider should one appear until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart. See if that fixes your problem.
If that doesn't work try quitting the App Store app like this. Go to the Home screen and double click the Home button. That will reveal the row of recently used apps at the bottom of the screen. Tap and hold on the app in question until it wiggles and displays a minus sign. Tap the minus sign to actually quit the app. Then tap anywhere on the screen above that bottom row to return the screen to normal. Then reset your device again. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously ignoring the red slider should one appear until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart. See if that fixes your problem.

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    If you don't have a rescue email address then see if the instructions on this user tip helps :

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    I ran Quicken Deluxe 2002 for years and now I use Quicken 2007 for Mac, since it is now compatible with Snow Leopard through Yosemite.
    You can obtain it for $15 using the Intuit online chat function, and I assume they will sell and ship to the UK.  Try it:
    Use the chat feature for Quicken for Mac: Quicken 2007 for Lion: Shopping and Buying: Buying Quicken on this page:
    Since you are using Quicken Deluxe 2000 you first need to convert the data files while still running in Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:
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    If you happen to use Microsoft Office 2004, the Project Manager in Entourage is actually quite good. I started using it a few weeks ago.
    There are a bunch of open source web based project managers that you could setup pretty easily on your system as well. That with the use of MAMP, you could easily setup something up for free in no time.
    I did run across this this which was directed towards writers, when i was looking for some sort of project manager a few weeks ago.
    Good luck

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    Please help
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi nancydog,
    I have edited the post above yours.
    The correct name of the App on your printer is Manager Tools (not The Daily Manager).
    You may need to scroll to the right through the Apps screens to find the screen with Manager Tools.
    If you still can't find it, try solution 2 or solution 3 on the following website:
    I work on behalf of HP.

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    The new File Manager app (by Acaras, I believe) works just fine and is well worth 5 dollars. Great to see that holes in the Playbook experience are gradually being filled.
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    @chris_l -- yeah I was worried that might be the case, still I'm not sure if that explains why it keeps failing the burn process part way through?
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    @alphaniner -- thanks I've not seen this package before, I'm guessing it's a bit like cdparanoia but for dvds?!
    Thanks for the help!
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    Have you considered setting up Parental Controls for that user account?
    OS X Mavericks: Set up parental controls
    OS X Mountain Lion: Set up parental controls
    MacWorld: Configuring Parental Controls
    Limit Application Usage in OS X with Parental Controls

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    Excellent guide. See announcment post -- edit?pli=1
    IT Resources -- ios & OS X -- This is a fantastic web page.  I like the education site over the business site.
    View documentation, video tutorials, and web pages to help IT professionals develop and deploy education solutions.
       business site is:
    good tips for initial deployment:

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    I googled and found this:
    Perhaps you've already seen it.

  • How to install managed apps to iPads silently OTA using Profile Manager

    Here is my setup.
    100 to 150 Ipads in carts used by their departments in classrooms.
    OSX Mavericks Server running Profile manager
    I use Apple Configurator to push a wifi payload to the ipads as well as an auto enrollment profile to connect to Profile Manager.
    That part works like a dream.
    Now that I have that working. I am having a problem pushing apps to the Ipads. I downloaded some free apps, GDrive for example, using the managed distribution.
    But I cannot figure out how to push the apps to the iPads without having the iPads asking for an Apple ID and password.
    I just want to push VPP apps to the iPads silently.
    Thanks for any help.

    Then you need include the apps when you clone with Configurator.
    Managed Distribution of Apps is flexible because it works for the following scenarios:
         • Device is owned by the company and distributed to the user
         • Device is BYOD and enrolled in corporate MDM
         • Device is BYOD and unmanaged
         • Device is "assigned' or used by a single individual
         • The individual has an Apple ID (or is capable of getting one)
         • The user is entered into your Profile Manager and has an email address (or device is enrolled and you do a push notify to ask for enrollment - remember, Managed Distro works without MDM)
         • User accepts the invitation to your VPP program with an Apple ID of choice - enterprise does not care what it is
         • Apps are assigned to the user account in Profile Manager
         • Apps become visible in the Apple ID's App Store account as available for install
         • If the device is set to autoinstall "purchased" apps, the apps for iPad will just appear
         • Apps can be "revoked" by the enterprise, returning the license to the available pool
         • Apps do not dissapear from devices
    Managed Distro does not really fit education as depending on age your students may not be able to have an Apple ID, may not have email, and the devices may not be deployed in a one-to-one. 
    You are back to master image cloning through Configurator.
    Apple Consultants Network
    Apple Professional Services
    Author "Mavericks Server – Foundation Services" :: Exclusively available in Apple's iBooks Store

  • Tomcat 4.1.12 - Manager App Configuration & Output to Console on W2K?

    i just upgraded to Tomcat 4.1.12 for Tomcat 4.0.4 in w2k. Not i have to problems (worked before):
    - On the new version i can't get the Manager Application running. In the documentation i rad about two ways to install the Manager Application but none of them worked (deploying the manager.xml or installing the manager app in server.xml). Unlike the old tomcat version 4.0.4 in the new version the manager dir is not under webapps but under a new dir called servler/webapps. Any Suggestions?
    - Unlike in the Tomcat 4.0.4 version 4.1.12 doesn't output the System.out.println() command to console for all calls of that methode that are in init() methode of the servlet (but in the tomcat logfile the System.out.prinln commands are logged). As soon as the servlet is initialized the System.out.println() is printed to the console again. I read about that tag to redirect the System.out und System.err to the log file and i deactivated that for my servlet but this didn't help. Any suggestions?
    Thanks for your help.

    I can't remember what i've done excatly, i just remeber that i was wrong and the manager app doesn't have to be installed since it comes in an installed state in the tomcat distribution. Only thing i had to do is to set up a user account with manager or admin priviledge. This can be done somewhere in the conf/ dir if i remember right.

  • Desktop Manager App

    I just updated Cloud and I looked in my App folder on my iMac and couldn't find the Desktop Manager app. 
    See below:
    The Creative Cloud desktop manager app detects and downloads updates, automatically. Uncheck the box to turn it off. (Applies to only the Desktop Manager app.)
      Where would it be?  It wasn't in the Adobe folder nor in my App folder. 
      If it isn't anywhere on my computer, how can I get it?   I am running PS CC 2014, 2.2 on iMac OS 10.9.5.

    606ylt wrote:
    It was always black on the menu bar.
    If that’s the answer, then why did that update state:  “if Desktop Manager.App is installed”?
    I did not see that update and what they probably meant was "we don't know if you have it installed, only you know that."
    Anyhow, if it IS installed, then I thank you for all your time helping me out.
    It is. the App is in the proper location in your Application folder, and is active in the Menu bar.
    That is all you need.
    Glad I was able to help


    Just updated to the new BB operating system. My BB Vault - Password Manager App will not work not. Says this application uses a runtime that is no longer supported. I really need to access my backup file which is a backup_BB file with a .db extension. If anybody knows how to access this, it would really be appreciated. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Same here on my Z30 and this is the response from XLABZ.
    "Vault and most of our older apps were build using a technology called Adobe AIR. BlackBerry ceased support for Adobe AIR with their latest OS update and any app that you have on your device which used Adobe AIR (a lot of them on BlackBerry World) would cease to function as a result of this. The only other platform that is supported is Android. 
    We are now building a native Android version of Vault to counter this issue but that would mean a few things:
    1) If you have all your data backed up to DropBox your data would be safe there and you can restore the data from DropBox as soon as we release the Android version on BlackBerry World. However, if you don't have backups then there is no way to get the data back or even back it up now since you can't use the old app anymore to do that.
    2) When the update is released, you would have to manually delete the old app and install the new version. Upgrading alone will not work. However, deleting the old app will also delete all files that you had saved locally for the app - but if you have your data backed up already, there is nothing to worry about.
    3) We don't have an ETA for the release and it could take close to 3-4 weeks for us to release the Android version in BlackBerry World.
    4) If you don't want to wait and if you already have a Android device with Google Play access, the native Android version is already available there and you can buy it from there.
    We understand that this is a big inconvenience for you as a user and our sincere apologies for this. However, as developers we don't drive platform decisions for BlackBerry so there was nothing we could do about this."

Maybe you are looking for