Parse string based on pattern

I'm trying to make a small prog that extracts a song's artist from its filename based on a specified pattern.
Something like this:
public String getArtist(String filename, string pattern) {
String artist = getArtist("The artist - the title.mp3", "artist - title");
artist = getArtist("01 - Another title - Another artist.mp3", "track - title - artist");Any good ideas on how to implement getArtist would be appreciated... :)

heres my idea of how to solve it...
this solution is not complete, but you may perfect it any way you like... it's just a quick and dirty hack ;)
import java.util.regex.*;
public class ArtistProblem {
public static void main(String[] args) {
  if (args.length == 2) {
   System.out.println(getArtist(args[0], args[1]));
  } else {
   System.out.println(getArtist("The artist - the title.mp3", "artist - title"));
   System.out.println(getArtist("01 - Another title - Another artist.mp3", "track - title - artist"));
public static String getArtist(String filename, String pattern) {
  // change track to regex that matces any spaces nad word characters
  pattern = pattern.replaceAll("track", "[\\\\w ]*");
  // change title to regex that matces any spaces nad word characters
  pattern = pattern.replaceAll("title", "[\\\\w ]*");
  // remove extention from the end of filename
  filename = filename.replaceAll("\\.mp3$", "");
  // change artist to regex that groups matched pattern
  pattern = pattern.replaceAll("artist", "([\\\\w ]*)");
  Pattern patt = Pattern.compile(pattern);
  Matcher matcher = patt.matcher(filename);
  if (matcher.find()) {
  } else {
   // no match was found, so we return empty string
   return "";
}try running it so:
java ArtistProblem "the artist - the track - the title.mp3" "artist - track - title"
and you'll get:
the artist
i hope that gives you a jumpstart to some direction.

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    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.util.*;
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    Matcher m = null;
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    String line2 = "Indiana Jones";
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    String line4 = "Indiana&Jones";
    String line5 = "Indiana & Jones";
    String line6 = "  Indiana Jones  ";
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      } // end main
    } //End Class RegExTest2

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    int a;
    int b;

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    1     00001  A-001
    2     00001  A-A01
    3     00001  B-909
    4     00001  Z-01
    5     00001  k-0001
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    you can use regular expressions for this, e.g.:
      FIND ALL OCCURRENCES OF REGEX '[a-z,A-Z]-[0-9]{3}[ [:blank:] ]'
           IN TABLE t_data
           RESULTS t_results.
    Note that in the above example all fields in the table will be checked. If this is not practical for your use you can use a LOOP and FIND on the table field.
    Note that line 5 in your example also matches the pattern you have given. If you really do not want to see this as valid you will have to use the pattern: '[A-Z]-[0-9][ [:blank:] ]'. The addition of [ [:blank:] ] is only needed if your field is longer than the pattern, i.e. 5 characters.
    Good luck,
    Edit: This will also be pretty efficient.
    Edited by: Gert Beukema on Jul 15, 2008 10:36 AM

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    <cfif city neq ''>
    <cfset crpos = refind("[:upper:][:upper:]",city) >
    <cfset zip = trim(right(city,len(city)-crpos))>
    <cfset citystate = trim(left(city,crpos)) >
    <cfset newpos = find("#chr(32)#",citystate) >
    <cfset state =
    trim(right(citystate,len(citystate)-newpos)) >
    <cfset actualcity =
    trim(left(citystate,len(citystate)-newPos)) >

    I probably should mention some explaination about what the
    regular expression is doing:
    Note: Groups are RegExp statements surrounded by ()
    Group 1: Combination of Letters and Spaces (e.g. City Name)
    optional comma and (required) space
    Group 2: 2 Character upper case state code (State Code) (note
    - depending on your source, state codes may not always be upper
    (required) space
    Group 3: 5 digit string (e.g. Zip Code) (note - again,
    depending on your source, you may be getting 5 digit zip + 4 or
    even non-us zip codes that may involve alpha characters.)
    The replace function is using back references to refer to the
    text matched by group 1,2 and 3.

  • Split Function unable to parse string correctly

    I'm using split function to split string into multiple rows using comma "," as delimiter. In a string I have following values which are not parsed correctly as they have comma inside the values. 
    American Dawn, Inc.
    Battalian USA, Inc.
    Fria USA, Inc.
    Lazer, Inc.
    Mexilink Inc.
    Is there any other approach to fix this issue?
    Here is the split function Im using:
    CREATE Function [dbo].[fnSplit] (
    @List varchar(MAX), 
    @Delimiter char(1)
    Returns @Temp1 Table (
    ItemId int Identity(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , 
    Item varchar(MAX) NULL 
    Declare @item varchar(MAX), 
    @iPos int 
    Set @Delimiter = ISNULL(@Delimiter, ';' ) 
    Set @List = RTrim(LTrim(@List)) 
    -- check for final delimiter 
    If Right( @List, 1 ) <> @Delimiter -- append final
    Select @List = @List + @Delimiter -- get position of
    first element 
    Select @iPos = Charindex( @Delimiter, @List, 1 ) 
    While @iPos > 0 
    -- get item 
    Select @item = LTrim( RTrim( Substring( @List, 1, @iPos
    -1 ) ) ) 
    If @@ERROR <> 0 Break -- remove item form list 
    Select @List = Substring( @List, @iPos + 1, Len(@List)
    - @iPos + 1 ) 
    If @@ERROR <> 0 Break -- insert item 
    Insert @Temp1 Values( @item ) If @@ERROR <> 0 Break 
    -- get position pf next item 
    Select @iPos = Charindex( @Delimiter, @List, 1 ) 
    If @@ERROR <> 0 Break 
    Another user in this forum posted a split function that
    he wrote:
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.splitter(@string VARCHAR(MAX), @delim CHAR(1))
    WHILE CHARINDEX(@delim,@string) > 0
    INSERT INTO @result (value) VALUES (LEFT(@string,CHARINDEX(@delim,@string)-1))
    SET @string = RIGHT(@string,LEN(@string)-CHARINDEX(@delim,@string))
    INSERT INTO @result (value) VALUES (@string)
    Both of them are unable to parse above values incorrectly.
    FYI:  String is made of values that are selected
    by user in SSRS report. I think SSRS when combine values , put comma "," between multiple values.
    Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

    duplicate of
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    hi to parse String "x;y:z" in Core Java

    Deepak_A_L wrote:
    how do i parse a String "X;Y:Z" in java i.e the results of parsing the string
    String s = "X;Y:Z"
    in terms of ENGLISH LANGUAGE -->(X Semicolon Y Colon Z)
    should be the below o/p individual Strings.
    how do i get the above output.????Split on a semi- or regular colon using String's split(String regex) method.

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    Yes, look at the FontMetrics class which has methods to do just that. To get a relevant FontMetrics object, try "x.getFontMetrics(f)" where x is a Component and f is the Font your string is represented in.

  • How to parse and isolate a pattern from a string?

    Hello friends --
    I am currently using the regex package to parse pathnames; i.e., active/99999999999/correspondence/file.tiff~23698, where 99999999999 is a variable 11-digit number. I have a method that is intended to not only parse but also isolate the 11-digit number and return it to the caller. The problem is that rather than return just the number, the method returns the entire string in which it is found.
    Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Perhaps I should convert everything to a char or byte[], and spin through each element in the array. If a digit is found, append that digit into a new array and return the new array. Sounds like it would take forever to run.
    Does anyone have a clue?? A big, grateful thanks to anyone who can lend a hand.
    Here is the code:
    public static String locate(String subject, String find)
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(find);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(subject);
    String found = null;
    if (m.find()) found =;
    return found;

    I think your code should work, if you get the pattern right.
    Using pattern \d{11} with your code ("\\d{11}" as a string), I can extract the 11 digit number. But if the path contains two eleven-digit numbers, do you know for sure that you want the first one?
    What pattern are you using?

  • Mastermind / Parse string with error handling ....

    Ok I am not going to hide the fact this looks like a homework question, honestly I already handed it in and now this is bothering me that I couldn't figure it out.......
    We had to make a mastermind client/server game only using text no graphical everything runs fine but how would one do error catching on this. (code posted below)
    Basically the user types in the command "guess r r r r" (guessing that the secret code is red four times ) and it parses it and assigns guess[] with the r and checks it based on the randomly generated color. The problem that I have is that is if someone makes a typo for example guess r rr r. How would one stop it from crashing from an out of bounds array request?
    if (command.matches("guess.*"))
                               int white = 0;
                               int black = 0;
                               String phrase = command;
                               String delims = "[ ]+";
                               String[] guess = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null };
                               guess = phrase.split(delims);
                               for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    if (color.equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                        else if (color[i].equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                        else if (color[i].equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                        else if (color[i].equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                   if (black == 4)
                        anwser = "You WIN!!!!!!!! KIRBY DOES A SPECIAL DANCE FOR YOU \n (>'.')> (^'.'^) <('.'<) \n";
                        gamePlaying = false;
                        commandChecker = true;
                        commandChecker = true;
                        anwser = "You got " + black + " black and " + white + " white it is your " + turn + " turn \n";
                   if (turn >= 10)
                        anwser = "You Lost =( , try again, the anwser was " + color[0] + color[1] + color[2] + color[3] + "\n";
                        gamePlaying = false;

    cotton.m wrote:
    // do something else besides evaluating the guesses. because something went wrong
    I should add that usually the best way of avoid array index out of bounds exceptions is to avoid ever hardcoding things like
    for(int i=0;i<4;i++)The 4 there is dangerous.
    It's safer to use the length
    for(int i=0;i<guess.length;i++)And the same applies to List(s) and the size method. Again usually that's a better idea but in your specific case anything more or less than 4 is not only a looping problem it would cause logical errors in the rest of your code... it is an exceptional case and should be dealt with specifically in your code.

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