Parsing sendmail log file in a Java application

Are there any good parsing libraries for sendmail log files?
I already found these libraries but I'm not sure if they do what I need:

I've written a simple text editor, and this editor saves files with a particular extension. It can both open and save files. I've put the text editor program in a JAR. What I'd like to do, if possible, is associate the file extension with the text editor program. That is, I'd like to, when I click on a file with the extension, have the text editor come up with the file opened in it.
Can anyone give me ideas on how to do this, please? >If the editor is launched using webstart, the launch file can suggest a file association.
Note that an application that accesses the local file system needs to be digitally signed before it can break out of the applet like 'sandbox' in which it runs, unless it uses the JNLP API to access the files. The JNLP API is available to any app. launched using webstart.
There is an example of both claiming a file extension, and accessing files using the JNLP API, in this [File Service Demo|]. The complete source and a build file can be downloaded from the just near the launch buttons.
I suggest you try the sandboxed version first - if you think that will suit your user, go with that.
As an aside, for best chance of a solution, I recommend folks add [Duke stars|] to match the importance of the task.

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    uncle_alice wrote:
    String regex = "([^\"\\\\]++|\\\\.)++"{code} The trick is to match anything except a quotation mark or a backslash, OR match a backslash followed by anything (because the backslash is usually used to escape other characters as well, including backslashes).Superb! Thanks! I have to admit I've never used the ++ before (only the greedies), but that's the thing I was looking for.
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    private static final String ESCAPED_PARAM = "((?:[^\"\\\\]++|\\\\.)++)";
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    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " " + NOSPACE_PARAM
    + " " + NOSPACE_PARAM
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " " + NOSPACE_PARAM
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\""
    + " \"" + ESCAPED_PARAM + "\"";
    private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile(PATTERN_STRING);
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    String[] result = new String[m.groupCount()];
    for (int i = 0; i < m.groupCount();) {
    result[i] =;
    return result;
    return null;
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    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT is a built-in that is used in Forms to call URL from a Web Form. It works much like the similar way that a link on an HTML page works and it takes two arguments, one is URL and second one is TARGET, in your case use following.
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    When you fire the processes to the report server you
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    If you remove an "active" log file, then this can cause problems. If you remove an archieved log file, then it is OK.
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    1) Put the Apache Commons Logging jar into your "lib" folder.
    2) Create your properties file as ""
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    log.fatal("Whatever the message"); ...etc
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    In the batch script use the "START" command to start the program. To use it you need to have the script browse to the application directory first as shown below:
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    if u use dos to run your app like
    "java myapp"
    u can create a shortcut link
    in target wright java remove the path
    just leave the file name without the extension,
    like this Target: "java myapp"
    when u click on appy u'll c that java gets its full path, thats fine
    that works 4 me, ofcourse ur client needs to have JRE or JDK.

  • Parse robocopy Log File - new value

    I have found a script, that parse the robocopy log file, which looks like this:
       ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows                             
      Started : Thu Aug 07 09:30:18 2014
       Source : e:\testfolder\
         Dest : w:\testfolder\
        Files : *.*
      Options : *.* /V /NDL /S /E /COPYALL /NP /IS /R:1 /W:5
         Same          14.6 g e:\testfolder\bigfile - Copy (5).out
         Same          14.6 g e:\testfolder\bigfile - Copy.out
         Same          14.6 g e:\testfolder\bigfile.out
                   Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
        Dirs :         1         0         1         0        
    0         0
       Files :         3         3         0         0        
    0         0
       Bytes :  43.969 g  43.969 g         0         0         0         0
       Times :   0:05:44   0:05:43                       0:00:00   0:00:00
       Speed :           137258891 Bytes/sec.
       Speed :            7854.016 MegaBytes/min.
       Ended : Thu Aug 07 09:36:02 2014
    Most values at output file are included, but the two speed paramter not.
    How can I get this two speed paramters at output file?
    Here is the script:
    [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Source Path with no trailing slash')][string]$SourcePath,
    write-host "Robocopy log parser. $(if($fp){"Parsing file entries"} else {"Parsing summaries only, use -fp to parse file entries"})"
    # -fp File parse. Counts status flags and oldest file Slower on big files.
    $ElapsedTime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    $refreshrate=1 # progress counter refreshes this often when parsing files (in seconds)
    # These summary fields always appear in this order in a robocopy log
    $HeaderParams = @{
    "04|Started" = "date";
    "01|Source" = "string";
    "02|Dest" = "string";
    "03|Options" = "string";
    "07|Dirs" = "counts";
    "08|Files" = "counts";
    "09|Bytes" = "counts";
    "10|Times" = "counts";
    "05|Ended" = "date";
    #"06|Duration" = "string"
    $ProcessCounts = @{
    "Processed" = 0;
    "Error" = 0;
    "Incomplete" = 0
    $files=get-childitem $SourcePath
    $writer=new-object System.IO.StreamWriter("$(get-location)\robocopy-$(get-date -format "dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss").csv")
    function Get-Tail([object]$reader, [int]$count = 10) {
    $lineCount = 0
    [long]$pos = $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1
    while($pos -gt 0)
    # 0x0D (#13) = CR
    # 0x0A (#10) = LF
    if ($reader.BaseStream.ReadByte() -eq 10)
    if ($lineCount -ge $count) { break }
    # tests for file shorter than requested tail
    if ($lineCount -lt $count -or $pos -ge $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1) {
    } else {
    # $reader.BaseStream.Position = $pos+1
    while(!$reader.EndOfStream) {
    $lines += $reader.ReadLine()
    return $lines
    function Get-Top([object]$reader, [int]$count = 10)
    $lineCount = 0
    while(($linecount -lt $count) -and !$reader.EndOfStream) {
    $lines += $reader.ReadLine()
    return $lines
    function RemoveKey ( $name ) {
    if ( $name -match "|") {
    return $name.split("|")[1]
    } else {
    return ( $name )
    function GetValue ( $line, $variable ) {
    if ($line -like "*$variable*" -and $line -like "* : *" ) {
    $result = $line.substring( $line.IndexOf(":")+1 )
    return $result
    } else {
    return $null
    function UnBodgeDate ( $dt ) {
    # Fixes RoboCopy botched date-times in format Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013
    if ( $dt -match ".{3} .{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4}" ) {
    $dt=$dt.split(" ")
    $dt -join " "
    if ( $dt -as [DateTime] ) {
    return $dt.ToStr("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
    } else {
    return $null
    function UnpackParams ($params ) {
    # Unpacks file count bloc in the format
    # Dirs : 1827 0 1827 0 0 0
    # Files : 9791 0 9791 0 0 0
    # Bytes : 165.24 m 0 165.24 m 0 0 0
    # Times : 1:11:23 0:00:00 0:00:00 1:11:23
    # Parameter name already removed
    if ( $params.length -ge 58 ) {
    $params = $params.ToCharArray()
    for ( $i = 0; $i -le 5; $i++ ) {
    $result[$i]=$($params[$($i*10 + 1) .. $($i*10 + 9)] -join "").trim()
    $result=$result -join ","
    } else {
    $result = ",,,,,"
    return $result
    $sourcecount = 0
    $targetcount = 1
    # Write the header line
    foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
    if ( $HeaderParam.value -eq "counts" ) {
    $tmp="~ Total,~ Copied,~ Skipped,~ Mismatch,~ Failed,~ Extras"
    $tmp=$tmp.replace("~","$(removekey $")
    } else {
    $writer.write(",$(removekey $")
    # Enumerate the files
    foreach ($file in $files) {
    write-host "$filecount/$($files.count) $($ ($($file.length) bytes)"
    $Stream = $file.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open,
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Stream)
    #$filestream=new-object -typename System.IO.StreamReader -argumentlist $file, $true, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read
    $HeaderFooter = Get-Top $reader 16
    if ( $HeaderFooter -match "ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows" ) {
    if ( $HeaderFooter -match "Files : " ) {
    $HeaderFooter = $HeaderFooter -notmatch "Files : "
    $Footer = Get-Tail $reader 16
    $ErrorFooter = $Footer -match "ERROR \d \(0x000000\d\d\) Accessing Source Directory"
    if ($ErrorFooter) {
    write-host -foregroundcolor red "`t $ErrorFooter"
    } elseif ( $footer -match "---------------" ) {
    while ( !($Footer[$i] -like "*----------------------*") -or $i -lt 1 ) { $i-- }
    } else {
    write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`t Log file $file is missing the footer and may be incomplete"
    foreach ( $HeaderParam in $headerparams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
    $name = "$(removekey $HeaderParam.Name)"
    $tmp = GetValue $($HeaderFooter -match "$name : ") $name
    if ( $tmp -ne "" -and $tmp -ne $null ) {
    switch ( $HeaderParam.value ) {
    "date" { $results[$name]=UnBodgeDate $tmp.trim() }
    "counts" { $results[$name]=UnpackParams $tmp }
    "string" { $results[$name] = """$($tmp.trim())""" }
    default { $results[$name] = $tmp.trim() }
    if ( $fp ) {
    write-host "Parsing $($reader.BaseStream.Length) bytes"
    # Now go through the file line by line
    $filesdone = $false
    try {
    do {
    $line = $reader.ReadLine()
    if (($line -eq "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -and $linenumber -gt 16) ) {
    # line is end of job
    } elseif ($linenumber -gt 16 -and $line -gt "" ) {
    # this test will pass if the line is a file, fail if a directory
    if ( $buckets.count -gt 3 ) {
    if ($sizedatetime.length -gt 19 ) {
    $DateTime = $sizedatetime.substring($sizedatetime.length -19)
    if ( $DateTime -as [DateTime] ){
    if ( $DateTimeValue -gt $newest ) { $newest = $DateTimeValue }
    if ( $elapsedtime.elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $tick ) {
    if ( $line.Length -gt 48 ) {
    $line="$([char]13)Parsing > $($linenumber) ($(($reader.BaseStream.Position/$reader.BaseStream.length).tostring("P1"))) - $line"
    write-host $line.PadRight($LastLineLength) -NoNewLine
    $LastLineLength = $line.length
    } until ($filesdone -or $reader.endofstream)
    finally {
    write-host $line -NoNewLine
    foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
    $name = "$(removekey $HeaderParam.Name)"
    if ( $results[$name] ) {
    } else {
    if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
    } elseif ( $HeaderParam.Value -eq "counts" ) {
    } else {
    if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
    $tmp = $($ErrorFooter -join "").substring(20)
    } elseif ( $fp ) {
    $writer.write(",$LineCount,$($newest.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))")
    foreach ( $FileResult in $FileResults.GetEnumerator() ) {
    $writer.write(",$($FileResult.Name): $($FileResult.Value);")
    } else {
    write-host -foregroundcolor darkgray "$($ is not recognised as a RoboCopy log file"
    write-host "$filecount files scanned in $($elapsedtime.elapsed.tostring()), $($ProcessCounts["Processed"]) complete, $($ProcessCounts["Error"]) have errors, $($ProcessCounts["Incomplete"]) incomplete"
    write-host "Results written to $($"
    I hope somebody can help me,
    Thanks Horst MOSS 2007 Farm; MOSS 2010 Farm; TFS 2010; TFS 2013; IIS 7.5

    Hi Horst,
    To convert mutiple robocopy log files to a .csv file with "speed" option, the script below may be helpful for you, I tested with a single robocopy log file, and the .csv file will output to "D:\":
    $SourcePath="e:\1\1.txt" #robocopy log file
    write-host "Robocopy log parser. $(if($fp){"Parsing file entries"} else {"Parsing summaries only, use -fp to parse file entries"})"
    # -fp File parse. Counts status flags and oldest file Slower on big files.
    $ElapsedTime = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    $refreshrate=1 # progress counter refreshes this often when parsing files (in seconds)
    # These summary fields always appear in this order in a robocopy log
    $HeaderParams = @{
     "04|Started" = "date"; 
     "01|Source" = "string";
     "02|Dest" = "string";
     "03|Options" = "string";
     "09|Dirs" = "counts";
     "10|Files" = "counts";
     "11|Bytes" = "counts";
     "12|Times" = "counts";
     "05|Ended" = "date";
     "07|Speed" = "default";
     "08|Speednew" = "default"
    $ProcessCounts = @{
     "Processed" = 0;
     "Error" = 0;
     "Incomplete" = 0
    $files=get-childitem $SourcePath
    $writer=new-object System.IO.StreamWriter("D:\robocopy-$(get-date -format "dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss").csv")
    function Get-Tail([object]$reader, [int]$count = 10) {
     $lineCount = 0
     [long]$pos = $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1
     while($pos -gt 0)
      # 0x0D (#13) = CR
      # 0x0A (#10) = LF
      if ($reader.BaseStream.ReadByte() -eq 10)
       if ($lineCount -ge $count) { break }
     # tests for file shorter than requested tail
     if ($lineCount -lt $count -or $pos -ge $reader.BaseStream.Length - 1) {
     } else {
      # $reader.BaseStream.Position = $pos+1
     while(!$reader.EndOfStream) {
      $lines += $reader.ReadLine()
     return $lines
    function Get-Top([object]$reader, [int]$count = 10)
     $lineCount = 0
     while(($linecount -lt $count) -and !$reader.EndOfStream) {
      $lines += $reader.ReadLine()  
     return $lines
    function RemoveKey ( $name ) {
     if ( $name -match "|") {
      return $name.split("|")[1]
     } else {
      return ( $name )
    function GetValue ( $line, $variable ) {
     if ($line -like "*$variable*" -and $line -like "* : *" ) {
      $result = $line.substring( $line.IndexOf(":")+1 )
      return $result
     } else {
      return $null
    }function UnBodgeDate ( $dt ) {
     # Fixes RoboCopy botched date-times in format Sat Feb 16 00:16:49 2013
     if ( $dt -match ".{3} .{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4}" ) {
      $dt=$dt.split(" ")
      $dt -join " "
     if ( $dt -as [DateTime] ) {
      return $dt.ToStr("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
     } else {
      return $null
    function UnpackParams ($params ) {
     # Unpacks file count bloc in the format
     # Dirs :      1827         0      1827         0         0         0
     # Files :      9791         0      9791         0         0         0
     # Bytes :  165.24 m         0  165.24 m         0         0         0
     # Times :   1:11:23   0:00:00                       0:00:00   1:11:23
     # Parameter name already removed
     if ( $params.length -ge 58 ) {
      $params = $params.ToCharArray()
      for ( $i = 0; $i -le 5; $i++ ) {
       $result[$i]=$($params[$($i*10 + 1) .. $($i*10 + 9)] -join "").trim()
      $result=$result -join ","
     } else {
      $result = ",,,,,"
     return $result
    $sourcecount = 0
    $targetcount = 1
    # Write the header line
    foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
     if ( $HeaderParam.value -eq "counts" ) {
      $tmp="~ Total,~ Copied,~ Skipped,~ Mismatch,~ Failed,~ Extras"
      $tmp=$tmp.replace("~","$(removekey $")
     } else {
      $writer.write(",$(removekey $")
    # Enumerate the files
    foreach ($file in $files) { 
        write-host "$filecount/$($files.count) $($ ($($file.length) bytes)"
    $Stream = $file.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open,
     $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Stream)
     #$filestream=new-object -typename System.IO.StreamReader -argumentlist $file, $true, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read
     $HeaderFooter = Get-Top $reader 16
     if ( $HeaderFooter -match "ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows" ) {
      if ( $HeaderFooter -match "Files : " ) {
       $HeaderFooter = $HeaderFooter -notmatch "Files : "
      $Footer = Get-Tail $reader 16
      $ErrorFooter = $Footer -match "ERROR \d \(0x000000\d\d\) Accessing Source Directory"
      if ($ErrorFooter) {
       write-host -foregroundcolor red "`t $ErrorFooter"
      } elseif ( $footer -match "---------------" ) {
       while ( !($Footer[$i] -like "*----------------------*") -or $i -lt 1 ) { $i-- }
      } else {
       write-host -foregroundcolor yellow "`t Log file $file is missing the footer and may be incomplete"
      foreach ( $HeaderParam in $headerparams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
       $name = "$(removekey $HeaderParam.Name)"
                            if ($name -eq "speed"){ #handle two speed
                            ($HeaderFooter -match "$name : ")|foreach{
                             $tmp=GetValue $_ "speed"
                             $results[$name] = $tmp.trim()
                            elseif ($name -eq "speednew"){} #handle two speed
       $tmp = GetValue $($HeaderFooter -match "$name : ") $name
       if ( $tmp -ne "" -and $tmp -ne $null ) {
        switch ( $HeaderParam.value ) {
         "date" { $results[$name]=UnBodgeDate $tmp.trim() }
         "counts" { $results[$name]=UnpackParams $tmp }
         "string" { $results[$name] = """$($tmp.trim())""" }  
         default { $results[$name] = $tmp.trim() }  
      if ( $fp ) {
       write-host "Parsing $($reader.BaseStream.Length) bytes"
       # Now go through the file line by line
       $filesdone = $false
       try {
        do {
         $line = $reader.ReadLine()
         if (($line -eq "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -and $linenumber -gt 16)  ) {
          # line is end of job
         } elseif ($linenumber -gt 16 -and $line -gt "" ) {
          # this test will pass if the line is a file, fail if a directory
          if ( $buckets.count -gt 3 ) {
           if ($sizedatetime.length -gt 19 ) {
            $DateTime = $sizedatetime.substring($sizedatetime.length -19)
            if ( $DateTime -as [DateTime] ){
             if ( $DateTimeValue -gt $newest ) { $newest = $DateTimeValue }
         if ( $elapsedtime.elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $tick ) {
          if ( $line.Length -gt 48 ) {
          $line="$([char]13)Parsing > $($linenumber) ($(($reader.BaseStream.Position/$reader.BaseStream.length).tostring("P1"))) - $line"
          write-host $line.PadRight($LastLineLength) -NoNewLine
          $LastLineLength = $line.length
        } until ($filesdone -or $reader.endofstream)
       finally {
       write-host $line -NoNewLine
      foreach ( $HeaderParam in $HeaderParams.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name ) {
       $name = "$(removekey $HeaderParam.Name)"
       if ( $results[$name] ) {
       } else {
        if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
        } elseif ( $HeaderParam.Value -eq "counts" ) {
        } else {
      if ( $ErrorFooter ) {
       $tmp = $($ErrorFooter -join "").substring(20)
      } elseif ( $fp ) {
       $writer.write(",$LineCount,$($newest.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss'))")   
       foreach ( $FileResult in $FileResults.GetEnumerator() ) {
        $writer.write(",$($FileResult.Name): $($FileResult.Value);")
     } else {
      write-host -foregroundcolor darkgray "$($ is not recognised as a RoboCopy log file"
    write-host "$filecount files scanned in $($elapsedtime.elapsed.tostring()), $($ProcessCounts["Processed"]) complete, $($ProcessCounts["Error"]) have errors, $($ProcessCounts["Incomplete"]) incomplete"
    write-host  "Results written to $($"
    If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.
    If you have any feedback on our support,
    please click here.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to Open or load the swf file only in Java application

         How I Secure my Flash SWF files(AS2 and AS3).?
         The SWF files are only work through java application. When the java call the swf file that time only it will work otherwise it won't work including browsers also..

    I attached the file to this post. It would be great if you could send me the pdf version of the block diagram. It's not totally finished, but that doesn't matter, I can complete it in school.
    Thank you, really, thank you.
    I know that this is not the purpose of this forum, but it was the easiest solution for my problem.
    Programma ‏129 KB

  • Parse a log file...

    Hi All,
    1. I want to parse the content of log file, but when I open the log file it does not show me field names .
    it starts with row containing the contents directly, where i want to read and process only three fields randomly.
    I have written the code that works on IIS logs, the log i want to parse having field separator ' ' as single white space.
    2. Some of log files are zipped, so I am unable to open and read them. so that I can parse them.
    can any one have any clue or code that help me out.

    bhatnagarudit wrote:
    Hi All,
    1. I want to parse the content of log file, but when I open the log file it does not show me field names .
    it starts with row containing the contents directly, where i want to read and process only three fields randomly.
    I have written the code that works on IIS logs, the log i want to parse having field separator ' ' as single white space.
    2. Some of log files are zipped, so I am unable to open and read them. so that I can parse them.
    can any one have any clue or code that help me out.
    thanks! Here is a suggested algorithm .. (I don't want to write the code for you :-))
    You have the following format.
    314159b66967d86f031c7249d1d9a8024.. mybucket +[04/Aug/2006:22:34:02 +0000]+ 314159b66967d86f031c724... 3E57427F33A59F07 REST.PUT.OBJECT* /photos/2006/08/puppy.jpg +"GET /mybucket/photos/2006/08/puppy.jpg?x-foo=bar"+ 200 NoSuchBucket 2662992 3462992 70 10 "" "curl/7.15.1"
    Read the file in, go thru lines one by one. For each line,
    1. Get the content in the first square brackets. Regular Expression: [&].
    2. From there, get the fourth (4th) word separated by space.
    3. From there, get the content in the first pair of double quotes. Regular Expression: \"&\".

  • Configure Log File for each web application deployed in weblogic server usi

    Hi All,
    How do I configure Log4J to log separately for each web application? i.e. Assuming, I have a web application "AWeb" and a web application "BWeb". I need a log file to be created for AWeb Separately and BWeb Separately. i.e. All the log information for "AWeb" web application will be stored in AWeb.log and all the "BWeb" web application will be stored in BWeb.log
    Do you have any sample code and configuration details for the above-mentioned requirement?
    Thanks in Advance,
    C R Baradwaj

    You do not need to do anything strange, just use log4j the usual way with the exception that you do not need to init log4j (this is not necesary when using a log4j.xml.)
    A minimal sample of a log4j.xml is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
    <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="">
    <appender name="ConsoleAppender" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout"/>
    <priority value ="debug" />
    <appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender"/>
    You just have to be sure that you have different log4j.xml in your classpath for different web applications.

  • Add email subject to maillog (sendmail log file)

    I need to add the email subject to sendmail (8.13.8+Sun). I understand I can do that in the How can I do this for both the and, and even the so I can see the subject in all the maillog entries.
    This is a solaris 10 server. I found 2 of the same suggestions that did not work.
    I added this to my file and rebuilt but the subject did not appear in the logs.
    Klog syslog
    HSubject: $>Log_Subject
    R$* $: $(log Subject: $1 $) $1

    I got this to work. I had to link both and to the resulting file.
    Klog syslog
    HSubject: $>+CheckSubject
    R$* $: $(log Subject: $1 $) $1

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