Parsing string with saxParser

I've got my program ready to handle XML, but instead of parsing a file, I want to parse just a string.
saxParser.parse( ???, handler);
what should I pass in there?

You should putnew InputSource(new StringReader(yourString))in there.

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    Ok I am not going to hide the fact this looks like a homework question, honestly I already handed it in and now this is bothering me that I couldn't figure it out.......
    We had to make a mastermind client/server game only using text no graphical everything runs fine but how would one do error catching on this. (code posted below)
    Basically the user types in the command "guess r r r r" (guessing that the secret code is red four times ) and it parses it and assigns guess[] with the r and checks it based on the randomly generated color. The problem that I have is that is if someone makes a typo for example guess r rr r. How would one stop it from crashing from an out of bounds array request?
    if (command.matches("guess.*"))
                               int white = 0;
                               int black = 0;
                               String phrase = command;
                               String delims = "[ ]+";
                               String[] guess = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null };
                               guess = phrase.split(delims);
                               for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    if (color.equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                        else if (color[i].equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                        else if (color[i].equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                        else if (color[i].equalsIgnoreCase(guess[i+1]))
                   if (black == 4)
                        anwser = "You WIN!!!!!!!! KIRBY DOES A SPECIAL DANCE FOR YOU \n (>'.')> (^'.'^) <('.'<) \n";
                        gamePlaying = false;
                        commandChecker = true;
                        commandChecker = true;
                        anwser = "You got " + black + " black and " + white + " white it is your " + turn + " turn \n";
                   if (turn >= 10)
                        anwser = "You Lost =( , try again, the anwser was " + color[0] + color[1] + color[2] + color[3] + "\n";
                        gamePlaying = false;

    cotton.m wrote:
    // do something else besides evaluating the guesses. because something went wrong
    I should add that usually the best way of avoid array index out of bounds exceptions is to avoid ever hardcoding things like
    for(int i=0;i<4;i++)The 4 there is dangerous.
    It's safer to use the length
    for(int i=0;i<guess.length;i++)And the same applies to List(s) and the size method. Again usually that's a better idea but in your specific case anything more or less than 4 is not only a looping problem it would cause logical errors in the rest of your code... it is an exceptional case and should be dealt with specifically in your code.

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    getresult = xpathexpression.evaluate(isource); is executed.
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    Xpath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newPath();
    xpathexpression = xPath.compile("a/b");
    // I guess the following line is not correct
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    getresult = xpathexpression.evaluate(isource);My xml string is like:
         <result> valid some more tags here
      <c> 10
    </a>Edited by: geoman on Dec 8, 2008 2:30 PM

    I've never used the version of evaluate that takes an InputSource. The difficulty with using it is that it does not save the DOM object. Each expression you evaluate will have to create the DOM object, use it once and then throw it away. I've yet to write a program that only needs one answer from an XML document. Usually, I use XPath to locate somewhere in a document and then read "nearby" content, add new content nearby, delete content, or move content. I'd suggest you may want to parse the XML stream and save the DOM Document.
    Second, all of the XPath expressions search from a "context node". I have not had good luck searching from the Document object, so I always get the root element first. I think the expression should work if you use the root as the context node. You will need one of the versions of evaluate that uses an Object as the parameter.

  • How could i parse string and link its model with my files in eclipse project?

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    Hi Stefan,
    I have eclipse project contains 2 files, file1.dsl and file2.dsl, you can see the contents of the files below.
    file1.dsl contains some statements as shown below and file2.dsl contains the declarations of the variables. (like in C++ or Java we have declarations and usage)
    At this step file1.dsl and file2.dsl will be parsed successfully without any errors.
    Lets imagine that we will delete this project and will create another one and the new project will contain only file1.dsl (which contains the usage)
    At this step this file (file1.dsl) will contains some errors after parsing it, because we are using variables without declarations.
    So what i need is to parse the content of file2.dsl directly without adding this file to the project.
    I need to add the content of file2.dsl directly as a string in the code and parse it. just like that ( "int a;int b;" )
    And link file1.dsl with the model generated after parsing my string
    int a;
    int b;

  • Stepping through a query result set, replacing one string with another.

    I want to write a function that replaces the occurance of a string with another different string.  I need it to be a CF fuction that is callable from another CF function.  I want to "hand" this function an SQL statement (a string) like this:   (Please note, don't bother commenting that "there are eaiser ways to write this SQL..., I've made this simple example to get to the point where I need help.  I have to use a "sub_optimal" SQL syntax just to demonstrate the situation)
    Here is the string I want to pass to the function:
    Here is the contents of the ABRV table:
    TBL_NM,  ABRV    <!--- Header row--->
    The function will return the original string, but with the abreviations in place of the long table names, example:
    Notice that only the table names surrounded by brackets and that match a value in the ABRV table have been replaced.  The LONGTABLENAME immediately following the FROM is left as is.
    Now, here is my dum amatuer attempt at writing said function:  Please look at the comment lines for where I need help.
          <cffunction name="AbrvTblNms" output="false" access="remote" returntype="string" >
            <cfargument name="txt" type="string" required="true" />
            <cfset var qAbrvs="">  <!--- variable to hold the query results --->
            <cfset var output_str="#txt#">  <!--- I'm creating a local variable so I can manipulate the data handed in by the TXT parameter.  Is this necessary or can I just use the txt parameter? --->
            <cfquery name="qAbrvs" datasource="cfBAA_odbc" result="rsltAbrvs">
         <!--- I'm assuming that at this point the query has run and there are records in the result set --->
        <cfloop index="idx_str" list="#qAbrvs#">      <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
        <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, "#idx_str#", )  <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
        </cfloop>               <!--- What am I looping on?  What is the index? How do I do the string replacement? --->
            <!--- The chunck below is a parital listing from my Delphi Object Pascal function that does the same thing
                   I need to know how to write this part in CF9
          while not Eof do
              s := StringReplace(s, '[' +FieldByName('TBL_NM').AsString + ']', FieldByName('ABRV').AsString, [rfReplaceAll]);
        <cfreturn output_txt>
    I'm mainly struggling with syntax here.  I know what I want to happen, I know how to make it happen in another programming language, just not CF9.  Thanks for any help you can provide.

    RedOctober57 wrote:...
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    <cfset var output_str="#txt#">  <!--- I'm creating a local
    variable so I can manipulate the data handed in by the TXT parameter.
    Is this necessary or can I just use the txt parameter? --->
    No you do not need to create a local variable that is a copy of the arguments variable as the arguments scope is already local to the function, but you do not properly reference the arguments scope, so you leave yourself open to using a 'txt' variable in another scope.  Thus the better practice would be to reference "arguments.txt" where you need to.
    I know what I want to happen, I know how to make it happen in another programming language, just not CF9.
    Then a better start would be to descirbe what you want to happen and give a simple example in the other programming language.  Most of us are muti-lingual and can parse out clear and clean code in just about any syntax.
    <cfloop index="idx_str" list="#qAbrvs#">      <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
    I think you want to be looping over your "qAbrvs" record set returned by your earlier query, maybe.
    <cfloop query="qAbrvs">
    <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, "#idx_str#", )  <!--- Is this correct?  I think not. --->
    Continuing on that assumption I would guess you want to replace each instance of the long string with the short string form that record set.
    <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str,qAbrs.TBLNM,qAbrs.ABRV,"ALL")>
    </cfloop>               <!--- What am I looping on?  What is the index? How do I do the string replacement? --->
    If this is true, then you are looping over the record set of tablenames and abreviations that you want to replace in the string.

  • Is there an easy way to convert from a String with a comma, ie. 1,000.00 to

    Is there an easy way to convert from a String with a comma, ie. 1,000.00 to a float or a double?

    Like DrClap said: DecimalFormat. However, make sure you understand the Locale things, as explained at (which refers to NumberFormat as well) and use them explicitly. Like
    public class FormatTest
      public static void main(String args[])
          // see NumberFormat.getInstance()
          DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat();
          Number num = fmt.parse("1,000.01");
        catch(ParseException pe)
    }most likely seems OK on your system, but may print "1.0" (or even fail) on some non-English platforms!
    When performing calculations, also see

  • Parsing String

    i have problem to parse string to document
    i have string like this str = "<root><data>1</data><data>2</data><root>";
    how to parse this string in docoment xml

    import org.jdom.*;
    import org.jdom.input.*;
    import org.jdom.output.*;
    public class PrettyPrinter {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Assume filename argument
            String filename = args[0];
            try {
                // Build the document with SAX and Xerces, no validation
                SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
                // Create the document
                Document doc = File(filename));
                // Output the document, use standard formatter
                XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter();
                fmt.output(doc, System.out);
            } catch (Exception e) {
    }The above code is taken directly from
    u don't have to use Factories, this is what is said in that excerpt, it is very easy to use, and it is said that 80 % of the xml work can be done with 20 % or less work using JDOM.
    n joy ....

  • Convert document into string with unicode

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    Can anybody suggest me how to do that.

    I don't know of any way to tell the parser to convert is for you, you'll have to replace the characters yourself after you got the string from the parser.

  • How to put String with html tags as it is into xml

    I am using apache dom API to create xml from java.
    I have a string with html tags in it .when I add the string to xml, its replacing all the "<"; with &lt and ">" with > I would like the html tags to look as it is instead of the > and & lt;. How can I acheive that
    this is the code snippet of what I am doing
    In java class
    String titleString = "<font color=red>This Is an Example of a Red Subject</font>"
    Document doc = new DocumentImpl();
    Element root = doc.createElement("bulletin");
    Element item = doc.createElement("title");
    In Xml it looks like below
    <title><font color=red>This Is an Example of a Red Subject</font></title>
    but I would like to have the xml like below
    <title><font color="red">This Is an Example of a Red Subject</font></title>
    Can you please suggest me whats the best way to acheive this.
    I appreciate all your help
    Thank you

    One problem is that you don't understand escaping. If you re-read what you posted you'll see that what you say you get, and what you say you want, are identical. That's because you didn't escape one of the two properly. So your first step should be to find the section about escaping in Chapter 1 of your XML book and read it carefully. Figure out what you should have done here (yes, the same rules apply).
    However, to attempt to answer what I think your question is: if you have a String which contains markup, and you want to convert that String to XML elements, then you have to feed the String into an XML parser.

  • String with embedded single quote

    Hi, all. We're trying to pass a string from one procedure to another, which will then do an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE on it. However, there are single quotes withing the string, and they're driving us nuts! This is what the concatenated string should look like when passed to the pw_execDDL procedure:
    insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof, is_valid,proof_num) values ('MEAG', to_date('02-OCT-05','DD-MMM-YY'), 'Y',1);
    Here's the concatenation process that doesn't work, and there are functions being called within the string:
    chr_sql := 'insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof, is_valid,proof_num) values (' || '''' || prm_inoc_id || '''' || ', ' || 'to_date(' || '''' || prm_proof1 || ''''||','||'''' ||'DD-MMM-YY'||''''||')' || ', ' || '''' || fw_is_proof_valid(prm_birth_date, prm_proof1) || '''' || ',1);';
    pw_execDDL(chr_sql); /* call the procedure to do the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE */
    Help! We've tried every combination -- using two single quotes together, three, and four, and still no luck. Thanks.

    insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof,
    is_valid,proof_num) values ('MEAG',
    to_date('02-OCT-05','DD-MMM-YY'), 'Y',1);
    This statement can be made in a string with the following affectation:
    chr_sql := 'insert into appimmunization.wsrprfs (inoc_id, proof, is_valid,proof_num) values (''MEAG'', to_date(''02-OCT-05'',''DD-MMM-YY''), ''Y'',1)';
    Note please that each single quote in your original string must be specified using two single quotes and that is all. It is more readable and more easy to do it this way.

  • Creating a string with hiearchical data

    This is being done in Crystal 8 will all updates applied.
    I have a database with records that are linked to a series of "folders" that are hierarchical in nature as shown below:
    Folder 1:
         Folder 1.1
              Folder 1.1.1
    Folder 2
        Folder 2.1
    All of the folders can have data records attached to them.
    The database represents the folder structure in a table with the following attributes:
    Folder ID   (integer)
    Folder Name (String)  (such as "Folder 1"
    Folder Parent ID (integer)
    (other non-related fields)
    If the folder is at the root level, then the value in Folder Parent ID is 0, otherwise, it is the Folder ID of the parent folder.
    I need to be able to create a string field that displays the path for any given folder that I can insert into a group header or footer, or into a report header if the report deals with records in a single folder.  Desired format for the  string is: 
    "Folder 1> Folder 1.1> Folder 1.1.1"
    I need to be able to display at least 6 levels of folder indentation.
    I have tried several ways to create a formula that will reliably produce the desired string, and can get close, but cannot completely address the problem.  My most successful approach was to put multiple instance of the table into the report and link the Folder Parent ID of one level to the Folder ID of the next level down and then use the data to build the string with a formula like this:
    Local StringVar Result := {portfolio_master.portfolio_name};
    local stringvar ExitLoop := "1" ;
    if  ExitLoop = "1" then
        Result := {portfolio_master_1.portfolio_name} + "> " + Result
        ExitLoop := "0";
    if {portfolio_master_1.parent_id} NE 0 AND ExitLoop = "1" then  // NE replaces Crystal not equal symbol which will not show
        Result := {portfolio_master_2.portfolio_name} + "> " + Result
        ExitLoop := "0";
    if {portfolio_master_2.parent_id} NE 0 and ExitLoop = "1" then
        Result := {portfolio_master_3.portfolio_name} + "> " + Result
        ExitLoop := "0";
    if {portfolio_master_3.parent_id} NE 0 and ExitLoop = "1" then
        Result := {portfolio_master_4.portfolio_name} + "> " + Result
        ExitLoop := "0";
    if {portfolio_master_4.parent_id} NE 0 and ExitLoop = "1" then
        Result := {portfolio_master_5.portfolio_name} + "> " + Result
        ExitLoop := "0";
    This formula works so long as the folder in question is exactly 5 levels deep.  Changing the nature of the links(inner join, left outer join etc.) between the instances of the table in the Database Expert changes the data that is visible, but I can't find a combination that will show ALL of the needed information for all of the folders. 
    I understand that this is a brute force approach, and that there must be a different way to skin the cat.  My preference would be to "walk the tree" with a loop structure, but I don't see any way to do the needed data look up within the loop.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    L. Jasmann
    Edited by: ljasmann1 on Jun 23, 2010 9:09 PM
    Edited by: ljasmann1 on Jun 23, 2010 9:33 PM

    I have been working to adapt the code provided above to my application.  Although I have worked with Crystal for quite a while, this is the first time that I have attempted to use SQL in Crystal... and it is just not working.. probably because I am no doing something very basic.
    Here is  the code as currently set up in the SQL Formula Editor.  Only major difference from the code provided above is that the ID fields are integers instead of strings, and the field that I want to print out is a string field separate from the ID fields....  I have substituted the field names from the table I am referencing for the ones in the code above.  The table that I am using has been selected using the Database Expert.
    DECLARE @Value int, @pf int, @FolderPath VarChar(MAX)
    SET @Value = "portfolio_master"."portfolio_id"
    SELECT @pf = "portfolio_master"."parent_id" FROM portfolio_master WHERE "portfolio_master"."portfolio_id" = @Value
    SET @FolderPath = "portfolio_master"."portfolio_name"
    WHILE @pf <> 0
    SET @Value = @pf
    SELECT @pf = "portfolio_master"."parent_id" FROM portfolio_master WHERE "portfolio_master"."portfolio_id" = @Value
    SET @FolderPath = "portfolio_master"."portfolio_name" + ' > ' + @FolderPath
    SELECT @FolderPath AS FolderPath
    When I test the SQL statement it errors out on the very first statement (the DECLARE statement).  If I substitute a different statement in front of the DECLARE statement, it errors on that statement.
    Here is the error that I get back. The database is using MS SQL Server.
    Error in compiling SQL Expression:
    Failed to retrieve data from the database.
    Details:  ADO Error Code:  0x80040e14
    Source:  Microsoft OLE db Provider for SQL Server
    Description:  Incorrect syntax near the keyword u2018DECLAREu2019,
    SQL State:  42000
    Native Error:  156 [Database Vendor Code:  156].
    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated...
    Larry Jasmann

  • How Can I replace newScale Text Strings with Custom Values?

    How Can I replace newScale Text Strings with Custom Values?
    How can I replace newScale text strings with custom values?
    All  newScale text is customizable. Follow the procedure below to change the  value of any text string that appears in RequestCenter online pages.
    1. Find out the String ID of the text string you would like to overwrite by turning on the String ID display:
    a) Navigate to the RequestCenter.ear/config directory.
    b) Open the file and add the following name-value pair at the end of the file:res.format=2
    c) Save the file.
    d) Repeat steps b and c for the RmiConfig.prop and RequestCenter.prop files.
    e) Stop and restart the RequestCenter service.
    f) Log  in to RequestCenter and browse to the page that has the text you want  to overwrite. In front of the text you will now see the String ID.
    g) Note down the String ID's you want to change.
    2. Navigate to the directory: /RequestCenter.ear/RequestCenter.war/WEB-INF/classes/com/newscale/bfw.
    3. Create the following sub-directory: res/resources
    4. Create the following empty text files in the directory you just created:
    5. Add the custom text strings to the appropriate  RequestCenter_<Number>.properties file in the following manner  (name-value pair) StringID=YourCustomTextString
    Example: The StringID for "Available Work" in ServiceManager is 699.
    If you wanted to change "Available Work" to "General Inbox", you  would add the following line to the file
         699=General Inbox
    Strings are divided into the following files, based on their numeric ID:
    Strings are divided into the following files, based on their numeric ID:
    String ID  File Name
    0 to 999 ->
    1000 to 1999 ->
    2000 to 2999 ->
    3000 to 3999 ->
    4000 to 4999 ->
    5000 to 5999 ->
    6000 to 6999 ->
    7000 to 7999 ->
    6. Turn off the String ID display by removing (or commenting out) the line "res.format=2" from the, RequestCenter.prop and RmiConfig.prop files
    7. Restart RequestCenter.
    Your customized text should be displayed.

    I've recently come across this information and it was very helpful in changing some of the inline text.
    However, one place that seemed out of reach with this method was the three main buttons on an "Order" page.  Specifically the "Add & Review Order" button was confusing some of our users.
    Through the use of JavaScript we were able to modify the label of this button.  We placed JS in the footer.html file that changes the value of the butt

  • How to create a String with comma ?

    Hi All,
    I have a table with 10 records(employee name) and i have to make a string
    with comma delimiter and at the end with "."
    Can anybody tell me how to write a Java program for this ?
    Thanks in advance.

    // I believe the following example gives you the answer.
    class stringEG {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
         String emprs[] ={"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"};
         String vempname = "";
         for(int i=0; i<emprs.length; i++) {
         if(i == (emprs.length-1))
              vempname = vempname + emprs[i] + ".";
              vempname = vempname + emprs[i] + ", ";
         System.out.println("vempname : "+vempname);
    Here dont assume that I asked you to get all the results and putting
    it into the string arrays. But its a simple example to suit your requirement.
    The half-way coding below answers your question, I hope.
    vempname = "";
    while ( {
    vempname = vempname + emprs.getString("empname") + ".";
    vempname = vempname + emprs.getString("empname") + ", ";
    // nats.

  • String with multiple lines

    i have a string with multiple lines inside it eg.
    hello this is
    my string with
    mutiple lines inside it
    how could i get it to print out line by line
    iv used "\n" so it detects the new lines but it doesnt seem to work
    this is my following code that doesnt seem to detect the newline

    nicchick wrote:
    i have a string with multiple lines inside it eg.
    hello this is
    my string with
    mutiple lines inside itWhere do you have this String? In a file? in a JTextArea of a Swing GUI? Details are important.
    if(multiString.equals("\n")){But the whole string isn't an "\n" so this won't do. Again, much will depend on the current state of the String. You may need to split it based on the current line separator.

Maybe you are looking for

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