Partial Authorization Issues

Recently one of my authorized computers crashed and died, it was an old PowerBook G4 (800 Mhz). I figured it's time was coming and backed everything up to an external HD. I recently purchased a Fujitsu Lifebook A Series (Runing Windows Home Premium x64) and was hoping to get it up and running, however when I try to open protected music files from my old dead computer it prompts me to authorize my computer and after I input my password it gives me an error message stating that I cannot authorize anymore computers with my .me account, even though the computer is already authorized, and when I use the 'authorize computer' command it says that I've authorized 4 of 5 computers (including this one). I'm confused because all music I've purchased since the PowerBook died will successfully authorize while all music pre-PowerBook-death is off limits to my Lifebook, is there some way to deauthorize a dead computer or is this something that can't be fixed?

Welcome to AD!
No, you can't authorize a dead PC until you hit 5 authorizations and use the "Deauthroize All". The deauth all button will not show up until you have 5.
Your post sounds like you may have forgotten about an old account. Right-click > Get Info on one of those tracks that won't play. On the summary tab, does the +Purchased By+ and +Account Name+ look familiar?

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  • BI 7.0 Analysis Authorization issue: some reports displaying a blank page.

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    Hi Neha,
    I tried the below also,
    GL Acnt
    I EQ 0000134010
    I EQ :
    but still it didn't work.
    No Infoobject is missing in Authorization Object.
    For your point, "rsecadmin - > analysis -> execute as -> check for the desired user & analyze the log" it didnu2019t allow me to analyze, since as soon as click on execute button a pop-up comes up saying "Disconnecting from the BW server..."
    As mentioned earlier also it is giving me the below message,
    ""I>> Row: 103 Inc: AUTHORITY_02 Prog: CL_RSR_RRK0_AUTHORIZATION                                                                       RS_EXCEPTION        301CL_RSR_RRK0_AUTHORIZATION                         AUTHORITY_02"
    Kindly suggest, since this is a show-stopper for us!
    Ishdeep Kohli.

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    2.My controlling Area which is also mandatory
    3.Costcenter which is not mandatory
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    can anyone guide me on how to go about on this authorization issue at the variable screen itself.
    Please treat this issue/requirement on high priority.
    Appreciated in advance.

    I think that an alternative to solve your concern could be using Web Application Designer (WAD).  In this respect, there are several design options, with different levels of complexity.
    As the simplest alternative, you could create a WAD including your query and three Dropdown Boxes: one for Company, a second for Controlling area and another for Cost center.  The four mentioned elements should be linked to the same dataprovider so, when you select a company, the options in the other two Dropdown boxes and the information in the query are updated.
    In order to enforce mandatory filter selection at Company and Controlling area level, you should set NO_REMOVE_FILTER='X' in both two Dropdown boxes, so that "All values" option -which would mean no filtering- is not offered.
    I hope this helps you.

  • Authorization issue - help request

    Hi guys,
    One of the consultants is having an authorization issue ( He is not abele to run a t-code)
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    Please help.
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    User : VYXXX                       profile parameter authorization buffering    4
    Authorization Object: F_KNA1_GRP
    Authorization check failed:
          + Authorization object F_KNA1_GRP Customer Account Group Authorization
                Activity                                08
                Customer Account Group     ZM01
    Users Authorization Data :
          +  Authorization object F_KNA1_GRP Customer Account Group Authorization
                   Authorization  T-PD19002300
                  Authorization  T-UG39000900
                  Authorization  T-UG39001000
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    Hi Vamsi,
    SU53 shows us the last failed authorization for a user. However, it might not only be the failed authorization object failed.
    Hence, "just to learn" , you can use transaction ST01 to enable and run a trace for particular users. Be sure to use in a test environment first, and with proper filters. (for a particular user only).
    Then check-> which auth object is failing.
    RC=4 means a object value is failing.
    RC=12 means an object is missing!
    Check, which tcode is calling that object and this tcode is present in which role. Then.........proceed.
    You can check the SAP documentation on running traces on the help portal of SAP.  I think you will find the answer yourself by troubleshooting more and may be massaging some test roles here and there!
    Likewise, if you are new to security, I would encourage you to start by reading some books on SAP security. Authorizations made easy is a good book to start with.
    Let me know if you have any questions
    EOD for me :P . take care

  • Authorization issue during Jump

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    Can someone please help?
    Ashmith Roy

    Pls have a look on the below thread:
    Authorization by InfoArea
    *Assign points if this helpful

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    Kind regards,

    Hi All,
        The above issue is getting due to # character in text at end(e.g ljdfsaa##). After removing # characters in text issue got resolved.

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    Thank you in advance.

    How can i send you the trace file? What is your email address?
    If I were you, I won't do that. Did you not ever sign some confidentiality agreement? I wonder.
    Anyhoo... (copy right @ David)
    What are the objects been caught in category RC=4, RC=12?
    Relate them with functional aspect of the transaction (error screen)
    Edited : You can paste RC=4, RC=12 objects here without customer specific value if you want to.
    Arpan Paik
    Edited by: P Arpan on Aug 23, 2011 2:36 PM

  • Authorization issue - need to know the Role providing this access

    User is facing an authorization issue below:
    "You donot have authorization to display DataSource 2LIS_06_INV, Component MM" and
    "You donot have authorization to display DataSource 2LIS_11_VAITM, Component SD"
    Kindly let me know what Role is missing from the user's profile?
    Thanks and Regards,
    SAP Security Consultant

    Hi Murali,
    It helped.
    I found out the BW Data Support role for the object S_RO_OSOA and when checked it was already in user's profile but the missing part was user Comparision for that role.
    I did user comparision and then user is able to view the below DataSources....
    Thanks for your help, it triggered to find the root cause.

  • Authorization issue to execute query via analyzer

    We are experiencing an authorization issue that we can not solve...
    We have grant to user the expected objects to execute query (S_RS_COMP & S_RS_COMP1) and the central objects like S_GUI, S_USER_AGR.
    When we test in RESCEADMIN, everything is fine. We can execute the query.
    When we test it in the analyzer, the variable screen does not pop-up and we get the error message:
    "There is no variable in the workbook, which allows user input"
    Does anybody have a direction to help us to orientate our investigation?
    Many thanks,

    What is the basic settings you have in the Query Properties basic setting tab
    Try making it mandatory
    Nitin Bhatia

  • Authorization issue to view cube contents

    Hi Gurus,
      I am getting Authorization issue to view cube contents in Production server, When I execute the cube it is showing me the following statement.
    "You do not have sufficient authorization for the infoprovider ZMMG_C05".
    Please provide me a possible solution for this.

    Two things to be checked with respect to authorization for this one.
    1) Functional Roles: Check whether Info cube is present in the functional roles that are assigned to you.
                                  If not you need to get the functional role in which the Infocube is assigned.
    2) Data Access Roles: Check in the data access roles assigned to you, whether you have the access
                                      to the selection that you are using to see the data in the info cube. Else, request
                                      BASIS team to assign the appropriate data access roles to you.
    Hope this helps.

  • Authorization issue within a table in BI

    Hello All,
    Here is my authorization issue :
    We have set up an authorization on infoobject Zapplication. End user is allowed to choose "HR" only.
    In Rsecadmin, infoObject Zapplication is restricted to "HR"
    Then, this authorization object has been assigned to end user.
    This user go to a specific table to select an application and a date.
    When user display the possible value he only see "HR". Which means our authorization is correct.
    However, this user can enter another value such as "SD". This value does exist in infoObject Zapplication. So, it means that there is an issue with our authorizations settings.
    We have added a control table, it's even worse in this case, authorization are not checked at all and all available values are displayed.
    Any idea to prevent the user to entered a value within this table ?
    Why our authorization does not check the value entered directly in the table ?
    Thanks &

    For info we manged to restrict acces on this table by using event table from table maintenance and we have combined it with a specific authorisation object.

  • Authorization Issue with ODS

    Dear all,
    I have an authorization issue with two ODS.
    One I activated for BEx reporting --> Is working fine in Dev, but I get error with
    missing authorization in QUA, althought some authorizations.
    Same issue with a newly created ODS, which works in Dev, but gives an error
    with missing authorization in QUA.
    What can be the reason for this? Any input is highly appreciated!

    check that the role(s) are transported from your DEV and your QA, and that the user has the correct role(s)
    Check as well in your QA transaction RSSM for your ODSs objects; it might be that by transporting the ODS, some authorizations have been applied by default.
    hope this helps...

  • Authorization issue "No authorization"

    Dears gurus,
    I created an analysis authorization using tx. RSECADMIN, this contains the IO 0COSTCENTER restricted with some value, and also contains the IO: 0TCAACTVT, 0TCAIPROV, 0TCAVALID. When I assigned it to a role using tx. PFCG. But when the query is executed it appears the following message: "No authorization". Using a trace tool, it appears to requiere the analysis authorization 0BI_ALL, but if I give this authorization, it doesn't restrict the IO 0COSTCENTER as wanted.
    Please let me know what is missing.
    Best regards,
    Pilar Infantas.

    Remove 0BI_ALL object fro users profile and try executing as below it should give you the authorization objects values missing ..
    goto RSECADMIN >Analysis>Execution as User -->enter the user name you are executing the query
    Check box -->with Log option
    select RSRT option
    hit start transaction button ,it should show you the authoriztion errors with authorization objects missed.
    if not
    again RSECADMIN>Analysis>Error Logs-->check with the latest time stamp for that particular user and analyse the authorization issues
    Hope it Helps

  • Authorization issue in BPS

    Hi guys,
    I've the authorization issue in a BPS application, where a user can upload a flatfile into a BPS-cube, but only when I select in the authorization object S_RS_AUTH 0BI_ALL.
    Without selecting 0BI_ALL (another analysis authorization) yields to the message, that the user has not enough authorization...
    Now the user gets access to data in the BW reporting to all the organizational marks like the organization unit (0ORGUNIT).
    How is it possible to design the authorizations / analysis authorization, that the same user can upload data via flatfile, but gets only access to transaction data for organizational data which he should see???
    How should the analysis authorization should be designed? Has it something to do with the techn. char. like 0TCAACTVT?
    THX in advance!

    Have you tried creating Authorization Variable for organizational Unit ?
    This will give restricted access to data based on the authorization assigned .

Maybe you are looking for

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