Parts of tv picture cutoff

I recently purchased an Insignia 32" 1080p hd tv at my local Best Buy. Sometime in the past month or so, the picture has adjusted itself and I am unable to view the top and bottom of the program I am watching. The unit cuts off the tops of heads, and I am unable to view scores, captions, etc at the bottom of my screen. I have tried re-setting the unit to factory settings and  tried every picture option from vivid to normal. Nothing seems to work. Is my unit defective, or am I missing something?
Go to Solution.

Check your TV's manual to see if there is a zoom/aspect ratio control.  It sounds to me like this might have gotten bumped by accident.
*disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

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    I think what we need is a little more information.
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    Please provide sensible details about your platform, exact version of your OS, exact version of Photoshop, complete details baout your setup, hardware details, monitor resolution, etc.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below should help you with this:
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    Jeremy bowmangraphics wrote:
    Is it fair to make the sweeping statement that "GIF is not a print format"?
    I don't know how “fair” the statement is, but it’s balls accurate. GIFs are RGB, limited to 256 colours only, and have only one bit of transparency. The format is absolutely inappropriate for print.
    I can think of a few situations in which GIFs are useful for print as well as the web. For example, GIFs allow nonprofessionals to use logos with solid blocks of color, simple transparency, without color management concerns, and so on, both on the web and in almost all print applications that nonprofessionals use.
    Automatic transmissions and power steering make it possible for a recent driver’s license recipient to take the family station wagon around Laguna Seca. That doesn’t make him Emerson Fitipaldi or make the car a Formula-1 racer.
    Isn't it a cheap-and-cheerful, universal, perfectly OK format for print?
    It has limitations that are obvious to professionals, but it isn't always a mistake to use it in print.
    It sure is. Print does not mean “printed to my $60 inkjet.” Print means “printed on a digital colour printer or on a press.” In that context, GIF’s only use is as a source for later conversion to a superior format. Even if printing to a POS inket, conversion to PSD, TIF, Illustrator, PDF, or even PNG would put the image into a superior format that is more suitable for print.
    GIF is not suitable for print. Period.

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    To get the red colour the Eyedropper tool would do, then fill the areas with the Paint Bucket,  but this would look obvious as the colour would be flat and untextured.
    Instead, use the Clone Stamp tool to pick up your texture and deposit it in the white areas.
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    If the terms in bold type are unfamiliar, look them up in Photoshop Help (Press F1).

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    Hi picture,
    Hope given link will answer your question:-
    If you require more help,please let us know the model number of your camera.

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