Passing a variable from one class to another

I am new to java programming. I am developing an application in Java
At a particular JTextField call it jtf3, I am invoking Calendar application by clikcing a jbutton.
I would like to set text in jtf by obtaining the date clicked by the user. I am storing complete date string in the Calendar application during ActionPerformed event at Calendar Application level.
I do not know how to pass this string to calling frame as it does not listen to the button event happening at the Calendar Application.
Much appreciated
Thanks a lot for your time

This is the application from which the I am calling the calendar application.
The method setDate set the date obtained from calendar class during actionperformed event.
The actionperfomed event from CalendarClass is pasted below as well.
Much appreciated
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class TestDrive
public static void main(String[] args) {
DatePanelFrame dpf = new DatePanelFrame();
dpf.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter( ) {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { System.exit(0); }
class DatePanelFrame extends JFrame {
JTextField djtf;
String dateInput;
public DatePanelFrame() {
setTitle("Date Panel");
setSize(100, 800);
setLocation(300, 100);
Container content = getContentPane();
JPanel datePanel = new JPanel();
JButton calButton = new JButton(".....");
datePanel.add(calButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
djtf = new JTextField(" ");
datePanel.add(djtf, BorderLayout.NORTH);
content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
content.add(datePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
calButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
JFrame fr = new CalendarClass();
fr.setSize(400, 400);
fr.setLocation(600, 100);
ObjCal oc = new ObjCal();
public void setDate(String d)
The ActionPerformed event from CalendarClass
jbtArray.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
if (event.getActionCommand() != " ")
          daySelected = event.getActionCommand();
          yearSelected = jtfYear.getText();
          int intYearSelected = Integer.valueOf(yearSelected).intValue();
          monthSelected = jtfMonth.getText();
          intDaySelected = Integer.valueOf(daySelected).intValue();
          int intMonthSelected = getMonthNum(monthSelected);
          dateSelected = getDate(intYearSelected, intMonthSelected, intDaySelected);
          TestDrive td = new TestDrive();
          DatePanelFrame dpf = new DatePanelFrame();

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    Is it possible to pass a variable from one class to another? For e.g., I need the value of int a for calculation purpose in method doB() but I get an error <identifier> expected. What does the error mean? I know, it's a very, very simple question but once I learn this, I promise to remember it forever. Thank you.
    class A {
      int a;
      int doA() {
          a = a + 1;
          return a;
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  // error: <identifier> expected. What does that mean ?
      int doB() {
         int c = b/a;  // error: operator / cannot be applied to a
    }Thank you!

    elaine_g wrote:
    I am wondering why does (r.a) give an error outside the method? What's the reason it only works when used inside the (b/r.a) maths function? This is illegal syntax:
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  //syntax error
    }Why? Class definition restricts what you can define within a class to a few things:
    class X {
        Y y = new Y(); //defining a field -- okay
        public X() { //defining a constructor -- okay
        void f() { //defining a method -- okay
    }... and a few other things, but you can't just write "r.a" there. It also makes no sense -- that expression by itself just accesses a field and does nothing with it -- why bother?
    This is also illegal syntax:
    int doB() {
          A r = new A();
          r.a;  // error: not a statement
    }Again, all "r.a" does on its own is access a field and do nothing with it -- a "noop". Since it has no effect, writing this indicates confusion on the part of the coder, so it classified as a syntax error. There is no reason to write that.

  • Moving Variable from one class to another.

    I need to get a Variable from one class to another how would I do this?

    Well this is a very tipical scehario for every enterprise application. You always create logger classes that generate log files for your application, as that is the only way to track errors in your system when its in the production enviorment.
    Just create a simple class that acts as the Logger, and have a method in it that accepts a variable of the type that you are are trying to pass; most commonly a String; but can be overloaded to accept constom classes. e.g.
    class Logger
      public void log(String message)
        writeToFile("< " + new Date() + " > " + message);
      public void log(CustomClass queueEvent)
        log("queue message was: " + queueEvent.getMessage() + " at: " + queueEven.getEventTime());
    }Hope this makes things clearer

  • Passing a parameter from one class to another class in the same package

    I am trying to pass a parameter from one class to another class with in a package.And i am Getting the variable as null every time.In the code there is two classes.
    We have implemented caching in the front-end level.But according to the business logic we need to clear the cache and again have to access the database after some actions are happened.There are another class file called
    So, we are dealing with three java files.The database interaction is taken care by the file.Below I am giving the code for the perticular function in the
    public Object loadContent() throws Exception {
    Hashtable htStore = new Hashtable();
    JetspeedRunData rundata = this.getInputData();
    String pId = this.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug(" in the portlet content: "+pId);
    pId1=pId;//done by sraha
    htStore.put("PortletId", pId);
    HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();
    "BugWatcherPortletContent:: build normal context");
    HttpSession session = null;
    int bugProfileId = 0;
    Hashtable bugProfiles = null;
    Hashtable bugData = null;
    boolean fetchProfiles = false;
    try {
    session = request.getSession(true);
    // Attempting to get the profiles from the session.
    //If the profiles are not present in the session, then they would have to be
    // obtained from the database.
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) session.getAttribute("Profiles");
    //Getting the selected bug profile id.
    String bugProfileIdObj = request.getParameter("bugProfile" + pId);
    // Getting the logged in user
    String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    if (bugProfiles == null) {
    fetchProfiles = true;
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    // setting the bugprofile id as -1 indicates "all profiles" is selected
    bugProfileIdObj =(String) session.getAttribute("bugProfileId" + pId);
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    bugProfileId = -1;
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    ("bugProfileId" + pId),
    //fetching the bug list
    bugData =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(userId, bugProfileId, fetchProfiles);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("BugWatcherPortletContent:: got bug data");
    if (bugData != null) {
    Hashtable htProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    } else {
    htStore.put("NoProfiles", "Y");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    htStore.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    ("BugWatcherPortletContent:: CodedPortalException!!",e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    "BugWatcherPortletContent::Generic Exception!!",e);
    htStore.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.GET_BUGLIST_FAILED));
    if (fetchProfiles) {
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    session.setAttribute("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    // putting the stuff in the context
    htStore.put("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    htStore.put("SelectedProfile", new Integer(bugProfileId));
    htStore.put("bugs", (ArrayList) bugData.get("Bugs"));
    return htStore;
    And I am trying to call this function as it can capable of fetching the data from the database by "getbugProfiles".
    In the new class I have coded a part of code which actually clears the caching.Below I am giving the required part of the code:
    public void doPerform(RunData rundata, Context context,String str) throws Exception {
    JetspeedRunData data = (JetspeedRunData) rundata;
    HttpServletRequest request = null;
    //PortletConfig pc = portlet.getPortletConfig();
    //String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    /*String userId = ((JetspeedUser)rundata.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    String pId = request.getParameter("PortletId");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);  */
    //Calling the variable holding the value of portlet id from
    //We are getting the portlet id here , through a variable from
    /*BugWatcherPortletContent bgAct = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    String portletID = bgAct.pId1;
    PortalLogger.logDebug("got the portlet ID in bugwatcherRefreshAction:---sraha"+portletID);*/
    // updating the bug groups
    Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
    try {
    request = data.getRequest();
    String userId = ((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    //String pId = (String)request.getParameter("portletId");
    //String pId = pc.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after getting the pId-----sraha");
    result =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(profileId, userId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("select the new bug groups:: select is done ");
    context.put("SelectedbugGroups", profileId);
    //start clearing the cache
    ContentCacheContext cacheContext = getCacheContext(rundata);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching - removing markup content - before removecontent");
    // remove the markup content from cache.
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching-removing markup content - after removecontent");
    //remove the backend content from cache
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName()));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching User: " +((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName());
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching pId: " +pId);
    if (pdata != null)
    // User's data found in cache!
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null- after removeObject");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -finish calling the remove content code");
    //end clearing the cache
    // after clearing the caching calling the data from the database taking a fn from the
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after clearing cache---sraha");
    BugWatcherPortletContent bugwatchportcont = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    Hashtable httable= new Hashtable();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after making the type casting-----sraha");
    Set storeKeySet = httable.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, httable.get(paramName));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after calling the databs data from hashtable---sraha");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    catch (Exception e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.EXCEPTION_CODE));
    try {
    ((JetspeedRunData) data).setCustomized(null);
    if (((JetspeedRunData) data).getCustomized() == null)
    catch (Exception e)
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction", e);
    In the bugwatcher Action there is another function called
    here though i have found the portlet Id but unable to fetch that in the . I am also giving the code of that function under the bugWatcherAction.Java
    // Get the PortletData object from intermediate store.
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(
    pId1 = (String)portlet.getID();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("in the bugwatcher action:"+pId1);
    try {
    Hashtable htStore = null;
    // if PortletData is available in store, get current portlet's data from it.
    if (pdata != null) {
    htStore =(Hashtable) pdata.getObject(     PortletCacheHelper.getUserPortletHandle(
    //Loop through the hashtable and put its elements in context
    Set storeKeySet = htStore.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, htStore.get(paramName));
    bugwatcherRefreshAction bRefAc = new bugwatcherRefreshAction();
    So this is the total scenario for the fetching the data , after clearing the cache and display that in the portal.I am unable to do that.Presently it is still fetching the data from the cache and it is not going to the database.Even the portlet Id is returning as null.
    I am unable to implement that thing.
    If you have any insight about this thing, that would be great .As it is very urgent a promt response will highly appreciated.Please send me any pointers or any issues for this I am unable to do that.
    Please let me know as early as possible.
    Thanks and regards,
    Santanu Raha.

    Have you run it in a debugger? That will show you exactly what is happening and why.

  • Pass a variable from one frame to another

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    Hi there,
    As far as I could understand your question: The second frame is created when the button is pressed? If that is the case you obviously handle the event in some kind of a listener which gets the path and then creates the second frame.
    public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
    public void setPath(String path) {
       this.path = path;
    }Now, if you separate "view" from "controller" (google MVC) you can pass it to the constructor of the "controller" class or after creating the frame pass it to a method like the one above. It is all up to your program's design.
    Hope to be helpful,

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    Animation One has this:
    sym.setVariable("myVarOne", 1);
    Animation Two has this:
    var myVarOneInTwo=Edge.getComposition("EDGE-12345678").getVariable("myVarOne");
    Seems like it should work, but kinda hard to tell. I put in:
    console.log("myVarOneInTwo = " + myVarOneInTwo);
    But I get: Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = timeline
    So it seems that it doesn't like getting a variable from another animation.
    Is there a way to pull a variable from one animation into another?

    Sorry also had to fix this:
    var myVarOneInTwo=Edge.getComposition("EDGE-12345678").getVariable("myVar One");
    To this:
    var myVarOneInTwo=Edge.getComposition("EDGE-12345678").getStage().getVariable("myVar One");

  • Passing Variables from One Class to Another

    Hello, I am new to Java Programming and I'm currently starting off by trying to build a simple application.
    I need help to pass variables created in one class to another.
    In my source package, I created 2 java classes.
    InputFileDeclared reads numerical data from an external text file and store them as string variables within the main method while Main converts a text string into a number.
    Hence, I would like to pass these strings variables from the InputFileDeclared class to the Main class so that they can be converted into numbers.
    I hope somebody out there may enlighten me on this.
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Values are passed from method to method, rather than from class to class. In a case such as you describe the code of a method in Main will probably call a method in InputFileDeclared which will return the String you want. The method in Main stores that in a local variable and processes it. It really doesn't matter here which class the method is in.
    You InputFileDeclared object probably contains "state" information in its fields such as the details of the file it's reading and how far it's got, but generally the calling method in Main won't need to know about this state, just the last data read.
    So the sequence in the method in Main will be:
    1) Create an new instance of InputFileDeclared, probably passing it the file path etc..
    2) Repeatedly call a method on that instance to return data values, until the method signals that it's reached the end of file, e.g. by returning a null String.
    3) Probably call a "close()" method on the instance, which you should have written to close the file.

  • HELP ME i need to pass String variables from one Frame to another

    I need help with some code.
    i need to pass a set of string values from one frame to another.
    from the mainscreen i need to pass what type of seats the user has requested this is done by radio buttons. i need this information to then be passed onto the next frame called Mydialog1 and placed in a textbox with label st. it dosn't comple and i don't know why
    this is getting me depressed. I need some serious help with this
    can anybody get this to work??
    here is the code
    Mainscreen1 code
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class mainscreen1 extends Applet implements ItemListener,
    private Image layout1;
    private int frame;
    private int xpos,ypos,xdir,ydir;
    public TextField tn, tt1, tt2, total;
    public int value, ticketnum, sum, nr_seats, ctot;
    public Label title, seat, need, payable;
    public Button b1, b2, b3;
    Mydialog1 d;
    String stype, c1, sr;
    public void init()
    setSize (600, 460);
    title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
         title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
    seat=new Label("Please choose a seating location:");
         seat.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
    payable=new Label("Total Payable:�");
         payable.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
         need=new Label("Please enter the number of seats needed:");
         need.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
         CheckboxGroup sr = new CheckboxGroup();
         Checkbox Stalls = new Checkbox("Stalls", true, sr);
         Checkbox Balcony = new Checkbox("Balcony", false, sr);
         Checkbox Concessions = new Checkbox("Concessions", false,
    Button b1=new Button("Quote");
         b1.addActionListener( this );
         Button b2=new Button("Confirm booking");
         b2.addActionListener( this );
         Button b3=new Button("Clear");
         b3.addActionListener( this );
         tt1=new TextField(60);
         tt1.setEditable (false);
         tt2=new TextField(60);
         tt2.setEditable (false);
         tn=new TextField(3);
         total=new TextField(5);
         total.setEditable (false);
         xpos = getSize().width/-1400;
         ypos = getSize().height/12;
         layout1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"layout1.gif");
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
         String c1 = (String) e.getItem();
         if (c1 == "Stalls")
              value = 20;
         else if (c1 == "Balcony")
              value = 15;
              value = 10;
         tt1.setText("You have chosen to sit in the " + c1 + "
         tt2.setText("Each seat will cost: �" + value);
    public void clearValue()
    public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
    if( e.getActionCommand() == "Quote" )
         int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
         total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Confirm booking")
         int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
         int ctot = Integer.parseInt(total.getText());
         //String stype = String.parseString(c1.getText());
         total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);   
         d = new Mydialog1();      
         stype = sr.getSelectedItem();
    else if ( e.getActionCommand() == "Clear")
              ticketnum = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              g.drawString ("You have chosen:" + ticketnum +"
    seats", 300, 365);
    Mydialog1 code
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Mydialog1 extends Frame implements ItemListener,
    public Label title, custd, custd1, custfn, custad, custsn, custpc,
    custph, custem, custem1, need;
    public Button b1, b2, b3;
    public TextField cfnt, csnt, cdt,cdt2,cdt3,cdt4, tf, tt, st,
    cpct, cph, cem;
    public int value, nr_seats, ctot;
    creditcard cc;
    String stype, c;
    public Mydialog1() //constructor
    public void init()
         custer(String c)
         stype = c;
    setSize (500, 500);
         //Mydialog1(Frame f);
    title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
         title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
         CheckboxGroup ct = new CheckboxGroup();
         Checkbox Mr = new Checkbox("Mr", true, ct);
         Checkbox Mrs = new Checkbox("Mrs", false, ct);
         Checkbox Miss = new Checkbox("Miss", false, ct);
    custd=new Label("If above booking details are correct please
    fill in your deatils below");
         custd1=new Label("If they are incorrect please click on
    close and re-book seats.");
         custfn=new Label("*ForeName:");
         cfnt=new TextField(60);
         custsn=new Label("*SurName:");
         csnt=new TextField(60);
         custad=new Label("*Address:");
         cdt=new TextField(60);
         cdt2=new TextField(60);
         cdt3=new TextField(60);
         cdt4=new TextField(60);
         custpc=new Label("*Postcode:");
         cpct=new TextField(60);
         custph=new Label("*Telephone:");
         cph=new TextField(60);
         custem=new Label("E-mail:");
         cem=new TextField(60);
         custem1=new Label("eg: [email protected]");
         need=new Label("* = required field.");
         //seat number being pased into this textbox
         tf = new TextField();
    tf.setBounds(5, 80, 160,20);
         tf.setEditable (false);
         //seat number being pased into this textbox
         tt = new TextField();
    tt.setBounds(5, 100, 160,20);
         tt.setEditable (false);
         //seat number being pased into this textbox
         st = new TextField(stype);
    st.setBounds(5, 120, 230,20);
         st.setEditable (false);
         Button b1=new Button("Close");
         b1.addActionListener( this );
         Button b2=new Button("Proced with booking");
         b2.addActionListener( this );
         Button b3=new Button("Clear");
         b3.addActionListener( this );
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
         String c2 = (String) e.getItem();
         if (c2 == "Mr")
              value = 20;
         else if (c2 == "Mrs")
              value = 15;
              value = 10;
    public void clearValuea()
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
    if( e.getActionCommand() == "Close" )
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Proced with booking")
    cc = new creditcard();
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Clear")
         public void set_text (int nr_seats)
         tf.setText (" You have booked " + nr_seats + " seat/s");
         public void set_texts (int ctot)
         tt.setText (" The total is � " + ctot);
         public void SetTextField(String c1)
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class creditcard extends Frame implements ActionListener
         public Label title, ccd1, ccfn;
         public Button b1, b2;
         public TextField cnt, cdt, ccfnt;
         public String cfnt;
    public creditcard() //constructor
    public void init()
    setSize (500, 500);
         //Mydialog1(Frame f);
    title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
         title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
         ccd1=new Label("If billing address is different please edit below information.");
         ccd1.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
         ccfn=new Label("*ForeName:");
         ccfnt=new TextField(60);
         Button b1=new Button("Close");
         b1.addActionListener( this );
         Button b2=new Button("Proced with booking");
         b2.addActionListener( this );
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
    if( e.getActionCommand() == "Close" )
    else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Proced with booking")

    Here's the new file...
    public class mainscreen1 extends Applet implements ItemListener,
      private Image layout1;
      private int frame;
      private int xpos,ypos,xdir,ydir;
      public TextField tn, tt1, tt2, total;
      public int value, ticketnum, sum, nr_seats, ctot;
      public Label title, seat, need, payable;
      public Button b1, b2, b3;
      Mydialog1 d;
      CheckboxGroup checkGroup; // heres the new global CheckboxGroup variable.
      String stype, c1, dialogString; // new name for the string too...
      public void init()
        setSize(600, 460);
        //dialogString = "Hi";
        title=new Label("The Almeida Theater booking system");
        title.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN,24));
        seat=new Label("Please choose a seating location:");
        seat.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
        payable=new Label("Total Payable:�");
        payable.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
        need=new Label("Please enter the number of seats needed:");
        need.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD,12));
        checkGroup = new CheckboxGroup(); // instantiate the global CheckboxGroup
        Checkbox Stalls = new Checkbox("Stalls", true, checkGroup); // add to the CheckboxGroup
        Checkbox Balcony = new Checkbox("Balcony", false, checkGroup);
        Checkbox Concessions = new Checkbox("Concessions", false, checkGroup);
        Button b1=new Button("Quote");
        b1.addActionListener( this );
        Button b2=new Button("Confirm booking");
        b2.addActionListener( this );
        Button b3=new Button("Clear");
        b3.addActionListener( this );
        tt1=new TextField(60);
        tt2=new TextField(60);
        tn=new TextField(3);
        total=new TextField(5);
        xpos = getSize().width/-1400;
        ypos = getSize().height/12;
        layout1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(),"layout1.gif");
      public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
        String c1 = (String) e.getItem();
        if (c1 == "Stalls") {
          value = 20;
        else if (c1 == "Balcony") {
          value = 15;
        else {
          value = 10;
        tt1.setText("You have chosen to sit in the " + c1 + " area");
        tt2.setText("Each seat will cost: �" + value);
      public void clearValue() {
      public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
        if( e.getActionCommand() == "Quote" ) {
          int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
          total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);
        else if( e.getActionCommand() == "Confirm booking") {
          int nr_seats = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
          int ctot = Integer.parseInt(total.getText());
          total.setText("" +nr_seats*value);
          d = new Mydialog1();
          // You can do your checkbox selection data transfer here like this...
          // I used d.SetTextField because you had that defined in the Mydialog1 class.
          Checkbox chkBx = checkGroup.getSelectedCheckbox();
        else if ( e.getActionCommand() == "Clear") {
        ticketnum = Integer.parseInt(tn.getText());
      public void paint(Graphics g)
        g.drawString("You have chosen:" + ticketnum +" seats", 300, 365);

  • How to pass a variable from one scene to another

    I'm making a call from one scene to another via a button, but I have two buttons calling the same scene, each for a different purpose, and I need to pass certain variables tied to each button to that called scene. How can I do this?

    var nam:String="test";
    function fn(e:MouseEvent){
        gotoAndStop(1,"Scene 3");
    function fn1(e:MouseEvent){
        gotoAndStop(1,"Scene 2");

  • Using a variable from one class to another

    Hi !
    I've a class called ModFam (file where I define a variable as
    protected Connection dbconn;
    Inside ModFam constructor I said:
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:baselocal";
    Class.forName( "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" );
    dbconn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
    System.err.println("Connection successful");
    } ..... rest of code
    This class define a TabbedPane as follows:
    tabbedPane.addTab("Welcome",null,new Familias(),"Familias");
    As you can see it call a new instance of the Familias class (file
    This constructor will try to connect with the DB to populate a combo box with some data retireved from the DB.
    If I do
    Statement stmt;
    stmt = dbconn.createStatement();
    inside Familias constructor I receive the message cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable dbconn
    location: class fam.Familias
    stmt = dbconn.createStatement();
    at compile time.
    While I can�t use a variable defined as "protected" in one class of my package on another class of the same package ?
    How could I do ?
    Thanks in advance

    Familias doesn't have a reference to ModFam or the Connection.
    So change the constructor in Familias to be
    public class Familias {
      private ModFam modFam;
      public Familias(ModFam m) {
        modFam = m;
    // ... somewhere else in the code
    Statement stmt = modFam.dbconn.createStatement();
    public class Familias {
      private Connection dbconn;
      public Familias(Connection c) {
        dbconn = c;
    // ... somewhere else in the code
    Statement stmt = dbconn.createStatement();
    }And when you instantiate Familias it should then be
    new Familias(this) // ModFam reference
    new Familias(dbconn)

  • Passing a float from one class to another?

    ok i have an app that i have started from scratch several times on. I have a xib file containing anywhere from 3 - 10 textfields. i want to be able to pass data input in those textFeilds to another xib to display in a label, but also i want to be able to use some of that data input to also do calculations with and display those answer in additional labels on the answer.xib . i have a separate class just to store the data (datastorage.h & .m) i can successfully pass data from view1 into the datastorage and backout to view2 when the user presses the calculate button. the problem im having is that in the data storage class when im doing my calculations im using a float to hold the answer. i cant seen to find a way to push that float value from datastorage to view2. i have been searching for about 3 days now trying different things, converting the float to NSString, using an NSString instead of a float. i keep getting yellow errors no matter what i try. i even just tired a few minutes ago setting a void and float in the appdelegate, i read one forum that said you can pass a float between several viewcontrollers that way but that didnt seen to work either. does anyone have any ideas i could try? or point me in the right direction?
    thanks in advance!

    Did you try using a NSNumber?

  • Sending a variable from one class to another?

    Dear Java Users - please can you help me out here... I know that what I am asking should be straight forward BUT I just don't understand any of the responses people have put on the web....
    Here is what I am trying to do:
    This piece of code - creates a window with a simple textbox on it to enter a word...
    The button then calls another class file to open a new window...
    All I want to do is to take the word from the text box and print it in the new window....
    The first .java file I have is this:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class FrontPageGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare all instance variables for THIS per class
              JLabel lblInfoOne;
              JLabel lblButtonPopUp;
              JTextField txtName;
              JButton close;
              JButton popUp;
         public FrontPageGUI()
              //set characteristics of the JFrame object
              super("Title Bar");
              //we need to define a Container to place objects onto the frame - this is inside the JFrame Object Above
              Container ca = getContentPane( );
              //define all other objects and set thier characteristics
              lblInfoOne     = new JLabel("Enter a word in the box above to send:");
              lblButtonPopUp = new JLabel("Click Here:");
              txtName          = new JTextField("");
              //create Button components
              close = new JButton("Close");
              popUp = new JButton("Click Me");
              //now add all objects to the container
              addXY(ca,lblInfoOne, 30, 160, 550,45);
              addXY(ca,lblButtonPopUp, 30, 210, 550,45);
              addXY(ca,txtName, 120, 100, 200,30);
              addButtonXY(ca, popUp, 30, 260, 200, 45);
              addButtonXY(ca, close, 30, 310, 80, 30);
              // add the Container to the Frame     
         void addButtonXY(Container c, JButton cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         void addXY(Container c, Component cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              if (event.getSource()== popUp)
                   //This is WHERE THE PROBLEM IS...
                   //Here I want to send to contents of the textfield - txtName
                   String temp = txtName.getText();
                   new PopUpGUI(temp);
              if (event.getSource()==close)
         void closeUp()
    //we need a driver program - this is the only time MAIN is used.
    public class FrontPage
         //create an instance of the GUI and showit
         public static void main(String args [])
              new FrontPageGUI();
                   The second .java file I have is this:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class PopUpGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         //declare all instance variables ie per class
              JLabel headerLabel;
              JLabel sentLabel;          
              JButton close;
         public PopUpGUI(String Sent)
              //set characteristics of the JFrame object
              super("Pop Up Window");
              //need to define a Container to place objects onto the frame
              Container ca = getContentPane( );
              //define all other objects and set characteristics
              headerLabel = new JLabel("New Window!"); //heading label
              sentLabel = new JLabel(Sent);
              close = new JButton("Close");
              //now add all objects to the container
              addButtonXY(ca, close, 50, 200, 100, 30); //Bottom Left
              // add the Container to the Frame     
         //We need these 2 methods - EVERY TIME
         void addButtonXY(Container c, JButton cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         void addXY(Container c, Component cp, int x, int y, int w, int h)
         //What to do when the click happens
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              if (event.getSource()==close)
                   //closeUp(); - Doesn't run CLOSEUP this time (i.e. exit program) - instead just DISPOSEs of the window
    //Driver class is in FrontPage.javaThis seems to work... but is it the best way to do it????

    Using the constructor is the way to go. Otherwise create a method that takes the string as parameter.

  • Passing a variable from one thread to another

    Hi. I'm trying to produce a chat program in Java but need to pass a variable between two threads. I have included a snipet of the code.
    class IndividualConnection extends Thread
         public Socket clientSocket;
         String userName = "";
         public IndividualConnection(Socket connectingSocket)
              clientSocket = connectingSocket;
    public login(String name)
    userName = name;
         public void messageUser(Socket socket, String msg)
                   Socket newSocket = new Socket("",5163);     
                   DataOutputStream outToServer = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
                   outToServer.writeBytes(msg + '\n');     
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("The connection with the client has been closed.");
    public void run()
         Socket global = clientSocket;
    // etc etc
    A number of threads are created based on code similar to the above. Each thread communicates to a different client on the chat program. However, I want to be able to send messages between the clients.
    Each thread has a method called messageUser(Socket socket, String msg). I should (hopefully) be able to send a message to anyone using the prog if I can access their socket. The problem is that the socket objects for each client is held in the clients own thread. I have tried writing some code to find the Socket object in another thread but to no success. The code I am trying is shown below.
         public Socket findContact(String name)
              ThreadGroup currentGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
              int numThreads = currentGroup.activeCount();
              Thread[] listOfThreads = new Thread[numThreads];
              for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
                   String threadName = listOfThreads.getName();
                   if (threadName.compareTo(name) == 0)
                   //     Socket tempSocket = threadName[i].getClass().getField(clientSocket);
              return tempSocket;
    The line I have commented out does not work. Please could someone tell me how to carry out this task. I have spent many hours trying to solve this but am not able to. The chat server is nearly complete now. I just need to find a way of obtaining another threads socket.
    I hope the problem is comprehensible. I have found it difficult to explain clearly. Many thanks.

    Really simple, inelegant solution:
    class MyThread extends Thread {
    Socket socket;
    MyThread( Socket s ) { socket = s; }
    public Socket getSocket() { return socket; }
    }Better: create a master object that includes an array
    of sockets. Each time you create a Thread, update the
    master object's list of sockets with a reference to
    each Thread's socket. Under the current memory model, the socket field should be declared volatile. The proposed new memory model will guarantee that this will work if the socket field is declared final.

  • Is there a way to reference a private variable from one class in another?

    My first class starts off by declaring variables like so:
    class tStudent {
      // declare student name, id, grades 1 & 2, and gpa
      private String fname, lname, g1, g2;
      private int id;
      private double gpa;
      // define a constructor for a new student
      tStudent () {fname=lname=g1=g2=null; id=-1; gpa=0.0;}
      // define methods for manipulating the data members.
      // readStudent: reads information for just one student
    public void read (Scanner input) {
          fname =;
          lname =;
          id = input.nextInt();
          g1 =;
          g2 =;
    }And the second class:// tStudentList: for a list of students
    class tStudentList {
      private int nStudents;
      private tStudent[] list;
      // constructor for creating student list
      tStudentList() {
          list = new tStudent[36];
          for (int i=0; i < 36; i++) list=new tStudent();
    // read the individual students into the student list
    public void read(Scanner scan) {
    while (scan.hasNext()) {list[nStudents++].read(scan);}
    // display the list of all students - fname, lname, id, g1, g2 and gpa
    // with an appropriate header so the output matches my sample //output
    public void print() {
    Is there a way to reference the variables in the first class to use in the second? Specifically in the last section of code where I am going to print the list.

    Not without resorting to reflection hackery. If the fields are private (and are supposed to be), then that means "don't allow access to these to outsiders of this class" by design.
    So if you really meant them to be accessible, then don't use private, or provide public accessors for them.

  • How to send a variable from one class to another?

    i have "", which is the document class for one.swf.
    i also have "two.swf", with "Two.swf" entered as its document
    One loads two into it. two is basically a 10 frame movieClip
    with a variable at the beginning called "var endFrame:Boolean =
    false", then on the last frame it says endFrame = true.
    my question: how in the world do I communicate this back to i've tried ENTER_FRAME listeners, declaring the variable
    here and there... and many other embarrassingly usuccessful
    i would just like to load in "three.swf" after two.swf
    finishes... but One needs to know that it has indeed finished.
    your help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

    > David,
    > thank you for responding.
    Sure thing! :)
    > so does what you are saying mean that endFrame is a
    property of
    > two (the movieClip), or Two (the Class)?
    If you've written a property named endFrame for your Two
    class, then
    yes, Two.endFrame is a property of that class.
    Looking back at your original post, I see that you wrote
    > One loads two into it. two is basically a 10 frame
    > with a variable at the beginning called "var
    endFrame:Boolean = false",
    > then on the last frame it says endFrame = true.
    So it sounds like your Two class extends MovieClip. (I'm not
    that's true, but that's what it sounds like.) That means your
    Two class
    supports all the features of the MovieClip class, including a
    play() method,
    a currentFrame property, and so on. In addition, you've added
    functionality that amounts to -- by the sound of it -- a
    property named
    endFrame. If you made your property public (i.e., public var
    then it should be accessible by way of an object reference to
    your Two
    > so can i invoke that method in do I call it
    Two.endFrame (if
    > (Two.endFrame == true) {?
    Methods are things an object can *do,* such as
    gotoAndPlay(). What
    you're describing is a property (a characteristic ... in this
    case, a
    Boolean characteristic). You wouldn't use the expression
    unless that property was static. Static classes are those
    that cannot have
    an instance made of them. Think of the Math class. It
    contains numerous
    static properties in the form of constants, such as Math.PI,
    Math.SQRT2, and so on. You can't create an instance of the
    Math class -- it
    wouldn't make sense to -- so Math is a static class.
    On the other hand, you definitely create instances of the
    class. Every movie clip symbol is an instance of MovieClip
    class, which
    means that each instance carries its own unique values for
    MovieClip class
    members. The MovieClip class defines x and y properties, but
    each movie
    clip symbol (that is, each instance of the MovieClip class)
    configures its
    own values of those properties, depending on where each
    instance is located
    on the Stage.
    Assuming your Two class is not static, then somewhere along
    the line,
    your One class will have to make an instance of it. Somethine
    like ...
    // inside your One class ...
    var myTwo:Two = new Two();
    ... at which point that myTwo variable because a reference to
    particular instance of Two. You can invoke Two methods on
    that instance.
    You can invoke Two properties and events on that instance.
    You can invoke
    whatever functionality is defined by the Two class on that
    myTwo instance.
    If Two extends MovieClip, that means you can also invoke any
    MovieClip class
    member on that myTwo instance.
    At some point in your One class, you can refer to that myTwo
    later and check if the value of myTwo.endFrame is true or
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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