Passing a variable from SQL*Plus to Korn

Sorry if this isn't the correct forum, not sure where to post this otherwise. And excuse the poor shell script programming - I have no excuse.
I have a shell script that generates another shell script to delete database related files. I have no problems getting the filenames for the datafiles or the control files or the redo logs (just for info its to clone and rename a prod database and we don't have RMAN in place yet).
I do have a problem with the spfile. I'm using this :
V_SPFILE=`sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" << EOF
set feedback off;
set pagesize 0;
select value
from v\\\$parameter
where name like 'spfile%';
which passes "?/dbs/[email protected]" to V_SPFILE. Then later on in my script I'd like to do something like :
TDATE is todays date BTW.
Trouble is, the "?" is passed to the shell script. I know that I could put something like :
$V_SPFILE = $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile${SID}.ora
as a global variable, but I want to be sure that the spfile that is in use is renamed.
So, how does one deal with the "?" passed to the shell script?

Having the same problem...getting variable values FROM captivate to my inserted .swf (not widgets).
I can set the value from the .swf to the captivate using Object(parent.parent.parent.parent).captivateVariable but not the other way around.
Very frustrating.
I hope someone answers your query.

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    it executes. I have tried multiple ways, as below. This is inside a Korn Shell scripts that creates the procedure
    and counts the aud$ table. All that works, but does not truncate the aud$ table. It does not do it, no error, just
    passes it by. Does anybody know why?
    ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s / << EOF | tee -a ${LOG}
    set feedback on
    select count(*) from sys.aud$;
    exec truncate_audit_table;
    ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -s / << EOF | tee -a ${LOG}
    set feedback on
    select count(*) from sys.aud$;
    This is the procedure that is being called:
    create or replace procedure truncate_audit_table
    execute immediate 'truncate table sys.aud$';

    aud$ is owned by sys. You can see it does the count with or without the "\".
    It creates the procedure under SYS , but does not execute it.
    Truncate aud$ table...
    Procedure created.
    1 row selected.
    audit_maintenance.ksh Completed: Thu Oct 26 14:03:17 GMT 2006

  • How to pass table type variable into function from SQL*PLUS ?

    How to pass a table type variable from sql*plus prompt into a function ?
    Thanx in advance.

    Do you mean like this?SQL> DECLARE
      2      TYPE t_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(20);
      3      l_sample_tbl           t_tbl;
      5      FUNCTION print_contents ( p_tbl IN t_tbl )
      6      RETURN VARCHAR2
      7      IS
      8          l_string            VARCHAR2(1000);
      9      BEGIN
    10          FOR i IN 1..p_tbl.COUNT LOOP
    11              IF (i = 1) THEN
    12                  l_string := p_tbl(i);
    13              ELSE
    14                  l_string := l_string || ', ' || p_tbl(i);
    15              END IF;
    16          END LOOP;
    17          RETURN (l_string);
    18      END print_contents;
    20  BEGIN
    21      l_sample_tbl := t_tbl();
    22      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    23      l_sample_tbl(1) := 'one';
    24      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    25      l_sample_tbl(2) := 'two';
    26      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    27      l_sample_tbl(3) := 'three';
    28      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    29      l_sample_tbl(4) := 'four';
    30      l_sample_tbl.EXTEND;
    31      l_sample_tbl(5) := 'five';
    32      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(print_contents(l_sample_tbl));
    33  END;
    34  /
    one, two, three, four, five
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> HTH,

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    user13065317 wrote:
    Even if i get the result set into the cursor, do i have to do normal fetch into all the coumn variables within a loop
    But suppose no of columns in my result set varies depending on a parameter to the stored procedure.
    Is there any straightforward way to retrieve all the data irrespective of no of columns in the result set.There is no such thing as a "+result set+". Oracle does not create a temporary data set in memory that contains the results of your query. What would happen if this result set is a million rows and is too large to fit into memory? Or there are a 100 clients each with a 100,000 row result set?
    This is not scalable. You will be severely limited in the number and sizes of these "+result sets+" that can be created in server memory.
    A cursor is in fact a "program" that is created by compiling the SQL source code that you provide. This source code is parsed and compiled into what Oracle calls an execution plan. This is nothing but a series of instructions that the cursor will execute in order to return the rows required.
    Thus the result set is actually the output from a cursor (a program). Likewise, bind variables are the input parameters to this program.
    All SQLs are parsed and compiled as cursors and stored in the SQL Shared Pool. Oracle gives you handle in return to use to address this cursor - bind values to it, execute it, describe the output structure returned by the cursor, and fetch the output from the cursor.
    On the client side, this handle is used in different ways. In PL/SQL alone, this cursor handle can be used as an implicit cursor (you do not even see or use the cursor handle in your PL/SQL code). Or you can use a PL/SQL cursor variable. Or a DBMS_SQL cursor variable. Or a reference cursor variable.
    Why so many different client structures for the very same SQL cursor handle returned by Oracle? Because to allow you, the programmer, all kinds of different features and flexibility.
    The ref cursor feature is the ability to pass this cursor handle around, not only between PL/SQL code, but also from PL/SQL to the actual client process (Java. VB, SQL*Plus, TOAD, etc).
    The primary thing to remember - irrespective of what the client calls this (e.g. ref cursor, SQL statement handle, etc), this all refers to the same SQL cursor in the Shared Pool. And that this SQL cursor is a program that outputs data, and not a result set in itself.

  • How to bind DATE variables in SQL*Plus

    I have a stored procedure in a package that has a DATE OUT parameter
    myPackage.myProcedure( outDate OUT DATE )
    I am trying to test this from SQL*Plus
    How do I specify a Bind variable for the outDate? The VARIABLE command does not allow DATE types?
    If this was a CHAR type I could have done
    myPackage.myProcedure( :myChar )
    PRINT myChar
    How do I do this with DATE data types instead? I am using Oracle 8.1.7.

    you should use VARCHR2 type with the minimum length that can store a value defined by your NLS_DATE_FORMAT
    string. The returned date will be converted to a VARCAHR2 type and the size and format will depend on
    your NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting.
    SQL> variable dt VARCHAR2(20)
    SQL> create or replace procedure ret_date(dt OUT DATE) is
    2 begin
    3 dt := SYSDATE ;
    4 end ;
    5 /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec ret_date(:dt) ;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print dt
    SQL> select sysdate from dual ;
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ;
    Session altered.
    SQL> exec ret_date(:dt) ;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print dt
    13-OCT-2002 10:43:23

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    if v=100 then
    return 1
    return 0;
    end if;
    can some please tell me how can i return value from this pl/sql block to proessflow.

    table ==> function
    input param from table to function. ==> input mapping paramter to store the output from the mapping.
    Will this now work.

  • Using Bind variables in SQL PLUS Report

    using Bind variables in SQL PLUS Report. This report gets the arguments from the application concurrent program. Now my need is to convert the start_date and end_date to bind Variables to improve the performance. I have commented the original code in 'prompt List of Unapproved Adjustments' and used my Bind Variable but it is giving an error
    error: Bind Variable "ENDING_DATE" not declared
    Report Date and Time:
    26-OCT-2010 15:44:13
    List of Unapproved Adjustments
    Bind Variable 'ENDING_DATE" not declared
    Please see below the code for the sql plus report:
    define p_org_id           = '&1'
    define p_fy_begin_date = '&2'
    define p_start_date = '&3'
    define p_end_date = '&4'
    define p_conversion = '&5'
    variable begin_date date;
    exec :begin_date := p_start_date;
    variable ending_date date;
    exec :ending_date := p_end_date;
    /* Begin
    :begin_date := to_date('&p_start_date','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
    :ending_date := to_date('&p_end_date','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
    End; */
    set newpage none
    set termout off
    set pagesize 55
    set linesize 180
    set heading on
    set feedback off
    set wrap off
    set space 1
    set heading on
    prompt Report Date and Time:
    prompt ----------------------
    select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    from dual ;
    prompt List of Unapproved Adjustments
    prompt -------------------------------
    select b.trx_number,
    f.user_name created_by
    from apps.ar_adjustments a,
    apps.ra_customer_trx b,
    apps.fnd_user f
    where a.customer_trx_id = b.customer_trx_id
    and a.status <> 'A'
    and a.created_by = f.user_id
    and a.creation_date between :begin_date
    and :ending_date
    -- and a.creation_Date between to_date('&p_start_date','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    -- and to_date('&p_end_date','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    order by
    b.trx_number ;

    Please go to customization part of the report and verify..You have set a default value out there ..And also verify your lov and look at the values ..If it is again giving you the problem delete the report and develop it again from the scratch it will be solved...

  • Calling stored proc (with 2 IN and 3 OUT) - from SQL Plus

    This is the signature of my stored proc:
       p_usr_name     IN  VARCHAR2,    
       p_send_tmstmp  IN  DATE,    
       p_ret_value    OUT NUMBER,
       p_err_code     OUT VARCHAR2
    )If I need to call it from sql plus, how do I need to pass the arg?
    This is what I am doing
    execute myschema.myproc('abc123','02-MAY-2008');
    What is wrong here? If someone could help. Thx!

    Try something like this
    var usr_name    varchar2(30)  
    var send_tmstmp varchar2(11)  
    var ret_value   number
    var err_code    varchar2(10)
    :usr_name    := 'abc123';
    :usr_name := '02-MAY-2008';
    myschema.myproc ( p_usr_name           => :usr_name,
                      p_send_tmstmp        => TO_DATE( :usr_name, 'DD-MON-YYYY' ),
                      p_ret_value          => :ret_value,
                      p_err_code           => :err_code);
    print ret_value;
    print err_code;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Windows System Environment Variables in "Sql * plus"

    Can i use/reference Windows System Environment variables in "Sql * plus"?
    For example, i want to create sql-script to run in database server computer that asks variable "ORA_HOME" and uses this value to execute some sql/plsql sentences.
    Oracle 10g Personal, Windows 7.
    Edited by: CharlesRoos on 12.11.2010 17:28

    CharlesRoos wrote:
    Business problem:
    I have created 2 databases in my computer. Both databases needs tablespaces created by a script. Tablespaces' datafiles (.dbf files) names are same for both database. Both database has it's own directory where it holds datafiles at the moment. At the moment the datafiles for Database1 are in folder something like "%ORACLE_HOME%"\oradata\%databasename1%\*.dbf, and second database has its datafiles in other folder, somewhere ""%ORACLE_HOME%"\oradata\%databasename1%\*.dbf". I want now the script to create tablespace called "INDX" with same datafile name "indx1.dbf" into both database. So into both mentioned folder the file "indx1.dbf" must be created by script. I think the script should do following:
    1. get ORACLE_HOME.
    2. connect to database "databasename1"
    3. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "Create TableSpace INDX....file=%ORACLE_HOME% || databasename1 || indx1.dbf"
    4. connect to database "databasename2"
    5. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "Create TableSpace INDX....file=%ORACLE_HOME% || databasename2 || indx1.dbf"I don't have Oracle database near by anymore, so the code was pseudocode.
    I don't understand how to use ?-shortcut.OK, my first impression is "why does this even NEED to be scripted? Creation of new tablespaces is usually a one-off operation.
    But that aside how about this sqlplus command-line substitution variables. This example is in linux, but will work as well in Windows with the change of the way environment variables are referenced:
    *nix - echo $myvariable
    Windows - echo %myvariable%
    First, the sqlscript to create the TS. Note the use of the substitution variable "&1"
    [oracle@vmlnx01 ~]$ cat cat makets.sql
    set echo on feedback on verify on trimsp on
    prompt &1
    DATAFILE '/ora01/oradata/&1/edstest.dbf'
    SIZE 5M
    NEXT 1280K
    MAXSIZE 32767M
    drop tablespace edstest
    including contents and datafiles
    So, at the OS prompt: Notice that the @ is separated by a space, makeing it a command line parm instead of part of the connect string
    [oracle@vmlnx01 ~]$ export myparm=vlnxora1
    [oracle@vmlnx01 ~]$ sqlplus system/pswd @makets $myparm
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Nov 12 13:18:05 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> prompt &1
    SQL> --
    2 DATAFILE '/ora01/oradata/&1/edstest.dbf'
    3 SIZE 5M
    4 REUSE
    6 NEXT 1280K
    7 MAXSIZE 32767M
    11 ;
    old 2: DATAFILE '/ora01/oradata/&1/edstest.dbf'
    new 2: DATAFILE '/ora01/oradata/vlnxora1/edstest.dbf'
    Tablespace created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> drop tablespace edstest
    2 including contents and datafiles
    3 ;
    Tablespace dropped.
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    [oracle@vmlnx01 ~]$

  • Execute a mapping deployed with OWB 9.0.4 from SQL*Plus

    I could execute a mapping designed with OWB 9.0.3 from SQL*Plus with the next sentence:
    SQL> exec my_mapping.main;
    But now, with OWB 9.0.4, mappings are deployed as functions (in 9.0.3 were deployed as procedures) and they need parameters.
    Somebody know how I can execute deployed mappings with OWB 9.0.4 from SQL*Plus? I don't know the parameters I need to call a mapping.
    Thanks in advance,

    Well, I've solved the problem with roles but
    I've executed the script called sqlplus_exec_template.sql and it fails at Stage 2 because the next sentence
    l_audit_execution_id :=, l_task_name, l_location_name);
    returns me NULL.
    It is not clear the value that the variable called l_location_name have to stored. The script explain that this variable store the physical name of the
    location to which the task was deployed. I understand that this variable have to store the schema where the mapping was deployed. That's right?
    So I called the script in this manner:
    SQL> @sqlplus_exec_template OWBRUN904I OJBHT PLSQL MY_MAPPING "," "," ;
    where OWBRUN904I is the name of the Runtime Repository Schema, OJBHT is the
    schema where MY_MAPPING is deployed, PLSQL is the task type and MY_MAPPING is
    the name of the mapping I've designed.
    Can you tell me why the scripts fails?

  • LoadVars-using send to pass a variable from flash to php

    For the life of me, I've tried everything:
    I've researched LoadVars on Adobe forum, used David Powers'
    books, googled 'flash to php', LoadVars, etc. and tried
    sendAndLoad, send, and using $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST.
    $HTTP_POSTVARS but I keep getting this same error. any advice
    I have a Unix server running Apache/PHP 4 - LoadVars worked
    to load name-value pairs into an array -see thread)
    My goal with this simple app is to prototype being able to
    pass a variable from flash to a variable in php.
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in
    flash_to_SQL.php on line 5
    Actionscript 2.0 code:
    var c :LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    c.testing = "123FOUR";
    c.send ("","_self","POST");
    php code: (I also tried $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST.
    //mysql 4.1.2, php 4 , NO mysqli
    ecbo $_REQUEST ['testing'];

    var formData:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    formData.fname = "Name";
    formData, "POST");
    $name = $_POST['fname'];
    echo $name;

  • How to pass a variable from one class to another class?

    Is it possible to pass a variable from one class to another? For e.g., I need the value of int a for calculation purpose in method doB() but I get an error <identifier> expected. What does the error mean? I know, it's a very, very simple question but once I learn this, I promise to remember it forever. Thank you.
    class A {
      int a;
      int doA() {
          a = a + 1;
          return a;
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  // error: <identifier> expected. What does that mean ?
      int doB() {
         int c = b/a;  // error: operator / cannot be applied to a
    }Thank you!

    elaine_g wrote:
    I am wondering why does (r.a) give an error outside the method? What's the reason it only works when used inside the (b/r.a) maths function? This is illegal syntax:
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  //syntax error
    }Why? Class definition restricts what you can define within a class to a few things:
    class X {
        Y y = new Y(); //defining a field -- okay
        public X() { //defining a constructor -- okay
        void f() { //defining a method -- okay
    }... and a few other things, but you can't just write "r.a" there. It also makes no sense -- that expression by itself just accesses a field and does nothing with it -- why bother?
    This is also illegal syntax:
    int doB() {
          A r = new A();
          r.a;  // error: not a statement
    }Again, all "r.a" does on its own is access a field and do nothing with it -- a "noop". Since it has no effect, writing this indicates confusion on the part of the coder, so it classified as a syntax error. There is no reason to write that.

  • Is it possible to pass a variable from one animation to another?

    I have multiple animations on the same page. I need to pass a variable from one to the other.
    Animation One has this:
    sym.setVariable("myVarOne", 1);
    Animation Two has this:
    var myVarOneInTwo=Edge.getComposition("EDGE-12345678").getVariable("myVarOne");
    Seems like it should work, but kinda hard to tell. I put in:
    console.log("myVarOneInTwo = " + myVarOneInTwo);
    But I get: Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = timeline
    So it seems that it doesn't like getting a variable from another animation.
    Is there a way to pull a variable from one animation into another?

    Sorry also had to fix this:
    var myVarOneInTwo=Edge.getComposition("EDGE-12345678").getVariable("myVar One");
    To this:
    var myVarOneInTwo=Edge.getComposition("EDGE-12345678").getStage().getVariable("myVar One");

  • Passing a variable from a movie clip to the main timeline

    I'm having trouble passing a variable from a movie clip in my
    flash file to the main timeline.
    I have a movieclip with the instance name IntroNav which
    contains several buttons. Clicking a button sets the variable
    "page" to a specific name, i.e. page = "home"
    However, outside of the movie clip, on the main timeline I am
    unable to call this variable, and "page" seems to have no value.
    Can anyone tell me why this is and how to solve it?

    Umm, yes ... declare your variables correctly.
    var page:String = new String(); //proper complete
    var page:String; //strict typing
    var page:String = "home"; //stirct typing with value
    Do not declare the variable in your buttons, you would have
    to do so in every button and be constantly resetting the value.
    Declare it on the main timeline at the lowest level. You do not
    need to use it as a _global, you just need to resolve your path
    issues. You can 'set' the variable value from a button, without any
    problem, but you have to call to the variable correctly.
    You do not 'name' a variable as "" , the '_root'
    refers to the lowest level of the SWF or the main timeline, as does
    a call to ' _level0' (that's a zero). If the variable is declared
    on the main timeline, and you're calling from the MC/button or
    anywhere you can refer to the variable by calling to it by
    the proper path of ''
    To set the variable from any of your button/MC instances
    call: = "value"; OR = "value";
    But you must have the varibale declared on the main timeline,
    and only once and the playhead should be stopped or it will reset
    the value to the default upon looping.

  • How to pass a variable from HTML to Flash

    I have built my flash ad banner in Flash 9 and now want the
    HTML code to pass the url over to the flash movie that it should
    jump to when clicked.
    The info in the help file seems out of date for the latest
    HTML template as it uses mainly JavaScript to get round IE's
    dreadful embeding issue. So my problem is, how do I pass a variable
    from the HTML to the actionScript specified int he Help file
    (running on a full screen button) as shown below?
    myButton_btn.onRelease = function() {
    if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http:") {
    via the html code now used by Flash 9 which is like this:
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script language="javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent = 0;
    <script language="javascript"> DetectFlashVer = 0;
    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Globals
    // Major version of Flash required
    var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
    // Minor version of Flash required
    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
    // Revision of Flash required
    var requiredRevision = 115;
    // -->
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    Theraputic stories
    for children aged
    4 to 9
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0 || DetectFlashVer == 0) {
    alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
    } else {
    var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion,
    requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
    if(hasRightVersion) { // if we've detected an acceptable
    // embed the flash movie
    'codebase', ',0,115,0',
    'width', '120',
    'height', '600',
    'src', 'Advert_long',
    'quality', 'high',
    'pluginspage', '',
    'align', 'middle',
    'play', 'true',
    'loop', 'true',
    'scale', 'showall',
    'wmode', 'window',
    'devicefont', 'false',
    'id', 'Advert_long',
    'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
    'name', 'Advert_long',
    'menu', 'true',
    'movie', 'Advert_long',
    'salign', ''
    ); //end AC code
    } else { // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin
    var alternateContent = 'Alternate HTML content should be
    placed here.'
    + 'This content requires the Adobe Flash Player.'
    + '<a href=>Get
    document.write(alternateContent); // insert non-flash content
    // -->
    // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not support
    // or for those that have scripting disabled.
    Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content
    requires the Adobe Flash Player.
    <a href="">Get

    You should use SWFObject to embed your Flash. Not only does
    it make
    embedding more straightforward, it makes passing query
    parameters very easy.
    Check out:
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

Maybe you are looking for