Calling stored proc (with 2 IN and 3 OUT) - from SQL Plus

This is the signature of my stored proc:
   p_usr_name     IN  VARCHAR2,    
   p_send_tmstmp  IN  DATE,    
   p_ret_value    OUT NUMBER,
   p_err_code     OUT VARCHAR2
)If I need to call it from sql plus, how do I need to pass the arg?
This is what I am doing
execute myschema.myproc('abc123','02-MAY-2008');
What is wrong here? If someone could help. Thx!

Try something like this
var usr_name    varchar2(30)  
var send_tmstmp varchar2(11)  
var ret_value   number
var err_code    varchar2(10)
:usr_name    := 'abc123';
:usr_name := '02-MAY-2008';
myschema.myproc ( p_usr_name           => :usr_name,
                  p_send_tmstmp        => TO_DATE( :usr_name, 'DD-MON-YYYY' ),
                  p_ret_value          => :ret_value,
                  p_err_code           => :err_code);
print ret_value;
print err_code;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    To start using a blob you have to insert it into the database and then get it back. Sounds weird but that is how it is. Here is a very simple program to do this:
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    using namespace oracle::occi;
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::OBJECT);
        Connection *conn = env->createConnection("hr","hr","");
        string stmt1 = "insert into blob_tab values (:1) ";
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        Blob blob(conn);
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        Blob blob1(conn);
        Statement *stmtObj2 = conn->createStatement(stmt2);
        ResultSet *rs = stmtObj2->executeQuery();
         blob1 = rs->getBlob(1);
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        cout << e.getMessage();
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    (    @List VARCHAR(MAX))
    (        SELECT DISTINCT [Value] = CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT( VARCHAR(12),SUBSTRING(@List, Number, CHARINDEX(',', @List + ',', Number) - Number))))
     FROM  dbo.Numbers       
     WHERE Number <= CONVERT(INT, LEN(@List))AND SUBSTRING(',' + @List, Number, 1) = ','    );
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    reference url -- >
    DECLARE @UpperLimit INT;
    SET @UpperLimit = 10000;
    WITH n AS(   
    SELECT        rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER        (ORDER BY s1.[object_id])   
    FROM sys.objects AS s1   
    CROSS JOIN sys.objects AS s2   
    CROSS JOIN sys.objects AS s3)
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    INTO dbo.Numbers FROM n
    WHERE rn <= @UpperLimit + 1;
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    Stored procedure:
    Create Procedure dbo.CountrySelection
    ( @FromDate Date, @ToDate Date, @StateID Int)
    set nocount on;
    SELECT * INTO #EastCities
    FROM (
    SELECT ID,Description from dbo.EastCities
    Where ID IN (SELECT Value from dbo.SplitStateID(@StateID))
    ) AS A
    SELECT * INTO #WestCities
    FROM (
    SELECT ID,Description from dbo.WestCities
    Where ID IN (SELECT Value from dbo.SplitStateID(@StateID))
    ) AS B
    SELECT * INTO #Country
    FROM (
    SELECT ID , Description, State,Country From dbo.Country
    ) AS C
    SELECT EC.ID AS East, WC.ID AS West , EC.Description AS EastDesc, WC.Description AS WestDesc, CT.State, CT.Country
    FROM #Country CT
    DROP TABLE #EastCities
    DROP TABLE #WestCities
    DROP TABLE #Country
    Above 3 temp tables are joined by #Country.ID key
    It works fine when single value is passed in @StateID
    Exec dbo.CountrySelection '01/01/2010','02/01/2010',10
    It fails when multi value passed into @StateID
    Exec dbo.CountrySelection '01/01/2010','02/01/2010','10,30,40'
    SSRS error log shows "Must declare scalar variable @StateID"
    Need help in fixing this issue.

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    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable "@StateID".
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
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    Thanks a lot.

    Thanks for your help! Your question is what I am trying hard now. Current procedure can only display one picture per person, however, I am supposed to write a new procedure which displays multiple pictures for one person. When user click a button on report, APEX should call this procedure and returns next picture of the same person. The table is SOR_image. However, I rewrite the HTML expression as follows to test to display the second image.
    <img src="#OWNER#.Sor_Display_Current_Image?p_n_Offender_id=#OFFENDER_ID#&p_n_image_Count=2" width="75" height="75"> The procedure code is complied OK as follows:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE Sor_Display_Current_Image(p_n_Offender_id IN NUMBER, p_n_image_Count in number) AS
        v_mime_type VARCHAR2(48);
        v_length NUMBER;
        v_name VARCHAR2(2000);
        v_image BLOB;
        v_counter number:=0;
        cursor cur_All_Images_of_Offender is
          SELECT 'IMAGE/JPEG' mime_type, dbms_lob.getlength(image) as image_length, image
          FROM sor_image
          WHERE offender_id = p_n_Offender_id;
        rec_Image_of_Offender cur_All_Images_of_Offender%ROWTYPE;
        open cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
          fetch cur_All_Images_of_Offender into rec_Image_of_Offender;
          if (v_counter=p_n_image_Count) then
            owa_util.mime_header(nvl(rec_Image_of_Offender.mime_type, 'application/octet'), FALSE);
            htp.p('Content-length: '||rec_Image_of_Offender.image_length);
            wpg_docload.download_file (rec_Image_of_Offender.image);
          end if;
          exit when ((cur_All_Images_of_Offender%NOTFOUND) or (v_counter>=p_n_image_Count));
        end loop;
        close cur_All_Images_of_Offender;
    END Sor_Display_Current_Image; The procedure just open a cursor to fetch the images belong to the same person, and use wpg_docload.download_file function to display the image specified. But it never works. It is strange because even I use exactly same code as before but change procedure name, Oracle APEX cannot display an image. Is this due to anything such as make file configuration in APEX?

  • Calling Stored Procedure with TestStand to SQL 2000

    When I run the Stored Procedure in the query analyzer it returns the recordset fine. I am not specifying any parameters. I am Using TestStand 2.01 and SQL Server 2000. I am using the OPEN SQL STATEMENT step to call the SP. When I run the SP in TestStand I get no data returned. If I run the SQL statment in TestStand I get the data that I am requesting. Does TestStand not support stored procedures.

    The instructions that I posted were for TestStand 3.0. In version 3.0 you can call stored procedures with input/output paramateres and to support this functionality the data operation step support several new modes.
    TestStand 2.0.1 does not support parameters on stored procedures, but it does support calling stored procedures that do not take parameters. To be able to access the data back from the database you need to set the cursor location (in the Advanced tab of the Open SQL Statement step) to Client (
    By changing the cursor to Client I was able to succesfully call a stored procedure from TestStand 2.0.1 and to read back the recordse
    t return by the database. Please let me know if you are still experiencing dificulties.
    Best regards,
    Alejandro del Castillo
    National Instruments

  • BPC5.1 - Data manager package to Stored proc with custom return codes

    Hi all,
    Does anyone have experience passing the return codes from a stored procedure back into the eData "view status" package progress or event log details?
    When my stored procedure throws errors, the offending SQL code shows up in the pacakge details, which is helpful. But what I'd really like is to structure my stored proc with return codes
    0 = everything's wonderful
    1 = invalid category / time combination
    2 = unauthorized
    3 = no data to process
    And then handle these codes as either "completed" "warning" or "error" in the package progress.
    And ideally, I'd like to put some meaningful message about the warnings & errors, directly into the log details, so the user can fix the problem themselves rather than ask the IT guy to trouble-shoot.
    Any tips? I've started playing with using the on-complete, on-success, on-failure routing of different tasks within the DTSX package (SQL 2005), but I'm just working on a trial-and-error basis right now. (With # of errors = # of trials.)

    In case anyone's interested, I've solved this by tracking my return codes as a package variable.
    Within the package, I have conditional logic moving from task to task, evaluating the return code to check for various conditions, and selecting which tasks to perform accordingly.
    In the last task, I run a final stored procedure which posts some data (completion time & status) to a custom transaction log table, and then if the return code is not zero, I script and execute some SQL which I know will throw a "fake" error. The SQL statement itself includes the key information I want the end user to see. For example
    Select InvalidEntitySelection [USEast1],TransactionID [12340]  from ThisTableDoesntExist
    Select UnauthorizedUser [Tim], TransactionID [12345] from ThisTableDoesntExist
    Select WorkStatusIsLocked [USEast1 Actual 2008], TransactionID [12345] from ThisTableDoesntExist
    It's not exactly elegant, but it gets the message across, which is all that I need. In this way, the end user sees that the package failed with an error, and when they look at the package details, they can see the problem. They can pass on the transaction ID to an administrator to look into the details, if they can't figure it out on their own.
    Sorin, I never managed to figure out how to use a VB task to send the information back to the user, plus force the package to end in an error. I'm sure there's a way to do so, but this seems to work for my requirement.
    I'm not entirely happy with the "fake error" approach, but I don't know if BPC has any support for "intentional" programming of errors in the DTS scripting toolset.

  • SQL Exception: Invalid column index while calling stored proc from

    Hello all,
    I am getting a "SQL Exception: Invalid column index" error while calling stored proc from
    # I am trying to call this proc from controller instead of AM
    # PL/SQL Proc has 4 IN params and 1 Out param.
    Code I am using is pasted below
              OAApplicationModule am = (OAApplicationModule)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
    OADBTransaction txn = (OADBTransaction)am.getOADBTransaction();
    OracleCallableStatement cs = null;
    cs = (OracleCallableStatement)txn.createCallableStatement("begin MY_PACKAGE.SEND_EMAIL_ON_PASSWORD_CHANGE(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5); end;", 1);
    cs.registerOutParameter(5, Types.VARCHAR, 0, 2000);
                        cs.setString(1, "[email protected]");
                             cs.setString(2, s10);
                             cs.setString (3, "p_subject " );
                             cs.setString (4, "clob_html_message - WPTEST" );
                   outParamValue = cs.getString(1);
    catch(SQLException ex)
    throw new OAException("SQL Exception: "+ex.getMessage());
    Can you help please.

    You may refer below URL

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  • Slight roadblock in "DW 8 with ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP: Training from the Source"

    I'm working my way through Dreamweaver 8 with ASP,
    ColdFusion, and PHP:
    Training from the Source. I've come to the middle of Lesson 6
    and have hit
    my first obstacle in learning PHP. I'm following the
    instructions to format
    the output of the tour price calculator, but my issue is with
    where to place
    the following PHP code: <?php setlocale(LC_MONETARY,
    'en_US'); echo
    money_format('%i', $tourPrice); ?>
    I placed it before the DOCTYPE and when that didn't work, I
    tried inserting
    right before the code that retrieves the tour price (in the
    body of the
    page). That didn't work either.
    I also tried changing money_format to number_format and
    manually inserting
    the $, but when I tested everything, the output printed as
    The estimated cost of your tour is
    $0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000500.
    I'm not quite sure where I've gone wrong.
    Thanks for any help,

    Coach Bob wrote:
    > David,
    > I would like to understand better your comment about the
    money_format. The
    > ability to use it is dependent on the host system's
    support of the C library
    > function strfmon(), correct? So if a user were
    developing on a windows box with
    > a local WAMP install it would not work while it may work
    on their *nix-based
    > Web host?
    Check the PHP documentation - it tells you all you need to
    > I will see to it that it gets corrected in the next
    version of the book!
    I've no idea what relationship you have with "Training from
    the Source",
    but I find it interesting - to say the least - that you need
    to the ask
    the author of a rival book.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    how can i find out what the fix is that works..please

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    thanks in advance

    iTunes Store Support

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    Mohan Balaji
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