Passing an array method to a constructor

I'm studying Java this summer (in NZ) and having a bit of trouble with an exersize in my book, the lab isn't open for marking at the moment, so I'm trying to do it at home.
I have a method readArray in the application method, which returns an array. I wish to pass it to the support class Constructor, and have the constructor store the array as instance data so I can sort it later. I can pass it fine by doing:
ReadData data = new ReadData(readArray());
from the main method.
However, I don't know how to store it as instance data, this is all I have so far within the support class:
private int[] array;
public ReadData(int[]array){
this.array[] = array[];
However, while compiling i get an error: not a statement. I am pretty certain that I simply have done it wrong. Can someone give me a hand?

is this what you are trying to do?
i think the following will help you
class Demo {
     private int arr [] = new int[10];
     public Demo(){
     public Demo(int arr[]){
          this.arr = arr;
     public void printArr(){
          for(int i =0;i<arr.length;i++){
               System.out.println(" "+arr);
public class Test{
     public static void main(String args[]){
          Test t = new Test();
          Demo d = new Demo(t.readArray());
     public int[] readArray(){
          int arr[]= {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};
          return arr;

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    Your going to have to unpack your array no matter what, so no.
    You can make your class factory with your huge case, or, if you have the source for your lib you could modify the constructor, but its the same amount of work:
    public function MyClass(s:String, n:Number, d:Date){...}
    public function MyClass(s:*, n:Number=0, d:Date=nul){
      <case code here>
    If you have a decent platform, or even javascript, you could maybe think about writing a parser that will generate the class factory case based on the constructor signatures.

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    It'll be easier in java 1.5...But will result in terrible code being written by folks who don't understand the penalties incurred with auto-boxing.
    If you have to sort an array of integers, grab a QuickSort implementation that works with int[] directly (there is one built into the Arrays class) - creating all of those temporary objects kills performance.
    - K

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    Here is the code:
    //by Andrei Souchinski
    //Mini Project: CD Collection Database
    //Designed for a grade F
    //Defining new class of objects to represent CD database entries.
    //A database entry consists of the artist name, the album name and number of tracks.
    //A single entry can be entered by the user typing the details in and the entry can be printed out.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MiniProject
         public static void main (String[] args)     
              System.out.println("\tCD Collection Database\n");
              System.out.println("1. Add new Compact Disk to the Database");
              System.out.println("2. Print out current database entries");
              System.out.println("3. Quit\n");          
         public static void theMenu()
              CompactDisk [] array = new CompactDisk[20];
              String menu;
              menu = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to do?");
              if (menu.equals ("3"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thank You For Using our Service! \nGoodbye!");
              if (menu.equals ("2"))
              if (menu.equals ("1"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select your choice form the menu");
         public int addNewEntry(int newcd[])
                   int i;          
                   newcd[i] = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Artist"));
                   newcd[i] = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Album"));
                   newcd[i] = (Integer.parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the number of tracks on this album")));
    //A Compact Disk entry consists of three attributes: artist name, album and number of tracks
    class CompactDisk
         public String artistname; //Instance variables for artistname, albumname and numberoftracks.
         public String albumname;
         public int numberoftracks;
         public CompactDisk(String n, String a, int t)
         artistname = n; //Stores the 1st argument passed after "new Dates" into day
         albumname = a; //Stores the 2nd argument passed after "new Dates" into month
         numberoftracks = t; //Stores the 3rd argument passed after "new Dates" into year
         //When called from the main method, prints the contents of
         //artistname, albumname and numberoftracks on to the screen.
         public void printCompactDisk ()
                   String output = "\n " + artistname + "\n " + albumname + "\n " + numberoftracks;

    //by Andrei Souchinski
    //Mini Project: CD Collection Database
    //Designed for a grade F
    //Defining new class of objects to represent CD database entries.
    //A database entry consists of the artist name, the album name and number of tracks.
    //A single entry can be entered by the user typing the details in and the entry can be printed out.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MiniProject
         public static void main (String[] args)     
              System.out.println("\tCD Collection Database\n");
              System.out.println("1. Add new Compact Disk to the Database");
              System.out.println("2. Print out current database entries");
              System.out.println("3. Quit\n");          
         public static void theMenu()
              String menu;
              menu = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to do?");
              if (menu.equals ("3"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thank You For Using our Service! \nGoodbye!");
              if (menu.equals ("2"))
              if (menu.equals ("1"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select your choice form the menu");
         public static void addNewEntry()
                   CompactDisk [] array = new CompactDisk[20];
                   int i = 0;
                   array.artistname = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Artist"));
                   array[i].albumname = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Album"));
                   array[i].numberoftracks = (Integer.parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the number of tracks on this album")));
    //A Compact Disk entry consists of three attributes: artist name, album and number of tracks
    class CompactDisk
         public String artistname; //Instance variables for artistname, albumname and numberoftracks.
         public String albumname;
         public int numberoftracks;
         public CompactDisk(String n, String a, int t)
         artistname = n; //Stores the 1st argument passed after "new Dates" into day
         albumname = a; //Stores the 2nd argument passed after "new Dates" into month
         numberoftracks = t; //Stores the 3rd argument passed after "new Dates" into year
         //When called from the main method, prints the contents of
         //artistname, albumname and numberoftracks on to the screen.
         public void printCompactDisk ()
                   String output = "\n " + artistname + "\n " + albumname + "\n " + numberoftracks;
    I've edited the code, itcompiles, but gives an error when i ran it..:(

  • Passing an array from one method to another

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    Any help is appreciated.
    This is the applet code:
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class urla extends java.applet.Applet
    int par1;
    int i = 1;
    int j = 20;
    int m = 0;
    int k = 0;
    String arr[] = new String[1000];
    String inputLine;
        public void load() throws Exception
            URL mysite = new URL("http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.html");
           URLConnection ms = mysite.openConnection();
           BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
           new InputStreamReader(
             while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
               arr[m] = inputLine;
          catch (MalformedURLException e)
        public void display(Graphics screen)
          screen.drawString("THE FOLLOWING HAVE ADDED THEIR BIOS:",5 ,5);
          for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++);
            j = j + 20;
            screen.drawString("output - "
            + arr, 5, j);
            repaint() ;

    String arr[] = new String[1000];is this typing mistake????? because if u did it in
    program as well i don think it will work.. the tag is
    innnside array lenght... hope iam saying this right!!no, he had the bold form tags (b and /b inside square brackets) in his previous non-code tagged post. He carried it over to this post and they caused an error. I highly doubt that they were in his actual program. Just delete them.
    Message was edited by:

  • Passing an array of integers to a method...

    here's the case, i have 2 array of integers parent and child. how can i pass the arrays in a method so i can evaluate the contents of both arrays?
    here's the block of the code that contains what i'm talking about.
    for(int i=0; i<tree.length; i++) {//separate child from parent      
         int[] parent = new int[(tree.length()/2)];
         int[] child = new int[(tree[i].length()/2)];
         for(int j=0, ctr=0; j<tree[i].length(); j++, ctr++) {               
              parent[ctr] = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(tree[i].charAt(j))); //get the parents
              child[ctr] = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(tree[i].charAt(j))); //get the children
         if(isTree(parent, child)) //evaluate if case is a tree
         System.out.println("Is a tree");
         System.out.println("Is not a tree");
    }//separate child fronm parent     

    geez, thanks... adding "static" did work.. >_< my bad, i'm new in java... and i'm sorry for calling you
    "sir", thanks a lot monica... ^^ by the way, it's 1:00 pm here asia.I'm glad it worked--do you understand what "static" means here?
    No problem about the "sir". I usually use "he" myself, if I don't know whether it should be he/she. And, around here on the forum (and software engineers at most companies), there are certainly more men than women. People tend to look at MLRon and assume my name is "Ron", but that's my last name. :)
    You don't need to call people "sir" or "ma'am" here. Just names or screen names (like MLRon) will do. :)
    Have a nice afternoon, then!

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    Thank you in advance.

    If you are new to Java I suggest you learn more about Java before asking questions like that. It is possible to do that, but you probably didn't mean what you said.

  • Problem passing multiple array lists to a single method

    Hi, all:
    I have written a generic averaging method that takes an array list full of doubles, adds them all up, divides by the size of the array list, and spits out a double variable. I want to pass it several array lists from another method, and I can't quite figure out how to do it. Here's the averager method:
         public double averagerMethod (ArrayList <Double> arrayList) {
              ArrayList <Double> x = new ArrayList <Double> (arrayList); //the array list of integers being fed into this method.
              double total = 0;//the total of the integers in that array list.
              for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {//for every element in the array list,
                   double addition = x.get(i);//get each element,
                   total = total + addition; //add it to the total,
              double arrayListSize = x.size();//get the total number of elements in that array list,
              double average = total/arrayListSize;//divide the sum of the elements by the number of elements,
              return average;//return the average.
         }And here's the method that sends several array lists to that method:
         public boolean sameParameterSweep (ArrayList <Double> arrayList) {
              sameParameterSweep = false;//automatically sets the boolean to false.
              arrayList = new ArrayList <Double> (checker);//instantiate an array list that's the same as checker.
              double same = arrayList.get(2); //gets the third value from the array list and casts it to double.
              if (same == before) {//if the third value is the same as the previous row's third value,
                   processARowIntoArrayLists(checker);//send this row to the parseAParameterSweep method.
                   sameParameterSweep = true;//set the parameter sweep to true.
              if (same != before) {//if the third value is NOT the same,
                   averagerMethod(totalTicks);//go average the values in the array lists that have been stored.
                   sameParameterSweep = false;
              before = same; //problematic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
         return sameParameterSweep;
         }Obviously, the problem is that I'm not passing the array lists from this method to the averager method the right way. What am I doing wrong?

    Encephalopathic wrote:
    There are several issues that I see, but the main one is that you are calculating average results but then just discarding them. You never assign the result to a variable.
    In other words you're doing this:
    averagerMethod(myArrayList);  // this discards the resultinstead of this:
    someDoubleVariable = averagerMethod(myArrayList); // this stores the resultAlso, do you wish to check for zero-sized array lists before calculating? And what would you return if the array list size were zero?So in solving that problem, I've come up with another one that I can't figure out, and I can't fix this problem until I fix that.
    I have several thousand lines of data. They consist of parameter sweeps of given variables. What I'm trying to do is to store pieces of
    data in array lists until the next parameter adjustment happens. When that parameter adjustment happens, I want to take the arraylists
    I've been storing data in, do my averaging thing, and clear the arraylists for the next set of runs under a given parameter set.
    Here's the issue: I'm having the devil of a time telling my application that a given parameter run is over. Imagine me doing stuff to several variables (number of solders, number of greens, number of magentas) and getting columns of output. My data will hold constant the number of soldiers, and for, say, ten runs at 100 soldiers, I'll get varying numbers of greens and magentas at the end of each of those ten runs. When I switch to 150 soldiers to generate data for ten more runs, and so forth, I need to average the number of greens and magentas at the end of the previous set of ten runs. My problem is that I can't figure out how to tell my app that a given parameter run is over.
    I have it set up so that I take my data file of, say, ten thousand lines, and read each line into a scanner to do stuff with. I need to check a given line's third value, and compare it to the previous line's third value (that's the number of soldiers). If this line has a third value that is the same as the previous line's third value, send this line to the other methods that break it up and store it. If this line has a third value that is NOT the same as the previous line's third value, go calculate the averages, clear those array lists, and begin a new chunk of data by sending this line to the other methods that break it up and store it.
    This is not as trivial a problem as it would seem at first: I can't figure out how to check the previous line's third value. I've written a lot of torturous code, but I just deleted it because I kept getting myself in deeper and deeper with added methods. How can I check the previous value of an array list that's NOT the one I'm fiddling with right now? Here's the method I use to create the array lists of lines of doubles:
         public void parseMyFileLineByLine() {
              totalNumGreens = new ArrayList <Double>();//the total number of greens for a given parameter sweep
              totalNumMagentas = new ArrayList <Double>();//the total number of magentas for a given parameter sweep.
              totalTicks = new ArrayList <Double>();//the total number of ticks it took to settle for a given parameter sweep.
              for (int i = 8; i < rowStorer.size() - 2; i++) {//for each line,
                   checker = new ArrayList <Double>();//instantiates an array list to store each piece in that row.
                   String nextLine = rowStorer.get(i); //instantiate a string that contains all the information in that line.
                   try {
                        Scanner rowScanner = new Scanner (nextLine); //instantiates a scanner for the row under analysis.
                        rowScanner.useDelimiter(",\\s*");//that scanner can use whitespace or commas as the delimiter between information.
                        while (rowScanner.hasNext()) {//while there's still information in that scanner,
                             String piece =; //gets each piece of information from the row scanner.
                             double x = Double.valueOf(piece);//casts that stringed piece to a double.
                             checker.add(x);//adds those doubles to the array list checker.
                   catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) {
                   //System.out.println("checker contains: " + checker);
                   processARowIntoArrayLists(checker);//sends checker to the method that splits it up into its columns.

  • How do I pass an array to a method?

    Hopefully you guys don't mind answering one of my stupid questions :o(
    I have problem passing an array to a method.
    //Here is the code that calls to the method:
    String[] Folder = new String[19];
    int cnt;
    for(cnt=0; cnt<20; cnt++){
    Folder[cnt] = request.getParameter("searchfolder_name" + (cnt + 1));
    //Here the the method that is supposed to take in the array
    private void ProcessNotify(String FolderName[]){
    FolderName = new String[19];
    int cnt;
    for(cnt=0; cnt<20; cnt++){
    System.out.println("Folder Name: " + FolderName[cnt]);
    I got an error that says java.lang.String[] can not be applied to java.lang.String
    I thought "String FolderName[]" is an array? Anyway... I'm confused. If you know the answer, plz let me know :o) big thx

    Are you trying to pass the whole array or just one piece from it? What you coded, tried to pass just one piece by specifying a subscript. BTW variable cnt is a subscript out of range.
    If you meant to pass the whole array, just use it's name with no subscript.

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    * @jc:sql array-max-length="all" max-rows="all"
    * statement::
    * select COUNT(*) FROM (
    * SELECT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey
    * FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE {sql:fn in(gkey,{emeGkeyArray})}) e,
    * lead_assignees la,
    * leads le,
    * cities ct,
    * (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100
    * WHERE e.gkey = la.eme_gkey
    * AND la.lea_gkey = le.gkey
    * AND = ct.gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+)
    * {sql: whereClause}
    * UNION
    * SELECT DISTINCT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey
    * FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE {sql:fn in(gkey,{emeGkeyArray})}) e,
    * lead_assignees la,
    * shared_accounts sa,
    * leads le,
    * cities ct,
    * employees asign,
    * (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100
    * WHERE e.gkey = sa.eme_gkey
    * AND asign.gkey = la.eme_gkey
    * AND'X'
    * AND sa.lea_gkey = le.gkey
    * AND sa.lea_gkey = la.lea_gkey
    * AND = ct.gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+)
    * {sql: assigneeClause}
    * UNION
    * SELECT DISTINCT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey
    * FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE {sql:fn in(gkey,{emeGkeyArray})}) e,
    * lead_assignees la,
    * shared_accounts sa,
    * leads le,
    * cities ct,
    * (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5,
    * (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100
    * WHERE e.gkey = la.eme_gkey
    * AND sa.lea_gkey = le.gkey
    * AND sa.lea_gkey = la.lea_gkey
    * AND = ct.gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+)
    * AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+)
    * {sql: sharedClause})::
    @JdbcControl.SQL(arrayMaxLength = 0,
    maxRows = JdbcControl.MAXROWS_ALL,
    statement = "select COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE {sql:fn in(gkey,{emeGkeyArray})}) e, lead_assignees la, leads le, cities ct, (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100 WHERE e.gkey = la.eme_gkey AND la.lea_gkey = le.gkey AND = ct.gkey(+) AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+) {sql: whereClause} UNION SELECT DISTINCT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE {sql:fn in(gkey,{emeGkeyArray})}) e, lead_assignees la, shared_accounts sa, leads le, cities ct, employees asign, (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100 WHERE e.gkey = sa.eme_gkey AND asign.gkey = la.eme_gkey AND'X' AND sa.lea_gkey = le.gkey AND sa.lea_gkey = la.lea_gkey AND = ct.gkey(+) AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+) {sql: assigneeClause} UNION SELECT DISTINCT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE {sql:fn in(gkey,{emeGkeyArray})}) e, lead_assignees la, shared_accounts sa, leads le, cities ct, (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100 WHERE e.gkey = la.eme_gkey AND sa.lea_gkey = le.gkey AND sa.lea_gkey = la.lea_gkey AND = ct.gkey(+) AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+) {sql: sharedClause})")
    public Long getProspectsCount(String[] emeGkeyArray, String whereClause, String assigneeClause, String sharedClause) throws SQLException;
    The execution of the method is the following:
    pendingApprovals = leadsListingDB.getProspectsCount(employeeHierarchyArray, pendingApprovalsClause, pendingApprovalsClause, pendingApprovalsClause);
    When the method is executed all the String parameters (whereClause, assigneeClause & sharedClause) are replaced well except the array parameter (emeGkeyArray) so the execution throws the following exception because the array is not replaced:
    <Jan 20, 2010 1:01:26 PM CST> <Debug> <org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControlImpl> <BEA-000000> <Enter: onAquire()>
    <Jan 20, 2010 1:01:26 PM CST> <Debug> <org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControlImpl> <BEA-000000> <Enter: invoke()>
    <Jan 20, 2010 1:01:26 PM CST> <Info> <org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControlImpl> <BEA-000000> <PreparedStatement: select COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey FROM (SELECT gkey, n
    me, role FROM employees WHERE (gkey IN ())) e, lead_assignees la, leads le, cities ct, (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead
    tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100 WHERE e.gkey = la.eme_gkey AND la.l
    a_gkey = le.gkey AND = ct.gkey(+) AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+) AND LA.ACTIVE = 'X' AND LE.WE
    KLY_POTENTIAL > 0 AND (LE.APPROVED IS NULL OR LE.APPROVED != 'Y') AND LA.SALE_STAGE IN(3034,3005) UNION SELECT DISTINCT la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE (gkey I
    ())) e, lead_assignees la, shared_accounts sa, leads le, cities ct, employees asign, (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from contacts where principal = 'X') cn, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lea
    tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets,  (SELECT leagkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100 WHERE e.gkey = sa.eme_gkey AND asi
    n.gkey = la.eme_gkey AND'X' AND sa.lea_gkey = le.gkey AND sa.lea_gkey = la.lea_gkey AND = ct.gkey(+) AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey
    = top5.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+) AND LA.ACTIVE = 'X' AND LE.WEEKLY_POTENTIAL > 0 AND (LE.APPROVED IS NULL OR LE.APPROVED != 'Y') AND LA.SALE_STAGE IN(3034,3005) UNION SELECT DISTINCT
    la.lea_gkey,la.eme_gkey FROM (SELECT gkey, name, role FROM employees WHERE (gkey IN ())) e, lead_assignees la, shared_accounts sa, leads le, cities ct, (select lea_gkey,name,email,phone,title from c
    ntacts where principal = 'X') cn, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TARGET') targets, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags WHERE tag = 'TOP5') top5, (SELECT lea_gkey, tag FROM lead_tags
    WHERE tag = 'TOP100') top100 WHERE e.gkey = la.eme_gkey AND sa.lea_gkey = le.gkey AND sa.lea_gkey = la.lea_gkey AND = ct.gkey(+) AND le.gkey = cn.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = targets.lea_gkey(+
    AND le.gkey = top5.lea_gkey(+) AND le.gkey = top100.lea_gkey(+) AND LA.ACTIVE = 'X' AND LE.WEEKLY_POTENTIAL > 0 AND (LE.APPROVED IS NULL OR LE.APPROVED != 'Y') AND LA.SALE_STAGE IN(3034,3005)) Params:
    <Jan 20, 2010 1:01:26 PM CST> <Debug> <org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.FlowController> <BEA-000000> <Invoking exception handler method handleException(java.lang.Exception, ...)>
    [LeadsMailer] Unhandled exception caught in
    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00936: missing expression
    So the big question is if that behavior is due to a bug of I'm doing something wrong. Do someone can give me an advice about this problem because the array parameter has no problems in workshop 8.1?
    Thanks in advance!

    I may not have an answer for you, but i am in the same boat! I am trying to pass an array to store in the database. I have 2 out of 8 columns that need to be stored as arrays. Everything saves EXEPT for the 2 arrays in question. I am using BEEHIVE with my web app. The strange thing is that i do not receive any syntax errors or runtime codes. I am still searching for an answer. If i find anything out, i will let you know.
    John Miller
    [email protected]

  • Pass an array of a user defined class to a stored procedure in java

    Hi All,
    I am trying to pass an array of a user defined class as an input parameter to a stored procedure. So far i have done the following:
    Step 1: created an object type.
    CREATE TYPE department_type AS OBJECT (
    DNO NUMBER (10),
    NAME VARCHAR2 (50),
    Step 2: created a varray of the above type.
    CREATE TYPE dept_array1 AS TABLE OF department_type;
    Step 3:Created a package to insert the records.
    PROCEDURE insert_object (d dept_array);
    END objecttype;
    PROCEDURE insert_object (d dept_array)
    FOR i IN d.FIRST .. d.LAST
    INSERT INTO department
    VALUES (d (i).dno,d (i).name,d (i).location);
    END insert_object;
    END objecttype;
    Step 4:Created a java class to map the columns of the object type.
    public class Department
    private double DNO;
    private String Name;
    private String Loation;
    public void setDNO(double DNO)
    this.DNO = DNO;
    public double getDNO()
    return DNO;
    public void setName(String Name)
    this.Name = Name;
    public String getName()
    return Name;
    public void setLoation(String Loation)
    this.Loation = Loation;
    public String getLoation()
    return Loation;
    Step 5: created a method to call the stored procedure.
    public static void main(String arg[]){
    Department d1 = new Department();
    d1.setDNO(1); d1.setName("Accounts"); d1.setLoation("LHR");
    Department d2 = new Department();
    d2.setDNO(2); d2.setName("HR"); d2.setLoation("ISB");
    Department[] deptArray = {d1,d2};
    OracleCallableStatement callStatement = null;
    DBConnection dbConnection= DBConnection.getInstance();
    Connection cn = dbConnection.getDBConnection(false); //using a framework to get connections
    ArrayDescriptor arrayDept = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("DEPT_ARRAY", cn);
    ARRAY deptArrayObject = new ARRAY(arrayDept, cn, deptArray); //I get an SQLException here
    callStatement = (OracleCallableStatement)cn.prepareCall("{call objecttype.insert_object(?)}");
    ((OracleCallableStatement)callStatement).setArray(1, deptArrayObject);
    catch(Exception e){ 
    I get the following exception:
    java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert to internal representation
    My question is can I pass an array to a stored procedure like this and if so please help me reslove the exception.
    Thank you in advance.

    OK I am back again and seems like talking to myself. Anyways i had a talk with one of the java developers in my team and he said that making an array of structs is not much use to them as they already have a java bean/VO class defined and they want to send an array of its objects to the database not structs so I made the following changes to their java class. (Again hoping some one will find this useful).
    Setp1: I implemented the SQLData interface on the department VO class.
    import java.sql.SQLData;
    import java.sql.SQLOutput;
    import java.sql.SQLInput;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    public class Department implements SQLData
    private double DNO;
    private String Name;
    private String Location;
    public void setDNO(double DNO)
    this.DNO = DNO;
    public double getDNO()
    return DNO;
    public void setName(String Name)
    this.Name = Name;
    public String getName()
    return Name;
    public void setLocation(String Location)
    this.Location = Location;
    public String getLoation()
    return Location;
    public void readSQL(SQLInput stream, String typeName)throws SQLException
    public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream)throws SQLException
    public String getSQLTypeName() throws SQLException
    Step 2: I made the following changes to the main method.
    public static void main(String arg[]){
    Department d1 = new Department();
    Department d2 = new Department();
    Department[] deptArray = {d1,d2};
    OracleCallableStatement callStatement = null;
    DBConnection dbConnection= DBConnection.getInstance();
    Connection cn = dbConnection.getDBConnection(false);
    ArrayDescriptor arrayDept = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("DEPT_ARRAY", cn);
    ARRAY deptArrayObject = new ARRAY(arrayDept, cn, deptArray);
    callStatement = (OracleCallableStatement)cn.prepareCall("{call objecttype.insert_array_object(?)}");
    ((OracleCallableStatement)callStatement).setArray(1, deptArrayObject);
    catch(Exception e){
    and it started working no more SQLException. (The changes to the department class were done manfully but they tell me JPublisher would have been better).

  • Passing split array to function

    Anyone know how to pass an array to a function as seperate
    parameters i.e
    _array = [param1,param2,param3]
    instead of: functionToCall(_array[0],_array[1],_array[2]);
    of having to go
    var1 = _array[0];
    var2 = _array[1];
    var3= _array[2];
    Cheers, burnside

    > Marco Mind wrote:
    > Can't you just pass the array and indexs as a second
    That would only work if the desired function is written to
    accept two
    parameters formatted as arrays. DCIBurnside could certainly
    write an
    intermediary function, I suppose; but for that effort, it
    would be just as
    easy to pass in the parameters as already shown:
    Check out the methods of the Fuction class -- in particular
    Function.apply() -- which might be exactly what DCIBurnside
    is looking for.
    David Stiller
    Co-author, ActionScript 3.0 Quick Reference Guide
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Can I pass an array as an input parameter for a stored procedure on SQL Server 2000

    I am trying to pass an array to a stored procedure residing on my SQL Server 2000 database server. Is this even possible? If it is possible, what is the syntax for this?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I have passed arrays to and from a database using SQL and ActiveX, including to and from stored procedures, but I cannot recall the precise method used to do so. If memory serves, everything is in the form of a string. You need to do a lot of parsing and 'unparsing' to get this data into your stored procedure.
    You are left with a couple of options to get your data to the stored procedure. I recommend using SQL in LabVIEW wherever possible as it saves the amount of external code calls (and believe me, calling ActiveX procedures developed by someone else in Visual Basic is NOT much fun at all...). You can either send the array and other data to the stored procedure (you will find the syntax in the SQL references in LabVIEW help under SQL), or you can send
    the array to the database, and have the database then act upon the array.
    I strongly recommend making routines (subVIs) to handle these operations.
    Sorry I don't have the syntax, I don't have SQL installed on this machine. If you can't find the syntax in the help, please post here again.
    -Mike Du'Lyea

  • Passing an array as parameter from java (java controls) to stored procedure

    I'm using java controls (BEA Weblogic Workshop 8.1) to call a stored procedure and send an array as a parameter to the stored procedure from java. The following code below throws an exception "Fail to convert to internal representation".
    Java code
    import com.bea.control.DatabaseControl.SQLParameter;
    // Here i create the java array
    int[] javaArray={12,13,14};
    //The code below is used to create the oracle sql array for the procedure
    SQLParameter[] params = new SQLParameter[1];
    Object obj0=javaArray;
    params[0] = new SQLParameter(obj0, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.ARRAY, SQLParameter.IN);
    // the code below calls the testFunc method in OJDBCtrl.jcx file
    String succ= dbControl.testFunc(params);
    * @jc:sql statement="call CMNT_TST_PROC(?))"
    String testFunc(SQLParameter[] param);
    The stored procedure used:
    Procedure cmnt_tst_proc (cmnt_tst sl_tab);
    Procedure cmnt_tst_proc (cmnt_tst sl_tab) is
    I am getting the following exception
    Failure=java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert to internal representation: [I@438af4 [ServiceException]>
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.check_error(
    at oracle.sql.ARRAY.toARRAY(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectCritical(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.setObject(
    at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.setObject(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.control.DatabaseControlImpl._setParameter(DatabaseControlImpl.jcs:1886)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.control.DatabaseControlImpl.getStatement_v2(DatabaseControlImpl.jcs:1732)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.control.DatabaseControlImpl.invoke(DatabaseControlImpl.jcs:2591)
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.dispatcher.DispMethod.invoke(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.container.Invocable.invoke(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.jcs.container.JcsContainer.invoke(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.bean.BaseContainerBean.invokeBase(
    at com.bea.wlw.runtime.core.bean.SLSBContainerBean.invoke(
    at com.bea.wlwgen.StatelessContainer_ly05hg_ELOImpl.invoke(
    Can you please let me know, what i'm doing wrong and how i can pass an array to a procedure/function using java controls.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Edited by: user12671762 on Feb 24, 2010 5:03 AM
    Edited by: user9211663 on Feb 24, 2010 9:04 PM

    Thanks Michael.
    Here's the final code that i used, this might be helpful for those who face this problem
    Java Code
    // Following code gets the connection object
    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
    dataSource = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("<DataSourceName>");
    // Following code is used to create the array type from java
    // Following code is used to obtain the oracle sql array as SQLParameter
    ArrayDescriptor desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("<schemaName>.STR_ARRAY", conn);
    Object[] elements = new Object[3];
    elements[0] = new Integer(12);
    elements[1] = new Integer(13);
    elements[2] = new Integer(14);
    oracle.sql.ARRAY newArray = new oracle.sql.ARRAY( desc, conn, elements);
    SQLParameter[] params = new SQLParameter[1];
    params[0] = new SQLParameter(newArray, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.ARRAY, SQLParameter.IN);
    String succ= dbControl.testFunc(params);

  • Passing to a method.

    I have a String array in my main method called "names" it holds several names of people.
    What I want to be able to do is create a new method called doBubbleSort(). Creating the bubble sort is not a problem for me... but I don't know how to go about setting up the method so I can pass the "names" array to it for use within the method. Also, how do I go about returning it again so I can output the changed Array.

    This isn't a bubble sort or anything but it's just a little sort programme I made to demonstrate passing string arrays as arguments.
    import java.util.*;
    class passArray
         public static void main(String[] args)
              String[] strNames = { "John", "Mark", "William", "Emma", "Jane" };
              // Display Names in current order
              System.out.println("The names in the current order are:\n");          
              for(int i = 0; i < strNames.length; i++)
                   System.out.println("\t" + strNames);
              // Pass the string array to another method
              strNames = sortNames(strNames);
              // Display Names in the sorted order
              System.out.println("\n\nThe names in the sorted order are:\n");          
              for(int i = 0; i < strNames.length; i++)
                   System.out.println("\t" + strNames[i]);
         public static String[] sortNames(String[] strNames)
              return strNames;

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