Passing an object accross classes.

Hi all,
I'm trying to declare an object in one class and then pass that instance over to a second class, when I try to run my code I get "Debugger stopped on uncompileable source code" error!
I'm working with a series of JFrames, starting with a "welcome" screen and a "next" button:
    Order[] Order = new Order[99];
    int OrderNumber = 0;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        Object source = event.getSource();
        if (source == btnNext){
            Order[OrderNumber] = new Order();
            Name Name = new Name(Order[OrderNumber]);
    }This sets up a new order and passes the object over to the next JFrame class.
The user enters some information into some text fields which is then stored in the object instance:
    Order Order;
    Customer[] Customer = new Customer[99];
    int CustomerNumber = 0;
    Name(Order Order) {
        this.Order = Order;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        Object source = event.getSource();
        if (source == btnNext) {
            Order.Customer[CustomerNumber] = new Customer();
            FirstCourseUI Menu = new FirstCourseUI(Order, Customer[CustomerNumber]);
        }This seems to work fine, the object is passed over and I can commit the information to it. But this too uses the same method to send the objects over to the next JFrame, which should in turn begin adding some items for the customer:
    Order Order = new Order();
    Customer Customer = new Customer();
    FirstCourse FirstCourse = new FirstCourse();
    FirstCourseUI(Order Order, Customer Customer) {
        this.Order = Order;
        this.Customer = Customer;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        Object source = event.getSource();
        if(source == btnAdd) {
            String selectedItem = (String)lstMenu.getSelectedValue();
            Customer.AddItem(1, selectedItem);       // PROGRAM STOPS HERE
    }And this is where I run into problems, here is the AddItem method
    public void AddItem(int course, String item)
        int i = 0;
            case 0:     // Drinks
            case 1:     // First Course
                while(FirstCourse[i] != null) {
                FirstCourse[i] = item;
            case 2:     // Second Course
            case 3:     // Third Course
        }As far as I can tell, this should work fine. I don't think the method itself is broken, the program just never gets to that point!
Any Ideas?
P.S. Sorry about the lack of comments in there, bad practice I know :\

Problem solved!
On the second JFrame where the user enters their name and table number, I was creating an object array of Customer - but my order class already has a Customer array! I was then passing over the wrong object array when the "Next" button was pressed.
    Order Order;
    int CustomerNumber = 0;
    Name(Order Order) {
        this.Order = Order;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        Object source = event.getSource();
        if (source == btnNext) {
            Order.Customer[CustomerNumber] = new Customer();
            CoursesUI Menu = new CoursesUI(Order, Order.Customer[CustomerNumber]);
    }It seems to be functioning correctly now :) Thanks for taking the time to look over it steve.
Regards -

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    import javax.swing.JToolBar;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
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    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    public class Panel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
         protected JTextArea myTextArea;
         protected String newline = "\n";
         static final private String FIRST = "first";
         static final private String PREVIOUS = "previous";
         static final private String NEXT = "next";
         public Panel( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
                 super(new BorderLayout());
              int counter = 0;
                 //Create the toolbar.
                 JToolBar myToolBar = new JToolBar( "Still draggable" );
                 addButtons( myToolBar );
                 //Create the text area used for output.
                 myTextArea = new JTextArea( 450, 190 );
                 myTextArea.setEditable( false );
                 JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( myTextArea );
                 //Lay out the main panel.
                 setPreferredSize(new Dimension( 450, 190 ));
                 add( myToolBar, BorderLayout.PAGE_START );
                 add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              myTextArea.setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) );
              setCounter( counter );
         } // End Constructor
         protected void addButtons( JToolBar myToolBar )
                 JButton myButton = null;
                 //first button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( FIRST, "Display first record", "First" );
                 //second button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( PREVIOUS, "Display previous record", "Previous" );
                 //third button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( NEXT, "Display next record", "Next" );
         } //End method addButtons
         protected JButton makeNavigationButton( String actionCommand, String toolTipText, String altText )
                 //Create and initialize the button.
                 JButton myButton = new JButton();
                     myButton.setActionCommand( actionCommand );
                 myButton.setToolTipText( toolTipText );
                 myButton.addActionListener( this );
                   myButton.setText( altText );
                 return myButton;
         } // End makeNavigationButton method
             public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                 String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
                 // Handle each button.
              if (FIRST.equals(cmd))
              { // first button clicked
                          int counter = 0;
                   setCounter( counter );
                 else if (PREVIOUS.equals(cmd))
              { // second button clicked
                   counter = getCounter();
                      if ( counter == 0 )
                        counter = 5;  // 5 would be replaced with variable maxNumber
                        setCounter( counter );
                        counter = getCounter() - 1;
                        setCounter( counter );
              else if (NEXT.equals(cmd))
              { // third button clicked
                   counter = getCounter();
                   if ( counter == 5 )  // 5 would be replaced with variable maxNumber
                        counter = 0;
                        setCounter( counter );
                        counter = getCounter() + 1;
                        setCounter( counter );
                 displayResult( counter );
         } // End method actionPerformed
         private int counter;
         public void setCounter( int number ) // Declare setCounter method
              counter = number; // stores the counter
         } // End setCounter method
         public int getCounter()  // Declares getCounter method
              return counter;
         } // End method getCounter
         protected void displayResult( int counter )
              //Test statement
    //                 myTextArea.setText( String.format( "%d", counter ) );
              // How can I carry the myProduct and myOfficeSupplies variables into this method?
              myTextArea.setText( packageData( product, officeSupplies, counter ) );
             } // End method displayResult
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event dispatch thread.
         public void createAndShowGUI( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
                 //Create and set up the window.
                 JFrame frame = new JFrame("Products");
                 //Add content to the window.
                 frame.add(new Panel( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, maxNumber ));
                 //Display the window.
                 frame.setVisible( true );
             } // End method createAndShowGUI
         public void displayData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
              JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); // textarea to display output
              JFrame JFrame = new JFrame( "Products" );
              // For loop to display data array in a single Window
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ )  // Loop for displaying each product
                   myTextArea.append( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n\n" );
                   JFrame.add( myTextArea ); // add textarea to JFrame
              } // End For Loop
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( myTextArea ); //Creates the JScrollPane
              JFrame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 170)); // Sets the pane size
              JFrame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // adds scrollpane to JFrame
              JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); // Sets program to exit on close
              JFrame.setSize( 350, 170 ); // set frame size
              JFrame.setVisible( true ); // display frame
         } // End method displayData
         public String packageData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int counter ) // Method for formatting output
              return String.format( "%s: %d\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f",
              "Product Number", myOfficeSupplies.getProductNumber( counter ),
              "Product Name", myOfficeSupplies.getProductName( counter ),
              "Product Brand",myProduct.getProductBrand( counter ),
              "Number of Units in stock", myOfficeSupplies.getNumberUnits( counter ),
              "Price per Unit", myOfficeSupplies.getUnitPrice( counter ),
              "Total Value of Item in Stock is", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ),
              "Restock charge for this product is", myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ),
              "Total Value of Inventory plus restocking fee", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter )+
                   myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ) );
         } // end method packageData
    } //End Class Panel

    multarnc wrote:
    My instructor has not been very forthcoming with assistance to her students leaving us to figure it out on our own.Aren't they all the same! Makes one wonder why they are called instructors. <sarcasm/>
    Of course it's highly likely that enough information was imparted for any sincere, reasonably intelligent student to actually figure it out, and learn the subject in the process.
    And if everything were spoonfed, how would one grade the performance of the students? Have them recite from memory
    public class HelloWorld left-brace
    indent public static void main left-parenthesis String left-bracket right-bracket args right-parenthesis left-brace
    And everywhere that Mary went
    The lamb was sure to go

  • Passing values to different classes.

    Class A (main panel) calls Class B (calendar panel) and Class C (textbox and buttons panel). When the users changes dates on the calendar class B, class C needs to be notified of the new values.
    I have two constructors in class empty parameter constructor that is used when the main panel(A) calls it, and a constructor that accepts an Object as a parameter (which is the list of dates selected on the calendar), used when class B calls it.
    My problem is that when the values are changed on the calendar, class C is not holding on to the list of dates. In my constructor, I am enumerating through the I know the values are being passed, but when I try to use the list later on in the code (when a button is clicked) the list is empty.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this problem?

    you can do something like that:
    public someClass {
    someOtherClass obj;
    public someclass (someOtherClass object) {
    this.obj = object;
    public void someMethod () {
    if (condition) { obj.someOtherMethod();  }
    public someOtherClass {
    //constructor here
    public void someOtherMethod () { //do Stuff }
    like this you could pass values between your classes A, B and C

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    Of course being aware that this may cause other
    difficulties if you are running a multi-threadedapp.
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater() may be required inthat
    case.I've never really been clear on which of these update
    routines should, or should not be on the dispatcher
    thread. A quick look at the source of JLabel.setText,
    for example, shows that it calls repaint on itself to
    change the presentation of text, and repaint
    shouldn't require to be on the dispatcher thread,
    since it simply adds the paint request to the TODO
    list.That makes sense, but experience doesn't bear it out... I've had deadlocks where the only thing being updated was the text of a label. Perhaps there is something else going on.

  • How to pass an object as method parameter

    Hi Guys
    I was testing a simple program and was trying to pass an object to a method but it didnt seem to work and I couldnt find out WHY.
    I am posting the code so please let me know who can i make my method ADD_EMPLOYEE work so that when i pass an object of LCL_EMPLOYEE, it updates I_EMPLOYEE_LIST.
    *& Report:  ZOO_HR_SAMPLE_1
    *& Author:  Avinash Pandey
    *& Date:    25.03.2009
    *& Description: Concepts of OO in ABAP
    REPORT  zoo_hr_sample_1.
    *&       Class LCL_EMPLOYEE
           Local class
    CLASS lcl_employee DEFINITION.
    Public section
    Data type
          BEGIN OF t_employee,
            no  TYPE i,
            name TYPE string,
            wage TYPE i,
         END OF t_employee.
            IMPORTING im_employee_no TYPE i
                      im_employee_name TYPE string
                      im_wage TYPE i,
             IMPORTING im_employee TYPE REF TO lcl_employee,
           get_no EXPORTING ex_no TYPE i,
           get_name EXPORTING ex_name TYPE string,
           get_wage EXPORTING ex_wage TYPE i.
      Class methods are global for all instances
        CLASS-METHODS: display_no_of_employees.
    Protected section
      Class data are global for all instances
        CLASS-DATA: g_no_of_employees TYPE i.
        CLASS-DATA: i_employee_list TYPE TABLE OF t_employee.
    Private section
       CLASS-DATA: i_employee_list TYPE TABLE OF t_employee.
        DATA: g_employee TYPE t_employee.
    ENDCLASS.               "LCL_EMPLOYEE
    *&       Class (Implementation)  LCL_EMPLOYEE
    CLASS lcl_employee IMPLEMENTATION.
    Class constructor method
      METHOD constructor.
        g_employee-no = im_employee_no.
        g_employee-name = im_employee_name.
        g_employee-wage = im_wage.
        g_no_of_employees = g_no_of_employees + 1.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD display_employee.
        WRITE:/ 'Employee', g_employee-no, g_employee-name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_employee
      METHOD get_no.
        ex_no = g_employee-no.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_no
      METHOD get_name.
        ex_name = g_employee-name.
        WRITE: / 'Name is:' , ex_name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_no
      METHOD get_wage.
        ex_wage = g_employee-wage.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_no
      METHOD add_employee.
      Adds a new employee to the list of employees
        DATA: l_employee TYPE t_employee.
        l_employee-no = im_employee->get_no.
        l_employee-name = im_employee->get_name.
        l_employee-wage = im_employee->get_wage.
        APPEND l_employee TO i_employee_list.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_employee
      METHOD display_employee_list.
      Displays all employees and there wage
        DATA: l_employee TYPE t_employee.
        WRITE: / 'List of Employees'.
        LOOP AT i_employee_list INTO l_employee.
          WRITE: / l_employee-no, l_employee-name, l_employee-wage.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_employee_list
    Class method
      METHOD display_no_of_employees.
        WRITE: / 'Number of employees is:', g_no_of_employees.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "display_no_of_employees
    ENDCLASS.               "LCL_EMPLOYEE
    DATA: g_employee1 TYPE REF TO lcl_employee,
          g_employee2 TYPE REF TO lcl_employee.
    Create class instances
      CREATE OBJECT g_employee1
          im_employee_no   = 1
          im_employee_name = 'John Jones'
          im_wage          = 20000.
      CREATE OBJECT g_employee2
          im_employee_no   = 2
          im_employee_name = 'Sally Summer'
          im_wage          = 28000.
    Call methods
      CALL METHOD g_employee1->display_employee.
      CALL METHOD g_employee1->add_employee
          im_employee = g_employee1.
      CALL METHOD g_employee1->get_name.
      CALL METHOD g_employee2->display_employee.
      CALL METHOD g_employee2->display_no_of_employees.
    The error I am getting is:
    Field GET_NO/GET_NAME/GET_WAGE is unknown.
    Please help me out on this.
    Thanks a lot you people

    The following parts of your program were changed.
    The result is OK?.
    CLASS lcl_employee DEFINITION.
    Public section
    *get_no EXPORTING ex_no TYPE i,
    *get_name EXPORTING ex_name TYPE string,
    *get_wage EXPORTING ex_wage TYPE i.
    get_no returning value(ex_no) TYPE i,
    get_name returning value(ex_name) TYPE string,
    get_wage returning value(ex_wage) TYPE i.
    CLASS lcl_employee IMPLEMENTATION.
    METHOD add_employee.
    Adds a new employee to the list of employees
    DATA: l_employee TYPE t_employee.
    *l_employee-no = im_employee->get_no.
    *l_employee-name = im_employee->get_name.
    *l_employee-wage = im_employee->get_wage.
    l_employee-no   = im_employee->get_no( ).
    l_employee-name = im_employee->get_name( ).
    l_employee-wage = im_employee->get_wage( ).
    APPEND l_employee TO i_employee_list.
    ENDMETHOD. "add_employee
    Result List
    Employee          1  John Jones
    Name is: John Jones
    Name is: John Jones
    Employee          2  Sally Summer
    Number of employees is:          2

  • How to Pass Java Objects between Web Dynpro and Java SAP iViews

    Basically I have an SAP web dynpro iView that I do stuff with and I want to pass an object to another iView which is just a regular Java iView. From what I've read and tried, I can't just stick something in the session object and hope that the Java iView can pull it down the other end. I had a dream that it was possible (seriously).
    Anyway, are there any possible solutions around? Please advice and share you throughts. I will try to dream about it again tonight and see if its really gonna work this time.
    thanks for your help in advance

    There is no easy way you can pass objects other than those supported by express such as String, map, list etc.
    Though not advised, you can create a class with static variables to handle the storage of such java objects during transition between form and workflow. You will need to somehow identify the objects uniquely .

  • How can I pass an object to a function by value?

    I have a function with an argument. this argument is an object. I don't want to alter this object. But java passes this object by reference and some fields in this object are altered after function return.
    How can I pass this object by value and keep my original data unbroken?
    thanks for any help

    a.toraby wrote:
    I have a function with an argument. this argument is an object. I don't want to alter this object. But java passes this object by reference and some fields in this object are altered after function return.
    How can I pass this object by value and keep my original data unbroken?How you approach it is likely to depend on how much control you have over the code in question. If it's legacy code and has been badly designed, there's probably very little you can do to protect existing code short of a complete refactoring.
    What you could do as an interim measure is:
    1. Create an immutable wrapper to your existing mutable class.
    2. Create new methods that replicate the existing ones, but take the immutable class instead.
    3. Deprecate the old methods.
    This won't break client code, but they will now get warnings when they compile and you can add documentation to point them to the new class/methods.
    If you are in control of the code (especially if you're still in the design stages), you've got several options:
    1. As Dr.Clap says, make your class immutable (probably best).
    2. If this isn't possible, create mutable and immutable variants of your class. This is often best achieved by hanging them both from an interface.

  • How to pass back object to client?

    Forgive me if i ask too stupid question, but I really confuse what is really happen when it is not working.
    Firstly, client A pass several objects to the server one by one, and the server will have to wait untill another client (let call it client b) able to process this object, and pass it back to the client a.
    This object include some data that need to compute and save the result back to the object.
    In this case, I have write the code to enable the server to callback client a, when the object is processed. Rather then put it in a while loop to wait the result coming back.
    But I have difficult to trace back the original client. It cannot find client A and update the object.
    I already read the Stock, Time example (which is in Sun website), and follow it to develop my program, but I still cannot get it right.
    Does anyone know have any reference that I can look at or give some suggestion that can help.
    Thank in advance and wish you have a good day.
    Tai Tan

    Really thank you for your help.
    But i still unable to get it right.
    Can I ask you few more questions. thank.
    Can I know what the 'this' in the your example mean?
       UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject( this );  //what is 'this' mean?
       obj = (Hello)Naming.lookup("//" + ser + ":5000/Server");
       message = obj.sayHello( this );  //what is 'this' mean?
    catch (Exception e)
         System.out.println("HelloApplet exception: " +
    }because the client program is not extends Applet, so if i put 'this' in the above 2 lines, it will not accept by the compiler.
    one more question, I put the client class in the first 'this' means:
    UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject( jobClient jc );  and passing second object in the second 'this':
    //message = obj.sayHello( this );
    // Note: mytemp is : 'static mainServer mytemp';
    // which is a remote object of the serverSo, is this the correct way to export the stub and object?
    (In the example that you give, the 'this' is the same. But in my program, the second 'this', I have to call submitJob(jb1) in the server, and passing the jb1 ( is a serialize object name call jobThread.)
    Thank again and sorry for giving you such trouble.

  • How do I pass an object to a Servlet?

    I have a fully initailized object called x.
    I need to invoke a servlet from an application and pass this object x to the
    This object contains all the necessary parameters which the servlet needs.
    How can I invoke a servlet from a class and pass this object?
    For Example:
    class SendObjToServlet
    URL u = new URL("servlet_path");
    }catch(Exception e)
    Now how and where do I pass an object to this servlet??
    Please can any one respond?
    this website will give you the basic idea. It shows you how to do it with an applet the same idea will work for an applcation.

  • Initialize QTMovie in a child thread by passing Movie object.

    I'm working on an Qt (Qt framework) application in which I'm making use of a .mm file to call MAC specific functions.
    I need to initialize QTMovie in a child thread by passing Movie object.
    [QTMovie movieWithQuickTimeMovie:movie disposeWhenDone:TRUE error:nil]
    It appears like I have to initialize QTMovie in main thread. I came across performSelectorOnMainThread which might be of some help. Could anyone please show me the right usage of the same?
    I need to call a method using performSelectorOnMainThread by passing the Movie object to it and which returns the initialized QTMovie object.
    Thanks in advance.

    Ah, you seem to be on to something, there. The main thread gives
    while the child thread gives null. The same occurs whether the experiment is in
    the same JVM instance or not.
    So presumably this means I need to get the context loader from the main thread
    and set it in the child thread manually!?
    - Angus.
    Patrick Linskey wrote:
    Angus Monro <[email protected]> writes:
    Okay.... I'm not really sure what you're asking for. What I've done is
    printed the ClassLoader object as given by, along with its
    parent recursively up the tree of loaders. This gave:
    This result was exactly the same irrespective of whether I did it from the
    main thread or the child thread. But the exception still happens only the
    child thread.Sorry, I should have been more clear. Can you print out the current
    thread's context's classloader?
    System.out.println (Thread.currentThread ().getContextClassLoader ());
    Also, what happens if you run the test in the main thread and then in
    the child thread, all in the same JVM?
    - Angus.
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • Help: I am trying to pass a variable between classes

    I am trying to pass data in a variable inbetween two classes is there any suggestions as to how to do this? Here is a example of the code I am trying to pass MqMessage to the class MqLog.
                                       System.exit( 0 );
                             else //else build flat file and launch docusolve
                                       MqLog tempMqLog = new MqLog();
                                       aRuntime = null;
                                       aProcess = null;                                   

    I don't really undestand what you are asking specifically. If you only want to transfer a value from one Object to another Object, then you should just use a set method:
    if (objectOne.getValue().equals("END"))

  • Pass a object from one jar to another jar file

    I have a common jar file which will communicate to the server for data validation purpose.But after validation it has to invoke different different jar file based on its response from the server.So, I might have a object which has to pass from the common jar file to a specific jar file.So, I like to know what will be the best procedure to achieve it.
    Please help me out.

    arpitak wrote:
    Yes,jar file holds class of class files wants to trigger a method of a class file which resides in different jar file.this is the situation I tried to describe.Let consider there are three jar files like JAR A,JAR B ,JAR C.Here JAR A is a common jar where other two jar could be used as a plug in. So based on the condition any one of them (JARS) will be triggered by the common jar(JAR A).this is the situation.The class file of JAR A will trigger some method or main method of the JAR B/JAR C.So,here how could I pass a object from one jar to another is my main question.
    Is it clear now?
    I need a solution for this very urgently.Are you looking for a plug-in framework? That is, dynamically discovering and loading plugins. I am not experienced in developing or using plugins. However Googling "java plugin" brings up JPF.
    If you just have multiple jars that have different classes, the JVM will load the appropriate classes if it can find the jars through the standard classloader on the classpath or through a customer classloader.

  • Pass an object from a static method

    I'm trying to pass a reference to an object from a static method, but I get an error when compiling.
    Say for example I have this:
    public class obj1 {
    public void myMethod (int i, Object ob, etc...) {
    ...and I want to call this method from a method that looks like this:
    public class obj2 {
    public static int anotherMethod(...) {
    ...Can I pass a reference from obj2 to obj1 any other way?
    Thanks alot.

    how can I get a reference to obj2 then?Pay no attention to zdude's answer - it's nonsense.
    You're confused about basic Java concepts. obj2 is a class, not an object. References point to objects, not classes. There is no obj2 object in the code you show, so you cannot have a reference to an obj2 object.
    Maybe if you post some more code, we can get an idea of what you're trying to do. You might want to try the New to Java forum.

  • MVC2.0-- how to pass bean object to jsp

    Hi All,
    Anybody please tell me how to pass bean class object from controller to jsp ?
    I am developing an application in MVC2.0.
    I am creating an object of bean class in controller servlet and want to pass this object to jsp so anybody please tell how to pass this object to jsp.
    Bean obj = new Bean();
    Bean --
    public String aMethod() {
    return data;
    I have to use this method in my jsp and I am creating an object of this bean in controller servlet.
    Please help
    Please reply soon

    Thanks for your response. I knew it is possible with session objects. But I want to perform this operation with out using session objects. Is there a way to accomplish this with out using Session objects.
    Please help.

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