Passing multiple values to the QUERY BDOC parameter?

hi All,
Below is my Query BDOC Anchor Before Query Execute even handler... I'm trying to pass multiple values to the         bq.Z_PartnerFunction query parameter... i.e. 
is it possible without creating new Query Bdoc ?
Private Sub aempchoicewinTCWSearchTAnchor_beforeQueryExecute(ByRef bq As BusinessQuery, ByRef cancel As Boolean)
If Not bq Is Nothing Then
        If sWcDummy = "Yes" Then
                bq.WcDummy = sWcDummy
        End If
        bq.Z_PartnerFunction = "00000012"
        If ctrlZ_Territory.Value <> "" Then
             bq.PRNB_TerrID = "*" & ctrlZ_Territory.Value
        End If
End If
End Sub
Thanks in advance

it looks that you already enhanced the query BDoc because you have a new query parameter bq.Z_PartnerFunction, right?
To which BDoc parameter is this BQ parameter mapped? And how looks the related where clause?
For a single filter normally a "=" operator is used. Therefore your example with "in" won't work.
If these three partner functions are fixed then you might hardcoded them directly in the where clause (supposed the BDoc is not used somewhere else where you don't want to have this filter).
Or you might add 3 new BDoc parameters, add 3 new where clauses using a disjunction for them (and using an embracing bracket). In this case always all these 3 BQ parameters need to be filled (or all stay empty) to avoid a SQL syntax error.

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    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '101')
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    'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '103'))
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    Ravi, also to answer one of your questions about how this will work in Microstrategy; I just heard back from my Microstrategy developer and he is trying MSTR Freeform SQL query with syntax like this;
    from "_SYS_BIC"."MyPackage/CA_TEST_PASS_PARAMETER"
    ('PLACEHOLDER' =('$$MoveType$$', '[Movement Type]')) PAR_TEST
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    from     "_SYS_BIC"."development.pr1959/CA_TEST_PASS_PARAMETER"
    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', ''101', '102''))   PAR_TEST
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    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '''101'', ''102'''))   PAR_TEST
    So at this point we are not sure if this will be possible or not.

  • Passing multiple values to a parmeters in SQL Query

    Hi friends,
    I have the following requirement -
    I need to pass multiple values to the parameter 'WHERE = (:id1)' and the query is copied below for your reference .
    SELECT partno part_num,
         customer customer_name, op_name
         FROM hr_organization_units hou,
         oe_transaction_types_all sot,
         ra_customers rc,
         ra_addresses_all ra,
         ra_site_uses_all rsu,
         oe_order_headers_all h,
         oe_order_lines_all l,pwr_sod50 ps
         WHERE = (:id1)
    -- and = (:id4) in ('CPS FRANCE','CPS GERMANY')
    --and = (:id1,
         and trunc(ps.sch_ship_date) between nvl(:id2,trunc(ps.sch_ship_date)) and nvl(to_date(:id3)+.99999,trunc(ps.sch_ship_date))
         and ps.group_id = 9999999
         and hou.organization_id=h.org_id
         and ps.line_id =l.line_id
         and l.header_id =h.header_id
         and h.invoice_to_org_id=rsu.site_use_id
         and rsu.address_id =ra.address_id
         and ra.customer_id =rc.customer_id
         and h.order_type_id =sot.transaction_type_id
    Looking for your help on this.
    Thanks In Advance.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ramya Nomula

    Hi karthik,
    I am sorry for the wrong updation of my anonymus block.
    My requirement is to pass a multiple values to the parameter in SQL query, and here is the code which is working now for the multiple values with ourt single quotes to the values -
    SELECT partno part_num,
         customer customer_name,
         ps.customer_id customer_id,
         avail_qty avail_qty,
         sch_ship_date schedule_Ship_date,
         so_num order_no,
         h.header_id header_id,
         line_num line_no,
         l.ordered_quantity ordered_quantity,
         scd_qty qty_open,
         s_price unit_price,
         part_flag flag,
         sub_inv subinv,
         line_detail_id detail_id,
         rc.customer_name cust_name,
         rc.customer_number customer_number,
         rsu.location location,
         sot.attribute5 order_type,
         ps.line_id line_id,
         h.transactional_curr_code transactional_curr_code, op_name
         FROM hr_organization_units hou,
         oe_transaction_types_all sot,
         ra_customers rc,
         ra_addresses_all ra,
         ra_site_uses_all rsu,
         oe_order_headers_all h,
         oe_order_lines_all l,pwr_sod50 ps
         WHERE ','||:id1||',' like '%,'||||',%'
         and trunc(ps.sch_ship_date) between nvl(:id2,trunc(ps.sch_ship_date)) and nvl(to_date(:id3)+.99999,trunc(ps.sch_ship_date))
         and ps.group_id = 9999999
         and hou.organization_id=h.org_id
         and ps.line_id =l.line_id
         and l.header_id =h.header_id
         and h.invoice_to_org_id=rsu.site_use_id
         and rsu.address_id =ra.address_id
         and ra.customer_id =rc.customer_id
         and h.order_type_id =sot.transaction_type_id;
    Condition for sending multiple Oprtaing Units -
    WHERE ','||:id1||',' like '%,'||||',%'
    This above condition is working when i am passing multiple values with out single quotes...but not working for multiple values with single quotes.
    Sample queries tested -
    select 1 from dual where ',aa,bb,cc,' like '%,bb,%' (This is working)
    select 1 from dual where ','aa','bb','cc',' like '%,'bb',%'(This is not working).
    Thanks In Advance!
    Looking for Your Great Help.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ramya Nomula

  • Any way to pass Multiple Values for a single Label in the Parameter?

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    Any way to pass Multiple Values for a single Label in the Parameter?
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    it correct.
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    Based on my experience, there's no way to 'intercept' the query that gets passed back to SQL Server, so a Split wouldn't work.
    Try creating either a function or stored procedure using the code below (compliments to to parse the string: 
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Parse(@Array VARCHAR(1000), @Separator VARCHAR(10))
    RETURNS @ResultTable TABLE (ParseValue VARCHAR(100))AS
    DECLARE @SeparatorPosition INT
    DECLARE @ArrayValue VARCHAR(1000)
    SET @Array = @Array + @Separator
    WHILE PATINDEX('%' + @Separator + '%' , @Array) <> 0
    SELECT @SeparatorPosition = PATINDEX('%' + @Separator + '%', @Array)
    SELECT @ArrayValue = LEFT(@Array, @SeparatorPosition - 1)
    INSERT @ResultTable VALUES (CAST(@ArrayValue AS VARCHAR))
    SELECT @Array = STUFF(@Array, 1, @SeparatorPosition, '')
    Once created you can do things like this:
    SELECT * FROM Parse('John,Bill,David,Thomas', ',')
    SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'John' AS TestName union select 'David' AS TestName) AS Main
    WHERE TestName IN (SELECT ParseValue FROM dbo.Parse('John,Bill,David,Thomas', ','))
    This is what your SQL query would probably look like:
    SELECT OperationID, OperationName FROM dbo.Operations
    WHERE AreaID IN (SELECT ParseValue FROM dbo.Parse(@Area, ','))
    You may need to fiddle around with the Separator depending on whether SQL Server inserts a space between the comma and next value.

  • Passing multiple values in a parameter through IN operator

    hello everyone,
    i want to know wheather it is possible to pass multiple values to a report parameter and use the parameter in the query with the IN operator.
    I feel this should be possible but dont know the way.
    Pls help

    i have also suffered from this problem. you can solve it by creating a table like
    create table abc
    id number,
    value number;
    then follow the steps.
    1) insert all the values in this table by incrementing id and values
    2) then pass lowest id and larget id to the report
    3) now in report use the select statement like

  • About passing multiple values in parameter for oracle report
    Hi all,
    i want to pass multiple value using , to separate them 1,2,3....
    here is my query
    ,to_char(oh.ordered_date,'DD-MON-YYYY') d_date
    ,to_char(oh.ordered_date+31,'DD-MON-YYYY') d_validity
    ,oh.cust_po_number d_po_num
    ,rcust.customer_id AS customer_id
    ,oh.order_number d_salesorder_no
    ,oh.cust_po_number d_project
    ,oh.attribute1 second_addr
    ,oh.attribute2 remark1
    ,oh.attribute3 remark2
    ,substr(oh.transactional_curr_code,1,3) as currency
    , ordertype
    , as d_payment_term
    ,rat.description d_payment_desc
    ,rsa.email_address as sales_phone
    ,rcust.customer_name||' - #'||rcust.customer_number d_to_custname
    ,rcust.customer_name d_cust_sign
    -- ,raddr.ship_to_flag
    ,oh.sold_to_contact_id AS attn_id
    , AS SO_type
    -- ,net_org.ORG_LOGO
    oe_order_headers_all oh
    ,ra_customers rcust
    ,ra_addresses_all raddr
    ,ra_site_uses_all rsite --double_line
    ,ra_terms rat
    ,hz_party_sites hps
    ,hz_contact_points hcp
    ,ra_salesreps_all rsa
    ,oe_transaction_types_tl tyl
    -- ,apps.ar_contacts_v acv
    -- ,net_org
    WHERE oh.sold_to_org_id = rcust.customer_id
    AND oh.payment_term_id = rat.term_id(+)
    --AND        rcust.customer_id = acv.customer_id(+)
    AND oh.salesrep_id = rsa.salesrep_id
    AND oh.order_type_id = tyl.transaction_type_id
    AND rcust.party_id = raddr.party_id
    AND raddr.address_id = rsite.address_id
    AND rcust.party_id = hps.party_id
    AND hps.party_site_id = hcp.owner_table_id(+)
    AND hcp.owner_table_name(+) = 'HZ_PARTY'
    --AND        hcp.contact_point_type (+)='PHONE'
    AND tyl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG')
    --AND          raddr.ship_to_flag IS NULL
    AND oh.order_number =:P_CONTRACT_NO
    and oh.org_id = :P_ORG_ID
    --and            net_org.org_id = :P_ORG_ID
    and after para form
    function AfterPForm return boolean is
    :CP_Param := 'where oh.order_number in ('||:P_CONTRACT_NO||')';
    return (TRUE);
    it said ora-00933 but my query can run i dont need the multiple values para, can anyone help me how to modify the report so it can pass multipel values thanks

    HI I tried changing the parameter width to a larger value, it can output , and the field where I show the order_number i used source P_CONTRACT_NO,
    it will display as 102005000,102005001 and I also tried using the column from the query directly, it will be separated , it has some other problem
    I have the header part and main part,
    and also there are page numbering, with the order number field set as order_number it will output single number , but the page order is wrong
    102005000,102005001 will be like header page: 102005000 1/4 102005001 2/4, main page 102005000 3/4, 102005001 3/4
    DO you have any idea how I can set the page numbering setting so it will output as header page:102005000 1/2 102005000 2/2
    header page:102005001 1/2 102005001 2/2
    ?? thanks

  • Passing multiple values to a BI query

    Hi experts,
    This question has probably been asked a few times, but I have an issue with passing multiple values to a BI query.  Here's the scenario....
    1)  I have created a BI query.  When I test the query in VC I can enter values 1000:1100 in the Infoobject Business Area and I see that the values are passed through OK
    2)  Then I created a form where Business Area is an Input Field
    3)  I linked the form to the BI query and assigned value @Business_area
    3)  A table is linked to the BI query to view my result ( I have set a distinct before my table to view the data by fiscal year period)
    4) When running the VC model, the table show values for 1000 and 1100, but when I enter 1000:1100 and Submit it does not show both the business areas
    There must be something I am missing and I thought it was that in my submit string (between the input form and the BI query) that I should fill in some values (instad of @Business_area). I tried to fill in 1000:1100, but then I get an error saying Invalid time 1000:1100.
    I would really appreciate any help on this issue :-).

    Hi Thomas,
    I wish to enter default values for dates onto the VC form. Ie I have a VC report to display a customer's shipped data. Ship date is a selection field/ input field on the form for the report/ output table.
    At present if a user clicks submit they get all their shipped records from the beginning of time till today. How can I restrict the dates at VC level to past  3months? So if the users don't specify a ship date, they get the past 3 months data, and afterwards they can change it an retrieve all the data or past 2 years as they wish.

  • How to passing multiple values for a parameter of discoverer(url parameters

    Hi All,
    I am trying to pass multiple values for a parameter of disco report. I am trying to include my url for discoverer viewer report. the values has the following
    Thanks and Regards

    Hello Venkat,
    I know there are some problems with, maybe if you haven't done yet you can try with, assuming this version should be working for multiple parameter values :
    OracleAS Discoverer is installed with the following patch :
    So, once installed you can try adding your parameter as param_<parameter_name>='sfophiee,angela'
    Hope this helps, otherwise feel free to log a Service Request to Support.
    Best Regards,

  • Pass WebI dimension multiple values to OpenDocument URL lsM parameter

    Has anyone managed to pass multiple values of WebI dimension object to OpenDocument URL lsM parameter?
    My WebI document has 3 objects: Country  \[Country\] and Customer \[Customer\] dimensions and Sales Amount measure. WebI report includes a table with 2 columns: Country \[Country\] and Sales Amount. I have built a hyperlink in the Country cells with an OpenDocument URL with lsS parameter = \[Country\] and lsM parameter which should get all context Customers for selected Country as a string (IsM=u201D\[Customer1 Name\], \[Customer2 Name\], \[Customer3 Name\]u201D) .
    Using IsM=\[Customer\] forces table to break down by customer which does not help.
    I imagine that the solution would be a function similar to count(\[Customer\]) which accepts a dimension as an input parameter and returns a string with concatenated Customer Names.
    I have considered WebI extension points (custom functions) option but according to the documentation they do not accept u201Cobjectu201D type as an input parameter.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you

    What is the prolem you are facing if you split the single date param as two parameters say startdate and enddate?
    If you pass as single string then you might have to split the same at reciever end.
    Are you trying any thing specific?

  • Pass multiple values as single input parameter into pipelined function

    Hi all,
    My need is to pass multiple values as single input parameter into pipelined function.
    For example - "2" and "3" are values of input parameter "t":
    with data as (
    select 1 as t from dual union all
    select 2 as t from dual union all
    select 3 as t from dual union all
    select 4 as t from dual union all
    select 5 as t from dual
    select * from data where t in (2,3)Is it possible at all?

    Not exactly sure, but usually 'multiple values'+'pipelined function' = some IN-LIST related approach?
    SQL> create table data as
      2  select 1 as t from dual union all
      3  select 2 as t from dual union all
      4  select 3 as t from dual union all
      5  select 4 as t from dual union all
      6  select 5 as t from dual;
    Table created.
    SQL> --
      2  RETURN sys.odcivarchar2list PIPELINED
      3  AS
      4    l_text  VARCHAR2(32767) := p_in_list || ',';
      5    l_idx   NUMBER;
      6  BEGIN
      7    LOOP
      8      l_idx := INSTR(l_text, ',');
      9      EXIT WHEN NVL(l_idx, 0) = 0;
    10      PIPE ROW (TRIM(SUBSTR(l_text, 1, l_idx - 1)));
    11      l_text := SUBSTR(l_text, l_idx + 1);
    12    END LOOP;
    14    RETURN;
    15  END;
    16  /
    Function created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> select *
      2  from   data
      3  where  t in ( select *
      4                from   table(in_list('1,2'))
      5              );
    2 rows selected.

  • How to pass a value to the export parameter for a method (public instance)?

      I am trying ABAP OO newly. How to pass a value to the export parameter for a method (public instance) called in a report? This *export parameter has a reference type of structure.
    Thanks in advance,

    "class definition
    class lcl... definition.
      public section.
        method m1 imporitng par type ref to data.  "now you can pass any reference to the method, but this way you have to maintain this reference dynamically inside the method (you can't be sure what that reference is really "pointing" at)
    "in program
    data: r_lcl type ref to lcl...
    create object r_lcl.
    call method r_lcl
         par    =  "pass any reference variable here

  • Multiple values for the Parameter

    1. Had any tried the selecting MULTIPLE values for the parameter in Oracle Discoverer Plus Releae 4.1 Version If so can please let me know how to implement it.
    2. In a Page-Detail Cross Tab workbook, I have to show the weighted average instead of the avg or sum. Any inputs please.
    3. I have to compare two periods (TOP) of datapoints. Any inputs please.

    If you wanted to eliminate the need for users to type in the parameter values, you could create a LOV on the desired column. This will produce a distinct list of all valid values where the user would simply select as the wish. Of course you still need to check the "let user enter multiple values" checkbox if you want them to select more than one.

  • Passing multiple values to report

    I have a parameter form. One of the field will have at least one value. When it have more than one value, the values will be separate by a comma and pass to the report. Please tell me how separate them and put them in quotation in the report query.
    EX: the values are: PO, DR
    There will be in the where condition as: where code in ('PO', 'DR');
    Thank you in advance.
    ps. I am using 10g
    Edited by: 945599 on Jul 10, 2012 2:04 PM

    Forms does not allow user to select multiple values from a list item!
    The purpose of the LIST ITEM is to provide a list of values for data entry. Since data entry is for a single row of data, the LIST ITEM allows a single value to be selected. Selecting multiple values in the LIST ITEM for a single value item on a single record is not the function of a LIST ITEM.
    So, if you need to select multiple values from a field and pass them through a single parameter to report, i will present you two methods to achieve this!
    First Method is the text item Method:
    Stept 1:
    Create the text item with the values you need to send to reports.
    Step 2:
    Create 2 visual attributes.One visual attribute is for selected values and the other one is for deselected values
    Step 3:
    Create a parameter, in forms parameter layouts which will hold the selected value.This parameter will be used to set the report query clause.
    Step 4:
    Create a trriger for the item which you created at step 1. An example is when-mouse-click trriger.In the body of the trriger,if the item instance is clicked you will modify its visual attribute and the parameter created at step 3 will receive the item instance value.
    Step 5:
    In reports create a user lexical parameter(which is a large text parameter ex 2000).Ex. P_Clause.The value of this parameter is the value recrived for the form parameter you created at step 3. You report query will be like this: select * from table where &P_Clause!
    Second Method is the checkbox Method:
    Stept 1:
    Create a checkbox item near the text item with the values you need to send to reports.
    Step 2:
    Create a parameter, in forms parameter layouts which will hold the selected value.This parameter will be used to set the report query clause.
    Step 3:
    Before you call run_report_object proc, you will need to loop through records and build you parameter with the selected checkbox instances!
    Step 4:
    In reports create a user lexical parameter(which is a large text parameter ex 2000).Ex. P_Clause.The value of this parameter is the value recrived for the form parameter you created at step 3. You report query will be like this: select * from table where &P_Clause!
    Hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for