Passing parameter using submit

Hi all
how to pass the parameter over using the submit? What is the syntax and how to retieve the parameter over another program?
Any help. Many thanks!

SUBMIT - selscreen_parameters
    [WITH expr_syntax1 WITH expr_syntax2 ...]
    [WITH FREE SELECTIONS texpr] ... .
1. ... USING SELECTION-SET variant
4. ... WITH expr_syntax1 WITH expr_syntax2 ...
USING-SELECTION-SET supplies all the selection screen components by means of a Variant variant. If you specify USING-SELECTION-SETS OF PROGRAM, you can use a variant from a different program; if you specify WITH SELECTION-TABLE, values for several selection screen components are transferred as the content of an internal table rspar; WITH expr_syntax supplies individual selection screen components with values. The addition WITH FREE SELECTIONS allows you to transfer free selections to the selection screen for alogical database.
Addition 1
If you specify this edition, the parameters and selection criteria for the selection screen are supplied with values from a variant. For variant, you must specify a character-like data object that contains the name of a variant for the program accessed when the statement is executed. If the variant does not exist, the system sends an error message. If the variant belongs to a different selection screen, it is ignored.
You can create and manage variants for every program in which selection screens are defined, either in the ABAP Workbench or during execution of the program by choosing Goto - Variants on a selection screen.
Addition 2
If you specify this addition, the variants of the program prog are used in the program accessed. For prog, you must specify a character-like data object that contains the name of a program when the statement is executed. The addition has the following effect:
If a variant variant is specified with USING SELECTION-SET, the system searches for this variant in the program prog.
If the selection screen is displayed with VIA SELECTION-SCREEN, all the functions that can be accessed by means of the menu path Goto - Variants affect the variants of the program prog. However, these functions are only active if prog is an executable program.
The program prog should contain a selection screen that has the same parameters and selection criteria as the selection screen used in the program accessed.
Addition 3
If you specify this addition, parameters and selection criteria on the selection screen are supplied from an internal table rspar. You must specify an internal table with the row type RSPARAMS for rspar. The structured data type RSPARAMS is defined in the ABAP Dictionary and has the following components, all of which are data type CHAR:
SELNAME (length 8),
KIND (length 1),
SIGN (length 1),
OPTION (length 2),
LOW (length 45),
HIGH (length 45).
To supply parameters and selection criteria for the selection screen with specific values, the lines in the internal table rspar must contain the following values:
SELNAME must contain the name of a parameter or selection criterion for the selection screen in block capitals
KIND must contain the type of selection screen component (P for parameters, S for selection criteria)
SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH must contain the values specified for the selection table columns that have the same names as the selection criteria; in the case of parameters, the value must be specified in LOW and all other components are ignored.
If the name of a selection criterion is repeated in rspar, this defines a selection table containing several lines and passes it on to the selection criterion. If parameter names occur several times, the last value is passed on to the parameter.
The contents of the parameters or selection tables for the current program can be entered in the table by the function module RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS.
In contrast to selection tables, the data types of the components LOW and HIGH in table rspar are always of type CHAR and are converted to the type of the parameter or selection criterion during transfer, if necessary.
When entering values, you must ensure that these are entered in the internal format of the ABAP values, and not in the output format of the screen display.
Addition 4
... WITH expr_syntax1 WITH expr_syntax2 ...
This addition supplies values to individual parameters or selection criteria for the selection screen. Parameters are supplied with single values and selection criteria with selection tables that overwrite values already specified in the program accessed. The selection table to be transferred is compiled from all the expr_syntax additions that address the same selection criterion sel. You can specify the following statements for expr_syntax, where you have to specify the name of a parameter or a selection criterion directly for sel:
sel {EQ|NE|CP|NP|GT|GE|LT|LE} dobj [SIGN sign]
Transfer of a single value.
The operators before dobj correspond to the values specified for column OPTION for selection tables. For dobj, you must specify a data object whose data type can be converted to the data type of the selection screen component sel. For sign, you can specify a character-like field that must contain 'I' or 'E'. The standard value is 'I'.
If sel is a selection criterion, the system appends a line in the selection table to be transferred, placing the operator in column OPTION, the content of dobj in column LOW, and the content of sign in column SIGN.
If sel is a parameter, it is set to the value of dobj in the program accessed. The operator and the value of sign are not taken into account.
sel [NOT] BETWEEN dobj1 AND dobj2 [SIGN sign]
Transfer of an interval.
In this case, sel must be a selection criterion. For dobj, you must specify data objects whose data type can be converted to that of the columns LOW and HIGH for the selection criterion sel. For sign, you can specify a character-like field that must contain 'I' or 'E'. The standard value is 'I'.
A line is appended in the selection table to be transferred. If NOT is specified, the value 'NB' is placed in column OPTION; otherwise, the value entered is 'BT'. The content of the data objects dobj and sign is placed in the columns LOW, HIGH, and SIGN.
sel IN rtab
Transfer of a ranges table.
In this case, sel must be a selection criterion. For rtab, you must specify an internal table that has the same structure as the selection table for selection criterion sel. A table of this type can be created using the addition RANGE OF to the statements TYPES and DATA.
The lines in table rtab are appended to the selection table to be transferred.
You can specify the addition expr_syntax more than once, and you can also specify the same selection screen component more than once.
= or INCL can also be used instead of the operator EQ.
When entering values, you must ensure that these have the internal format of the ABAP values, and not the output format of the screen display.
The program report1 has a stand-alone selection screen with the screen number 1100. In the program report2, an internal table with row type RSPARAMS and a ranges table are filled for this selection screen. These are transferred at SUBMIT together with a single condition.
Program accessed
REPORT report1.
  SELECT-OPTIONS: selcrit1 FOR text,
                  selcrit2 FOR text.
Calling program
REPORT report2.
DATA: text       TYPE c LENGTH 10,
      rspar_tab  TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
      rspar_line LIKE LINE OF rspar_tab,
      range_tab  LIKE RANGE OF text,
      range_line LIKE LINE OF range_tab.
rspar_line-selname = 'SELCRIT1'.
rspar_line-kind    = 'S'.
rspar_line-sign    = 'I'.
rspar_line-option  = 'EQ'.
rspar_line-low     = 'ABAP'.
APPEND rspar_line TO rspar_tab.
range_line-sign   = 'E'.
range_line-option = 'EQ'.
range_line-low    = 'H'.
APPEND range_line TO range_tab.
range_line-sign   = 'E'.
range_line-option = 'EQ'.
range_line-low    = 'K'.
APPEND range_line TO range_tab.
               WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar_tab
               WITH selcrit2 BETWEEN 'H' AND 'K'
               WITH selcrit2 IN range_tab
               AND RETURN.
After report1 has been accessed by report2, the selection tables for the selection criteria selcrit1 and selcrit2 in the program accessed contain the following entries:
selcrit1 I EQ ABAP 
selcrit2 I BT H K
selcrit2 E EQ H 
selcrit2 E EQ K 
Addition 5
This addition supplies values to the dynamic selections for the selection screen for a logical database. The program accessed must be linked to a logical database that supports dynamic selections. texpr must be an internal table of the type RSDS_TEXPR from type group RSDS.
In texpr, the selections for the dynamic selections are specified in an internal format (Reverse Polish Notation). You can use function modules FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT, FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG, and FREE_SELECTIONS_RANGE_2_EX from the function group SSEL to fill texpr in the calling program. While the first two function modules execute a user dialog, you can transfer ranges tables to FREE_SELECTIONS_RANGE_2_EX for each node in the dynamic selection in an internal table of the type RSDS_TRANGE. These are then converted to a table of the row type RSDS_TEXPR. If the calling program contains a selection screen with the same dynamic selections, you can transfer its content beforehand to a table of the type RSDS_TRANGE using the function module RS_REFRESH_FROM_DYNAMICAL_SEL.
The lines in the internal table type RSDS_TRANGE contain a flat component TABLENAME for each node and a table-like component FRANGE_T of the type RSDS_FRANGE_T for the fields in the node. The lines in RSDS_FRANGE_T contain a flat component FIELDNAME for each field and a table-like component SELOPT_T of the row type RSDSSELOPT from the ABAP Dictionary. RSDSSELOPT contains the four components SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH and can include the ranges table.
Program report1 is linked to the logical database F1S, which supports dynamic selections for the node SPFLI. Program report2 enters conditions in a nested internal table of the type rsds_trange with selection conditions for field CONNID in node SPFLI; this is then converted to a table of the type rsds_texpr, which is transferred at SUBMIT.
Program accessed
REPORT report1.
NODES: spfli, sflight, sbook.
Calling program
REPORT report2.
DATA: trange TYPE rsds_trange,
        LIKE LINE OF trange,
        LIKE LINE OF trange_line-frange_t,
        LIKE LINE OF trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t,
      texpr TYPE rsds_texpr.
trange_line-tablename = 'SPFLI'.
trange_frange_t_line-fieldname = 'CONNID'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-sign   = 'I'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-option = 'BT'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-low    = '0200'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-high   = '0800'.
APPEND trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line
  TO trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-sign   = 'I'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-option = 'NE'.
trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line-low    = '0400'.
APPEND trange_frange_t_selopt_t_line
  TO trange_frange_t_line-selopt_t.
APPEND trange_frange_t_line TO trange_line-frange_t.
APPEND trange_line TO trange.
    field_ranges = trange
    expressions  = texpr.
               WITH FREE SELECTIONS texpr.
SUBMIT - selscreen_options
    [selscreen_parameters] ... .
The addition USING SELECTION-SCREEN specifies the selection screen, VIA SELECTION-SCREEN specifies whether it is displayed. The additions selscreen_parameters provide values for the parameters, selection criteria, and the free selection of the called selection screen.
The values are transferred to the selection screen between the events INITIALIZATION and AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT The following hierarchy applies for transferring values:
First, the variant of the addition USING SELECTION-SET is transferred, which sets all parameters and selection criteria to the values of the variant. The values previously set in the called program are overwritten.
The values of the table of the addition WITH SELECTION-TABLE are then transferred. All parameters and selection criteria specified there are overwritten accordingly.
Finally, the values of the additions WITH sel value are transferred. All parameters and selection criteria are overwritten accordingly. If the addition WITH sel value is used more than once for the same parameter, this is overwritten with the last specified value. If the addition WITH sel value is used more than once for the same selection criterion, a selection table with the corresponding number of lines is transferred.
Providing values for free selections is independent of this hierarchy.
The options for parameter transfer enable a selection screen to be viewed as a parameter interface of an executable program. This applies particularly for background selection screen processing and for parameters and selection criteria that are defined without screen elements using the addition NO-DISPLAY
When transferring data, note that any adjustments made to the screen format, such as abbreviations or the execution of conversion routines, are not executed for fields for which there are no screen elements on the selection screen. This applies for all parameters and selection criteria defined with NO DISPLAY. It also applies for all lines of a selection table with the exception of the first line.
The additions selscreen_parameters only work the first time the called program is executed. If a selection screen is displayed in the called program, the runtime environment calls the program again after it is finished, thereby replacing the values specified in selscreen_parameters with the previous input values.
Addition 1
This addition specifies which selection screen is called. dynnr is a data object that must contain the screen number of a selection screen defined in the called program when the SUBMIT statement is called.
If the addition USING SELECTION-SCREEN is omitted or the screen number 1000 is entered, the standard selection screen is called. If no standard selection screen is defined in the called program, no selection screen is called.
If a screen number that is not 1000 is entered in the addition USING SELECTION-SCREEN, the corresponding independent selection screen is called. If no selection screen with this screen number is defined in the called program, this leads to an untreatable exception.
Addition 2
If this addition is specified, the selection screen is displayed on the screen. Otherwise, background selection screen processing takes place. In background selection screen processing, the selection screen events are triggered without the selection screen being displayed.

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    Hi Mark,
    The "number" format relies on the formats supported by the JS
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    Hi Susanth,
                   Create Variant for the calling program, Give that variant( here in the below program variant for calling program that I created is VAR1) in the calling program in SUBMIT Statement.
      w_variant(5) TYPE c VALUE 'VAR1'.
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    WRITE '*************** This is Called program output **********************'.
    Hope this solves your problem.
    If you any query you are welcome.

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    Looks like you've got it almost right - just an extra unneeded "
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    which should render on the page as something like
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    hm.put("AppSignature", signature);
    null, // not necessary with KEEP_MENU_CONTEXT
    OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_MENU_CONTEXT, // no change to menu context
    null, // No need to specify since we're keeping menu context
    hm, // request parameters
    false, // retain the root application module
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    DATA : z_budat TYPE  RANGE OF budat,
           wa_budat LIKE LINE OF z_budat.
    wa_budat-low = '20111001'.
    wa_budat-sign = 'I'.
    wa_budat-option = 'BT'.
    wa_budat-high = '20111031'.
    APPEND wa_budat TO z_budat.
    CLEAR wa_budat.
    *wa_budat-High = '20111031'.
    *wa_budat-sign = 'I'.
    *wa_budat-option = 'BT'.
    *append wa_budat to z_budat.
    DATA : z_arbpl TYPE  RANGE OF arbpl,
           wa_arbpl LIKE LINE OF z_arbpl.
    wa_arbpl-low = 'BIWL*'.
    wa_arbpl-sign = 'I'.
    wa_arbpl-option = 'EQ'.
    APPEND wa_arbpl TO z_arbpl.
    CLEAR wa_arbpl.
    wa_arbpl-high = 'BIOT'.
    *wa_arbpl-sign = 'I'.
    *wa_arbpl-option = 'BT'.
    *APPEND wa_arbpl TO z_arbpl.
    SUBMIT   zpp_rep_hemm_perf WITH s_bukrs = '1004'  WITH s_budat IN z_budat WITH      s_werks = 'SMJT'
                   with   S_ARBPL IN Z_ARBPL USING SELECTION-SCREEN '1000' AND RETURN.
    but my doubt is whether it is corect or wrong what ever i am passing inputs for arbpl.
    thanks in advance.

    You can pass all parameter (rsparams-kind = 'P') and select-options (rsparams-kind = 'S') as a single internal table of type RSPARAMS. Go on appending the field names and values as rows and pass using SELECTION-TABLE parameter of SUBMIT command.
    I gave appending one set of selection values for s_budat field but you can go on appending more values for s_budat and other fields.
    DATA: lt_rsparams TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
          ls_rsparams TYPE rsparams.
    CLEAR ls_rsparams.
    ls_rsparams-selname  = 'S_BUDAT'.
    ls_rsparams-kind = 'S'.
    ls_rsparams-sign = 'I'.
    ls_rsparams-option = 'BT'.
    ls_rsparams-low =  '20111001'.
    ls_rsparams-high = '20111031'.
    APPEND ls_rsparams TO lt_rsparams.
    SUBMIT zpp_rep_hemm_perf WITH SELECTION-TABLE lt_rsparams
                      USING SELECTION-SCREEN '1000'
                      AND RETURN.

  • Passing View accessor parameter using a bean.

    Hi i am working on LOV's I am passing parameter value as mentioned by this article Decompiling ADF Binaries: Initializing the bind variables used for an LOV query
    I tried this.. when i am testing using application module tester, it is working fine...but when running the app ,i am getting this error.
    and in middle i am getting this error.
    <ViewHandlerImpl> <_checkTimestamp> Apache Trinidad is running with time-stamp checking enabled. This should not be used in a production environment. See the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CHECK_FILE_MODIFICATION property in WEB-INF/web.xml
    <GlobalConfiguratorImpl> <_startConfiguratorServiceRequest>
    weblogic.utils.NestedRuntimeException: Cannot parse POST parameters of request: '/Application5-ViewController-context-root/faces/untitled1.jspx'
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$RequestParameters.mergePostParams(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$RequestParameters.parseQueryParams(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$RequestParameters.getQueryParams(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$RequestParameters.getParameter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$RequestParameters.access$800(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.getParameter(
      at javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper.getParameter(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.external.ServletRequestParameterMap.getAttribute(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.external.ServletRequestParameterMap.getAttribute(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.external.AbstractAttributeMap.get(
      at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState.getRootViewPortFromRequest(
      at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.AdfcContext.initialize(
      at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.AdfcContext.initialize(
      at oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.AdfcConfigurator.beginRequest(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.config.GlobalConfiguratorImpl._startConfiguratorServiceRequest(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.config.GlobalConfiguratorImpl.beginRequest(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(
      at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at Method)
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Caused by: EOF after reading only: '0' of: '16' promised bytes, out of which at least: '0' were already buffered
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.PostInputStream.complain(
      at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl$RequestParameters.mergePostParams(
      ... 39 more
    <UIXEditableValue> <_isBeanValidationAvailable> A Bean Validation provider is not present, therefore bean validation is disabled
    how to resolve this

    maybe the solution that used to initializing the bind variables in Decompiling ADF Binaries: Initializing the bind variables used for an LOV query
    can help you

  • From scorecard Pass parameter to be used as Measure in query of analytic Grid report in PPS in SP2013

    From scorecard Pass parameter  to be used as Measure in query of analytic grid report in PPS
    Any idea of how we can pass this parameter while connecting scorecard and report
    any use of MDX in connection formula ?
    Parameter needs to be assigned on click of scorecard cell

    That API has restrictions on its usage. Please see
    The lines to be referred to are Also, this method requires that the parameters that describe the BLOB to be listed as the format of a valid item within the application. That item is then referenced by the function.Regards,
    PS: Your report must be on Page 98 , so it is able to reference the item P98_NAV_IMAGE. List being a Shared Component it may not be able reference that Item.
    Edited by: Prabodh on May 28, 2012 3:16 PM

  • Syntax to pass parameter value to jsp using href in out.println

    I have the URL in the form as mentioned below:
    <a href="b2c/marketing/showDocDetail.jsp"> <%=doc_no%></a>
    I've created the hyperlink using href tag to the document number in the jsp using the below syntax.
    <% String a1 = "Document ";
           String a2 = "<a href=\"";
           String a3 = "marketing/showDocDetail.jsp\">";
           String a4 = doc_no;
           String a5 = "</a>";
    When clicked the doc_no is passed to backend RFC and export parameter is retrieved to result.jsp where values along with doc_no are displayed.
    the value after clicked is not being passed to class that does the retreival.
    Needful, backend class, bom, entry in config.xml is all maintained.
    Please help me out with the syntax to pass the parameter value into java class

    Hi Bharathi,
    try below.
           String a1 = "Document ";
           String a2 = "<a href=\"";
           String a3 = "marketing/";
           String a4 = doc_no;
           String a5 = " \">";
           String a6 = doc_no;
           String a7 = "</a>";
    I assume doc_no is java variable contains value of document number
    Now create action entry in config.xml file. Suppose "" class process it.
    <action path="/marketing/showDocDetail" type="">
                   <forward name="success" path="/marketing/showDocDetail.jsp"/>
                   <forward name="error" path="/marketing/showDocDetail.jsp"/>
    We are passing parameter docNo=doc_no to action class in this class you can retrieve request parameter docNo from request object and then process it as you want.
    Let me know if you face any problem or error.
    eCommerce Developer
    Edited by: Ecommerce Developer on Nov 9, 2009 8:35 AM

  • Passing an internal to another program using SUBMIT

       I need to pass one internal table from one program to another which i am calling using SUBMIT. Is there any way to pass this data without using export/import or selection screen.
       If i do use EXPORT is there a retriction to the maximum size i can export?

    Hi Pankaj,
    Consider these two programs I have done using both WITH SELECTION-TABLE and IMPORT/EXPORT.
    In Program 1(ZZTEST_ARUN_1).
    I have two radio buttons. If I select Material the program executes its own code. If I select plant data is fetched and exported to memory. Then it gets the selection parameters of the Program 2(ZZTEST_ARUN_2) through the FM RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS. Then I populate the values for selection screen and pass using the
    REPORT zztest_arun_1.
      TABLES: t001w.
             it_werks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t001w WITH HEADER LINE.
       PARAMETERS material RADIOBUTTON  GROUP  abc.     "Material General Details
       PARAMETERS plant RADIOBUTTON GROUP abc DEFAULT 'X'.      "Material Plant Details
       IF material EQ 'X'.
    *If Material selected own code executes  
        SELECT * FROM marc INTO TABLE it_marc UP TO 200 ROWS .
         LOOP AT it_marc.
         WRITE :/ it_marc-matnr,
      IF plant EQ 'X'.
    *If Plant selected data fetched  
        SELECT * FROM t001w INTO TABLE it_werks UP TO 50 ROWS.
    *Exported to Memory
        EXPORT it_werks[] TO MEMORY ID 'TEST'.
    *Declare on selection table type RSPARAMS
        DATA :   stable     LIKE     rsparams OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    *Call this FM to get the Selection screen details
    *of Program ZZTEST_ARUN_2 (it returns Select Options, Parameters..)
             curr_report     = 'ZZTEST_ARUN_2'
             selection_table = stable
             not_found       = 1
             no_report       = 2
             OTHERS          = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
         WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
       stable-sign = 'I'.
       stable-option = 'BT'.
    * populate some selection condition
       READ TABLE it_werks INDEX 10.
       stable-low = it_werks-werks.
       READ TABLE it_werks INDEX 40.
       stable-high = it_werks-werks.
       APPEND stable.
    *Submit it then
       SUBMIT zztest_arun_2
           WITH SELECTION-TABLE stable
           AND RETURN.
    <b>Second Program.</b>
    REPORT zztest_arun_2.
    TABLES: t001w.
    SELECT-OPTIONS : s_werks FOR t001w-werks.
    *Import the stored data.
    IMPORT it_werks[] FROM MEMORY ID 'TEST'.
    *Display the data based on selection criteria got
    *form ZZTEST_ARUN_1
    LOOP AT it_werks WHERE werks  IN s_werks.
      WRITE : / it_werks-werks,
    Arun Sambargi.

  • Passing parameter values to another report using URL actions (reportserver)

    Hi guys,
    I have two reports that I link with eachother. For report A - B everything works perfect. When I try to do the same for report B - A it works, but the parameter value is not filled in.
    Globals!ReportServerUrl & "?" & Replace(Globals!ReportServerUrl, "_vti_bin/ReportServer", "")
    & "Reporting/POS Reporting/Reports/POS Report.rdl&POS_ID=" & Parameters!CONNECTION_ID.Value & "&POS_LANG=" & Parameters!POS_LANG.Value & "&PAR_Date=%5BDate invoice%5D.%5BBonus Calendar - Week%5D.%5BBonus
    week of year%5D.%26%5B" & Left(Parameters!YEAR_WEEK.Label, 4) + "%5D%26%5B" & CInt(Right(Parameters!YEAR_WEEK.Label, 2)) & "%5D",
    Even tho I specify the parameter he has to pass through, the report opens with parameter period : <select a value>. Anyone has an idea why such behaviour happens?

    Hi Yvanlathem,
    Per my understanding that you want to use the expression above to conditional add the hyperlink to pass the value to the parameter of anpother rreport via the URL in the SharePoint integrated mode report server, right?
    I have check the expression you have provided and the issue can be caused by the wrong way you have write the expression to pass the parameter, please check detais information below to make sure you have pass parameter in the URL correctly:
    Please modify the expression to below structure :
     =Iif( Parameters!PAR_LinksEnabled.Value="Enabled", "URL",Nothing)
    I saw you have use expression like "&POS_ID=" & Parameters!CONNECTION_ID.Value & "" which is incorrect, we need to set a report parameter within a URL, use the following syntax:
     parameter=value(not Value=Parameter)
    If you are using the following syntax like "Parameter1=Parameter2", both parameters and from different report, if you have add the "Go to URL" action from  report2 to Report1, please make sure Parameter1 is from the Report1
    and Parameter2 is from Report2, change the order will not work
    More detail information:
    Pass a Report Parameter Within a URL
    So, In your scenario, please make sure the value is from one report's field (POS_ID) and the the parameter(CONNECTION_ID) is from another report (e.g:"&CONNECTION_ID=" &Fields!POS_ID.Value &"")
    Similar thread for your reference:
    SSRS 2012 Drill Through report cascading Parameters not refreshing
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to pass a value and call SE38 program using SUBMIT statement

    Hello Friends
    I am trying to write a batch program in SE38, that calls other SE38 Programs.
    I don't want to use Parameter command to see the value on screen.
    All I want is to send a range of date (ToDate & FromDate) and generate different reports satisfying this date range condition.
    Can some one please help me with this. I would really appreciate it.
    I have tried the command SUBMIT with options of filling the input fields of the subsequent programs but I don't want to do this.
    I want all the sub programs to be called one after another and the reports generated using the date varialbles I send from the main program.
    I don't want to use se37 functions because of the client's request.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Yes I am using SUBMIT command but I was not using the right options with the SUBMIT command and once I used the right options, it worked.

  • Cannot pass parameter to webservice using wsdl

    cannot pass parameter to webservice using wsdl
    I write code the following:
    step 1
    SERVLET_NAME VARCHAR2(32) := 'orawsv';
    LANGUAGE => 'C',
    DISPNAME => 'Oracle Query Web Service',
    DESCRIPT => 'Servlet for issuing queries as a Web Service',
    SCHEMA => 'XDB');
    DBMS_XDB.addServletMapping(PATTERN => '/orawsv/*',
    step 2
    step 3
    step 4
    step 5
    step 6
    step 7
    SELECT dbms_xdb.getftpport() FROM dual;
    SELECT dbms_xdb.gethttpport() FROM dual;
    exec dbms_xdb.setHttpPort(8080);
    exec dbms_xdb.setFtpPort(2100);
    step 8
    -- Double check
    host lsnrctl STATUS
    SET head off
    -- Valid?
    SELECT * FROM dba_registry WHERE comp_id='XDB';
    SET head ON
    connect test/test;
    n_result number;
    IF N > 1 THEN
    n_result := N * FACTORIAL_I(N - 1);
    END IF;
    WSDL Output:
    output picture:
    I try pass prameter by http://localhost:8080/orawsv/TEST/FACTORIAL_I?SBINARY_INTEGER-FACTORIAL_IInput=5
    but error <ErrorNumber>ORA-31011</ErrorNumber>
    Edited by: 930927 on 29 เม.ย. 2555, 9:02 น.

    Using something like SoapUI or do it via PL/SQL as shown here: Re: Ora-31011 with a very, very simple native webservice

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