Passing value from Frame Driver to Form

I have a frame driver which shows some (project Names) when submitted calls a form in the target area. I'am joining 2-3 tables and i cannot pass the Rowid but i'am passing another field value. My problem is when i select a Project Name and hit the submit button , unless i hit the query button it does the value on the form . It works good when i pass the rowid (some other form). Does anyone know how to make this work?
Thank You.

Here is an example which calls the employee form. After clicking on the submit in the driving frame after selecting the employee, the employee form shows up with that particular employee's details.
select ename,''||empno url from SJAYARAM903_1B_DEMO.EMP

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  • Re: Help needed in passing values from workflow to Approve Forms

    Dear Experts,
    how do I pass values from a workflow to a step (Form) - approve form?
    I am using a customized table structure as my data source (FORMCONTAINERELEMENT) but am stuck on how to access the data when i get to to the screen painter's flow logic... What am i missing? Can you give me a step by step example. the ones i see on the net are input fields that update the screen... nothing that shows value being passed from the outside.
    I need to pass an exisitng value in the workflow into the form for approval of the the assigned agent.
    Please help!!
    Thank you.

    Hello !
             Create a method just before the form step.This method should populate the values for the fields maintained in the form.
             Pass the values populated from this method to your customized table structure (data source).In other words, you have to pass all the values to the workflow container.
            To the step, pass this workflow container by binding.In the control tab of form step, you have to do the binding.

  • Passing value from JavaScript window to form

    Coul'd You help me?
    I have a test form. I open new JavaScript window from this form. I generate list of authors in this window by the procedure show_list. I want to pass value from JavaScript window back to test form, but
    the command "window.opener.document.forms[idx_form].elements[idx_fld].value = val;"
    don't pass value to test form. Where is mistake?
    Thanks Vaclav
    -------------- test form --------------
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    <!-- Comment out script for old browsers
    function get_list(frm, fld)
    var idx_form, idx_fld;
    idx_form = get_idx_form(frm);
    idx_fld = get_idx_field(idx_form, fld);
    var w = open ("http://vasekora/pls/portal309/ahs.RD_CISEL.SHOW_LIST" + "?startPg=1" + "&master_fld=" + "ID_AUTHOR" + "&slave_fld=" + "NAME" + "&ownr=" + "REDAKCE" + "&tbl_name=" + "AUTHORS" + "&cmd_qry=" +"" + "&idx_form=" + idx_form + "&idx_fld=" + idx_fld,"wn_Authors","width=500,height=600,resizable=yes,menubar=yes, location=yes");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    function get_idx_form(p_form_name)
    var v_index, v_full_name, v_return;
    for(v_index=0; v_index < document.forms.length; v_index++)
    v_return = -1;
         v_full_name = document.forms[v_index].name.split(".");
    if (v_full_name == p_form_name)
         v_return = v_index;
    return v_return;
    function get_idx_field(idx_form, field_name)
    var v_index, v_full_name, v_return;
    for(v_index=0; v_index < document.forms[idx_form].length; v_index++)
    v_return = -1;
         v_full_name = document.forms[idx_form].elements[v_index].name.split(".");
    if (v_full_name == field_name)
         v_return = v_index;
    return v_return;
    <FORM NAME="f_aut_new" ACTION="javascript:testclose()" METHOD=POST TARGET="_blank">
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="id_aut">
    <IMG SRC="images/list.gif" alt="Seznam" border="0" align=bottom><BR><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save">
    <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Cancel">
    -------------------- end test form --------------
    procedure show_list
    startPg integer,
    master_fld varchar2,
    show_fld varchar2,
    ownr varchar2,
    tbl_name varchar2,
    cmd_qry varchar2,
    idx_form integer,
    idx_fld integer
    TYPE cur_typ IS REF CURSOR;
    c cur_typ;
    c_cnt cur_typ;
    i integer;
         pg rd_types.pages_t;
    odkaz varchar2(4000);
    bk_url varchar2(4000);
         s1 varchar2(4000);
         var_mfld integer;
         var_sfld varchar2(8000);
         bl boolean;
         var_cmd varchar2(2000);
    htp.p('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">');
    htp.p('<!-- Comment out script for old browsers');
    htp.p('function Close_List(val, idx_form, idx_fld)');
    htp.p('window.opener.document.forms[idx_form].elements[idx_fld].value = val;');
    if cmd_qry is null then
    s1 := 'SELECT a.'||master_fld||', a.'||show_fld||' FROM '||ownr||'.'||tbl_Name||
    ' a ORDER BY a.'||show_fld;
    var_cmd := UPPER(cmd_qry);
    s1 := 'SELECT a.'||master_fld||', a.'||show_fld||' FROM '||ownr||'.'||tbl_Name||
    ' a WHERE UPPER(a.'||show_fld||') LIKE ''%'||var_cmd||'%'' ORDER BY a.'||show_fld;
    end if;
    i := 1;
    OPEN c FOR s1;
    FETCH c INTO var_mfld, var_sfld;
    IF i >= pg.StartRec AND i <= pg.EndRec THEN
    odkaz :=''||var_sfld||'';
    htp.p(i||': '||odkaz||' ('||var_mfld||')<BR>');
         IF i > pg.EndRec THEN
         END IF;          
    END IF;
    END IF;
    i := i + 1;
    htp.p('<BR><B><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK="javascript:self.close();" VALUE="Close"></B><BR><BR>');
    CLOSE c;

    If this makes any difference: Instead of using "var w = open..." try "var w ="

  • Passing value from dynamic page to form.....

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    It seems we have the same type issue.
    Session variable how to's are what I need also.
    There is a site with more information on it...a continuation of the Portal Handbook by Vandivier and Cox at called an "Unpublished Case Study" - I don't know if it'll hit your needs on the head, but it may help to see it.
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    I don't know how to put p_session variables together, when or where the parameters are necessary and whether a procedure is necessary or not!!!
    If you would like to correspond offline, I am at [email protected] and would appreciate your insights.

  • Passing Value from a Driver Program

    How can i send a specific field's value alone to the form from driver program ?
    we normally use write_form in Loop & end loop.
    if i wanna send a value from one flied alone wat shud i do??
    Pls help me...
    Thank You.

    See the sample code for Subroutines and do accordingly
    How to call a subroutine form SAPscripts
    The Form :
    The report :
    REPORT zkrpmm_perform_z1medruck .
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_input_table OCCURS 10.
    DATA : END OF it_input_table.
    déclaration de la table output_table contenant les
    variables exportées
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_output_table OCCURS 0.
    DATA : END OF it_output_table.
    DATA : w_ebeln LIKE ekko-ebeln,
    w_vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln,
    w_zcdffa LIKE vbak-zcdffa.
    FORM cde_cent TABLES input output.
    it_input_table[] = input[].
    it_output_table[] = output[].
    READ TABLE it_input_table INDEX 1.
    MOVE it_input_table-value TO w_ebeln.
    input = w_ebeln
    output = w_ebeln.
    SELECT SINGLE zcdffa FROM ekko
    INTO w_zcdffa
    WHERE ebeln = w_ebeln.
    it_output_table-name = 'CDECENT'.
    MOVE w_zcdffa TO it_output_table-value.
    MODIFY it_output_table INDEX 1.
    output[] = it_output_table[].
    form get_freight tables in_par structure itcsy out_par structure itcsy.
    tables: ekko,konv,t685t.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
             ebeln like ekko-ebeln,
             knumv like ekko-knumv,
           end of itab.
    data: begin of itab1 occurs 0,
             knumv like konv-knumv,
             kposn like konv-kposn,
             kschl like konv-kschl,
             kbetr like konv-kbetr,
             waers like konv-waers,
             kwert like konv-kwert,
           end of itab1.
    data: begin of iout occurs 0,
             kschl like konv-kschl,
             vtext like t685t-vtext,
             kbetr like konv-kbetr,
             kwert like konv-kwert,
           end of iout.
    data v_po like ekko-ebeln.
    read table in_par with key 'EKKO-EBELN'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
       v_po = in_par-value.
      from ekko
      into table itab
      where ebeln = v_po.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        loop at itab.
          into table itab1
          from konv
          where knumv = itab-knumv and
                kappl = 'M'.
        loop at itab1.
          if itab1-kposn <> 0.
            select single * from t685t
                              where kschl = itab1-kschl
                                and kappl = 'M'
                                and spras = 'EN'.
            iout-vtext = t685t-vtext.
            iout-kschl = itab1-kschl.
            iout-kbetr = itab1-kbetr.
            iout-kwert = itab1-kwert.
            append iout.
            clear iout.
        sort itab1 by kposn.
        loop at iout.
          sort iout by kschl.
          if ( iout-kschl eq 'GSDC' OR
               iout-kschl eq 'GSFR' OR
               iout-kschl eq 'GSIR' ).
            at end of kschl.
              read table iout index sy-tabix.
             write:/ iout-kschl,iout-vtext,iout-kwert.
          out_par-name = 'A1'.
          out_par-value = iout-vtext.
          append out_par.
          out_par-name = 'A2'.
          out_par-value = iout-kwert.
          append out_par.
    /:DEFINE &A1& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A2& = ' '
    /:CHANGING &A1&
    /:CHANGING &A2&
    This Code is to be written in the PO form under ADDRESS window.
    /:DEFINE &A1& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A2& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A3& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A4& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A5& = ' '
    /:DEFINE &A6& = ' '
    /:CHANGING &A1&
    /:CHANGING &A2&
    /:CHANGING &A3&
    /:CHANGING &A4&
    /:CHANGING &A5&
    /:CHANGING &A6&
    Reward points for useful Answers

  • Passing value from one view to form

    Hi Friends,
    This may be easy for you. I did 2-3 times but some how I am stuck this time.
    I am accepting user ID from one form and geting user information. I am trying to modify some information and then printing it in second form. SOme how value is not passing to my second for. While debugging I can see that value is there.
    For first name printing I am using
    But getting null as output.
    Please help me

    Can u post your form ?? I need to see an example quite like yours.
    Thanks ,

  • Passing values from a FORM to another FORM

    I have to pass values from FORM "A" to FORM "B". What is the best way to do this?\
    Can I use a GLOBAL variable?

    I think he meant the global namespace.
    You set a :global_your_name_here to a value and that value is available in your entire application. See the help file section on the global namespace for more information.
    Forms parameters are parameters that you form picks up from the outside when it starts. The calling entity must supply them in the URL or they will be set to null. You set them up in the object navigator in the Parameters node.

  • Passing value from Webdynpro ABAP to Adobe form..

    Hi experts,
            In first view of web dynpro, im getting employee id as input and after clicking the create new button, an adobe form is called
    to create the employee details ( in form i used the submit button and i stored the details ). so, in tat form i used the employee id as read only mode and it has to display the value which i given as input. But in tat form im not getting the value from web dynpro..
    can anyone plz help me out for this..
    Thanks in advance..

    Try to set your values in Method->"wddomodify" of the View in which Adobe Form is present. If you want to pass values from one view to another then check this link [Passing Local Parameters between views in an ABAP Web Dynpro Application|] or use Context declared in Component Controller.
    Pradeep Goli

  • OnSubmit function Error in passing values from WDA Adobe Form to Ztable

    I am trying to pass values from Adobe Interactive Form to ztable.
    I am using WDA to display the form. I have created the form context with attributes that are bound to the form fields using the Adobe Livecycle Designer.
    Once the user presses the Submit button, the data is passed to the ztable. In the onSubmit function assigned to the Submit button, I am using the "Read Context" feature of WD Code Wizard to read the values of the attributes
    I am able to read and populate the ztable with values of the first 3 attributes. But am unable to read the value of  4th attribute using the "Read Context" feature of WD Code Wizard. All 4 attributes are of string type.
    I am not sure if this is a buffer size problem or is there a limitation that only 3 attributes can be read per Adobe form / onSubmit function.
    Please let me know what is missing.
    Thanks and Regards.


  • Passing values from javascript in pop up window to parent jsp

    I am trying to pass values from a pop up window to the main window that popped this child window , with the idea to have the parent window refresh itself with value from pop up window.But the values are not going through.I do a request on the hidden variable but when the parent
    jsp refreshes , the variable is still null...
    The following is the code i have .
    Parent jsp:a.jsp
    <form name='summary'>
    <input type=hidden name=customerid value="">
    <input type="button" class="textButton" name="action" value="customerlist" onClick="javascript:openWin('b.jsp','800','350')">
    function openWin(loc, w, h) {
    var newWin = window.openloc,"HTML",'dependent=1,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=' + w + ',height=' + h);
    String optionVal = request.getParameter("customerid");%>
    var user = "<%= optionVal%>";
    child jsp- b.jsp (pop up window)
    function closer(){
    var val =;
    window.opener.document.summary.customerid.value = val;
    <form name = formname>
    <input type="text" name="id" value = ''>
    <input type="button" class="textButton" value="select"
    Any ideas on what i am missing

    use window.opener.document.forms[0].filedname.value = 'value u need to set'

  • Passing value from one jsp to another?

    how to pass value from one jsp to another? i have a value assigned in the link, i want to pass that value to another jsp page?
    please help with code?

    Instead of the value being passed, i am getting a null value.
    Here is my calendar code:
    <%@page import="java.util.*,java.text.*" %>
    <title>Print a month page.</title>
    <body bgcolor="white">
                  boolean yyok = false;
                  int yy = 0, mm = 0;
                  String yyString = request.getParameter("year");
                  if (yyString != null && yyString.length() > 0)
                          yy = Integer.parseInt(yyString);
                                  yyok = true;
                       catch (NumberFormatException e)
                          out.println("Year " + yyString + " invalid" );
                  Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance( );
                  if (!yyok)yy = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);  
                         mm = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                  <table align="center">
                       <form method=post action="calendar.jsp">
                          Enter Year : <select name="year">
                 for(int i= yy;i<=2010;i++)
                  <OPTION VALUE= <%=i%> > <%=i%> </option>
                      <input type=submit value="Display">
    String[] months = {"January","February","March",
                    "October","November", "December"
    int dom[] =     {
                        31, 28, 31, 30,
                        31, 30, 31, 31,
                        30, 31, 30, 31
                int leadGap =0;
    <div id="t1" class="tip"><table border="4" cellpadding=3 cellspacing="3" width="250" align="center" bgcolor="lavender">
    <td halign="centre" colgroup span="7" style="color:#FF0000;">
              GregorianCalendar calendar =null;
              for(int j=0;j<12;j++)
                        calendar = new GregorianCalendar(yy, j, 1);
                  int row = 1 ;
                  row = row + j;
              <colgroup span="7" style="color:#FF0000;">
              <tr align="center">
              <th colspan=7>
                  <%= months[j] %>
                  <%= yy %>
        leadGap = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1;
        int daysInMonth = dom[j];
        if ( calendar.isLeapYear( calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) ) && j == 1)
        out.print(" ");
          for (int h = 0; h < leadGap; h++)
        for (int h = 1; h <= daysInMonth; h++)
          out.print("<a href=desc.jsp>" + h + "</a>" );
        if ((leadGap + h) % 7 == 0)
    if( row%3 != 0)
    </html>I need to pass the value in 'h' to the desc.jsp page.
    my code for desc.jsp is :
    <body bgcolor="lightblue">
    <form method=post action="Calenda.jsp">
    <%= request.getParameter("h") %>
    <h2> Description of the event <INPUT NAME="description" TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20> </h2>
    </html>But i am not able to pass the value. The 'h' value contains all the date. i want to pass only a single date, the user clicks to the other page. please help

  • Script fails when passing values from pl/sql to unix variable

    Script fails when passing values from pl/sql to unix variable
    Dear All,
    I am Automating STATSPACK reporting by modifying the sprepins.sql script.
    Using DBMS_JOB I take the snap of the database and at the end of the day the cron job creates the statspack report and emails it to me.
    I am storing the snapshot ids in the database and when running the report picking up the recent ids(begin snap and end snap).
    From the sprepins.sql script
    variable bid number;
    variable eid number;
    select begin_snap into :bid from db_snap;
    select end_snap into :eid from db_snap;
    This fails with the following error:
    DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release Cluster Host
    RDMDEVL 3576140228 RDMDEVL 1 NO ibm-rdm
    :ela := ;
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 17:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null &lt;an identifier&gt;
    &lt;a double-quoted delimited-identifier&gt; &lt;a bind variable&gt; avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall merge time timestamp interval date
    &lt;a string literal with character set specification&gt;
    &lt;a number&gt; &lt;a single-quoted SQL string&gt; pipe
    The symbol "null" was substituted for ";" to continue.
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 16:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null &lt;an identifier&gt;
    &lt;a double-quoted delimited-identifier&gt; &lt;a bind variable&gt; avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev su
    But when I change the select statements below the report runs successfully.
    variable bid number;
    variable eid number;
    select '46' into :bid from db_snap;
    select '47' into :eid from db_snap;
    Even changing the select statements to:
    select TO_CHAR(begin_snap) into :bid from db_snap;
    select TO_CHAR(end_snap) into :eid from db_snap;
    Does not help.
    Please Help.

    could it be the begin_ and end_ Colums of your query?
    Seems SQL*PLUS hs parsing problems?
    try to fetch another column from that table
    and see if the error raises again.

  • Passing Value from Crystal Report (special function) to Business View parameter

                 Í have a scenario where i need to pass value from Crystal Report to a Business view's parameter.
    Eg : CurrentCEUsername (func in crystal report)-- gives login user  which i should pass to parameter in a Business view (used in the same report).
    Will be able to explain more if required.
    Thanks in Advance,

    I guess you got the picture wrong.  User_id is not a report_level parameter .
    In Data Foundation, below query is used..
    select Acc_Number, Account_Group,User_id  from Accounts where user_id={?User_id}
    where in {?User_id}  is the BV parameter...
    The Filter was a solution. But it takes long time to Query all the data from DB and then filter at BV level.
    How do i pass the CurrentCEUsername to {?User_id}
    Value should ve CurrentCEusername always. so that query will be
    select Acc_Number, Account_Group,User_id  from Accounts where user_id=CurrentCEusername
    It will restrict the data pulled from DB to BV .. right?

  • Pass value from Java to Perl

    Anyone knows how to pass value from Java to Perl program?

    Did you write the perl program? Can you change it? Or are you trying to interface to something that already exists? This will limit your options, of course.
    Anyway the first option is simple. The java program does this:
    System.out.println("This is a line of input.");The perl program does this:
    while(<>)and in that block, $_ is assigned to each line of input.
    Then you can invoke both like this:
    $ java MyJavaProgram | perl

  • Pass Value from Excel to custom program

    I want to pass value from Excel to Custom Program being called in the Custom Integrator and i am using the Import in the Importer section but it is not getting passed.
    Please advise and i am on R12.1.3.

    Pl do not post duplicates - Concurrent Program Parameter

Maybe you are looking for