Passing values to modal popup

I need help with this modal popup, it works correctly but not passing values from page page1 to my page3. How do i pass these paramater values to page3,
function modalWin() {
if (window.showModalDialog) {
else {"f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.:POP:NO::P3_EMPNO:101","name","height=400,width=600,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes");
thanks & regards.

try using this syntax
function modalWin() {
if (window.showModalDialog) {
window.showModalDialog("f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.:POP:NO::P3_EMPNO:" + $v('P1_CUSTOMER_ID') + "::","name","dialogWidth:600px;dialogHeight:400px");
else {"f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.:POP:NO::P3_EMPNO:101","name","height=400,width=600,toolbar=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no ,modal=yes");

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  • Passing Value from a Popup Window Back to the Parent Window

    I am using JSF. I try to pass a value that is entered by users in the popup window back to a text field in the parent window.
    quote: document.forms[ ].elements[ ] is null or not an object.
    The relevant code snippets are shown below. The screen1.jsp is the parent window:
             <script language="JavaScript1.1">
               function doPopup(source)
                    popup ="externalFilePopup.jsp",
                         "height=300,width=200,toolbar=no,menubar=no,"                    + "scrollbars=yes");
                    popup.openerFormId =;
    <h:outputText value="Enter the external system file name"/>        <h:inputText value="#{dataManagementBean.ip}" size="18" />
    <h:commandButton value="..." onclick="doPopup(this); return false;" />
    ..........The externalFilePopup.jsp is the popup window:
            <script language="JavaScript1.1">
                function doSave( value )
                   var formId = window.openerFormId;
                   opener.document.forms[ formId ].elements[ formId + ":ip" ].value = value;
         <h:outputText value="IP Address: "/>
         <h:inputText size="25" value="#{dataManagementBean.ip }" required="true"/>
         <h:commandButton value="OK" onclick="doSave('#{dataManagementBean.ip}');"/>
            .......... The script error occurs when I click on this OK button.
    Please point out the mistakes in my code. Thank you.

    I have made some modifications to the code in the popup window. The error reported in my previous posting is gone. But, I still have several problems:
    1. syntax error in the popup window jsp page: line 45, char 21, syntax error, ..., Do you want to continue running script on this page?2. The popup window does not close after I click on the OK button that I coded in the popup window jsp.
    3. The value that I entered in the popup window eventually gets passed back to the text field in the parent window only if I re-run the application.
    The relevant JavaScript code snippets are:
            <script language="JavaScript1.1">
                function doSave( value )
                   var formId = window.openerFormId;
                   opener.document.forms[ formId ].form[ formId + ":ip" ].value = value;
                                       <h:outputText value="IP Address: "/>
         <h:inputText size="25" id="ip" value="#{dataManagementBean.ip }" required="true"/>
         <h:commandButton value="OK" onclick="doSave('ip'); return=false;"/>
    ......What are the mistakes that I made?

  • SharePoint Modal Popup

     How to create a SharePoint Modal Popup window and when we select some value in modal popup that value should be redirected to parent form..

    In the option dialogReturnValueCallback you can define a function that will be executed after the dialog was closed. By now you create a delegate pointing to CloseCallback3 but this is not defined in your code.
    If you call SP.UI.ModalDialog.RefreshPage in this callback method the page gets refreshed after the dialog was closed with OK.
    function OpenCustomDialog(dialogUrl, dialogWidth, dialogHeight, dialogTitle, dialogAllowMaximize, dialogShowClose) {
    var options =
    url: dialogUrl,
    allowMaximize: dialogAllowMaximize,
    showClose: dialogShowClose,
    width: dialogWidth,
    height: dialogHeight,
    title: dialogTitle,
    dialogReturnValueCallback: function(dialogResult)
    Adnan Amin MCT, SharePoint Architect | If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer :)

  • How to avoid popup & pass value dynamically in 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST' ?

    Hello Experts,
    I am trying to test usage of f4 help function module.
    We want to dynamically pass values from remote machines into the given input parameters of a Given Search help and receive the output into a table (no dialogs required .. so no pop ups )
    I wrote a test program to just test if we can really do that at runtime ?
    This program pops up the window of search help First I want to surpress that window and Second I have no clue
    ( How to pass the input parameters as value eg. 20 to a given field as we pass manually )
    Can some one suggest something here ?
    data lt_return TYPE TABLE OF DDSHRETVAL.
    data ls_return TYPE DDSHRETVAL.
    data lt_return_ddic TYPE TABLE OF zDDSHRETVAL.
    data ls_return_ddic TYPE zDDSHRETVAL.
    PARAMETERS ptable type tabname.
    PARAMETERS pfield type fieldname.
    PARAMETERS pshelp type SHLPNAMe.
        tabname                   = ptable
        fieldname                 = pfield
        SEARCHHELP                = pshelp
    *   SHLPPARAM                 = ' '
    *   DYNPPROG                  = ' '
    *   DYNPNR                    = ' '
    *   DYNPROFIELD               = ' '
    *   STEPL                     = 0
    *    VALUE                     = ' '
        MULTIPLE_CHOICE           = 'X'
        DISPLAY                   = 'F'
        SUPPRESS_RECORDLIST       = 'X'
    *   CALLBACK_PROGRAM          = ' '
    *   CALLBACK_FORM             = ' '
    *   SELECTION_SCREEN          = ' '
    *   USER_RESET                =
       RETURN_TAB                = lt_return
    *   FIELD_NOT_FOUND           = 1
    *   NO_HELP_FOR_FIELD         = 2
    *   INCONSISTENT_HELP         = 3
    *   NO_VALUES_FOUND           = 4
    *   OTHERS                    = 5
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    data lv_count type i.
    delete lt_return where fieldname <> pfield.
    sort lt_return by fieldval.
    delete ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM lt_return COMPARING fieldval.

    Hello Sim,
    We will be exposing the Input parameters and Output lists of the SAP Search helps (simple search helps only) as input output of a Webservice.
    So I need to understand how can we exploit the SAP Search Helps ?
    What function modules can take these inputs as structures  and can provide the output in form of a table ?

  • TIP: Building Modal Popup Windows

    Build Modal Popup Pages
    The following is based on the 'How To Document' - 'Build Custom Popup Pages'.
    This How To will show the developer how to create Modal Popup windows with the ability to pass information back to the parent window.
    Example Scenario
    The example described in this how to adds a custom modal popup LOV to a form on the SCOTT.EMP table. Clicking the popup LOV link on the form page will popup a Modal LOV page that allows users to search by ENAME, JOB, and SAL. Selecting a value from this LOV page will close that popup LOV page and populate the ENAME, JOB, and SAL fields on the form page with the selected values. Additionally, had the user entered some data into the ENAME, JOB, and/or SAL fields on the form page, that data would be used in the initial search when the popup LOV page is first shown.
    Step 1 - Create a simple form page on SCOTT.EMP
    To create the form page, simply step through the HTML DB "Form on a Table or View" wizard against the EMP table accepting the defaults. For this example, create the form with a page number of one, and make sure to allow the ename, job, and sal fields to be editable. When the wizard completes, page 1 of the application should have the items P1_ENAME, P1_JOB, and P1_SAL on it as text fields.
    Step 2 - Create a popup page with search fields
    Next, create a page that's to be used as the popup window: Page 2. Ultimately, this page will have javascript, a report region, and some buttons. For now, though, just create a page 2 with the items P2_ENAME, P2_JOB, and P2_SAL on it as text fields.
    Step 3 - Set Modal popup page header requirements
    A) Modal windows by default cache the information they display. When creating a popup window which displays different information each time it is called or to allow searching the caching default must be switched off.
    Add the following meta-tag to the "HTML Header" field of the page-level attributes screen for page 2 to accomplish this:
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
    B) Modal windows by default open a new window when running any redirect calls. When creating a modal popup which passes back parameters to the parent window. The modal window has to be forced to fire redirect calls within its own window rather than open a new window for the redirect.
    Add the following tag to the "HTML Header" field of the page-level attributes screen for page 2 to accomplish this:
    <base target="_self">
    Step 4 - Add Javascript call to the popup page
    Because the popup page should filter its result set based on any values that the user might have entered onto the form page, you need to add a javascript function that would pass those values off. Add the following function to the "HTML Header" field of the page-level attributes screen for page 1 to accomplish this:
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
      function callMyPopup (formItem1,formItem2,formItem3) {
        var formVal1 = document.getElementById(formItem1).value;
        var formVal2 = document.getElementById(formItem2).value;
        var formVal3 = document.getElementById(formItem3).value;
        var url;
      url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:2:&APP_SESSION.::::P2_ENAME,P2_JOB,P2_SAL:' + formVal1 + ',' + formVal2 + ',' + formVal3 ;
      // IE Browsers modal popup window
      if (window.showModalDialog) {
        w = showModalDialog(url, window.self,"status:0; scroll:1; resizable:1; dialogWidth:25; dialogHeight:43");
        // w is an array returned from the modal popup containing the passback values
        if (w) {
          document.getElementById("P1_ENAME").value = w[0];
          document.getElementById("P1_JOB").value = w[1];
          document.getElementById("P1_SAL").value = w[2];
      else {
      // mozilla based browsers modal popup window
      w = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=600", modal="yes");
      if (w.opener == null)
        w.opener = self;
    </script>Though you don't need to know how to read javascript for this example, it helps to understand that this function only does one important thing: it opens a modal popup window of page two in our application while passing values to P2_ENAME, P2_JOB, and P2_SAL. It gathers those values to pass from the names of the HTML DB items provided to it. The call to this function will be added in the next step below.
    Step 5 - Add a popup link next to the P1_SAL field on the form page
    Add a link to the form page that will call the callMyPopup function above and pass it the values it needs. To do so, place the following HTML in the "Post Element Text" field attribute of the P1_SAL item:
    <~a href="javascript:callMyPopup('P1_ENAME','P1_JOB','P1_SAL');">Click for LOV<~/a>NB. remove ~ from above when deploying
    Step 6 - Add the LOV report to the popup page
    The next step is to create a report on the popup page based on the values passed from the form on page one. The tricky part of this report is providing a means for the selected values to be passed back to the form page. This can be achieved by having a column of the report render as a javascript link that would close the popup window and pass the ename, job and sal values for that row back. Start by adding a simple report region to our Modal popup page that uses a query such as:
          select ename, job, sal , 'placeholder' the_link
            from emp
           where ename like '%'||:P2_ENAME||'%'
             and (job = :P2_JOB or :P2_JOB is null)
             and (sal = :P2_SAL or :P2_SAL is null)Note that the last column in this query is just a placeholder. once the region is created, turn that placeholder into a link by doing the following:
    Navigate to the Page Definition for page 2
    Next to the name of the report region created in step 6, Click Q
    Next to the column THE_LINK, click the edit icon
    In the "Link Text" field enter the string "select"
    In the URL field enter: javascript:passBack('#ENAME#','#JOB#','#SAL#'); Click the "Apply Changes" button
    Step 7 - Add the javascript function to the Modal popup page to pass selected values to the (parent) form page.
    In the previous step you added a call to a javascript function, passBack. Now add that function to the top of Modal popup page 2. In the same manner as step 4 above, add that passBack function to the page 2 by putting it in the "HTML Header" field of the page-level attributes screen. The function should look similar to the following:
    <script language="JavaScript">
       function passBack(passVal1, passVal2, passVal3)
         // IE Browser return the passback values in an array
         if (window.showModalDialog) {
           var retVal = new Array(passVal1, passVal2, passVal3);
           window.returnValue = retVal;
         // Mozilla based browsers right the passback values directly into the parent window
         else {
           opener.document.getElementById("P1_ENAME").value = passVal1;
           opener.document.getElementById("P1_JOB").value = passVal2;
           opener.document.getElementById("P1_SAL").value = passVal3;
    </script>This function simply sets the values of P1_ENAME, P1_JOB, and P1_SAL with the values of the whatever's stored to the three HTML DB item names passed to it. It also closes the current window and puts the cursor back into the P1_SAL field.
    Step 8 - Polishing
    The basic functionality of this custom modal popup window has been created in steps 1 though 7. To make its usage a little more friendly, it's advisable to add Cancel and Search buttons to the popup window page. The Search button should just be added as a regular button that branches back to the page 2. Adding this button allows users to re-query for LOV options without having to return to our form page. The Cancel button should be created with an "Action" of "Redirect to URL". The "URL Target" of the button should be javascript:window.close(). As the code suggests, the Cancel button would just close the popup window (with no values returned).
    Hope this is of use....

    Everything said above is working fine but in Mozilla small popup is coming in top left corner of browser..
    so please help me so that it is opened in proper width and height in mozilla.

  • Problem with JavaScript code in Page Attributes, modal popup...

    Hello all!
    I'm encountering a problem with a modal popup I wrote in JavaScript.
    The situation*
    A user sees an interactive report with rows that are clickable, so these rows are links. Upon clicking the name of something in a row, some items get a certain value and a modal popup shows on the screen. In this modal popup, there are details regarding that particular row the user has clicked, but the problem_ here is...
    The modal popup closes itself only seconds after it has been opened.
    This must be because I've probably made a mistake somewhere in my code, but I just can't figure out where... It also appears that when I click on a row link, the popup shows, but the progress bar of my toolbar seems to show a loading bar (as if I refreshed the page).
    My code*
    This code is located in the _"Function and Global Variable Declaration"_ part, under the _"JavaScript"_ tab. Code is in the _"Page Attributes"_ of my page 24.
    function showhide(x){
    $x('REGION1').style.display = ( x == 'REGION1') ? 'block' : 'none';
    $x('REGION2').style.display = ( x == 'REGION2') ? 'block' : 'none';
    $x('REGION3').style.display = ( x == 'REGION3') ? 'block' : 'none';
    $( function(){
         modal: true,
         autoOpen: false,
         width: 500,
         height: 350,
         buttons:{ Close: function(){closeForm();}        
    function openForm()
    function closeForm()
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('a.temppop').click(function() {
        });This code is located in the _"Header Text"_ part, under the _"Header"_ tab. Code is in the _"Page Attributes"_ of my page 24.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href = "" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""> </script>
    <script src=""> </script>This code is located in the _"Column Link"_ part, you get there by going to the _"Report Attributes"_ of the region called _"Template overview"_ on page 24. This region is an interactive report.
    Link Attributes: class="temppop"
    Target: Page in this Application
    Page: 24
    Item 1, name: P24_MEALID; item 1, value: #MEALTYPEID#
    Item 2, name: P24_TEMPLATEID; item 2, value: #FOODTEMPLATEID#So basically I call the function to open the modal popup by the class name. When a link with that class name in it is clicked, it opens the popup.
    To remind you of the problem, the modal popup closes seconds after it has been opened. How do I fix this?
    Thanks in advance.
    (APEX version

    Come on guys... I really need to know this. :(

  • Skillbuilders modal popup v2. - popup does not open, can't figure out why..

    Hi, I am using APEX v4.1 and have used skillbuilders modal popup v2 successfully in the past. For some reason, it is working on one page (calling page 700 to pull up popup page 360) but not working on another page (calling page 900 to pull up popup page 920).
    Both modal popup pages are called from HTML buttons using dynamic actions.
    Does anyone have ideas for debugging.
    thanks, Karen
    ps. when I run the console debug, I receive the following on loading the page. I am completely new to javascript and have no idea what this does not happen on p700, only on page 900
    SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'length': object is null or undefined
    apex_4_1.min.js, line 18 character 88940
    function initTabForm(a,b,d,h,g){
    var f="#init_row_"+a;
    gChangedItems=new Array();
    var c=$x_FormItems($x(gTabFormReportID));
    for(var e=0;
    Edited by: KarenH on Sep 28, 2012 10:39 AM

    Thanks Pete.
    This is a large application, and I have had difficulty posting to apex in the past because the schema is too large and cannot be exported...but at least it gives you an idea.
    I am trying to rewrite p900 as it is much too complicated, and thought the modal popup would help in terms of adding new rows and validating, rather than using collections. This code was inherited, so I am a bit confused myself...but hoping to make progress.
    The button in question is called TRIPHEADER (add/edit trip header).
    workspace: KEH813
    user: guest
    pwd: fish
    if you have trouble with that, access my development site:
    workspace: SAFIS
    user: guest
    pwd: fish
    you will need to run application 200 and logon as MDFISHER/SHARKBAIT
    go to FAVORITES (p900) and press ADD/EDIT TRIP HEADER....nothing happens.
    if you go to menu-->FISHER INFO and press ADD/EDIT EMAIL, you will see the modal successfully appear.
    thanks again. Karen

  • Modal popup window refresh the parent (calling) window/view

    I have a modal popup window that is adding detail records.  When this window is closed via the Hide method in my controller I would like to refresh the parent (calling) window/view.
    What is the best way to do this?

    Here's my process.....
    2-windows & 3 views
    Window 1 - Selection View and Detail View
    Window 2 - Add View (used as a modal popup window called by a button click on the detail view)
    Selection View has all the options for obtaining a list of data for the detail view.  The detail view has an Add button.  Component controller has the hide method and access to the other components that do the update/query methods. On the detail view the user can click Add and a popup modal window shows.  User enters data and clicks either the add or cancel button.  The Detail view needs to refresh to show the additional data that has been added by the modal window.  There are calcuated values in the detail view from a supply function.  This function is not running and the values are not changed.
    What should be put in the hide method that will cause the detail view to obtain new data and supply the calculated values?  If I was using the Add view as part of the same window as the detail/selection views I'd just put in a navigation link between the detail and add views and fire the plug.  I like the idea of the popup window so I'd like to get this to work.
    I put the wdContext.initialize() in the hide method - which yes - caused the detail view to run - however the context lost all the key values so I received a data not found.  I then tried to initialize those nodes that did not contain the key values but the detail view did not display new values.
    Thanks for any ideas.....Diane
    Edited by: Diane Fuller on Jan 8, 2009 6:48 AM

  • How to pass value from report to form?

    I built a report and I create button on report too. This
    button will show a form that I want it to automatically show
    receivable values from report so that user don't complete them.
    So I create a button on the report . I enter Javascript in
    PL/SQL Code tab in '...after displaying the footer' as follow :
    htp.formSubmit(null,'New Answer');
    GNO , QNO is value which I want to pass
    As you can see, the above code can pass only static value.
    But I want to pass values that is the condition of this report.
    I mean,such as, this report show data that gno=1 and qno=2 and I
    want to pass these values to form. So both value will appear in
    gno and qno field.
    So please tell me what should I do. Please help me. I don't
    know how to do it. I look forward to hearing from all of you.
    Please!!!!!! Don't hesitate to answer.
                        Thank you very much
                   Sirin Kittichotpanich

    Hi Marc,
    Yes, you have it correct in what I am trying to do and if I put a default value in the hidden item on page 2 and run it then that works fine. I just can't get the value from the form passed to page 2 for some reason. There are actually 22 items on the form that can be filtered but just using COREID for simplicity. When I run the form I am just entering a value in the COREID field to try and return those records. Most of the other items on the form are displayed as Popup LOV(fetches first row). Would the values of all these be done the same in a comma delimited list for the items and values? I was trying to get at least one of them working first. Here is the search result that comes up in the debug window:
    Search Results
    0.01: Item: P2_COREID HIDDEN
    0.01: show report
    0.02: determine column headings
    0.02: parse query as: MOTEAMSAPEX
    0.02: binding: ":P2_COREID"="P2_COREID" value=""
    0.02: print column headings
    0.02: rows loop: 15 row(s)
    No data found.
    Here is the SQL statement:
    select coreid, serialnumber
    from MOTEAMS.V_ASSETS where
    instr(UPPER("COREID"), UPPER(:P2_COREID)) > 0
    The branch settings are:
    Set these items: P2_COREID
    With these values: &P1_COREID (also tried this with period at the end)
    I am new to this and not familiar with How would I go about posting to that site?

  • Pass values between panels in different UI files

    Hi All,
    Is there a way to pass values between panels belonging to User Interface files ? Or is it easier to have one .uir and different .c and .h files ?

    I should say that it's not possible for you to trap events from the first popup,and this depends on the basic concept of "popup panel".
    When you install a popup panel, all user interaction with existing panels is excluded: all focus it aimed at the popup only, no other user interface event is generated. If you launch another popup from the first one, the second popup prevails over the first one and no event can be generated on the first panel until the second one is closed.
    Handling a chain of two popup panels while looping on GetUserEvent can lead to unpredictable situation not so easy to untangle.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Passing values to function module

    Hello Everybody!
         I have defined a function group ZSUB_FGROUP1 and within that, I have defined a function module ZSUB_FMOD1. I wish to pass one set of values of following types:
    and  WAERK from VBAK.
    from my main report ZSUB_REP1 to ZSUB_FMOD1, which will then print those values in the form of a list. When I processed the list from within the main report, I used regular methods like top-of-page and all. But, I am not sure how to handle things from within the function module. Please help!

    When u create the function module , we generally provide the import and export parameters....
    <b>Import parameters :</b> Which we pass to the function module ..
    <b>Export parameters:</b> Which we receive from the function module...
    <b>Tables parameters:</b> Tables to pass and to receive to and from the function module...
    <b>Changing Parameters:</b> Which we pass to the function module and change these values in the function module and receive those from function module...
    So define the fields
    VBELN, POSNR, MATNR, ARKTX, KWMENG, VRKME, NETWR ,WAERK in the import parameters with LIKE declaration and corresponding type..
    <b><u>Field  ||  Type  || Associated Type || Optional || Default ||</u></b>
    vbeln  || like  ||  vbak-vbeln ||
    <b>Optional : </b>If u check this then this field is not mandatory to receive the value..
    If uncheck then we have to pass value to this field from the program !! otherwise it gives an error.
    In the <b><u>source code</u></b> tab u can write the list output related code with these imported and exported parameters !!
    To call the function module we use<b> PATTERN </b>which is present on the application tool bar of the SE38-Editor screen..
    Click on this .. u will get a popup ..IN this check the <b>CALL FUNCTION</b> and in the input field of this,, give the function module name... and press enter ...Here u can give values for these imported fields...
    reward if it helps u...
    sai ramesh

  • Passing Values to a User Form called from a button

    Good Afternoon
    Recently, Edward Neveux pointed me in the direction of how to find information on displaying a Form when clicking a button on a screen.  I use this line of code to show a screen after clicking on a button on the Item Master Data screen:
    Now I need to pass information from the Item Master Data screen to this screen I am displaying from the button click.
    Can this be done?

    Hi Ed
    What information do you need to pass ?  If is information from controls on the Item Master Data screen what you could do is ...
    1.  On the load event of the Item Master Data capture Form with either
             mstrFormUID = oForm.UniqueID  ' string variable to use it later on expresion like below
             moForm = SBO_Application.Forms.Item(oForm.UniqueID) ' SAP form type variable
    2.  Notice that both variables are modal, so once you have uploaded your form the parent form (Item Master is kept on memory).  With these form you can then code your way to obtain the existing value on the Item Master screen to your screen.  For Instance,
            oForm.Items.Item("URText").Specific.Value = moForm.Items.Item("5").Specific.Value  ' Passing value from "Item Number" textbox to your text box on your screen.
    hope it helps

  • Passing Values to a dropdown list within a dialog box

    I am using the app.execDialog(dialog1) command to display a dialog box on my form. The dialog box contains dropdown list (popup). I have found examples that do this but in all the examples they reference the loadDefaults function with hardcoded values.
    For example:
    loadDefaults: function (dialog)
    "Acrobat Standard": "111",
    "Adobe Reader": "222"
    Does anyone know if there is a way to pass values into the loadDefaults via a variable etc.. I can get the data I want to populate the dropdown with but I cant figure out how to load it into the control.

    Hi scamp, not sure what you're asking. What do you mean by "pass" fields from one list to another? If you need information in list 1 to show in list 2, just create lookup columns in the SharePoint list. If you mean you want to add columns to
    list 2 automatically, you'll need to make a designer workflow for that.
    cameron rautmann

  • Modal popup with lightbox effect on page load

    Hi friends,
    I was looking for help for making a windows modal popup with reads a url from xml file and load it into windows modal popup in the centre of the screen on page load. The requirement was also that it will dim the rest of the page. After searching at several places I got hint at:
    Now there are two issues that background page is not getting dim and if any one can help me in telling how to load flash modal popup on pageload. I dont want it to be annoyed so just want to load popup once a session of once a day only on first page, I am trying cookies but I dont know why I it is not reading cookies in production environment. There are lot of examples available in javascript and silverlight but I want in flash.
    Any help shall be highly appreciated.

    Thanks. Unfortunately I'm not sure the code will apply to my
    situation... I'm actually not using a Spry dataset in any way, just
    some Spry effects to enhance my own markup (which comes from a PHP
    page but is static as far as the document is concerned.)
    If I put the Spry effect in the body onload handler, the
    element appears for a second as the page loads, then disappears
    suddenly as the Spry fade in effect kicks in bringing it from 0 to
    Another related question, I would like the Spry effect to to
    fade in with some values ending at the values as set by my CSS
    class... is it possible to have it do so? In other words fade from
    0 to current value? I know there are some ways to retrieve default
    styling of an element but figure Spry might have something built

  • Modal Popups in Firefox

    I've found this thread for modal popups: TIP: Building Modal Popup Windows
    I've the following javascript code:
    function newCategory()
         var url = 'f?p=' + html_GetElement('pFlowId').value + ':12:' +
                                html_GetElement('pInstance').value + ':MASTERDATA_REGION:CATEGORY';
         if (window.showModalDialog)
             showModalDialog(url, window.self,"dialogWidth:50; dialogHeight:20");
                 w =, "","width=500,height=200", modal="yes");
    }It's working fine in IE, so it opens the popup and when the popup is closed it executes the show_Tab1()-function. In FF it's ignoring the 'modal' attribute and executes show_Tab1(), immedialtely after opening the popup.
    I don't have any return values, I only want to have executed the function show_Tab1(), when the popup is closed. Can this be realized somehow?

    Hi Vikas,
    When running my application in IE, and opening the opoup with showModalDialog, I can't interact with the main window until I close the popup.
    ...what is the rationale behind this?
    i.e. why would you like to stop execution until the
    popup is closed?I'm having a region in my page, that's pulled by AJAX, because I don't like the refresh of the whole page, when I only want to change the view. I think you know this, I've the code from Carl (
    In this page I've a button, which opens the popup, where the user can create new entries for the report. Closing the popup with a given button, will insert the provided data into the table. After this my report on the main page should be updated (that's what my function show_Tab1() is doing). Because of this I'd like to stay the popup at the top until the user added the data or canceled it and stop execution of code, because this is the only why I can see to start my function show_Tab1(), when popup is closed (please see code provided before).

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