Password on Canvio External Drive

Is it possible to put on a password on the Canvio External Drive? I know the restore feature has one, I have other files on my unit and was wondering if I could somehow encrypt the drive so if I los it the drive cannot be opened unless a password is put in.

You don't disclose anything about your computer, Tony. In case you have Windows 7 Ultimate, this applies.
   Help protect your files using BitLocker Drive Encryption

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    How much of a hurry are you in, and are you considering upgrading to Lion?
    File Vault on Snow Leopard only encrypts home folders you select, and doesn't work well with Time Machine.
    But Lion will have "full disk encryption" of local or external disks.  See File Vault 2 here:

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    Well, whenever I want to password protect anything, I just encrypt it using disk utility.
    After opening Disk Utility, go to File, New, Blank Disk Image. Then you select how much space you'd like to take up with the encrypted folder (you have to preset the size of the folder anticipating further change). The folder can be made on your main HD or Flash drive or external HD. It offer 256bit encryption but the folder can still be deleted by anyone with access to it even without the password.

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    If you want to password protect a folder ...
    Launch /Applications/Applescript/Script Editor
    Paste this in:
    on opening folder This_Folder
    tell application "Finder"
    set dialogresult to display dialog "Restricted Folder. Please enter the password to access folder:" buttons {"Ok", "Close"} default button 1 default answer "" with hidden answer
    copy the result as list to {PWText, button_choice}
    set button_choice to the button returned of dialogresult
    if button_choice is equal to "Ok" then
    set PWText to the text returned of dialogresult
    if not PWText = "your password" then
    display dialog "Access Denied" buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
    display dialog "Access Granted" buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
    exit repeat
    end if
    else if button_choice is equal to "Close" then
    tell application "Finder"
    close folder This_Folder
    exit repeat
    end tell
    end if
    end tell
    end repeat
    end opening folder
    Click 'Compile' then 'Save As'
    (Where it says "*your password*" insert the one you want)
    Then CTRL-click on a folder / (Enable Folder Actions if not on) / Configure Folder Actions / Activate and select your script.

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    Use the Disk Utility application in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder to create an encrypted disk image on that drive, and then move your data on the external drive to it followed by throwing the unencrypted data away and choosing Secure Empty Trash from the Finder menu. If you don't uncheck the box to add the image's password to the keychain and the keychain password is the same as your login password, which is the default setting, the image will be unlocked to your account when you login, but will remain encrypted to other accounts, including root.

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    Kurt, you obviously have Internet Cleanup 8 or higher installed, that is the source of the message...

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    A powered hub connected to your Mac should be fine. There are rare complaints about hub incompatibility but they are not specific to Time Machine, just equipment in general.
    If it doesn't work you will know right away.
    Read this post that I just answered for more information on AirPort Extreme and Time Machine:
    Airport extreme back up problem

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    This looks like the easiest and most direct method and since it uses Disk Utility it would work on any OS. tition/

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    In Disk Utility, when I tried to "verify" the locked volume, Disk Utility logs an error in system.log with no other user visible action.  I filed a bug with Apple about this (#11286871) but I'm still waiting to hear back from them.  The error logged is:
    Apr 20 22:53:17 nowwhat Disk Utility[1508]: -[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: diskIdentifier)
    Apr 20 22:53:17 nowwhat Disk Utility[1508]: (
                        0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915bffc6 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
                        1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff87a37d5e objc_exception_throw + 43
                        2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915bfdfa +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
                        3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915bfd84 +[NSException raise:format:] + 116
                        4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9157cf3b -[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:] + 219
                        5   DFA                                 0x000000010a1aa1b8 DFA + 25016
                        6   DFA                                 0x000000010a1ad701 DFA + 38657
                        7   DFA                                 0x000000010a1a61de DFA + 8670
                        8   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915af75d -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 61
                        9   AppKit                              0x00007fff8e507cb2 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 139
                        10  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e507be6 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 88
                        11  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e507b11 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 137
                        12  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e506fd4 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 2014
                        13  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e586d04 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 489
                        14  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e505bde -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 786
                        15  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e4d06e0 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 6306
                        16  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e46916d -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 5593
                        17  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e3ff1f2 -[NSApplication run] + 555
                        18  AppKit                              0x00007fff8e67db88 NSApplicationMain + 867
                        19  Disk Utility                        0x0000000104c4e475 Disk Utility + 9333
                        20  Disk Utility                        0x0000000104c4e270 Disk Utility + 8816

    Even if you succeed with the difficult instructions to do this, if you are running Mavericks (10.9.x) on your Mac, count on it to start over with a whole new backup of your Mac, so you will have two separate backup files for the Mac on the Time Capsule.
    Realistically, few of us ever need to go back months or years to retrieve a file from Time Machine. My recommendation would be to keep the external hard drive around for a few months until you have a good backup history established for the Mac....and then delete the backups from the drive and use it as a spare hard drive.

  • Reset Time Machine Password to Backup Using External Drive

    I have been using Time Machine to backup my files regularly on an External drive. I usually backup my files (using Backup Now option) and then turn off Time Machine. I have been doing this successfully for a month on my new MacBookPro (late 2013 version, purchased 5 March 2014). I used this same procedure successfully since 2010 on a previous Macbook Pro I owned.
    I just tried to backup my files, all of a sudden Time Machine now asks me for a password which I don't remember setting. Time Machine Preferences looks like this.
    When I try to set Time Machine On I cannot do it (I used to be able to do it). When I click unlock and try to input my MacbookPro login username and password, but this login/password is not accepted.
    Frankly, I have no idea what happened. I must have pushed the wrong button at some point. I don't mind losing my old backus and resetting the password on Time Machine software, provided I can and backup my files right away.
    How can I reset the Time Machine password? Any help will be much appreciated.

    Dear Eric,
    I am using a Western Digital Ultra external drive that I myself formatted Journaled. It is not encrypted.
    I went to the keychain and I could not find the password for Time Machine. (Frankly, I am not sure where to look).
    I also ran Keychain first aid and no problem was found. I also ran Keychain first aid repair and everything seems fine.
    Tomorrow Monday I will call the repair shop, as I suspect they introduced a different password.
    Many thanks for now. I will keep you posted.

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    i just had a new hard drive installed. After loading everything back on my computer from external drive, i came to the "select wireless network screen. I've misplaced the WEP password for my internet. Is there anyway to find it on another computer?

    Maybe. What kind of other computer are you talking about? What operating system is it running? What kind of wireless router are you using?
    Your best bet may be to just reset the router and set it up again.
    Just so you know, WEP is a very old security system for wireless and is considered insecure. If you have it available, use WPA2.

  • Unable to unlock external drive or repair (but can change password)

    I have a Freecom 1TB USB 2 external drive with a single partition with Filevault 2 encryption enabled.
    The Mac Air detects the drive and prompts for the password to unlock. Prior to this problem it was retrieved automatically from my Keychain (entry still there). An incorrect password immediately gives the window shake. The correct password results in either a prompt to re-enter a password after few minutes or considerably longer.
    Disk Utility (run from a standard or admin account or in recovery mode)  appears to Verify and Repair the drive fine, but when the partition is selected I get:
    Verifying volume “1,000”
    Checking storage systemChecking volume.
    disk3: Scan for Volume Headers
    Invalid Volume Header @ 0: incorrect block type
    Invalid Volume Header @ 999709908480: incorrect block type
    disk3 is not a CoreStorage volume
    Error: Storage system verify or repair failed.
    The Repair option is not available.
    Earlier I was getting an "Unable to examine /dev/disk3: Resource busy" message on Verifying the partition.
    Earlier I also got a message in the details of drive Verify or Repair in Recovery mode of "transaction group 12: cksum mismatch", though the final result of the Verify and Repair stated the drive was okay.
    Oddly I seem to be able to change the password, but nothing else including switching off encryption. When the later is attempted it appears to accept the password but then stops stating there was a problem (no other details).
    I have a second external drive with Filevault2 enabled and this connects fine although a password is prompted for even though I saved it to my Keychain previously.
    Suggestions very welcome! Preferrably to fix or if that is not possible ways to potentially retrieve some of the data.
    Drive and Partition info from Disk Utility:
      Name : Freecom Mobile Drive XXS Media
              Type :           Disk
              Partition Map Scheme :           GUID Partition Table
              Disk Identifier :           disk2
              Media Name :           Freecom Mobile Drive XXS Media
              Media Type :           Generic
              Connection Bus :           USB
              USB Serial Number :           C0001E86AA51
              Device Tree :           IODeviceTree:/PCI0@0/EHC2@1A,7
              Writable :           Yes
              Ejectable :           Yes
              Location :           External
              Total Capacity :           1 TB (1,000,204,886,016 Bytes)
              Disk Number :           2
              Partition Number :           0
              S.M.A.R.T. Status :           Not Supported
      Name : 1,000
              Type :           Encrypted Logical Partition
              Disk Identifier :           disk3
              Mount Point :           Not mounted
              Disk Status :           Online
              File System :           Mac OS Extended (Journaled, Encrypted)
              Connection Bus :           USB
              Device Tree :           IODeviceTree:/PCI0@0/EHC2@1A,7
              Writable :           Yes
              Universal Unique Identifier :           7663BACA-6B14-3D7F-8C39-5A5319AE9F4B
              Capacity :           999.71 GB (999,709,908,992 Bytes)
              Owners Enabled :           No
              Can Turn Owners Off :           Yes
              Can Be Formatted :           Yes
              Bootable :           Yes
              Supports Journaling :           Yes
              Journaled :           No
              Disk Number :           3
              Partition Number :           0

    I'll answer my own question, which may help others.
    I found no solution and reformatted the drive.
    Not sure if my question was poorly worded but after no response I tried one of the main paid support sites. The expert who took up my question didn't seem at first to be aware of encrypting external drives under Lion. No viable solution was found, so I gave up and reformatted the drives.
    This is the third time I have had issues with the stability of OSX formatted external drives, so enough is enough. I'm sticking with FAT32 (the 4Gb limit isn't a major problem) for all my drives except my Time Machine drive. No encryption on that drive either.

  • I need the unconfusing way to put a password on a external hard drive, please

    it seems the more i look the more confusing things got. basically i have a new hard drive ( g drive mobile usb ) i want to put a password on to it so that if you do not know the password you will not be able to access ANYTHING. it seems like there is either a tutorial on how to put a password on to a 'folder' & when it comes to a 'harddrive' the term 'password' is now 'encrypted' & it just seems like there is a difference in the explanation. also people seem to say "thumb drive" a lot & i know that i am not talking about a thumb drive, i am using a hard drive, maybe it is all the same but nobody is saying so & i don't want to find out that a password on a folder or a thumb drive is totally different when it comes to using a hard drive.
    so, how do i put a password onto a hard drive so that when i plug in the usb cable you will next have to type in the password to see anything on the hard drive??
    just updated to mavericks by the way

    If you want to protect everything on the drive, then you need to encrypt the drive.
    Don't store the password in your keychain as that will automatically decrypt the drive when it is connected.
    Here is an article written for mountain lion, but I think it is the same for mavericks.
    Another here: s-x/
    I'm not sure if it is stated directly, but the drive must be partitioned as a GUID partition table.
    If just want to encrypt some of the data,

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    thank you!

    In Disk Utility, does it allow you to Erase it once you highlight it?

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    The easiest way is to make an encrypted disk image of the folder contents with Disk Utility. Go to Disk Utility's File menu -> New -> Disk Image from Folder. There you can pick an encrypted disk image. Once you have made that image, delete the folder that it came from and leave the image behind. Mind you, there is always the risk you might lock yourself out permanently from that data if the image becomes corrupted. You are safer keeping the external hard disk in a physically safe place when not in use.

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