Patterns help

I am running into an issue using patterns. I am seeing lines where there the pattern overlaps or buts up against itself. Here is what I am talking about -
Some of the patterns I used for this project were created by me or supplied by my client, and on those I would think operator error would be the casue. But it is happening with the adobe stock patterns as well. This is a screenshot of the stock adobe cheetah pattern and I am still having the problem. Any ideas here, my client is seeing it on his end as well, so I need to get it resolved.
BTW, I have tried expanding, and that seems to work on some of them, but not all.
Thanks in advance for any help

Normally this is a screen rendering issue. Turn off anti-aliasing in the preferences, then it should be gone. If it's still there without anti-aliasing, there's indeed sth. wrong with construction

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    Is there anyone out there who knows how to make this work??!!

    Frank Nimphius wrote:
    I am not familiar with the document, but options I see are
    option 1: set uncommitted data warning property on the af:document to "on" (I am not sure, but think this is already available in JDeveloper 11g R1)
    option 2: use the controller context (ControllerContext) of the ADFc task flow handler to detect if the transaction is dirty
    option 3: use a managed bean that accesses the AM in the DataControl to check if the transaction is dirty
    FrankThank you for the reply Frank. Below are my response to your options
    response to option1:
    I have already set the uncommitted data warning property on the af:document to "on" (yes, the option is already available in JDeveloper 11g R1) and even set the bounded task-flow inside the region of my page as "critical", but when I navigate to other pages thru the navigation items in my template header, the prompt for uncommited changes did not show.
    response to option2:
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    but still nothing especial happened.
    response to option3:
    What exactly is "AM" in the DataControl?
    Your feedback on this is very much appreciated.

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    Peter Redman

    How about something like:
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class RegexpTest
       private static final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(
             "^User '([^']+)' with session '([^']+)' ([^ ]+) .*$" );
       public static void main( String[] argv )
          find( "User 'INEXIST' with session 'ax1zjd8yEeHh' added content '769' with uri ''." );
          find( "User 'INEXIST' with session 'ax1zjd8yEeHh' changed folder from 'E-mails' to 'Milhagem'." );
          find( "User 'INEXIST' with session 'a8jXrY_N38ja' updated all content of folder 'Bancos'." );
       public static void find( String text )
          System.out.println( "Text: " + text );
          Matcher m = p.matcher( text );
          if ( ! m.matches() ) return;
          String user =;
          String session =;
          String action =;
          System.out.println( "User: " + user );
          System.out.println( "Session: " + session );
          System.out.println( "Action: " + action );
       }which results in:
    Text: User 'INEXIST' with session 'ax1zjd8yEeHh' added content '769' with uri ''.
    User: INEXIST
    Session: ax1zjd8yEeHh
    Action: added
    Text: User 'INEXIST' with session 'ax1zjd8yEeHh' changed folder from 'E-mails' to 'Milhagem'.
    User: INEXIST
    Session: ax1zjd8yEeHh
    Action: changed
    Text: User 'INEXIST' with session 'a8jXrY_N38ja' updated all content of folder 'Bancos'.
    User: INEXIST
    Session: a8jXrY_N38ja
    Action: updatedYou should probably change the Pattern to be less explicit about what it matches. i.e. changes spaces to \\s+ or something similar.

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    Thanks and Regards,
    Swapnil Kharwadkar.

    The generic proxy service will be of type "messaging service" with input/output type as text/XML.

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    Could not perform web service invocation "getQuote".
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    faultCode: {}Server.userException
    faultString: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException:
    [coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException : Element
    QUOTEDAO is undefined in a Java object of type class
    [Ljava.lang.String; referenced as ]
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    /webservices/quote/quoteDAO.cfc (my data access object, has
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    /webservices/quote/quoteService.cfc (service layer, i
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    <cfinvokeargument name="Quote_ID" value="200"/>
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    <cfset variables.quoteDAO =
    <cfset variables.quoteGateway =
    <cfset application.quoteService =
    variables.quoteGateway) />
    I'm not sure what exactly the error I am receiving is, but
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    <cfset variables.dsn = "mydsn" />
    <cfset variables.quoteDAO =
    <cfset variables.quoteGateway =
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             public bussinessMethod1();
    public interface ConverterHome extends EJBHome{
           Converter create() .....;
      Converter currencyConverter=home.create();//<===
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    Thanx for your time!
    kind regards

    First, a typical EJB is made up of a HOME, REMOTE and a BEAN. You are correct, your HOME and REMOTE are interfaces. The BEAN is your implementation class.
    Converter currencyConverter=home.create();//<===
    //I can't understand it!home is an interface,and it
    isn't implemented(or only because i do not find out itWhat happens here is your application server will generate a subclass of your HOME interface and implete the create method. That method will, among other things, call the ejbCreate() on your BEAN.
    the same question occered when I use the Serilizable
    interface,a class implement theSerilizable
    interface,then it is serilizable,too.but in the
    Serilizable interface,i can't find any clue How the
    serilizable works.To begin understanding the Serializable interface, take a look at the javadoc found at You may also wish to look for the tutorials found on the website.
    Hope this helps.

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    Dish would be the observable in this case. Waiter and Chef are the /
    contain observers. The observer's update method will get called whenever
    the observable calls notifyObservers.
    public class Dish extends Observable {
        public void setStock(int stock) {
            .. business logic ..
            this.notifyObservers(new Integer(stock));
    public class Waiter implements Observer {
        public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
            Long stock = (Long) arg;
            .. business logic ..
    }Note that Listeners are also implementations of the Observer pattern, if
    that helps any.

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    If your Google isn't broken, try this:

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    or 'blank, empty string' only) if the user chooses to fill it
    I'm using CFINPUT tag with the following settings, does my
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    PATTERN="^[a-zA-Z *]{1,40}$"
    Thanks for any help. I'm v. new to regular expressions (10
    hrs education at Google Univ.)
    Paul Cross

    I think you want something more like this:
    ^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{0,40}$

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    hi people,
    Can someone please explain to me in laymans terms what the use of the Factory pattern is. I went to
    and it did nit help me too much.
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    Is the reason for the ConnectionHelper to allow us to use that as the return type in the getHelper() method, thus allowing us to have either the OracleConnectionHelper or DB2ConnectionHelper?
    Yes. You want to achieve polymorphism. You are interested in the connect() method, not necessarily what database is used (not the best example in the world, normally you would care as different vendors have slightly different SQL syntax, but assume you were using no triggers, procedures or non-ANSI SQL).
    So, are you basically saying that a Factory is a class that can be used to decide which of the two databases we are going to connect to?
    Depends. In this instance, you name the database you want and the factory is responsible for returning the proper class. In other cases, you might have developed a program that works across databases and only uses one at a time. In this case, you would probably read in a setting at application startup, and the factory would always return the same object type.
    If there is a PersistentManagerFactory, does it mean this would be used to decide what PersistentDataStore we are going to use (i.e. flat file, database, serialised object etc)?
    Again, it depends. You can make your factories 'smart' by deciding where to serialize a given object (say, every domain model object has a method save() and your DAO uses the factory to get a connection to do its work). In other cases, you have a 'bare-bones' factory that simply returns the requested object type. Why go through all that effort? Well, one advantage is that I can put the factory, interface and any implementations in the same package. The only ones that (normally) would need to be public would be the interface and the factory. You can hide the implementation details using the security features of the language.
    Also, why is OracleConnectionHelper a final class?[i]
    In general, I make all variables, method signature parameters and classes final. Once I need to sub-class or re-assign a variable value, I remove the final clause. I can't count the number of times the compiler caught an error (rather than at runtime) because of the additional 'safety' declaring everything final gives you. Only make variables and classes (and method signature variables) non-final when you need to. IMHO, of course.
    - Saish

  • Design pattern help need urgently please

    Hi I need you to tell me if the following code looks like its a facade or not?
    The method make the table calls another method in the class project4
    which contains instances of itself and student class and supervisor class and the method prints out data from these classes.
    Iv to hand this in tomorow and would like to know
    Is that a facade or not?
    Please help
    public class TableFacade
         System.out.println("This is the table of projects");
         public Project4 makeTheTable()
              Supervisor5 sup = new Supervisor5();
              Project4 project =new Project4();
         return project;

    Sorry to be continuously replying but desperate times call for desperate measures anyway
    Im trying to adapt from my project4 class
    is this in the adaptor pattern?
    class AdaptProject
         Project4 project;
         Supervisor5 supervisor;
         void readProjectDetails()
         void readRelevantProjectsFromFile(Supervisor5 v)
         String projName()
              return project.projName;
         String projSubject()
              return project.projSubject;

  • Route pattern help

    I need a route pattern for
    8XXXX, but needs to exclude the following ranges;
    87000 ? 87199,
    88470 ? 88519,
    88520 ? 88569
    I am a bit stuck, and don't want to enter loads it, can it be done with 1?

    All you need then is the 8XXXX route pattern pointing to CM B. If phone on CM A dials any extesnion registered with CM A (granted it has access to it's partition) it will be more explicit match. If there is no DN matching on CM 1 then the route pattern will be used, again assuming it's partition is listed in the phone's CSS.
    HTH, please rate all posts!

  • Java Matching and Patterns - help please.

    Ok, so I'm trying to take a CSV file and store it as an XML file using Java. Here's a sample line of the data file I'm working with:
    1001,"Fitzsimmons, Des Marteau, Beale and Nunn",109,"COD","Standard",,109,8/14/1998 8:50:02
    I'm trying to use regular expressions to match each field separately. I can't use split on "," because of the commas in the quotes (which is one whole field). So far, the first field matches to "[0-9]+," What would be the regex for the second field? "\".+\"," doesn't work, and I'm running out of ideas.

    I know this doesn't help the immediate problem, but I just have to say that this is the reason why comma is not a good separator. Why doesn't the world wake up and use tabs? I would assert that the chance of a value containing an embedded tab character is slim to none, whereas the chance that it contains any "printable" character is much greater - leading to this very headache.
    So actually this might help afterall, if you can get the separator changed.

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    I am writing an mdi application which contains a JSplitPane. The left pane contains a JTree and the right contains a JDesktopPane which houses n number of JInternalFrames. The JInternal Frames need access to the JTree. Also both panes (objects w/in) need access to elements of the JFrame. I am currently implemeting access by making most of the JFrame objects static and creating getter/setter methods for access. Does anyone know any desing patterns I might use to solve this dilemma?

    The observer design pattern causes the child objects to chage state when the parent changes state. The type of pattern I need would allow the child objects of the parent JFrame to be available globally without having to make them static. I am wrong in this? Would the observer pattern solve this issue.

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    Hi, I would like to make a pattern out of this image in illustrator.
    How can i do it?

    This is not "pixel-perfect" but shows the concept:
    In Photoshop, rotate and duplicate to create a repeating pattern:
    Crop the pattern by finding any four corners that match, then import the pattern into AI and convert to Bitmap Pattern by dragging embedded bitmap image into Swatch Panel:
    The original pattern can be converted to vector if required. I would recommend good, ol' fashioned pen drawing, not auto-tracing.

Maybe you are looking for

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