Pausing at dialog boxes

Just doing a simple tutorial on Content Aware Fill, a couple of things came to mind
One step was recorded as "Choose Edit > Fill to Fill the current" - the second "Fill" should be lower case.
More importantly, I would normally want to accompany an instruction to "Select Content Aware from the drop-down menu for Fill Contents" with a screenshot of the Edit>Fill  dialog box. I don't think that can be done now, but could it be added to the recording process?

Just doing a simple tutorial on Content Aware Fill, a couple of things came to mind
One step was recorded as "Choose Edit > Fill to Fill the current" - the second "Fill" should be lower case.
More importantly, I would normally want to accompany an instruction to "Select Content Aware from the drop-down menu for Fill Contents" with a screenshot of the Edit>Fill  dialog box. I don't think that can be done now, but could it be added to the recording process?

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    You can not use  File-Upload UI element inside confirmation dialog ,because there is no provision to add any UI ,except Button.
    Please avoid  my previous reply .
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar
    Edited by: satish jhariya on Mar 3, 2009 11:29 AM

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    Hi Drew,
    I'm sorry, I didn't test that idea.  Now that I have, I see that the textbox only updates after the ButtonClick callback as completed, so instead of seeing the textbox count up from 1 to 10 in my code, I only see it show 10 after 10 seconds have passed.  Before that it does look like DIAdem is hung, but it wasn't in my case.
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    Dim i, iMax, Msg
    iMax = 10
    FOR i = 1 TO iMax
    Call Pause(1)
    Msg = "Second " & i & " of " & iMax & " ..."
    Call MsgBoxDisp(Msg, "MB_NOBUTTON", "MsgTypeNote", 0, 0, 1)
    NEXT ' i
    Call MsgBoxCancel
    End Sub
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    use GET_FILE_NAME - it's documented in the help - client server only

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    Canon 1DX support was added to ACR in version 6.7, 7.1.  An updated CS6 should be at level ACR 8.6.  If your ACR is not at level 8.6 try using CS6 menu Help>Updates.  If that does not install ACR 8.6 try downloading the ACR and DNG 8.6 converter and see if ACR 8.6 will install into your CS6.
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh

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    Something might be preventing Photoshop from being able to save your selection on the dialog window properly. You might try right clicking and choose Run as Administrator on the Photoshop icon when launching (Windows) or test if the behavior persists when using a newly created admin user account.
    Hope that helps,
    - Dave

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    document.execCommand('SaveAs', null, fname)
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    this is actually a Java forum its slightly different from javascript
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    Thank you very much!
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    Safari 6.0.1 OS X 10.8.2 Reader 10.1.4
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    I do not want the form to be saved automatically, just want the form to auto populate the "file name" only.
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    I'm using Acrobat 8 professional, the stores and office personnel use Adobe reader.
    One little note:  We currently print and file a lot of paper on a daily bases, as soon as I can get this to work, we are going green.
    Me and a lot of trees in this will really apprecitate any help you can give with this!  :-)

    You might want to take a look at the document "Developing Acrobat Applications Using JavaScript" (js_developer_guide.pdf) which is part of the Adobe Acrobat SDK, which can be downloaded here. Read the "Privileged versus non-privileged context" (p. 45ff.). You will find an example for "Executing privileged methods in a non-privileged context". Should be almost exactly what you are looking for.
    Small Outline: For security reasons ("the user always has to know what's going on") you are not allowed to use the "Doc.saveAs"-method without the user permission (--> in a non-privileged context). In order to reach the goal of a privileged context you can use a trusted function. You do this by creating a JavaScript file (*.js) in either the Application-JavaScript-Folder (default location on Windows systems: "%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Javascripts") or the User-JavaScript-Folder (default location on Windows systems: "%AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\10.0\JavaScripts"). Add the following content to the new file:
    myTrustedBrowseForDoc = app.trustedFunction( function ( oArgs ) {
              var myTrustedRetn = app.browseForDoc( oArgs );
         return myTrustedRetn;
    myTrustedSaveAs = app.trustedFunction( function ( doc, oArgs ) {
              var myTrustedRetn = doc.saveAs( oArgs );
         return myTrustedRetn;
    The developer guide actually wants you to add this content to the existing "config.js" file. I recommend creating a new file, since its easier to deploy in a network. Either way, every client/user who needs to be able to save documents this way, needs this JavaScript Code in his Application/User-JavaScript-Folder.
    Within the Acrobat Document, which you want to obtain a certain file name, you can now use the trusted functions "myTrustedBrowseForDoc" and "myTrustedSaveAs" to store the file. To call the trusted functions and deliver the file name you can either you use a form field (button) or you add a new menu item. Add the following JavaScript Action to the button/menu item and change "Roller Coaster" to the name of the field which contains the value which you want to become the new file name:
    var fileName = this.getField("Roller Coaster").valueAsString;
    try {
         var oRetn = myTrustedBrowseForDoc({bSave: true, cFilenameInit: fileName + ".pdf"});
         try {
              myTrustedSaveAs(this, { cPath: oRetn.cPath, cFS:oRetn.cFS });
         catch(e) {
              console.println("Save not allowed, perhaps readonly.");
    catch(e) {
    console.println("User cancelled Save As dialog box");
    Good Luck!

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    Thanks for any help.

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