Payroll Reconciliation Report

Hi Experts,
                 Can you please resolve this:
1) Payroll was run for pay-period 12.2008 (2008.12.01 - 2008.12.31)
    FI Posting completed and Net pay paid out via check too.
2) This payroll of pp 12.2008 was reversed on 9thJan 2009. through Off-Cycle
3) HR FI Financial was processed and all necessary reversals for the reversed off cycle payroll was processed too.
Issue: When executing the Payroll Reconciliation Report, it is including the reversals from the last payroll of Dec 2008 but should not, as the reversals were from a 2008 period and should not be on a 2009 Report.
Thanks And Regards,
Somdeb Banerjee.

Hi Sikindar,
In the payroll reconciliation report:
In one variant i am giving period selection i.e. pp 01.2009
In another variant I am giving date selection i.e. 2009.01.01 - 2009.01.31
In both the cases the report is pulling data for the voided result of 2008. However If I select and check 'Process Last Result Only' in the selection screen, the result is coming fine i.e. the voided result of 2008 is not showing up.
However my client says that she needs to run this report on a quarterly basis by. So Pay period will not work to run this report. Also if 'Process Last Result Only' is checked, then the report might not pick the retro's.
Thanks And Regards,
Somdeb banerjee.

Similar Messages

  • Payroll Reconciliation Report - HR ABAP --- Urgent

    Hi Guys,
    I am having a doubt regarding a standard report very commonly used in HR Reporting in SAP.
    How does it selects the Payroll Results from the cluster ? Based on which date ...?
    Is it Check Date/Payment date or some other date ?
    Actually I have a requirement where i need to fetch the amount for a wagetype.
    In this I need to fetch the values of that wage type based on the check date, i.e. when the company has paid the amount to the person.
    I have to fetch the amount of this wage type for all the payroll runs :
    1 - Regular
    2 - Retro.
    3 - Offcycle.
    I have used the Payroll Reconciliation Report and exporting the final total table which has all the results for the wage type selected on the selection screen for the person between a particular start date and end date.
    But I want to be sure that this way I will get the accurate results.
    If anyone has any idea or know any link to follow please help me out.

    Hi ,
    sample code..
    LOOP AT fp_i_final INTO l_wa_final.
    FORM read_rgdir USING    fp_v_pernr    TYPE persno
                    CHANGING fp_i_rgdir    TYPE ty_t_rgdir.
                            fp_i_errorlog   TYPE ty_t_errorlog.
    *-- Local Declaration
    DATA: l_wa_errorlog TYPE ty_errorlog. " Errorlog Work Area
    *---->  FM for Read routines for cluster CD
          persnr          = fp_v_pernr
          in_rgdir        = fp_i_rgdir
          no_record_found = 0
          OTHERS          = 0.
    *---> Cluster Directory details for Payroll
    *---> Results is initial for perticular employee then continue .
        IF l_i_rgdir IS INITIAL.
    *----> Off-cycle dates
        IF cb_ocy NE l_c_x.
    *---> Off-cycle dates
          IF s_bondt-low IS NOT INITIAL AND
             s_bondt-high IS NOT INITIAL .
            DELETE l_i_rgdir WHERE fpbeg LT s_bondt-low  OR
                                   fpend GT s_bondt-high.
    *----> Check the ARRRES check box
        IF cb_arr = l_c_x.
    *---> Delete the cluster directory details from check date and check the low date.
          IF NOT s_paydt-low IS INITIAL.
            DELETE l_i_rgdir WHERE paydt LT s_paydt-low .
    *---> Delete the cluster directory details from check date and check the high and low dates.
          IF NOT s_paydt-low IS INITIAL AND
             NOT s_paydt-high IS INITIAL.
            DELETE l_i_rgdir WHERE paydt LT s_paydt-low OR
                                   paydt GT s_paydt-high .
    *-- Get the Payroll details for all Personnel Numbers entered
    *-- on Selection Screen
        LOOP AT l_i_rgdir INTO l_wa_rgdir.
    *---> Check for the flag
          IF l_wa_rgdir-srtza NE l_c_p AND
             l_wa_rgdir-srtza NE l_c_o .
    *----> Sub-Routine to get the Payroll results into the
    *----> Payroll RESULTS Table
    *-- Local Declaration
      DATA: l_wa_errorlog TYPE ty_errorlog. " Errorlog Work Area
    *----> FM to get Payroll Results table
          employeenumber               = fp_v_pernr
          sequencenumber               = fp_v_seqnr
         read_only_international      = c_x
          payroll_result               = fp_i_payresult
          illegal_isocode_or_clusterid = 1
          error_generating_import      = 2
          import_mismatch_error        = 3
          subpool_dir_full             = 4
          no_read_authority            = 5
          no_record_found              = 6
          versions_do_not_match        = 7
          error_reading_archive        = 8
          error_reading_relid          = 9
          OTHERS                       = 10.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
               WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
               INTO l_wa_errorlog-line.
    *-- Populate Errorlog Int table
        APPEND l_wa_errorlog TO fp_i_errorlog.
        CLEAR  l_wa_errorlog.
    *----> Check the check boxs are either ARRRS,Deductions are not taken and Off-cycle.
            IF ( cb_arr = l_c_x AND cb_ded = l_c_x AND cb_ocy = l_c_x ) OR
               ( cb_arr = l_c_x AND cb_ocy = l_c_x ) OR ( cb_ded = l_c_x AND cb_ocy = l_c_x ).
    *----> Check for the Normal Run, Retroactive run and off-cycle run.
    *---> Check the Normal run in pc_payresult
              IF ( l_wa_rgdir-fpper EQ l_wa_rgdir-inper AND
                   l_wa_rgdir-ocrsn IS INITIAL AND  l_wa_rgdir-inocr IS INITIAL ) OR
    *----> Check the Retroactive run pc_payresult
                 ( ( l_wa_rgdir-fpper NE l_wa_rgdir-inper ) AND
                   ( l_wa_rgdir-ocrsn IS INITIAL ) AND ( l_wa_rgdir-inocr IS INITIAL ) ) OR
    *----> Check the Off-cycle run pc_payresult
                 ( ( l_wa_rgdir-fpper NE l_wa_rgdir-inper ) AND
                   ( l_wa_rgdir-ocrsn IS NOT INITIAL  ) OR ( l_wa_rgdir-inocr IS NOT INITIAL ) ).
    *---> Get the Amount for particular Wagetype based on Wagetype
    *---> entered on selection screen
      CLEAR l_wa_lgart.
      LOOP AT fp_p_lgart INTO l_wa_lgart.
       SORT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-rt BY lgart.
        CLEAR l_wa_rt.
    *---> Read the rt cluster results based on the wage type
        LOOP AT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-rt INTO l_wa_rt WHERE lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart.
          l_wa_final-betrg =  l_wa_rt-betrg.
          l_wa_final-lgart =  l_wa_lgart-lgart.
    *---> Read the fp_i_vendor internal table based on wage type and
    *---> append the lifnr and ernam value to final internal table.
          SORT fp_i_vendor BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_vendor.
          READ TABLE fp_i_vendor INTO l_wa_vendor WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           l_wa_final-lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
           l_wa_final-crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
            l_v_lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
            l_v_crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
          l_wa_final-lifnr = l_v_lifnr.
          l_wa_final-crenr = l_v_crenr.
          CLEAR : l_v_crenr,l_v_lifnr.
          APPEND  l_wa_final TO i_final1.
    *---> Modify the tax authority to final internal table .
          SORT fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_tcrt.
    *---> Read the tcrt cluster results based on the wage type and
    *---> Get the tax id and tax authority from tcrt cluster.
          READ TABLE fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt INTO l_wa_tcrt
                                    WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_final-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE i_final1 INTO l_wa_final WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_tcrt-lgart."l_wa_final-lgart.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              l_wa_final-txcmp =  l_wa_tcrt-txcmp.
              l_wa_final-taxau =  l_wa_tcrt-taxau.
              MODIFY i_final1 FROM l_wa_final INDEX sy-tabix.
       SORT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-crt BY lgart.
        CLEAR l_wa_crt.
    *---> Read the crt cluster results based on the wage type
        LOOP AT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-crt INTO l_wa_crt
                                   WHERE  lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart.
         l_wa_final-betrg =  l_wa_crt-betrg.
          l_wa_final-lgart =  l_wa_lgart-lgart.
          IF ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_y ) OR ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_k )
          OR ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_d ).
            l_wa_final-ytd =  l_wa_crt-betrg.
          ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_f ) OR ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_m ).
            l_wa_final-mtd =  l_wa_crt-betrg.
          ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_h ) OR ( l_wa_crt-cumty = l_c_q ).
            l_wa_final-qtd =  l_wa_crt-betrg.
          SORT fp_i_vendor BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_vendor.
          READ TABLE fp_i_vendor INTO l_wa_vendor WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           l_wa_final-lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
           l_wa_final-crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
            l_v_lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
            l_v_crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
          l_wa_final-lifnr = l_v_lifnr.
          l_wa_final-crenr = l_v_crenr.
          CLEAR : l_v_crenr,l_v_lifnr.
          APPEND  l_wa_final TO i_final1 .
    *---> Modify the tax authority to final internal table .
          SORT fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_tcrt.
    *---> Read the tcrt cluster results based on the wage type and
    *---> Get the tax id and tax authority from tcrt cluster.
          READ TABLE fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt INTO l_wa_tcrt
                                    WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_final-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE i_final1 INTO l_wa_final WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_tcrt-lgart."l_wa_final-lgart.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              l_wa_final-txcmp =  l_wa_tcrt-txcmp.
              l_wa_final-taxau =  l_wa_tcrt-taxau.
              MODIFY i_final1 FROM l_wa_final INDEX sy-tabix.
          CLEAR : l_wa_crt.
       SORT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-ddntk BY lgart.
        CLEAR l_wa_ddntk.
    *---> Read the ddntk cluster results based on the wage type
        LOOP AT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-ddntk INTO l_wa_ddntk
                                   WHERE lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart .
          l_wa_final-betrg =  l_wa_ddntk-betrg.
          l_wa_final-lgart =  l_wa_lgart-lgart.
    *---> Read the fp_i_vendor internal table based on wage type and
    *---> append the lifnr and ernam value to final internal table.
          SORT fp_i_vendor BY lgart.
          READ TABLE fp_i_vendor INTO l_wa_vendor WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           l_wa_final-lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
           l_wa_final-crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
            l_v_lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
            l_v_crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
          l_wa_final-lifnr = l_v_lifnr.
          l_wa_final-crenr = l_v_crenr.
          CLEAR : l_v_crenr,l_v_lifnr.
          APPEND  l_wa_final TO i_final1 .
    **---> Modify the tax authority to final internal table .
          SORT fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_tcrt.
    *---> Read the tcrt cluster results based on the wage type and
    *---> Get the tax id and tax authority from tcrt cluster.
          READ TABLE fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt INTO l_wa_tcrt
                                    WITH KEY lgart =  l_wa_final-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE i_final1 INTO l_wa_final WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_tcrt-lgart."l_wa_final-lgart.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              l_wa_final-txcmp =  l_wa_tcrt-txcmp.
              l_wa_final-taxau =  l_wa_tcrt-taxau.
              MODIFY i_final1 FROM l_wa_final INDEX sy-tabix.
       SORT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-arrrs BY lgart.
        CLEAR l_wa_arrrs.
    *---> Read the arrrs cluster results based on the wage type
        LOOP AT fp_l_i_payresult-inter-arrrs INTO l_wa_arrrs
                                   WHERE lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart .
          l_wa_final-betrg =  l_wa_arrrs-betrg.
          l_wa_final-lgart =  l_wa_lgart-lgart.
          SORT fp_i_vendor BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_vendor.
          READ TABLE fp_i_vendor INTO l_wa_vendor WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_lgart-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           l_wa_final-lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
           l_wa_final-crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
            l_v_lifnr = l_wa_vendor-lifnr.
            l_v_crenr = l_wa_vendor-ernam.
          l_wa_final-lifnr = l_v_lifnr.
          l_wa_final-crenr = l_v_crenr.
          CLEAR : l_v_crenr,l_v_lifnr.
          APPEND  l_wa_final TO i_final1 .
    **---> Modify the tax authority to final internal table .
          SORT fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt BY lgart.
          CLEAR l_wa_tcrt.
    *---> Read the tcrt cluster results based on the wage type and
    *---> Get the tax id and tax authority from tcrt cluster.
          READ TABLE fp_l_i_payresult-nat-tcrt INTO l_wa_tcrt
                                    WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_final-lgart BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE i_final1 INTO l_wa_final WITH KEY lgart = l_wa_tcrt-lgart."l_wa_final-lgart.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              l_wa_final-txcmp =  l_wa_tcrt-txcmp.
              l_wa_final-taxau =  l_wa_tcrt-taxau.
              MODIFY i_final1 FROM l_wa_final INDEX sy-tabix.
    **---> Cluster Directory details for Payroll Results is initial
    IF l_i_rgdir IS INITIAL.
       MESSAGE i393 .   " no record found for the selection criteria
    *---> Final internal table details for Payroll Results is initial
      IF i_final1 IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i393 .   " no record found for the selection criteria
    If u have any further clarification i will send one sample program..

  • /4xx wage type error in Payroll Reconciliation Report - wta C941

    We recently updated our 6.04 system to SP74.  Now when we run a Payroll Reconciliation Report with wage type application C941, we get a hard error message as follows:  "You must include the corresponding  /4XX wage type".  Also same error on CCW2 and TAXT wta.
    I have checked table VC_596A_F and it has entries for Y401 - Y406, with corresponding entries for /401 through /406 for all the listed wta's above.
    Any thoughts on what I could check next to find this problem solution?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    David Denman

    We recently updated our 6.04 system to SP74.  Now when we run a Payroll Reconciliation Report with wage type application C941, we get a hard error message as follows:  "You must include the corresponding  /4XX wage type".  Also same error on CCW2 and TAXT wta.
    I have checked table VC_596A_F and it has entries for Y401 - Y406, with corresponding entries for /401 through /406 for all the listed wta's above.
    Any thoughts on what I could check next to find this problem solution?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    David Denman

  • Magnetic Media is not reconciling with Payroll Reconciliation Report..

    Hello Team
    Can anyone help me how to proceed/what to look at if Magnetic Media is not reconciling with Payroll Reconciliation Report..
    Any insight into this will be highly appreciable.

    Hi Charlene,
    The Recommended way to Reconcile you tax fomrs is as follows.
    1. Take the actual 941's submitted to authority.
    2. Run 941 for all Quarters using SAP Tax reporter and Reconciliation report 941 application.
    3. Run W-2 in Tax reporter and take copy of W-3 and 6559
    4. Run Reconciliation report using W-2 Application.
    Now first match the all 941 totals for all Taxable and Taxes with W-3 total. Then match your W-3 with 6559.
    Remember the totals on your final report has to match by penny to penny. If there are any 941-C take them also into consideration.
    I hope this helps.

  • Hr payroll reconciliation report

    Hello All,
    i have a Hr reconciliation payroll report and requirement is like
    After Payroll Monthly Run, Payroll Admin and FI needs to fetch detail report on employees actual and to be paid monthly earning components. Report will be used to analyze payroll result before confirming final salary payment.
    and the output should in alv grid format.
    Moderator Message: Refer your Functional specs
    Edited by: kishan P on Sep 9, 2010 5:32 PM

    Hello All,
    i have a Hr reconciliation payroll report and requirement is like
    After Payroll Monthly Run, Payroll Admin and FI needs to fetch detail report on employees actual and to be paid monthly earning components. Report will be used to analyze payroll result before confirming final salary payment.
    and the output should in alv grid format.
    Moderator Message: Refer your Functional specs
    Edited by: kishan P on Sep 9, 2010 5:32 PM

  • AP PO Reconciliation Report

    Hello everyone
    In the attached sample of AP PO reconciliation report, there is a balance for PO but none for AP. Does it mean that no invoices were raised for that particular PO?

    Between Receiving and Invoicing, this report should print accrual account with a net balance not equal to zero in a summarized (so, this include, for example, Quantities differ between receipts and invoices, unit price differences, ... POs invoiced but not received)
    Now, for the case you reported, and assuming that full matching (billing) was occurred run the Accrual Reconciliation Load Run again to clear out POs from report.
    Thank you

  • Whts the corresponding BW report for AP Liability Reconciliation report?

    HI All,
    Whts the corresponding BW report for AP Liability Reconciliation report?
    R/3 report is: S_ALR_87012082 u2013 provides vendor balances that make this up.
    Whts the BW report for validating the R/3 data.
    Please Reply.
    Thansk in Advance.

         Yes, I was getting partial results. I got rid of it by unchecking the the options in the 'SQL' tab in the Universe parameters.
         Thanks for the help.

  • How do we clear the GR/IR Reconciliation Report on PO

    Hi expets,
    can you please help me to solve this issue
    "How do we clear the GR/IR Reconciliation Report on PO"
    thanks in advance,

    > "How do we clear the GR/IR Reconciliation Report on PO"
    Use MR11 Trxn Code GR/IR Clearance

  • Difference in AR Reconciliation Report

    My submitted AR Reconciliation Report has a different of $8,000.00 and the amount was found from a unapplied receipt. How could I trace the root cause of this different amount?? Aging 4-Buckets report??
    The amount in bule is the +/- amount from its own column
          Calculated Total for the Period                                             200,008,000.00
          Ending Balance as of xx-SEP-20xx                                     200,000,000.00
          Difference                                                                              ------------------------
    Total Activity in a period is calculated as follows:
    Transaction Register for the Period
    (-)Applied Receipts Register for the Period
    (-)Un-Applied Receipts Register for the Period
    (+)Adjustments Register for the Period
    (-)Invoice Exceptions for the Period
    (+)Rounding Differences for the Period (*)
    (+)Credit Memo gain/loss for the Period(*)
    = 200,008,000.00

    Hi ,
    Please see if the following notes help you:
    ARXRECON - How To Resolve AR Reconcilation Report Difference . (Doc ID 246804.1)
    AR Reconciliation Report Ending Balance Does Not Match ATB 7 Buckets Or ATB 4 Buckets (Doc ID 402199.1)
    11i: Differences On The AR Reconciliation Report In Case On Account Credit Memo Refunds (Doc ID 549648.1)
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

  • PO issue (Accrual Reconciliation Report )

    when run the accrual reconciliation report for PO,I find the quantity *Unit price is not equal Amount when A/P Receipt Match,the details as follows:
    when find the original PO line ,find that the PO line's status is cancelled ,the price have changed from 6 to 45 , from 10 to 50 before cancelled this PO lines, how can do now let them equal ?
    and check the invoice for this po ,
    20081022     1     Bar     20     6     120.00
    CH0000059 1     Bar     -20     6     (120.00)
    20081022     2     Bar     20 10     200.00
    CH0000059 2 Bar     -20 10 (200.00)
    CHSZ-Compart Hi-Precision Tech                         Accrual Reconciliation Report                          Report Date:      02-12-2008 20:00     
    Account:     24.00000.317010.0000.0000.000                                                                 
    PO Number     Item+      Transaction     Src     Org      Date     Document Number     Line      Unit     Quantity      Unit Price      Amount      Variance      Balance     
    Vendor Name:     : ShenzhenBaoan                                                       
    240803218     Pdtn consumables     Receive     PO     CHS     2008-10-29     30509262     1     Bar     -20     6     (120.00)          (120.00)     
         Pdtn consumables     Return to Supplier     PO     CHS     2008-11-5     30509262     1     Bar     20     6     120.00           120.00      
         Pdtn consumables     A/P Receipt Match      AP     CHS     2008-10-29     20081022     1     Bar     *20     45     120.00           120.00*
         Pdtn consumables     A/P Receipt Match      AP     CHS     2008-11-5     CH0000059     1     Bar     -20     45     (900.00)          (900.00)     
         Pdtn consumables     Receive     PO     CHS     2008-10-29     30509262     2     Bar     -20     10     (200.00)          (200.00)     
         Pdtn consumables     Return to Supplier     PO     CHS     2008-11-5     30509262     2     Bar     20     10     200.00           200.00      
         Pdtn consumables     A/P Receipt Match      AP     CHS     2008-10-29     20081022     2     Bar     *20*     *50*     *200.00*           *200.00*
    Pdtn consumables     A/P Receipt Match      AP     CHS     2008-11-5     CH0000059     2     Bar     -20     50     (1,000.00)          (1,000.00)     
                                  Vendor          Subtotal               (1,580.00)     0     (1,580.00)     
                                                           ---------------- -     ---------------     ----------------     GL
                                       Account Subtotal:                     (67,550.27)     0     (67,550.27)     (67,550.27)
                                       Report Total:                     (67,460.15)     -90     (67,550.15)     
                                                           ================ =     ===============     ================
    Edited by: user638343 on Dec 28, 2008 10:56 PM
    Edited by: user638343 on Dec 28, 2008 10:57 PM
    Edited by: user638343 on Dec 28, 2008 10:58 PM
    Edited by: user638343 on Dec 28, 2008 10:59 PM
    Edited by: user638343 on Dec 28, 2008 11:00 PM
    Edited by: user638343 on Dec 28, 2008 11:07 PM

    have anybody can give advise ?
    Edited by: user638343 on Jan 8, 2009 10:24 PM

  • Closed PO's on Accrual Reconciliation Report

    We are getting issue of Closed PO's coming in Accrual Reconciliation Report.
    I am not that familier with this report & it's functionality. So need help on this.
    Please let me know if I can provide more information on this. Like if you want to see the Report O/p/.
    Sachin Ahuja

    Hi Raghav,
    Documents mentioned certainly helped me a lot in having more knowledge on Accrual Reconciliation. However i need to go in depth on one of the document.
    I further checked on my issue & looks amount being accounted on Purchaing is different than Amount being accounted in AP. & Difference I can see is in PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL.TRANSACTION_UNIT_PRICE value is different when Innvoice is created.
    Can someone point how it's being calculated or why there is mismatch. As per user they simply match the PO on Invoice & have not done anything else. Then why Transaction_Unit_Price got changed.
    Please suggest.
    Sachin Ahuja

  • Accrual Reconciliation Report

    Hi All,
    I need to understand the concept of accrual reconciliation,
    Please let me know a source or plese explain in the forum.
    Further let me know if all the PO related trasactions appear in the accrual reconciliation report or only the items where there is a miss match.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Im sorry.Somehow two issues were posted for the same issue.
    However I went through the document,but still I its not clear the meaning of this.
    As per the document A/P Line Match - A/P invoice matching transaction for which there is a receipt against the same purchase order and purchase order line.
    Does this mean a situation something like this.
    PO line 1 has a quantity 10 and unit price 10
    and received 5 item in one receipt (receipt 01) and received 5 items in another receipt (receipt 02)
    Then the invoice is matched to the receipt 02.
    Please let me knw.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: user11337190 on 17-Nov-2010 15:16

  • Accrual Reconciliation Rebuild - No Report/Accrual Reconciliation Report

    Hi Experts,
    It is well-known that Accrual Reconciliation Report shows out the data from po_accrual_reconcile_temp_all i.e. only that data which resides in po_accrual_reconcile_temp_all table will be picked and showed on the report based on net_po_line_amount and net_po_line_quantity (i.e. depends on the tolerance levels given). But if I want to show the data from backend thru query, i will use this table and give my conditions for net_po_line_amount and net_po_line_quantity. As mentioned in Note:433683.1 in Metalink, it is mentioned that:
    The following two columns in the PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL table
    determines whether a Transaction appears on the Accrual Reconciliation
    For a Transaction not to appear on the Accrual Reconciliation Report
    net transaction quantity AND the net transaction amount for each PO Line must be
    less than or equal to the values entered in the tolerance parameters (or <= 0,
    which is the default value).
    This means I will make my query which should match with the report data:
    select * from po_accrual_reconcile_temp_all
    where net_po_line_amount>0 and net_po_line_quanity>0;
    But I have seen some cases where both these are zero and still shown on the report, i have seen few more cases where these are null and still shown on the report. May be we need to add more conditions or somewhere I am doing wrong! Please suggest what all conditions we should consider while incorporating with this type of requirement.
    Any suggestions on this will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!
    Sumir Chawla

    Pleaser refer the below documentation ...
    Accrual Reconciliation Report Errored Out With APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 942 in FDFGDF [ID 1440284.1]

  • Po Accrual Reconciliation report

    Hi Sir
    Hope you are doing well and good.
    I am new to R12 PO. For my client in they have customized Po Accrual Reconciliation report. I came to know that in R11 they use view:PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP and temporary table used in that view is PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP_ALL.
    Now we are migrating this report to R12 and the above view was obsolete synonym in R12.
    1) After checking thoroughly i came to that temporary table was replaced with CST_AP_PO_RECONCILIATION & CST_RECONCILIATION_SUMMARY in R12. And i am unable to found view:PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP replacement in R12. Can you please help me in this regard.
    2) Using the two new tables:CST_AP_PO_
    RECONCILIATION & CST_RECONCILIATION_SUMMARY, can we modify the query to get the same output as like R11
    This is very very urgent request.
    Best Regards

    This is the forum for the SQL Developer tool. You need to ask your question in an eBusiness suite forum.

  • R12: How to filter AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report based on GL Date

    Anybody know how to filter AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report based on GL Date from and GL Date to in R12?
    Since we just upgraded from 11.5.10 to 12.1.3 and found we cannot filter those report for specific date. It shown all data included the old data from 8 years ago also.
    We need to run the report only for specific date only. Please share with me if anyone know about this.

    In 12 you can rebuild and run the report for a particular period, but not a single day if that's what's required

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