PCR- standard Iview error

When i preview the standard PCR Iview
PCR Direct Launch:change position i get the following error
Caused by: javax.naming.NamingException: Failed in WD JNDI lookup. javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No child found in WebDynproContext with name msspcr [Root exception is com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Failed in WD JNDI lookup. javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No child found in WebDynproContext with name msspcr]
     at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.JndiProxy.getObjectInstance(JndiProxy.java:51)
     at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdGlContext.getSemanticObject(PcdGlContext.java:919)
     at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdGlContext.getSemanticObject(PcdGlContext.java:692)
     at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdGlContext.lookup(PcdGlContext.java:69)
     at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.PcdURLContext.lookup(PcdURLContext.java:238)
     at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:347)
     at com.sap.portal.pb.data.PcdManager.doInit(PcdManager.java:72)
     at com.sap.portal.pb.PageBuilder.init(PageBuilder.java:525)
     ... 31 more
Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Failed in WD JNDI lookup. javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No child found in WebDynproContext with name mss~pcr
     at com.sap.portal.pcm.iview.admin.AdminBaseiView.createAttrSetLayersList(AdminBaseiView.java:361)
     at com.sap.portal.pcm.iview.admin.AdminBaseiView.getAttrSetLayersList(AdminBaseiView.java:205)
     at com.sap.portal.pcm.iview.admin.AdminBaseiView.getCustomImplementation(AdminBaseiView.java:148)
     at com.sap.portal.pcm.admin.PcmAdminBase.getImplementation(PcmAdminBase.java:530)
     at com.sapportals.portal.ivs.iviews.IviewServiceObjectFactory.getObjectInstance(IviewServiceObjectFactory.java:448)
     at com.sapportals.portal.prt.jndisupport.DirectoryManager.getObjectInstance(DirectoryManager.java:56)
     at com.sapportals.portal.pcd.gl.JndiProxy.getObjectInstance(JndiProxy.java:47)
     ... 38 more
Any ideas on how to resolve this.????
P.S:will reward points for helpful answers.

Hey Rocky,
Dont right click and preview the web dynpro iview.
Just open the iview from PCD and then click on the preview button at the top of the page. This will solve your problem.

Similar Messages

  • Not able to get the data using standard iviews in MDM

    Hi experts,
    I would like to configure uwl for SAP MDM. I want configure uwl on Product. I created system object and alias amd uwl system also.
    while I am trying to access standard iviews ( iviews in Product of Content provided by SAP ) I am getting error like
    "failed to find table MDM_ Products"  " java.lang.nullpointer exceptions".
    Please help to solve this issue and also guide me to configure uwl for Custom MDM repositories.
    Thanks & Regards,

    The code below looks correct. Is that the expected behavior of your app?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
    public var ValueP2:Number = 0;
    private var grossValue:Number = 0;
    private var totalValue:Number = 0;
    private var finalTotalP2:int = 0;
    public function test():void {
    if (Number(TextInput2.text) == 1 || Number(TextInput2.text) == 2)
    ValueP2 = 1;
    totalValue = grossValue + ValueP2;
    else if (Number(TextInput2.text) == 3 || Number(TextInput2.text) == 4) {
    ValueP2 = 5;
    totalValue = grossValue + ValueP2;
    else if (Number(TextInput2.text) == 5 || Number(TextInput2.text) == 6) {
    ValueP2 = 9;
    totalValue = grossValue + ValueP2;
    trace("totalValue "+totalValue);
    public function finalValueP2(tVP2:int):int {
    var tallyP2:int = 0;
    if (tVP2 < 3)tallyP2 = 1;
    if (tVP2 >= 3 && tVP2 <5)tallyP2 = 2;
    if (tVP2 >= 5 && tVP2 <10)tallyP2 = 3;
    finalTotalP2 = tallyP2 * 7;
    trace("finalTotalP2 " +finalTotalP2);
    <mx:TextInput id="TextInput2" enter="test()"/>

  • MDM Custom Iview and Standard Iview Portal Eventing

    I'm trying to develop a custom iview which updates a Standard MDM Result Set iview:
    I found this documentation:
    So i created an iview which raises this event
    Then i upladed my code in the portal, created a new iview and put it in the same page with a Result Set iview. During testing when i rise the event form the custom iview, the standard Result Set catch this event but instead of update it gives the following error:
    Error occurred: Error performing search. com.sap.mdm.internal.protocol.manual.ServerException: Illegal value for parameter,  com.sap.mdm.internal.protocol.manual.ServerException: Illegal value for parameter (see log for details)
    In SDN there is a thread with the same problem (Search Standard iView + Search Custom iView) which is not solved.
    Can somebody help me ?

    sorry, I have same task and tried same code for my alias, table and field.
    I fire event  (for my alias, table and field)
    but not any resultset or Current Search on page is catching this search.
    please provide which options  must be set made for views on page so that result set to be updated,
    I hope this may help
    does it need to add some custom event to result set?
    Edited by: Ivan Ivanov on Aug 21, 2009 3:49 PM

  • Calling xRPM standard iView from custom WD ABAP iView

    We have an issue regarding - calling xRPM standard iView from WD ABAP Application.
    Here are the details.
    When xRPM 4.0 application is displayed by clicking the Portfolio Management role,
    the item dashboard gets displayed. On the leftside, tabs for Reviews, Reporting Cockpits, Colections etc.
    are displayed. Below these tabs, we have a custom tab that navigates to custom WD ABAP applicaiotn.
    On click of this custom tab, WD ABAP application gets launched in same window instead of Item dashboard iView.
    Everything works good till this point.
    The requirement is - an event on this custom WD ABAP applications should navigate to standard xRPM iView (like Item Create or Item overview iView)
    we tried Object based navigation & firing a Portal event. But no navigation takes place. It stays on the current page.
    Is there any Portal setting need to be done for navigation between custom WD ABAP application and standard xRPM iView?
    Your inputs on this will rellay be helpful.

    We could resolve the issue to certain extent.
    We used the following.
    Interface  - if_wd_portal_integration
    Method - navigate_absolute
    and a PCD location of Item Creation page is passed as a parameter navigation_target.
    This opens standard xRPM Item Creation iView.
    Similarly we tried opening Item Overview iView by passing ITEM GUID in Business_Parameters parameter.
    This opens the Item Overview iView but does not refer to the Item GUID passed and throws following error.
    An exception with the type CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING clause 
    So I need to either pass the ITEM GUID parameter through  navigate_absolute method or somehow set ITEM GUID in xRPM context so that when Item Overview iView is displayed, the iView will refer the ITEM GUID.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Standard iViews for MDM accessible only to SuperAdmin

    We are using the standard iViews available for MDM. They work fine for the administrator. But if I assign them to a normal user, they don't work, inspite of performing the necessary user mapping to the MDM business system. The only way I can get them to work is by assigning the SuperAdmin role to the normal user. Any suggestion?
    Also, the error displayed is, <B>An error occurred. See log for details.</B> Where can I see find this error log in EP?
    PS: We are using MDM 5.5 and EP 6.0.

    In EP version 12 permission for the System objects assigns only super admin user.
    You must set the permissions for every user to be at least have read access.

  • Exception in Standard Iviews

    I am using EP 7.0 SP 7.0. The standard iview are not opening and showing portal runtime error.
    "Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : pcd:portal_content/GBSC_T-Mobile/Role/MyTeam/MyTeam/Compensation_Manager/com.ibm.comp_planning/com.ibm.comp_planning
    Component Name : com.sap.pct.hcm.ecmmain.planning
    Exception id: 02:26_17/08/06_0044_3702950
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    In the log viwer its showing the following error:
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFounder: com/sapportals/portal/prt/service/urlgenerator/specialized/UnknownPageIdexception
    The iviews were working fine before.
    Any solution????

    First of all, the Error does not seem to come from the SAP ECM component. I have just had a look and I cannot see that the URL generator service is used in these classes.
    I think that there might be
    - a missing component: seems as if you mihgt have forgot to deploy MSS BP
    - a compatibility issue (URLGenerator API had some changes)
    - an issue in the ibm... classes.
    Could you check and provide some sourcecode of what is done with the URLGenerator service incase it is not the missing package?

  • Collaboration forum iview error

    I want to work with Collaboration forum iview in EP7.0 SP13. So, I have installed the following software components (visible from EP System information):
    <i>sap.com  KMC-UI  7.00 SP13 (1000.  SAP AG  SAP AG  20071121151957 
    sap.com  FORUMS  7.00 SP13 (1000.  SAP AG  SAP AG  20071121152111 </i>
    Unfortunately, when I preview the Collaboration forum iview the following error appears:
    <i>wrong iView configuration. further information can be found in the log file of your engine.</i>
    And finally the log file shows the next error message:
    <i>wrong iView  Configuration: the iView property 'com.sap.nw.coll.forums.portal.ForumsView is not correctly set up. '' is an invalid value.</i>
    Is another post-installation step necessary?
    Could it be a permission problem?
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance,

    Check below may be use ful for you
    Steps by step configuration:
    1.       Download Forums 7.0 Application from Marketplace.
    In the SAP Service Marketplace access the download area using URL http://service.sap.com/swdc
    In SAP Software Distribution Center choose Download->Support Packages and Patches-> Entry by Application group -> SAP Netweaver -> SAP NETWEAVER -> SAP NETWEAVER 2004s -> Entry by Component -> Enterprise Portal.
    You need 2 SCA files from here. Forums7.00 and KMC UI Layer 7.00
    Download SCA files necessary to install Forum Application.
    ->Choose Forums 7.00 and choose #OS independent
    Download Forums 7.00 SCA file.
    -> Choose KMC UI Layer 7.00 and choose #OS independant
    Download KMCUI SCA file.            What does these files contain?
    A forum 7.00 SCA file contains the actual Forums Application whereas KMCUI contains Forums Iview template.
    2.       Deploying files using SDM
    Start RemoteGUI.bat from \usr\sap\EBD\DVEBMGS00\SDM\program
    Choose Deployment. Add Forums SCA file and KMCUI SCA file for deployment. Follow the 4 steps to complete the installation. 
    You need to restart the server for changes to take effect.
                 You can see the Collaboration Forums iView Template in PCD.
    Goto Content Administration -> Portal Content -> Content Provided by SAP -> Templates -> iView Templates
    1.       Providing basic set of Forums Iviews.
    After deploying forum application to your portal, you need to make the Forums Homepage and Forums Administrative functions accessible via Portal iViews.
    Procedure: Create custom iView Template
    SAP recommends to create a custom iView template as a delta link copy of the standard iView template delivered by SAP. The specific configuration of your custom iView template is not affected by new deployments.
    1. In the portal, choose Content Administration -> Portal Content.
    2. In the Portal Content Studio, open the folder Portal Content -> Content Provided by SAP -> Templates -> iView Templates.
    3. In the context menu of the Collaboration Forums iView choose Copy.
    4. Locate the target folder (a folder of your choice) and in its context menu choose Paste as Delta Link.
    5. Rename the custom iView template so that in the iView creation wizard you can distinguish the specific iView template from the default one.
    You may need to restart the cluster in order to see your custom iView template in the list of iView templates when you create a new iView.
    2.       Create End User and Administrator iViews
    Based on custom iView  template for forums, you can create the required forum iViews. To work with forums you need following 3 Forums iViews:
                User view (Forums Home page)
                Administrator View (Admin Console)
                Initial Administration View
    Procedure to create all these views is same only the iView configuration differs.
    Procedure to create these iViews1. In the portal, choose Content Administration -> Portal Content.
    2. In the Portal Content Studio locate the target folder for your new iView.
    3. In the target folder's context menu, choose New -> iView.
    4. Select the custom iView template for forums.
    5. Enter the required values and in the last step choose Finish.
    6. Select the option Open the object for editing.
    To configure each iView, open property editor of the iView.
    a.      User View
    1. Select the property category Forums Configuration.
    2. For the property View on Forums select Forums.
    3. Select the property category Navigation.
    4. For the property Quick link enter forums.
    b.      Administrator iView
    1. Select the property category Forums Configuration.
    2. For the property View on Forums select Forums Administration.
    3. Select the property category Navigation.
    4. For the property Quick link enter forumsadmin.
    c.       Forums iView for initial Administration
    1. Select the property category Forums Configuration.
    2. For the property View on the forums select Add Forums Administrator User.
    This iView is used to set Forums Administrator User. Whenever you want to set a new administrator for forum, use this iView to set it.
    3.       Create roles and set Administrator for Forums
    Now you have all the iView required to work with Forums application. Please create a simple role, name it as Forums Admin and assign all the 3 iViews you have created to the role.
    Create a End User role and include only User View (Forums Homepage iView) in the role.
    Assign this new role to a portal user. Login to portal using this portal user.
    Setting Administrator for forum Application.
                Navigate to Forums role -> Initial Administration iView.Note: To Access this Initial Admin iView, Portal user should be in Administrators Group. Alternatively, the portal user should be member of the application-specific J2EE security role named JiveAdminDefinitionRole. (cf. Security Provider for the sap.com/com.sap.netweaver.coll.forums)
    In this iView, enter a portal user and choose Set User. This user will be New Forums Administrator.
    Now you have set a Forums Administrator. Login using this portal user, don't forget to attach Forums Administrator role to this user.
    4.       Creating Categories and Forums
    Please login to portal using forum administrator ID. Choose your forum role from TLN and choose Administrator iView.
    To create a category, choose Categories summary. You need to create a new category in Root Category. Choose New Sub Category.
    In Create Category, give a appropriate name for your category and choose create.
    You have created a new category. You have to create forums in this category now.
    Choose you newly created Category, and click on "Create New forum"
    Give appropriate name and description to your forum.
    You can decide what permissions you want to assign to the forum. You can change the permissions later as well.Choose Create Forum and you are all done with your basic configuration. All you have to do is, access User View (Forums Home Page view), and start posting.

  • How to call Standard Iviews in Webdynpro application?

    How to call STD iviews  in the wwbdynpro application.
    can any of friends give the code

    Use this snippet to call standard iviews from your webdynpro code :
    //use LinktoAction UI element
    onActionClick (com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent)
    WDPortalNavigation.navigateAbsolute("ROLES://portal_content/folders/X.Iview", WDPortalNavigationMode.SHOW_INPLACE, (String)null, (String)null, WDPortalNavigationHistoryMode.NO_DUPLICATIONS, "Called iView Name", (String)null, (String)null);
    Hope this helps.

  • How to redirect standard output/error of a ucb function to matrixx command window

    Is there a way to redirect standard output/error of a ucb function to matrixx command window?
    I know that the recommended way is to use stdwrt or XmathDisplay commands. However, we have some
    libraries that already exists which uses printf calls and I would like to redirect their output
    to the matrixx command window.

    What you need to do is create a printf function that will print the information into a string, then you can use stdwrt to display it in Xmath.
    Then you tell the UCB linking process to compile and link with this version of printf.c
    I am including the printf.c that we used to test the function you needed.
    Hope this helps.
    printf.c ‏1 KB

  • How to search for a standard sap error message

    Hi all,
        I want to know where exactly we need to search for a standard sap error message ( For example like STACK_NO_ROLL_MEMORY).
        I am searching the same in sap market place/oss note search...but don't see what I am looking for ...
       Could you please help on the same ?

    Hi Shravan,
    Normally system throws up an error when it reaches the threshold point. Normally the threshold / critical points are arrived at by considering the SAP recommended values and what is the sytem configuration you have got.
    In true project scenario because of budget constraints we might not be able to have ideal system configuration which SAP recommends , in that case we have to tune to the system perform at an optimum level considering various aspects
    In yr case memory parameters should have been set at level , but for yr job it needed more memory which it could not allocate and throwed an error.
    hope i have answered yr question .

  • Standard iViews in WebDynpro for ABAP: where to find?

    Dear Community,
    does anybody know a source where to find information about SAP standard iViews shipped by SAP as WebDynpro for ABAP?
    Thanx and regards,
    Edited by: Stefan Kaiser on Jun 25, 2008 2:28 PM

    i guess a bug

  • JSF, NetBeans and customizing of Standard Validation Errors

    Hello together,
    i want to use german Standard Validation Errors via a own .properties File:
    Here is my faces-config.xml ( the entries are uncommented ! ):
    Here is mymessages.properties-File in package alles:
    javax.faces.validator.NOT_IN_RANGE=Das angegebene Attribut liegt nicht zwischen den erwarteten Werten {0} und {1}.
    javax.faces.validator.NOT_IN_RANGE_detail="{2}"\:Eingegebener Wert liegt nicht im erwarteten Bereich von {0} bis {1}.
    javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.LIMIT_detail=Eingegebener Wert kann nicht in den korrekten Typ umgewandelt werden.
    javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MAXIMUM_detail="{1}"\:Wert ist gr\u00F6\u00DFer als das erlaubte Maximum"{0}".
    Here the part of the JSF-View with the Validator:
    <ui:textField binding="#{WorkTypeEdit.textFieldBeschartKzSoll}" converter="#{WorkTypeEdit.bigIntegerConverter1}"
    id="textFieldBeschartKzSoll" required="true" style="height: 24px; width: 48px" validator="#{WorkTypeEdit.longRangeValidator1.validate}"/>
    The application still shows the standard englisch validation error text. What is wrong here ?
    I' am using NetBeans 5.5.1 with VWP and the deploment is to Glassfish server.
    Thanks a lot.

    Hello Raymond,
    i did some coding and create additional a custom validator:
    My JSF-View part:
    <ui:textField binding="#{WorkTypeEdit.textFieldBeschartKzSoll}" converter="#{WorkTypeEdit.integerConverter1}"
    id="textFieldBeschartKzSoll" maxLength="2" required="true" style="height: 24px; width: 48px" *validator="#{MyValidation.validateInput}">*
    *<f:validateLongRange minimum="1" maximum="9"></f:validateLongRange>*
    My custom validator in Myvalidation class:
    public void validateInput (FacesContext facescontext, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException
    long min = 0, max = 0;
    Locale locale = facescontext.getViewRoot ().getLocale ();
    String mb = facescontext.getApplication ().getMessageBundle ();
    ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle (mb, locale);
    Validator[] validator = ((UIInput) component).getValidators ();
    for (int i=0; i < validator.length; i++)
    if (validator[i] instanceof LongRangeValidator)
    LongRangeValidator lv = (LongRangeValidator) validator;
    long lvalue = Long.valueOf ((String)value.toString ());
    min = lv.getMinimum ();
    max = lv.getMaximum ();
    if (lvalue < min || lvalue > max)
    ((UIInput) component).setValid (false);
    *String message = rb.getString ("javax.faces.validator.NOT_IN_RANGE");*
    *String messageDetail = rb.getString ("javax.faces.validator.NOT_IN_RANGE_detail");*
    *facescontext.addMessage (component.getClientId (facescontext), new FacesMessage (FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,message,messageDetail));* }
    What happen now is, at first i get the german message because of rb.getString........ so the locale is working
    and then the englisch message follows in the message component.
    Sorry that i take your time so long...

  • Standard iview and custom iview

    Have any one tried developing a custome MDM iview which displays the record details on click of a record in standard Result Set iview?
    There is a section in portal content development guide called "Configuring Data Exchange (Eventing)" which deals with this scenario.
    Please share your experience on the integration of Standard iview and custom iview.
    I have already gone through the sdn article on "Integrating MDM Item Details iView into a WebDynpro Application".
    Thanks and best regards,
    Arun prabhu S

    Custom Event Name - EPCFgetRecordByIds
    Any name will do here, so this is fine
    Event Type - EPCF ; Record Event
    Correct again
    Target (URL or Event Name) - getRecordByIds
    Again,... Any name will do here (this is what you will use in the wdDoInit to subscribe to)
    Namespace - urn:com.sap.pct.mdm.appl.masteriviews (?. not sure abt this)
    Though it should not cause an issue I would use something else, this might interfere with the standard iViews events (though they will probably have different event names). You should be able to just come up with your own namespace here
    Auto-Fire on Row Select - Yes
    Parameter Format - Standard
    Mapped Field - Record ID
    Here you select all fields you like to know the values of in the action-method of your webdynpro. Most likely this is record id or some other unique identifier of the record.
    Parameter name - ?
    Just give any parameter name. You will use this name to find that specific parameter in the string of your action method.
    I want the MDM record id of the selected record as an input.
    This is in the string if you configured the iView as above. Just print it to the screen on the action method.
    Can you please help me tell me how the record id gets passed from standard iview to custom iview?
    That should already happen by the subscribing to the event you did in the wdDoInit. Welcome to the wonderful world of eventing

  • Creating text on Standard iViews

    Creating text on Standard iViews how easy is it?
    Will you need to copy the iView, download to NWDS make the changes and then upload back into the portal?

    If you are using 2004s, you can use the WebDynpro personalization tool.
    -Open your Addresses iView in content administration.
    -Click preview.
    -Hold the control button and right click on an element.
    -From this tool you will be able to find a link called 'Decorate'.
    -There you will be able to add your text and choose the style you want.
    If you are working with an older version of the business package then you will need to use NWDS to make the desired changes.

  • How to Call standard iView from WebDynpro custom iView

    Hello all Experts
    I want to know whether there is any way to call (navigate to) standard iView from my cutom WebDynpro iview or not?
    If yes please tell me how to code it.
    (Points will be awarded for helpful answers)

    Hi Vinod,
    read this document (from pages 7 ).
    <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/b5380089-0c01-0010-22ae-bd9fa40ddc62">https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/b5380089-0c01-0010-22ae-bd9fa40ddc62</a>
    In addition lok at these links: (Navigation Between Web Dynpro Applications in the Portal)
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2005/helpdata/en/ae/36d93f130f9115e10000000a155106/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2005/helpdata/en/ae/36d93f130f9115e10000000a155106/frameset.htm</a>
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2004/helpdata/en/b5/424f9c88970f48ba918ad68af9a656/frameset.htm">http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2004/helpdata/en/b5/424f9c88970f48ba918ad68af9a656/frameset.htm</a>
    It may be helpful for you.
    Best regards,
    Gianluca Barile

Maybe you are looking for