PDF - Even number of pages

Shall I have a solution to get pdf output always have even numbers with export pdf functionality?
Koti Reddy

Hi stephaniec0103,
Could you please let me know what exact dot version of Acrobat 9 and OS you are using.
Have you tried repairing Acrobat from the Help menu?
Acrobat 9 is an older version and incompatible with new OS versions, so I would suggest you to try using Acrobat XI (latest version) and check for the same.
You may download a 30-day free trial version of Acrobat from the below mentioned link:
Download Adobe Acrobat free trial | Acrobat XI Professional
Let me know how it goes.

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    Hi stephaniec0103,
    Could you please let me know what exact dot version of Acrobat 9 and OS you are using.
    Have you tried repairing Acrobat from the Help menu?
    Acrobat 9 is an older version and incompatible with new OS versions, so I would suggest you to try using Acrobat XI (latest version) and check for the same.
    You may download a 30-day free trial version of Acrobat from the below mentioned link:
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    The problem is most likely with the Safari PDF plugin, which doesn't process the open parameters correctly. To be fair, though, this is not a part of the PDF ISO specification but something that Adobe implemented on their own in their PDF plugins, so other applications are not obliged to follow it.
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    To expand on Michael Kazlow's response, the problem isn't caused by Windows, but rather how Microsoft Office applications format their text. The issue isn't only with Word, but also with every other Office application as well. Furthermore, it isn't a matter of whether you create the PDF using the Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance, but rather, when you compose the document while the Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance is the default/current printer within Word!!!
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    Microsoft Office applications are also known to reformat pages based upon other metrics such as printable area.
    These issues don't just affect PDF creation, but also printing to different devices yielding different line endings and pagination.
    To further complicate matters, when you either Save as PDF using Office's own PDF creation facility or even Save as Adobe PDF using Acrobat's PDFMaker facility (part of Acrobat), Office uses yet a different mechanism to reformat the page, also yielding inconsistencies in line ending and pagination from what you see on the screen and/or in print directly from Word to a particular device. (We don't know exactly what mechanism Microsoft is using in these cases to cause the discrepancies.)
    Users of Office and Adobe have complained to Microsoft about this general behavior for over 20 years and apparently it is not of any priority to Microsoft to resolve this.
              - Dov

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    Hello djensen1x,
    Could you please let me know what version of Acrobat are you using.
    Also, tell me your workflow of combining those PDF files?
    Please share the screenshot of the error message that you get.
    Hope to get your response.

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    Hi unk2,
    There's no functionality in the Acrobat.com online services to do a character count. But, you could use ExportPDF to convert your PDF file to Word format, and then do your character count in Word.
    Please let us know if you need additional assistance.

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    Word page layouts are fixed like PDFs. Just add page breaks as needed. But don't expect any kind of good result. If Word could do fancy layout, we wouldn't need Illustrator.

  • Getting the number of pages in a PDF [JavaScript in CS3]

    Hello All,
    I am an InDesign JavaScript newbie that will be posting questions in the near future. Before asking a lot of questions, I would like to contribute something to the group. Here is a function that will query a PDF and return the number of pages that it contains. This is useful for placing multi-page PDFs.
    Rick Quatro
    rick at frameexpert dot com
    function GetPdfPageCount(oFile)
    // Convert filename to a VBS-friendly format.
    var sFile = oFile.fsName.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
    var aFile = [sFile]; // An array of arguments.
    if(File.fs == "Windows"){
    var sGetPdfPageCount = "Dim AcroApp, AVDoc, PDDoc, iPages\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += "Set AcroApp = CreateObject(\"AcroExch.App\")\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += "Set PDDoc = CreateObject(\"AcroExch.PDDoc\")\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += "If PDDoc.Open(arguments(0)) Then\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += " iNumPages = PDDoc.GetNumPages()\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += " Set oInDesign = CreateObject(\"InDesign.Application\")\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += " oInDesign.ScriptArgs.SetValue \"ScriptArgumentA\", CStr(iNumPages)\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += " PDDoc.Close()\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += "End If\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += "Set AcroApp = Nothing\r";
    sGetPdfPageCount += "Set PDDoc = Nothing\r";
    app.doScript(sGetPdfPageCount, ScriptLanguage.visualBasic,aFile);
    return Number(app.scriptArgs.getValue("ScriptArgumentA"));
    return 0;

    Hi Peter,
    The solutions that open the PDF files with f.open and look for particular strings don't work for all of the PDF files I have. This one seems to work well for me so far. Thanks for the link.

  • Function Module to determine the number of pages in a pdf file

    Hi All,
    Is there any standard function module to determine the number of pages in a pdf file?

    Hi unk2,
    There's no functionality in the Acrobat.com online services to do a character count. But, you could use ExportPDF to convert your PDF file to Word format, and then do your character count in Word.
    Please let us know if you need additional assistance.

  • Maximum Number of Pages in PDFs

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    contained in a PDF document?  Or is it more a question of file size limitation?

    please delete me from your mailing list.  tks.
    Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 11:09:48 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Maximum Number of Pages in PDFs
    The file size is limited by the operating system or the hard drive.

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    tnx in advance

    put the code: this.rawValue = xfa.layout.pageCount()
    (you can also insert it automatically as a floating field from the insert menu)

  • Total number of pages before generating the PDF - OMR

    Dear all,
    We are facing the following problem. We want to apply OMR (optical mark recognition) barcoding on a batch of invoices.
    Basically there are two steps in the proces:
    - Fetch the batch of invoices created during the day, let's say 1000 invoices.
    - Calculate for this batch of invoices the total number of pages per customer. 1 customer can have multiple invoices per day.
    - If the number of pages per customer > 12, remove the invoices from the total batch (1000 invoices become then 800 for example).
    - Apply OMR logic on the remaining 800.
    My question is regarding step 2. The calculation of the total number of pages per customer. Is it possible to get the total number of pages before generating the PDF? Or do we have to 'simulate' the PDF to get to this number?
    Another question I have, does anybody have experience implementing OMR using adobe forms? Any experience to share?
    Thanks for your feedback

    Hi Philippe,
    we can only determine the page size when its already loaded with data and its published/sent by ADS.
    i.e., the no of pages increases based on the data you feed to the form which mean by the time the form/script determines the number of pages it has published dynamically data is already there. so your requirement cannot be solved in that approach.
    the next approach which I can think of is as follows.
    lets say you display the invoices data as a table in the form.
    so then lets specify the row height to .5" which mean in a form with content area size of 15" we can display 30 records.
    so in the interface or the source program count the number of records per customer if they are < (12pages X 30 records = 360) leave them as they are else remove them for the list and process the data for other customers.
    As per your other query of having OMR on the form I have no Idea, I never worked on that but if its just any other type of barcode that shouldn't have any problem.
    Hope this helps you,

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    Does anyone know how to lime the number of pages a PDF can print? For example, if a PDF has 100 pages, it only allow the user to print no more than 100 pages.
    Any software can achieve this ?

    But once I purchased a ebook, which required be opened with Adobe digital edition, the ebook only allow to print 57 pages out of 300+ pages total. 
    Are there any way to convert a PDF to a ebook and encrypted by the printing limits?

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