PDF printing incorrectly (unintentional cropping and scaling)

An 11x17 PDF prints correctly from 3 different computers in our office. It prints incorrectly from MY computer, as well as our client's computer in a different office. Although the PDF looks perfectly fine on the screen in Adobe Reader, the print scales itself to be larger (or smaller) than its supposed to be, causing unnecessary cropping (or extra white space) in the printed image.
The computers that are able to print it correctly sent the PDF to the same printer that my computer did. Also, at least 1 of these computers has the same version of Adobe Reader as mine (7.0), and was using the SAME EXACT print settings when sending it to the printer:
Choose paper source by PDF size was checked.
Page Scaling was set to None.
I do not know the Reader version or settings of my client's computer.
I do not know if this matters, but the PDF was created through AutoCAD using an Adobe plotter that creates a PDF of the layout/paperspace.
What can possibly account for the radical differences in prints from the SAME PDF?

...saved it as a PDF and when I print it out...
Are you printing from Illustrator or Acrobat (or Reader)?
I have checked all settings in the original file, the PDF and in the print properties for my printer and made sure that anything referring to automatic scaling is turned off.
What about in the print dialog in Reader or Acrobat (if that's what you're printing from)? Have you selected any page scaling options, like Fit to Printable Area or Shrink to Printable Area?

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    no not yet with Application Server.
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    i get:
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    There are is no as such specified setting for customer or reader printer, because it depends on the printer setting of customer. However, you can mentioned that, if any one want to print book as black text, follow this setting http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/print-black-white-acrobat-reader.html

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    select distinct
    V_Usager.NUMEROPERSONNE NoPersonne,
    V_Usager.NOMUSUEL || ', ' || V_Usager.PRENOM Usager,
    V_Usager.DATENAISSANCE DateNaissance,
    V_Usager.DESCRIPTION Sexe,
    NomNature || nvl2(PrecisionNature,', Précision: ' || PrecisionNature,'') Nature,
    decode(IND_Securitaire, 1, 'Oui', '0', 'Non') Securitaire,
    ltrim(decode(IND_DEMANDEIVAC,1,'Dossier IVAC','') || decode(IND_DEMANDEFLORES,1,', Dossier Florès','') || decode(IND_RISQUECRISE,1,', Risque de crise','') || decode(IND_MENOTTES,1,', Menottes nécessaires','') || decode(IND_ADRESSECONFIDENTIELLE,1,', Adresse confidentielle','') || decode(IND_TELEPHONECONFIDENTIEL,1,', Téléphone confidentiel','') || decode(IND_RISQUEFUGUE,1,', Risque de fugue','') || decode(IND_RISQUEVIOLENCE,1,', Risque de violence','') || decode(IND_MALDESTRANSPORTS,1,', Mal des transports','') || decode(IND_MEDICAMENT,1,', Médicament à remettre','') || decode(IND_SIEGE,1,'',2,', Siège fourni',3,', Siège d''enfant requis',4,', Siège de nouveau-né requis',5,', Siège d''appoint requis') || decode(IND_HANDICAP,1,'',2,', Handicap mental',3,', Handicap physique') || decode(IND_MEDICAMENT,1,', Médicament à remettre','') || decode(IND_JUMELER,1,'',2,', Ne pas jumeler',3,', Ne pas jumeler avec une fille',4,', Ne pas jumeler avec un garçon') || decode(IND_TRANSPORTEUR,1,'',2,', Transporteur féminin',3,', Transporteur masculin') || nvl2(REMARQUEPRECISIONS,', ' || REMARQUEPRECISIONS,''),',') Precisions,
    Disp1.PRENOM || ' ' || Disp1.NOM SaisiePar,
    Disp2.PRENOM || ' ' || Disp2.NOM || nvl2(Elem2.Description, ', ' || Elem2.Description,'') Requerant,
    ltrim(nvl(NOMPERSONNEAVISER,'') || nvl2(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,' ' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,1,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,4,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_1,7,4),'') || nvl2(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,' ' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,1,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,4,3) || '-' || substr(TELEPHONEPERSONNEAVISER_2,7,4),''),',') PersonneAAviser
    V_Dispensateur Disp1,
    V_Dispensateur Disp2,
    V_ElemStruct Elem2,
    DemandeID = :P7_IDDEMANDE
    and ID_Demande = DemandeID
    and ID_Usager = UsagerID
    and ID_CLegal = IDCadre
    and ID_Nature = IDNature
    and IND_Ressource = IDRessource
    and ID_Intervenant LIKE Disp1.NumeroDispensateur
    and ID_SaisiePar LIKE Disp2.NumeroDispensateur
    and Elem2.ElemStructID = ID_ElemStructSaisiePar
    to_char(DT_TRANSPORT, 'dd/mm/yyyy') || ' à ' || HR_TRANSPORT || nvl2(DUREE,' durée: ' || DUREE,'') DateTRSP,
    decode(IND_TYPETRANSPORT,1,'Aller',2,'Retour',3,'Aller/Retour') TypeTransport,
    when 1 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    when 2 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    when 3 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    end AdresseDEP,
    when 1 then
    when 2 then
    when 3 then
    end ContactDEP,
    when 1 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    when 2 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    when 3 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    end TelDEP,
    when 1 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    when 2 then
    DEP_NOM || ', ' || DEP_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEP_CPOSTAL
    when 3 then
    DEST_NOM || ', ' || DEST_ADRESSE || ', ' || DEST_CPOSTAL
    end AdresseDEST,
    when 1 then
    when 2 then
    when 3 then
    end ContactDEST,
    when 1 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    when 2 then
    substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEP_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEP_POSTE,' poste ' || DEP_POSTE,'')
    when 3 then
    substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(DEST_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(DEST_POSTE,' poste ' || DEST_POSTE,'')
    end TelDEST,
    decode(RET_NOM || ', ' || RET_ADRESSE || ', ' || RET_CPOSTAL, ', , ', '', RET_NOM || ', ' || RET_ADRESSE || ', ' || RET_CPOSTAL) AdresseRET,
    substr(RET_TELEPHONE,1,3) || '-' || substr(RET_TELEPHONE,4,3) || '-' || substr(RET_TELEPHONE,7,4) || nvl2(RET_POSTE,' poste ' || RET_POSTE,'') TelRET
    DemandeID = :P7_IDDEMANDE
    and ID_Demande = DemandeIDI then created a report layout in XSL-FO with XSLfast, but it won't work at all. I always get the dreaded "corrupted file" when I test my PDF Report... any ideas why it doesn't work? Have I missed something obvious?
    Best regards,

    Hello Mathieu
    i assume that the default PDF printing is working, but that you want to create some better looking reports and therefore use a different non-generic XSL-FO.
    You can do several things in Apex but you can use the Apache-Fop conversion also indepent from Apex.
    What you need is:
    1) An XML (Data) File. You can get it from your report query when you say export it to XML.
    2) The XSL-FO (Layout) file. THis is the processing instruction that says how convert the XML Data into an XML-FO. You can create it manually or with some tool.
    3) The next step is to render the XML-FO into any output format (pdf, rtf, html)
    The creation of the XML-FO and of the PDF are done by the apache fop converter (cocoon or Batik framework if I remember correctly) in a single process but you can influence it so that both steps are done separately. See also: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/running.html
    The advantage is that you usually get much better error messages from the single steps.
    My recommendation would be to do all the steps with a very basic report first.
    Then gradually improve the complexity of the report, the data and the layout.

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    Absolutely agree with the original poster.  I find white text on black background so very very difficult (I changed from using Tweetbot on iOS to Tweetlogix for this very reason) and it physically hurts my eyes to try to read it.  I can just about manage with Spotify using white text on a black background on the large screen of my MacBook Pro - and I do mean "just" - but for the smaller screen of my iPhone 5 it is just impossible.  Even with a retina screen such as that on the iPhone 5S there is a strange ghosting effect and it gives me a headache to look at it for too long. 
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    I know there is a workaround in setting the iPhone to invert ALL colours (under Accessibility in Settings) but it's a real pain to have to keep altering this setting every time I want to open or close Spotify, and it doesn't look right anyway.  iOS7 is supposed to be a light, bright, easy to read OS - sadly this new Spotify app is the opposite of that.
    Please would Spotify consider adding a simple light or dark theme option, so that those of us who want it can have our much easier to read light background back again, with grey or black text?  It would be a great help to those of us who have eyesight problems.
    If not, I may have to cancel my Spotify Premium account and move to Deezer instead, as I mainly use Spotify when out and about in the car, so am using the iOS app a lot.
    Thank you for considering this plea!

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    Are you sure Adobe sent you something? The most current version of AA9 is 9.4.5 that you indicate you already have. If you did something else, you might have gotten hit by a virus. Anyway, at this point you should probably go to the Add/Remove programs in the control panel (changed names with VISTA & Win 7 -- Programs and features), go down to Acrobat and do a repair.

  • Cropping and scaling question

    I have a simple question. Maybe it's an easy one. I'm making a movie. I'm shooting with a Panasonic dvx100 camera. Now in one scene, there's something I don't like at the edge of the frame (I should have zoomed in tighter). I tried cropping a little and scaling up to keep the frame at the same size. Is there any reason why I shouldn't do this? If there is, I can work around it. It's not imperative but it would be nicer. I guess what I'm wondering is if this will affect the quality of the video very much. It looks OK. I don't immediately see any big change in the quality. But If people advise me not to do this for some reason I will avoid it. I don't want to compromise the quality of the video.

    I'm such a fool I'm not even sure what "DV25 codecs" is.
    I'd love some simple directions about settings I should make sure I'm adhering to when I edit. I shot in 24p with my Panasonic dvx100.
    But what a fast reply!!!!
    Maybe you answered my question:
    So if I don't scale more than 10% I'm kind of safe????
    Because I'm not scaling more than that I don't think.
    So if I keep it kind of slight I shouldn't worry?
    And I guess it's just elementary that for each crop value I scale up the exact amount and there's no special reason to worry about this.
    I mean I'm kind of a technical dolt. I just want to make sure I'm not messing up anything important as I edit my rather long movie.

  • Pdf prints last page mirrored and upsidedown

    Last year, my old tower Mac (OSX10.7.X)  suddenly began printing out the last page (only) of any PDF with an odd number of pages inverted in both vertical and horizontal axes (i.e. upside down mirror-writing), when doing double-sided printing on our HP Color Laserjet CP4005dn.  Single sided printing from the same Mac and PDF worked fine. The same last page also prints correctly if I simply chose to print that page alone.  I do not have the 'flip horizontal' checkbox ticked.  I could find no solution.
    I bought an iMac 27" late 2013 with OSX 10.9.4, all upgrades installed.  I still have the same problem.  I repeat, this only happens in double-sided printing (selected 'long edge binding' under Layout) of the last page of a PDF with odd-numbered pages.  Word docx  and other documents print just fine from the same computer and printer with same settings in the Print dialogue.
    Any suggestions?

    Well, it's time to ask Adobe for help... Probably some preference file corrupted or similar...
    On the other hand, personally, I would be trying some generic maintenance right now -
    Reset Printing System:
    OS X Mavericks: Reset the printing system
    Startup from Recovery partition (or any other bootable drive) and repair the disk drive using Disk Utility:
    (read just the 1st paragraph About Recovery from this)
    OS X: About OS X Recovery
    consider downloading and re-updating using the COMBO updater (this isn't from Software Update/App Store):
    OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 Update (Combo)
    (or similar for Lion)
    OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 (Client Combo)

  • PDF prints with little boxes and question marks

    I prepared a document in Microsoft Publisher 360 and created a pdf with creative cloud.
    Looks great and prints great for me.
    I emailed it to a few people and it looks great on their screens. However, when they print it,
    it comes out with little boxes and question marks. 
    If I email them the publisher file it is fine.
    How I can get them the PDF file without all the odd markings?

    You probably used a font that is not on their system and did not embed the font in the PDF when you created it.  Don't feel bad.  We all have done it.  Just  make sure to embed your fonts in the Joboptions settings before you recreate the PDF.

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    thanks, david
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    I have a three-page PDF and when I print it the first page prints the size it should, but the subsequent pages print tiny on their pages.  Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

    This happened to me and I figured out that it was actually a problem within the settings--properties of my printer because when I tired a different printer, it worked fine. I can't tell you exactly what to change because every printer is different but you may want to play around with the printer settings.
    baby nursery decoration

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    Please let me know what I should do to enable PDF this way. Any links, document pointers greatly acknolwledged.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi guru,
    This was the reply I had got for posting the same question some time back.
    Pdf printing option without using BI Publisher can be done using PL/PDF (http://www.plpdf.com) which provides a programmatic way to generate PDF documents (it doesn't produce Word docs as far as I'm aware however).

  • Help with PDF Printer Driver Issues?

    My pdf printer driver is no longer working - I have CS3. It actually doesn't work in any CS3 program. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the entire suite, and it will just put in a (copy) which also doesn't work. I CAN save as pdf, but I can't print to pdf in any design program. And of course it's all been working perfectly up until now, and I've tried going in through control panel, etc. Usually it just says "Unable to print Illustration" in Illustrator, but I saw one message flash that talked about print spooling - couldn't read it all before it was gone.
    Has anyone else seen this issue? Any idea what to do? I desperately need to print to pdf.

    Hi Mike,
    I didn't try uninstalling the printer from the fax/print area, so will do that. I have uninstalled all CS3 componants and reinstalled, however, with no improvement. I'll take all the pdf printer/copies out first and try it again. Is there a better place that you know of to download the printer driver separately? I'm not finding that on Adobe by itself. I've just been reinstalling the whole program. (I'm on PC by the way).

  • Tomcat/Cocoon/APEX PDF printing. Another issue

    Hi All,
    I am trying to implement my own custom report layout for the following simple Report query
    select e.DEPTNO, d.DNAME, d.LOC, e.ENAME, e.JOB
    from emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno
    The steps are the following
    1. Create Report Query
    2. Download XML file
    3. Use Stylus Studio to create XSL-FO (XSLT 2.0) based on XML data downloaded in
    previous step.
    4. Go back to Report query and upload XSL-FO file to APEX (layout name 'MyLayout' is also specified).
    Finish Report Query creation
    5. Enter Report Query again, select report layout 'MyLayout' and select Test Report
    The result is a failure with some java cocoon exception:
    org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unknown request object encountered named template : null
    Cocoon stacktrace[hide]
    Exception in StreamGenerator.generate() context://fop_post/sitemap.xmap - 17:32 <map:serialize type="xml">
    context://fop_post/sitemap.xmap - 13:33 <map:generate type="stream">
    Unable to get transformer handler for cocoon://fop_post/xsl context://fop_post/sitemap.xmap - 38:37 <map:serialize type="fo2pdf">
    context://fop_post/sitemap.xmap - 31:39 <map:transform>
    context://fop_post/sitemap.xmap - 30:38 <map:generate>
    context://sitemap.xmap - 1034:92 <map:mount>
    It seems to me that XSL-FO that I created for this layout is rejected somehow by APEX and not passed to Coccon at all.
    Guys, what am I doing wrong ? I will appreciate any help.

    Hi Mike,
    My standard printing is working nicely. That's the custom reporting that I experience problems with.
    After 8 hours of googling and 4 cups of coffee I figured out where the problem was. When you define XSL-FO file you need to 'escape' every occurence of % sign. For example you cannot define width= "100%" because APEX will pass this unchanged to Tomcat and Tomcat in turn will reject this but still passing NULL template pointer to Cocoon. Taking into consideration very poor logging capabilities one can spend hours trying to fugure out what is hapenning. APEX should be smart enough to escape characters or at least there should be a doco somewhere listing the rules you need to follow whem creating FO stylesheets.
    I must admit that the whole APEX PDF printing using Tomcat/Cocoon (and probably Fop because that's what used by Cocoon behind the scene anyway) is unfortunately a hack. Reporting does not have to be that complex.
    I would be extremely grateful if somebody can tell me what sort of XML tool is best suited to generate XSL-FO files that can be easily understood by APEX/Tomcat/Cocoon.

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