PDK Prefix in client side

Hi All,
I have an application with a SAP table.
Some of the table cells are Input Fields.
I have set the same ScriptingEvent function for all the cells.
I want to access those fields from the client side.
I've noticed that the PDK adds a prefix to the controls.
For ID it's some String and "_" and for Name it's some String and ":".
For now, when I want to get the object's ID I use
"event.srcElement.id" is it the correct way?
Does the prefix remain const?

Hi Omri,
In order to get the id of a control you should the
ClientID property of the control.
You can find a good example at the "Portal Client-Side Events" in the How-to section of the PDK for .NET documentation.

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    Can u give me the solution to work with client side eventing with HTMLB with a jsp page but not with a dynpage.

    Hi sireesha,
      Check this.
    <%@ taglib uri="tagLib" prefix="hbj" %>
    <%@ page import="com.sapportals.htmlb.enum.EventTrigger,com.sapportals.htmlb.event.Event" %>
    <hbj:content id="myContext" >
    <hbj:page title="PageTitle">
    <script language="Javascript">
    function checkinput(){
         var funcName = htmlb_formid+"_getHtmlbElementId";
         func = window[funcName];
         var inputfield1 = eval(func("inf1"));
         var input1 = inputfield1.getValue();
         if (input1==""){
              alert("Enter mandatory fields");
    <hbj:textView id="tv1" text="Name"/>
    <hbj:inputField id="inf1"
    <% inf1.setClientEvent(EventTrigger.ON_BLUR, "checkinput()"); %>
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    Harini S

  • STRUTS: client-side validation in jsp using  DynaValidatorForm

    I am supposed to work on struts on as project and it is like learning a crash course and work the next day.
    In Struts 1.1 enviroment, I am using DynaValidatorForm to create a bean form and then perform validation.
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    2. I write xml for action so that when /getQuotes.do in invoked by a jsp form, the form data is put into the QuoteDetailsBean.
    3. add the plugin script for ValidatorPlugIn
    xml fragment from struts-config:
    //form bean
    <form-bean name="QuoteDetailsBean" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
        <form-property name="forename" type="java.lang.String"/>
       <form-property name="surname" type="java.lang.String"/>
            <forward name="success" path="/pages/jsp/result.jsp"/>
            <forward name="back" path="/userform1.do"/>
    <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
      </plug-in>Now I write a validation code for getQuotes.do. note that I can write the validation code with
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    (getQuotes) as the name of the form in the validation.xml.
    So far this looks okay, as I am going by some example.
    xml fragment from validation.xml:
              <form name="/getQuotes">
                 <field property="forename" depends="required,minlength">
                    <arg0 key="QuoteDetailsBean.forename" />
                    <arg1 name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}" resource="false"/>
                 <field property="surname" depends="required,minlength">
                <arg0 key="QuoteDetailsBean.surname" />
                <arg1 name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}" resource="false"/>
    </formset>Now I write the JSP. I use the <html:javascript> tag to allow front-end validation based on the xml in validation.xml.
    The jsp code:
    <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>
    <html:html locale="true">
    <title><bean:message key="welcome.title"/></title>
    <html:javascript formName="/getQuotes"
                cdata="false" />
    <body bgcolor="#FFCC9F">
    <html:errors />
    <html:form action="getQuotes.do" onsubmit="return validateForm(this);" >
    Forename:</td> <td>���<html:text property="forename"/></td></tr>
    <tr> <td>Surname:</td> <td>���<html:text property="surname"/></td></tr>
    <html:submit value="Quotes" /></td></tr>
    </html:html>Does this looks okay. I wrote so far based on some tutorials n help online.
    Now when I open the JSP and then do a submit, there is no validation (I tried by submitting with empty forename and surname. I mean i could invoke the action class and the invoke class
    redirects(forwards) to the appropriate path. so the code works fine except validation is not done
    Q1. So what should i do more to get client-side validation?
    What actually happens in client-side validation? does a pop up alert appears?
    nothing happens so far in my case.
    Q2. What should I do more for server side validation. Since the form is incomplete, what happens?
    I thought the same form returns and the error messages are printed in the jsp page since i have the <html:errors />
    tag just below the <body> tag.
    The action class is pretty simple so far:
    public class QQGetQuotesAction extends Action {
        public QQGetQuotesAction(){
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                 ActionForm form,
                 HttpServletRequest request,
                 HttpServletResponse response)
        throws Exception {
            DynaValidatorForm dynaform = (DynaValidatorForm)form;
            return forward=mapping.findForward("back");
    }Please help me out. I think I am missing something which i need to do

    I think the validations are to be declared on the form
    name and not the action path.
    Your formName is QuoteDetailsBean but your are using
    the action path(/getQuotes) both in the validation
    rules and the jsp tags. Use the formName on both the
    Also your html:javascript tag will not generate the
    static javascript to validate the fields. For this you
    will have to add code like below.
    <html:javascript dynamicJavascript="false"
    Other options is to set the attribute
    staticJavascript="true" in your html:javascript tag.
    Hope it helps.hi
    staticJavascript="true" did the trick. :)
    I think the validations are to be declared on the form name and not the action path.It is not necessary. You can declare the validation on the action class. This is essential if a form bean is shared by several JSPs having its own action class. This is as per as I read in a tutorial and it works.

  • Struts 2 Client side validation getting skipped.

    I am doing a simple program using struts 2. Usually in struts2 bean class will be combined with action class unlike in struts 1.2. But for enhancing readability I made a seperate bean class and I reference it in my action class. But after seperating bean from action class Client side validation using xml is not happening. It is getting skipped. But server side validation inside execute() is happening. Will anyone please help me to find a solution to make client side validation run.
    here are the different files.
    1) JSP File - SEmail.jsp
    <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
    <s:head theme="ajax" />
    <title>SEmail </title>
    <center><font color="blue" size="5" face="bold">
    <s:label     value="Secure Email - Non Registered User" /> </font></center>
    <font color="red" size="3"> <s:label
         value="Want to contact us?."></s:label>
    <center><s:form action="/Semail.action" method="POST"
         <s:actionerror />
         <s:select label="Topic" name="user.topic" headerKey="-1" required="true"
              list="#{'Plan Coverage':'Plan Coverage','Sales':'Sales','Others':'Others'}">
         <s:textarea name="user.message" label="Message" rows="4" cols="50"
              required="true" />
         <s:label value="Contact Information" />
         <table align="center" width="500">
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:select label="Title" name="user.title"
                        headerKey="-1" required="true"
                        list="#{'-- Select One --':'-- Select One --','Mr.':'Mr.','Ms.':'Ms.','Mrs.':'Mrs.'}">
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="First Name"
                        name="user.firstname" size="20" maxlength="35" required="true" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="Family Name"
                        name="user.familyname" size="20" maxlength="35" required="true" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="Profession"
                        name="user.profession" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="Address" name="user.address"
                        size="20" maxlength="100" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="Telephone Number"
                        name="user.telnumber" size="20" maxlength="20" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="P.O. Box" name="user.pobox"
                        size="20" maxlength="8" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="City"
                        name="user.emirate" size="20" maxlength="35" required="true" /></td>
              </tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="Region and Country"
                        name="user.country" size="20" maxlength="35" /></td>
              <tr align="left">
                   <td align="left"><s:textfield label="E-mail Address"
                        name="user.email" size="20" maxlength="70" required="true" /></td>
         <s:file name="user.uploadFile" label="Upload Document" />
         <s:submit value="Submit" align="center"></s:submit>
    <font color="red" size="3"> <s:label
         value="All fields marked (*) are mandatory."></s:label>
    2) struts.xml
    <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
         <package name="semail" extends="struts-default">
              <action name="Semail" class="semail.NonregUser">
                   <result name="input">/SEmail.jsp</result>
                   <result name="error">/SEmail.jsp</result>
    3) Bean Class - User.java
    package semail;
    public class User {
         private String topic;
         private String message;
         private String title;
         private String firstname;
         private String familyname;
         private String profession;
         private String address;
         private int telnumber;
         private String pobox;
         private String city;
         private String country;
         private String email;
         private String uploadFile;
         private String testing;
         public String getTopic() {
              return topic;
         public void setTopic(String topic) {
              this.topic = topic;
         public String getMessage() {
              return message;
         public void setMessage(String message) {
              this.message = message;
         public String getTitle() {
              return title;
         public void setTitle(String title) {
              this.title = title;
         public String getFirstname() {
              return firstname;
         public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
              this.firstname = firstname;
         public String getFamilyname() {
              return familyname;
         public void setFamilyname(String familyname) {
              this.familyname = familyname;
         public String getProfession() {
              return profession;
         public void setProfession(String profession) {
              this.profession = profession;
         public String getAddress() {
              return address;
         public void setAddress(String address) {
              this.address = address;
         public int getTelnumber() {
              return telnumber;
         public void setTelnumber(int telnumber) {
              this.telnumber = telnumber;
         public String getPobox() {
              return pobox;
         public void setPobox(String pobox) {
              this.pobox = pobox;
         public String getCity() {
              return city;
         public void setCity(String city) {
              this.city= city;
         public String getCountry() {
              return country;
         public void setCountry(String country) {
              this.country = country;
         public String getEmail() {
              return email;
         public void setEmail(String email) {
              this.email = email;
         public String getUploadFile() {
              return uploadFile;
         public void setUploadFile(String uploadFile) {
              this.uploadFile = uploadFile;
         public String getTesting() {
              return testing;
         public void setTesting(String testing) {
              this.testing = testing;
    This is my bean class. Instead of putting it with action class NonregUser.java , I have seperated it out for readability. And I am referencing it in the action class.
    4) Action Class - NonregUser.java
    package semail;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware;
    import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseAware;
    import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
    public class NonregUser extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware,
              ServletResponseAware {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 2451855813074437309L;
         HttpServletRequest request = null;
         HttpServletResponse response = null;
         private User user = null;
    /* I am referencing my bean class here instead of writing all the getters and setters here.*/
         public User getUser() {
              return user;
         public void setUser(User user) {
              this.user = user;
         public String execute() throws Exception {
              System.out.println("Validating login");
    // this server side validation is happening
                   if (user.getTitle().trim().equals("-- Select One --")) {
                        addActionError("Please select Title");
                        return ERROR;
                   } else {
                        return SUCCESS;
                   return SUCCESS;
         public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest arg0) {
                        .println("HttpServletRequest : " + NonregUser.this.getClass());
              request = arg0;
         public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse arg0) {
              System.out.println("HttpServletResponse : "
                        + NonregUser.this.getClass());
              response = arg0;
    This is my acation class. Here I am referencing my bean class User.java.
    5) xml validation file - NonregUser-validation.xml
    /*This client validatin is not working*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC
              "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN"
         <field name="topic">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please select the Topic</message>
         <field name="message">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please enter Message</message>
              <field-validator type="stringlength">
                   <param name="maxLength">8000</param>
    <message>Message cannot contain more than 8000 characters</message>
         <field name="title">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please select the Title</message>
         <field name="firstname">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please enter First name</message>
              <field-validator type="stringlength">
                   <param name="maxLength">35</param>
    <message>First Name cannot contain more than 35 characters</message>
         <field name="familyname">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please enter Family name</message>
              <field-validator type="stringlength">
                   <param name="maxLength">35</param>
    <message>Family Name cannot contain more than 35 characters</message>
         <field name="emirate">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please enter Emirate/City</message>
         <field name="email">
              <field-validator type="requiredstring">
                   <param name="trim">true</param>
                   <message>Please enter Email address</message>
              <field-validator type="email">               
                   <message>Please enter a valid Email address</message>
    6) web.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Edited by: L-J-K on Jul 22, 2008 5:22 AM

    I was trying to do it through creating a new validators.xml where I would redefine all struts built in validations and add de definition for my custom Validation (<validator name="checkUser" class="com.custom.CustomUserValidator"/>). Then I define the ActionClassName-action-validation.xml refering to my custom validator (checkUser). The com.custom.CustomUserValidator Class has to extend FieldValidatorSupport or ValidatorSupoort (depending on what kind of validation).
    Ok that's it, this is the theory, now the custom validator (checkUser) is executed before my action but I don't know how to do it so that if the validation fails i return to the same page showing the error message to the user without having to execute the target action. Does anyone know how to do this????

  • Struts client side validation....

    Hello all,
    I am using struts client and server validation but only the server validation works. I tired looking around the forum but wouldnt find any similar problem.
    I am getting value from the previous action class and i am able to successfully retrieve and display the value. I inserted the value in a object and pass over to my jsp. When i try inserting the validation, the server side works fine but i get nth on the client side. I viewed the source code of my jsp and the JAVASCRIPT is successfully inserted but no pop up when i leave the fill blank. Please advise mi..
    1)update.jsp will retrieve data from a object and display them in text box
    struts config file**
    <form-bean name="UpdateMarks" type="fypms.form.UpdateMarksForm" />
    <action name="UpdateMarks"
    input="/pages/UpdateStudentMarks.jsp" >
    <forward name="successfulUpdate" path="/pages/successfulUpdate.jsp" />
    <forward name="wrongHelloId" path="/pages/wrongHelloWorld.jsp" />
    <message-resources parameter="MessageResources"/>
    <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
    <!-- javascript validation for Update Presentation marks page -->
    <form name="UpdateMarks">
    <field property="first_Present"
    <arg key="prompt.firstPresent" />
    <field property="final_Present"
    <arg key="prompt.finalPresent" />
    private String adminNo[];
         private String first_Present[];
         private String final_Present[];
         private String batchNumber;
         //private String batchNumber;
         public ActionErrors validate( ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
              ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
              List testing = new ArrayList();
              for(int x=0; x < first_Present.length;x++)
                   System.out.println("firsT" + first_Present[x].length());
                   if (first_Present[x].length()<1)
                        //userId not entered
                        errors.add("marks.firstPresentation", new ActionMessage("marks.firstPresentation"));
                   if (final_Present[x].length()<1)
                        //password not entered
                        errors.add("marks.finalPresentation", new ActionMessage("marks.finalPresentation"));
              request.setAttribute("StudentList", testing);
              return errors;
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
    <%@ page import="fypms.model.*" %>
    <link href="/FYPMS/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <!--Can contains: JSP -->
    <html:html locale="true">
    <html:form action="/updateMarks" method="post" onsubmit="return validateUpdateMarks(this);">
    <td>Admin Number</td>
    <td>First Presentation</td>
    <td>Final Presentation</td>
    <logic:iterate id="myCollectionElement" name="StudentList">
    <td> <bean:write name="myCollectionElement" property="name"/><html:hidden name="hiddenBatch" property="batchNumber"/></td>
    <td> <bean:write name="myCollectionElement" property="adminNo"/><html:hidden name="myCollectionElement" property="adminNo"/></td>
    <td> <html:text name="myCollectionElement" property="first_Present" /></td>
    <td> <html:text name="myCollectionElement" property="final_Present" /> </td>
    <tr><td colspan="4"><html:submit value="enter"/></td></tr>
    <!-- Begin Validator Javascript Function-->
    <html:javascript formName="UpdateMarks" staticJavascript="true" />
    <!-- End of Validator Javascript Function-->
    thank in advance

    # -- validation text(display text) for login page --
    valid.title=Simple Validation Test Form
    prompt.phone=Phone Number
    prompt.email=E-Mail Address
    prompt.url=URL (Website Address)
    login.userid = Username is required
    login.password = Password is required
    #-- validation text(display text) for Update presentation marks page --
    marks.firstPresentation=First Presentation marks is required
    marks.finalPresentation=Final Presentation marks is required
    thx for ur help ^^
    Message was edited by:

  • How to generate rule log on client side

    I am looking for a solution where I could generate a rule log and make it available on client side. I know generating a log during consolidation and save it on server. However, I want to make it available on client side.
    I have created four scenarios in HFM application, namely -
    1. ACTUAL_REPORTING - To capture TB data and use it for reporting
    2. ACTUAL_ICP - To capture ICP data and run custom business rule as per requirement
    3. ACTUAL_ADDINPUT - To capture additional memorandum inputs
    During consolidation,data is copied from ACTUAL_ICP and ACTUAL_ADDINPUT to ACTUAL_REPORTING. However, problem is that user should consolidate ACTUAL_ICP AND ACTUAL_ADDINPUT scenarios first. If they miss executing the consolidation in these scenarios, then the data copied would be wrong. Just as to ensure this, there's a provision is HFM to check calculation status in rule file and looking at that, calcuation could be stopped and a message could be sent to the user. But delimma is, how to report the same on the user side.
    Possible solution that I could have thought are -
    1. To generate a rule log and post the same to the client, but how to do this? As path of the rule log could be of the server only (that is C:\Hyperion\Logs\Rule)
    2. To generate a rule log and pop a web page terminating consolidation, but how to do this?
    3. To raise an error from the rule file and direct it to the system messages, but how to to this?
    Please advice and any further clarification is required please contact me.
    Thanks & Regards,

    You can define the output folder as a share, which has already been mentioned. I strongly advise against implementing any solution that in production will regularly generate an external file.
    1) The output file is generated by the DCOM user. If you want this user to generate a file in a specific location, it must be writeable by the DCOM user, and readable by the intended human user. Make sure both NTFS and share level permissions on the target file and its containing folder consider this. Latency for the file write can degrade performance.
    2) Most HFM implementations have two or more HFM application servers. You have no control over which server will execute the file, and also no control over what happens if two or more servers try to write to the same file. You can create a process which causes HFM to become single threaded if every time Sub Calculate for any entity on any server needs to open a single file. This is because the file object is single threaded. It could be multi-threaded if you write out to a database, but certainly far more complex.
    3) Wait state: while as in #2, this can single thread the process, and you have to consider whether your process will error out during moments when another process has access to the file, or if you will ignore that and simply proceed. This can have a significant impact on performance time if you decide to wait until the file becomes available.
    While I have done implementations where the overall solution required combining data across multiple scenarios, I consistently find this a cumbersome, error-prone, and poorly performing approach. For this reason, I always try to keep all of the data required in a single scenario. This is one key reason why the "DataSource" or "DataType" (or whatever you call it) approach is so popular and successful.
    Finally, you cannot write to the HFM system messages. You can, on the other hand, use Calc Manager to write out to a system log.

  • Client side event for h:outputText... and other JSF component

    Hello friends...
    I need client side (to use Java script ) event for change in <h:outputText /> or <h:inputText...>.
    I want to open a popup window when there is a change in there. I donot want to use onblur() for this. Is there any thing for achiev it.
    Roshan Lal ( I don't know why there is "DOG" display in LIST )

    Hi Jacek,
    Unfortunately I think you may be stuck extending Renderer. Another possibility is creating your component via a template, which will be available in JSF 2.0. However, as JSF 2.0 won't be out for a while... you can use JSFTemplating in the meantime:
    Good luck!
    Ken Paulsen

  • How can i load file into database from client-side to server-side

    i want to upload file from client-side to server-side, i use the following code to load blob into database.
    if the file is in the server-side, it can work, but if it in the client-side, it said that the system cannot find the file. i think it only will search the file is in the server-side or not, it will not search the client-side.
    how can i solve it without upload the file to the server first, then load it into database??
    ResultSet rset = null;
    PreparedStatement pstmt =
    conn.prepareStatement ("insert into docs values (? , EMPTY_BLOB())");
    pstmt.setInt (1, docId);
    pstmt.execute ();
    // Open the destination blob:
    pstmt.setInt (1, docId);
    rset = pstmt.executeQuery (
    "SELECT content FROM docs WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE");
    BLOB dest_lob = null;
    if (rset.next()) {
    dest_lob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBLOB (1);
    // Declare a file handler for the input file
    File binaryFile = new File (fileName);
    FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream (binaryFile);
    // Create an OutputStram object to write the BLOB as a stream
    OutputStream ostream = dest_lob.getBinaryOutputStream();
    // Create a tempory buffer
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int length = 0;
    // Use the read() method to read the file to the byte
    // array buffer, then use the write() method to write it to
    // the BLOB.
    while ((length = istream.read(buffer)) != -1)
    ostream.write(buffer, 0, length);
    // Close all streams and file handles:
    // Commit the transaction:
    } catch (SQLException e) {

    Without some more details of the configuration, its difficult to know
    what's happening here. For example, what do you mean by client side
    and server side, and where are you running the upload Java application?
    If you always run the application on the database server system, but can't
    open the file on a different machine, then it sounds like a file protection
    problem that isn't really connected with the database at all. That is to
    say, if the new FileInputStream (binaryFile) statement fails, then its not
    really a database problem, but a file protection issue. On the other hand,
    I can't explain what's happening if you run the program on the same machine
    as the document file (client machine), but you can't write the data to the
    server, assuming the JDBC connection string is set correctly to connect to
    the appropriate database server.
    If you can provide some more information, we'll try to help.

  • Print text file to  client side printer

    Hi all,
    I have a character mode report which will print to a client side dot matrix printer in 6i. After converted to 10g, we cannot print to the client side printer (because we don't want to map so many print queue from the AS).
    So, I try to generate the report to a text file, then use webutil to transfer the txt file to the client PC, and then use Client_HOST to call the window PRINT command to print the text file to the client side printer.
    I have test this is successful, however, when I try to do the same thing to a report with Vietnam character, then it is not.
    The print request is sent to the printer, but the printer have no response.
    But that file can be print successfully if I open in Notepad and then print manually.
    I try to use window TYPE command and COPY command, but still have no luck.
    Can anyone give me some suggestions for this....

    Qiu (guest) wrote:
    : In the browser/applet, the default "print" button can only
    : screen to local printer, not the data I want. Use Report
    : I can't directly print to client side printer. Is there a way
    : print data to local printer after press a button?
    Are u using Run_Product function in the when button pressed,
    then u can specify the format in which u want the output, option
    available are HTML and PDF, report server runs the report on the
    server and sends the output to the client machine. On the client
    machine u have to open the file and print it. I cannot print the
    report itself on the client machine.

  • How to Print Crystal Report without any dialog message on the client side

    I've read too much questions like this, but i can't find any answer.
    How can i print a report on the client side directly?
    I have three buttons, "Generate Report", "Generate PDF", "Print".
    I want when the "Print" button was clicked, automaticaly the report is printed using default printer, like PrintToPrinter function, but in the client side.

    If you search for previous posts about this, you will see many posts saying not possible.  If this functionality was possible, you could essentially have a page that would send something to a clients printer just by visiting the page, how bad of security hole would that be?

  • Crystal report printing in client side

    Hi ...
    I have using asp.net web app with crystal report version 10.5.3700.0
    I have uploaded the project and database in the below link. Check out.
    I have few requirement in the crytsal report asp,net page:-
    1) If user click Print button of crystal report viewer toolbar then it goes to PDf then its show me all of my pages instead of showing me the current page on which i click print.
    2) I want to use client side print..if user click on a my print button then i need to show print dailogue like image above in that if user click print then i need to print that current page.. let us consider im viewing I3 Invoice number using Crysatl report viewer Navagition then it show me as 3/7 in toolbar if user click on my print button then i need to print the page 3 only.. coz user clicked print on Page3.
    3)My asp.net web app is in Hosting server if user click my print button then i need to show client print dailogue and it will show my cleint connected printer. Here crytsal report toolbar and other things should be hide. It should be like what we have designed in crystal report that alone should be get printed.
    4) One more thing i want is if user gives I4 invoice no. in my textbox1 then click view report button then it will show that Invoice Report now its shows two pages, here if user click print then i need to print two pages coz it has two pages...
    Please do a code using my webapp which is above and waiitng for your codes..
    Thank you
    Note: please do a code so that i can know, i already visited some of the website like http://aspalliance.com/ i didt undertstand how to do so im posting here to get a code.

    *i tried this also but it show me the same only hosting server printer not a client side printer*
    if (System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count > 0)
                foreach (String myPrinter in System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters)
                cboCurrentPrinters.SelectedIndex = 0;
            //For printers exposed to System account as per MS Kbase
            //Look to HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
            Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey mySystemPrinters =
                    Microsoft.Win32.Registry.Users.OpenSubKey(@".DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices");
            foreach (String defaultPrinters in mySystemPrinters.GetValueNames())
            if (cboDefaultPrinters.Items.Count > 0)
                cboDefaultPrinters.SelectedIndex = 0;
    help me in this.. its very urgent needed..

  • Problem in creating client side PDF with image using flex and AlivePD

    I need a favor I am creating client side PDF with image using flex and AlivePDF for a web based application. Images have been generated on that pdf but it is creating problem for large size images as half of the image disappeared from that pdf.I am taking the image inside a canvas . How do i control my images so that they come fit on that pdf file for any image size that i take.
    Thanks in advance

    I am having a similar and more serious problem. It takes a
    long time to execute, but even attaching a small image balloons the
    pdf to 6MB plus. After a few images it gets up to 20MB. These are
    100k jpeg files being attached. The resulting PDF is too large to
    email or process effectively. Does anyone know how to reduce

  • How to use KeyChain API from client-side HTML scripting in Safari on iPad?

    I have a requirement where I need to add client-side scripting in an HTML page to be supported by Safari on iPad that creates a private / public key pair and that creates a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) in PKCS#10 or SPKAC format that can be sent to a certification authority server using form HTTP/POST that will then return the generated certificate.
    I initially thought that I could simply use the HTML 5 tag <keygen> which can do exactly what I need, but unfortunately this tag is not at all supported on mobile Apple devices like iPad or iPhone, so I have to look for another solution.
    I have noticed that the KeyChain tool should be available on iPad using the documented API, but I have no idea based on the documentation whether the API can be called from client-side HTML scripting on iPad.
    Question : is it technically possible using the functionalities and API's exposed on an iPad to implement what I just described in HTML client-side scripting? If so, do you have some links with useful information that can help me on my way?

    I have a requirement where I need to add client-side scripting in an HTML page to be supported by Safari on iPad that creates a private / public key pair and that creates a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) in PKCS#10 or SPKAC format that can be sent to a certification authority server using form HTTP/POST that will then return the generated certificate.
    I initially thought that I could simply use the HTML 5 tag <keygen> which can do exactly what I need, but unfortunately this tag is not at all supported on mobile Apple devices like iPad or iPhone, so I have to look for another solution.
    I have noticed that the KeyChain tool should be available on iPad using the documented API, but I have no idea based on the documentation whether the API can be called from client-side HTML scripting on iPad.
    Question : is it technically possible using the functionalities and API's exposed on an iPad to implement what I just described in HTML client-side scripting? If so, do you have some links with useful information that can help me on my way?

  • Save report on client side in three tier architecture

    We have a 3 tier 10g R2 Application server installed on Unix.
    We want to generate and save report directly to a location on client machine.
    But when we try to do that report is saved in server and not on client machine.
    Can anyone help in this regard?

    We are aware of this method, but this is causing following problems to us -
    1. Report name concurrency, we will have to change existing coding to a large extent to make sure same report when generated by different users should have seperate names so that there is no conflict.
    2. To transfer to client machine there can be access right issues, though we have not tested this aspect.
    So was thinking if there is any other way through wich we can directly save the report on client side rather than transfering file between AS and client?

  • How to copy a page( webpart page) with its content using client side.

    How to copy a page(in my case  webpart page) with its content(it may contain webparts) using client code (i mean using SPservices or ECMA script).
    What i am planning is ,to give end user a page where it will contain text box to specify  name of page and a button with the help of  content editor webpart.
    where on click of button we need to write client side code such that it should create a new page from a existing page in a library with given name by user.
    Any suggestion would be helpful. For your information we can do it through UI with the help Site Actions / Manage Content and Structure.But i want to automate it using client side code.Server side code is restricted.
    or can we create a template of an existing page with content without the help of sharepoint designer.
    Thanks in advance
    with regards Ravichandra

    This is good example
    Create web service
    http://balajiindia.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/using-jquery-with-custom-web-services-in-sharepoint/. Create method "Create Page" http://www.learningsharepoint.com/2010/09/17/create-publishing-pages-sharepoint-2010-programmatically/
    Build your Java Script. You can use Content Editor Web Part if you want to avoid custom web part development http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/544538/JQuery-with-SharePoint

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