Performa 6360 flaky keyboard behavior

I've been helping my church sort out some donated computers for our yard sale, and have come across the following problem...
I plug a known good keyboard & mouse (work fine on a PowerPC 6400) into a Performa 6360...
The performa powers up using the keyboard, will also do a force quit and regular power down.....but the mouse does not work, and none of the typical keyboard shortcuts either (tab through icons, etc.)...
I was able to boot to the restore CD, but unable to move the highlight to it and use it....
Weird.....only thing I can think of is that someone mapped some off the wall new shortcuts, since the power & a few other keys work, and the keyboard & mouse check out fine on another machine....any suggestions?

I don't know whether or not your background is more PC-oriented, but I should have mentioned that ADB devices shouldn't be connected/disconnected while the Mac is ON. Though I've never done so to confirm it, hot-plugging can damage the device and/or bus.
If the mouse problem were caused by badly-corrupted PRAM, pulling the battery likely cleared it. It's possible that the first keyboard may not be damaged, however if it causes the same quirk again on the 6360 or a different Mac, I'd discard it. As for the system battery, it's drained each time the unit is disconnected from A/C power. If the computer were sitting in storage for a while, the battery may have little reserve power left in it. Does the computer retain the correct date/time after being shut down and unplugged? If not, check the battery with a voltmeter. A new/good one should measure 4.5 volts. If it's significantly less (3.5 volts), it ought to be replaced. Those Rayovac 870/871 alkaline batteries can be found online for about $7. Because they're alkaline-based, they'll eventually leak and damage the motherboard, if left in the computer after being fully-discharged.

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      Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    That card (and most non-Apple cards) require drivers. Farallon drivers are currently on this page, which may require you to log in to download:
    Farallon drivers at
    You will also need the card's part number.

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    You are making me dig into nightmare-ish memories here.
    Ok, I'll share.
    This is how turned out:
    Needed to send my MBP to another town with an Apple authorized service provider and asked to change the keyboard for a new one.
    It was ~20 days waiting until they got the new keyboard part from Apple and about ~3 more to get it fixed and ~2 more to get it again in town.
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    The adapter you choose supplies a code which the Mac reads at the DB-15(two-row) connector at startup. That code determines what resolutions and frequencies are available. The TITLE of the Monitors Control Panel window is a strong hint about what it thinks (based on the adapter code) is attached.
    The tech specs confirm what Niteshooter posted for resolutions above:

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    Card type: ethernet
    Card name: pci1317,574
    Card model: -1
    Card Rom #: Not available
    Card Revision: 17
    Card Vendor ID: 1317
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    Niteshooter wrote:
    Well the good news is there was one,
    finding one, is a good question. Oddly enough the link you posted to the 10T version is the same company as above.
    Yes, I have tried searching a number of places for it, and haven't come up with much. Here is what a google shopping search pulled up (eBay came up empty), the first being "unavailable" for purchase once you add it to your shopping cart and the second costing only $150! I could easily buy a new (used) mac with the card installed in it for that much!
    As for the PCI slot cards you are trying, keep in mind that you are trying to use current cards which didn't exist back in the day your Mac and OS were made...... I have Asante 10/100 PCI cards in some of that generation mac and they work fine but then they were supported by the OS.
    Good point. Even back when I purchased it, the card seemed a bit of a long-shot to me, too. However, being on sale for $15, I thought, "why not at least try?". Unfortunately, I came up with the results above. However, you have given me a good idea. I realize from reading a few posts around here on the issue that it is a good idea to keep the pci slot of the computer open on this computer until there is a need to upgrade, let's say, for a graphics card. However, what if I have no future plans to add anything (as is currently)? Is it really that necessary that I keep the slot open? I'm sure it would be exponentially easier to find a card for that.
    A long shot might be to try loading OS 9.0.4 and see if you get lucky as 8 is pretty old plus there's a part of me that wonders with such a slow bus and cpu that 100T is going to make a big difference.
    Thank you for the suggestion, but that's how I collected the information for the card in the first place. The Performa 6360 didn't seem to take the card, so I popped it in to my Beige G3 running Mac OS 9.2.2 and hoped it might work on that. Same problem, however, the Apple System Profiler is much more thorough on that OS, so I was able to acquire the card's information. The reason for the 100-BaseT Ethernet, again, is not solely based on that one computer; It's the fact that I would prefer the network to run at the faster speed and with four macs currently on it, with a few more modern ones such as the iBook G3 shown below, the speed is a nice thing to have.
    So, on that note, any suggestions for a PCI equivalent? Has Apple ever made any? If so, where could I find them at a reasonable (Read: Not $150) price?
    Thanks again.

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    Sorry, NO they use very different DIMMs.
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    "According to your information/advice this job does not sound as difficult as I thought it would be."
    Spire only recommended removal of the hard drive cover plate ("It's just one Philips screw to remove so its easy to take off.)" He didn't include anything else that would change what I previously wrote, in response to your question.
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    As I previously indicated: "When the drive is slid fully into place, these adapters engage the rear slot for their respective connections. Because there is no standardized spacing between the power, data, and audio connections on optical drives, the adapter that was designed for the Apple OEM CD-ROM drive won't necessarily fit another brand. The adapters must align both horizontally and vertically, with the rear slot's connection points."
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    * [Del] triggers [Del] and [Print]
    * [Down] triggers [Down] and [Enter]
    * [Ins] triggers [Ins] and [/]
    and so on.
    I overlooked that kbd setings had been overwritten by /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.
    Had to disable evdev keyboard section.
    Last edited by ColdSphinX (2010-05-13 13:10:07)

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    Does anyone else have this problem, and how can it be solved.
    This weird keyboard thing does only appear in PS, every other application is not affected by it.
    I'm running PS CS3 on Windows XP SP3
    I have all updates of PS CS3 installed

    I feel so stupid, but that also crossed my mind.
    And to be honest, I think that is really the reason.
    Why didn't I think of that before...

  • SuperSizing my Performa 6360

    Further to the battery installation (another post).
    Can I install a USB and Firewire card ? I have the cards installed in my 8500 which had a very painful death living the life of OS Panther. So, I would gut those cards and hopefully have them installed in to the Perfroma 6360.
    Could I also install a Ethernet card ? That card is in my 8500.
    What say ladies and gentlemen?

    I guess I'm a gentleman, so I'll answer.
    Many of the newer multiport USB/Firewire PCI cards wont work in older Macs. My old PM6500 used a 2-port Belkin F5U005 USB PCI card. The PM6500 was running OS 8.6 & I had to install some additional software to operate the USB card. You need Mac OS 8.6 (minimum OS for USB) & USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1 Document and Software I believe that OS 9 includes the required software. However, you may need to install the USB card & then reinstall OS 9. What OS is on the Performa?
    It won't hurt to install the cards to see if they work.
     Cheers, Tom

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    I have a wireless Apple keyboard. From time to time keyboard locks into repeating multiple instances of a character, i.e. pppppppppppp and is doing that until I switch off the keyboard and reinstall bluetooth connection through the passkey.
    How I can cure this strange behavior? Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
    G5 2.5G   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Yes! I'm gettttttttttting the same issue! It happens randommmmmmmly with my apple bluetooth keyboard and drives me insane. (I didn't edit my typing.)
    Also, sommetimes the the characters are slow to react after I have typed them and other times it's fine. The keyboard is always the same distance away from my powerbook.
    What is the problem? Can Apple support answer one of these tttttthreads please?!

  • Performa 6400/180 keyboard

    I have a Performa 6400/180 that still works. My Wife who uses an Indigo iMac andwould like to use the keyboard that came with the Performa on her iMac. Will it work? I know the Performa keyboard conects to the computer via a 4 pin serial connector , I think and the iMac only has USB ports. Is there an adapter that converts the 4 pin serial to USB?

    Use a component such as this one.

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    I'm getting this too. Been looking all over the Internet to find other people with the same problem.
    Its very annoying, and I'm not touching any other part of the screen - it does exactly what the OP describes, and it seems to do it all the time, when I'm typing. Only noticed it in safari because that is all I type in, and strangely enough it is not happening as I type this, and when it does happen i make sure the webpages are fully loaded. Very strange and very frustrating
    I'm also finding that rss feeds aren't updating, but thats a different problem.

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