Performance between SQL Statement and Dynamic SQL

Select emp_id
into id_val
from emp
where emp_id = 100
'Select '|| t_emp_id ||
'from emp '
'where emp_id = 100'
into id_valWill there be more impact in performance while using Dynamic SQL?

CP wrote:
Will there be more impact in performance while using Dynamic SQL?All SQLs are parsed and executed as SQL cursors.
The 2 SQLs (dynamic and static) results in the exact same SQL cursor. So both methods will use an identical cursor. There are therefore no performance differences ito of how fast that SQL cursor will be.
If an identical SQL cursor is not found (a soft parse), the SQL engine needs to compile the SQL source code supplied, into a SQL cursor (a hard parse).
Hard parsing burns a lot of CPU cycles. Soft parsing burns less CPU cycles and is therefore better. However, no parsing at all is the best.
To explain: if the code creates a cursor (e.g. INSERT INTO tab VALUES( :1, :2, :3 ) for inserting data), it can do it as follows:
while More Data Found loop
  parse INSERT cursor
  bind variables to INSERT cursor
  execute INSERT cursor
  close INSERT cursor
end loopIf that INSERT cursor does not yet exists, it will be hard parsed and a cursor created. Each subsequent loop iteration will result in a soft parse.
However, the code will be far more optimal as follows:
parse INSERT cursor
while More Data Found loop
  bind variables to INSERT cursor
  execute INSERT cursor
end loop
close INSERT cursorWith this approach the cursor is parsed (hard or soft), once only. The cursor handle is then used again and again. And when the application is done inserting data, the cursor handle is released.
With dynamic SQL in PL/SQL, you cannot really follow the optimal approach - unless you use DBMS_SQL (a complex cursor interface). With static SQL, the PL/SQL's optimiser can kick in and it can optimise its access to the cursors your code create and minimise parsing all together.
This is however not the only consideration when using dynamic SQL. Dynamic SQL makes coding a lot more complex. The SQL code can now only be checked at execution time and not at development time. There is the issue of creating shareable SQL cursors using bind variables. There is the risk of SQL injection. Etc.
So dynamic SQL is seldom a good idea. And IMO, the vast majority of people that post problems here relating to dynamic SQL, are using dynamic SQL unnecessary. For no justified and logical reasons. Creating unstable code, insecure code and non-performing code.

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  • DDL statements and dynamic  sql  in stored procedure

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    When I try to do the inserts using dynamic sql, i.e
    v_string := 'INSERT statement';
    I get the following error message:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06512: at line 63
    Line 63 happens to be the line that the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_string; statement is in.
    I am able to describe the table that the inserts are being made into, so I know that the table exists.
    Any idea why I'm getting this error message would be appreciated.

    Yes I do and I have been able to create other tables using dynamic sql.
    The table that I am having problems with SELECTs data from another table to get its column values; within the SELECT statement, the CAST function is used:
    WHEN 'AAA' THEN 'A55'
    ELSE ............
    I get the following error message:
    ERROR at line 18: (this line starts the CAST statement)
    ORA-06550: line 18, column 13:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "AAA" when expecting one of the following:
    . ( * @ % & = - + ; < / > at in is mod not rem return
    returning <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or
    like between into using || bulk
    When I remove the quotes or add another single quote, the same error cascades to 'A55'.
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    ERROR at line 1: (this line has the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement)
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    Any idea what the problem could be?
    Also is there another way to have DDL statements as stored procedures other than using dynamic sql or the DBMS_SQL package?

  • Multiple SQL statements in dynamic SQL

    Hello experts,
    is there a possibility in Oracle (in sybase and ms sql there is one) to place in dynamic query several SQL (e.g. SELECT) statements and to execute them additionally?
    v_sqlQuery :='
    SELECT column_1
    FROM table_a
    SELECT column_1
    FROM table_b'
    open cv_1 for to_char(v_sqlQuery);
    SELECT x, y INTO #temp_table FROM table_x
    SELECT y FROM #temp_table';
    Thank you in advance!

    Hi cth,
    not in pl block, but within dynamic query. An example what I want to do:
    What is actually need to be done is
    1)to read and count all IDs into temporary table doc_id_count.
    2)to read and count all IDs and marital_fields into table status_presel
    3) to match data using their ids
    Ouput would be like:
    v_doc_id married single widowed
    Miller 2 3 4
    I think the idea is becomming more clear - to write data in temporal table and then read them in the next SELECT statement by matching the IDs.
    Comment: I am using a wrong syntax (T-SQL syntax) for coping into temporary tables.
    v_counter := '
    NAMES.' || v_doc_id || '
    ,Count(*) Count
    INTO #doc_id_count
    ....-- group by v_doc_id
    v_status_pre := '
    NAMES.' || v_doc_id || '
    ,NAMES.'|| v_marital_field || ' status_field
    ,COUNT(*) Count
    INTO #status_presel
    ... -- group by v_doc_id and v_marital_field
    v_status := '
    #doc_id_count.' || v_doc_id || '
    ,#status_presel.Count married
    ,status_1.Count single
    ,status_pre2.Count widowed
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #status_presel
    ON ...
    AND #status_presel.status_field = ''married''
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #status_presel status_1
    ON ...
    AND status_1.status_field = ''single''
    LEFT OUTER JOIN #status_presel status_2
    ON ...
    AND status_2.status_field = ''widowed''
    v_sql := v_counter + v_status_pre + v_status;
    open cv_1 for to_char(v_sqlQuery);

  • ODBC, bulk inserts and dynamic SQL

    I am writing an application running on Windows NT 4 and using the oracle ODBC driver (, that inserts many rows at a time (10000+) into an oracle 8i database.
    At present, I am using a stored procedure to insert each row into the database. The stored procedure uses dynamic SQL because I can only determine the table and field names at run time.
    Due to the large number of records, it tends to take a while to perform all the inserts. I have tried a number of solutions such as using batches of SQL statements (e.g. "INSERT...;INSERT...;INSERT..."), but the oracle ODBC driver only seems act on the first statement in the batch.
    I have also considered using the FOR ALL statement and SQL*Loader utility.
    My problem with FOR ALL is that I'm not sure it works on dynamic SQL statements and even if it did, how do I pass an array of statements to the stored procedure.
    I ruled out SQL* Loader because I could not find a way to invoke it it from an ODBC statement. Secondly, it requires the spawining of a new process.
    What I am really after is something similar the the SQL Server (forgive me!) BULK INSERT statement where you can simply create an input file with all the records you want to insert, and pass it along in an ODBC statement such as "BULK INSERT <filename>".
    Any ideas??

    I faced this same situation years ago (Oracle 7.2!) and had the following alternatives.
    1) Use a 3rd party tool such as Sagent or CA Info pump (very pricey $$$)
    2) Use VisualC++ and OCI to hook into the array insert routines (there are examples of these in the Oracle Home).
    3) Use SQL*Loader (the best performance, but no real control of what's happening).
    I ended up using (2) and used the Rouge Wave dbtools.h++ library to speed up the development.
    These days, I would also suggest you take a look at Perl on NT ( and the DBlib modules at I believe they will also do bulk loading.
    Your problem is that your program is using Oracle ODBC, when you should be using Oracle OCI for best performance.

  • Bulk inserts and dynamic SQL

    I am writing an application running on Windows NT 4 and using the oracle ODBC driver (, that inserts many rows at a time (10000+) into an oracle 8i database.
    At present, I am using a stored procedure to insert each row into the database. The stored procedure uses dynamic SQL because I can only determine the table and field names at run time.
    Due to the large number of records, it tends to take a while to perform all the inserts. I have tried a number of solutions such as using batches of SQL statements (e.g. "INSERT...;INSERT...;INSERT..."), but the oracle ODBC driver only seems act on the first statement in the batch.
    I have also considered using the FOR ALL statement and SQL*Loader utility.
    My problem with FOR ALL is that I'm not sure it works on dynamic SQL statements and even if it did, how do I pass an array of statements to the stored procedure.
    I ruled out SQL* Loader because I could not find a way to invoke it it from an ODBC statement. Secondly, it requires the spawining of a new process.
    What I am really after is something similar the the SQL Server (forgive me!) BULK INSERT statement where you can simply create an input file with all the records you want to insert, and pass it along in an ODBC statement such as "BULK INSERT <filename>".
    Any ideas??

    I faced this same situation years ago (Oracle 7.2!) and had the following alternatives.
    1) Use a 3rd party tool such as Sagent or CA Info pump (very pricey $$$)
    2) Use VisualC++ and OCI to hook into the array insert routines (there are examples of these in the Oracle Home).
    3) Use SQL*Loader (the best performance, but no real control of what's happening).
    I ended up using (2) and used the Rouge Wave dbtools.h++ library to speed up the development.
    These days, I would also suggest you take a look at Perl on NT ( and the DBlib modules at I believe they will also do bulk loading.
    Your problem is that your program is using Oracle ODBC, when you should be using Oracle OCI for best performance.

  • Capture all SQL statements and archive to file in real time

    Want to Capture all SQL statements and archive to file in real time?
    Oracle Session Manager is the tool just you need.
    Get it at
    This tools monitor how connected sessions use database instance resources in real time. You can obtain an overview of session activity sorted by a statistic of your choosing. For any given session, you can then drill down for more detail. You can further customize the information you display by specifying manual or automatic data refresh, the rate of automatic refresh.
    In addition to these useful monitoring capabilities, OSM allows you to send LAN pop-up message to users of Oracle sessions.
    --Capture all SQL statement text and archive to files in real time
    --Pinpoints problematic database sessions and displays detailed performance and resource consumption data.
    --Dynamically list sessions holding locks and other sessions who are waiting for.
    --Support to kill several selected sessions
    --Send LAN pop-up message to users of Oracle sessions
    --Gives hit/miss ratio for library cache,dictionary cache and buffer cache periodically,helps to tune memory
    --Export necessary data into file
    --Modify the dynamic system parameters on the fly
    --Syntax highlight for SQL statements
    --An overview of your current connected instance informaiton,such as Version, SGA,License,etc
    --Find out object according to File Id and Block Id
    Gudu Software

    AnkitV wrote:
    Hi All
    I have 3 statements and I am writing some thing to a file using UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE after each statement is over. Each statement takes mentioned time to complete.
    I am opening file in append mode.
    statement1 (takes 2 mins)
    statement2 (takes 5 mins)
    statement3 (takes 10 mins)
    I noticed that I am able to see contents written by UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE only after statement3 is over, not IMMEDIATELY after statement1 and statement2 are done ?
    Can anybody tell me if this is correct behavior or am I missing something here ?Calling procedure must terminate before data is actually written to the file.
    It is expected & correct behavior.

  • Ref cursors and dynamic sql..

    I want to be able to use a fuction that will dynamically create a SQL statement and then open a cursor based on that SQL statement and return a ref to that cursor. To achieve that, I am trying to build the sql statement in a varchar2 variable and using that variable to open the ref cursor as in,
    open l_stmt for refcurType;
    where refcurType is a strong ref cursor. I am unable to do so because I get an error indication that I can not use strong ref cursor type. But, if I can not use a strong ref cursor, I will not be able to use it to build the report based on the ref cursor because Reports 9i requires strong ref cursors to be used. Does that mean I can not use dynamic sql with Reports 9i ref cursors? Else, how I can do that? Any documentation available?

    Thank you for your reply. My requirement is that, sometimes I need to construct a whole query based on some input, and sometimes not. But the output record set would be same and the layout would be more or less same. I thought ref cursor would be ideal. Ofcourse, I could do this without dynamic SQL by writing the SQL multiple times if needed. But, I think dynamic SQL is a proper candidate for this case. Your suggestion to use lexical variable is indeed a good alternative. In effect, if needed, I could generate an entire SQL statement and place in some place holder (like &stmt) and use it as a static SQL query in my data model. In that case, why would one ever need ref cursor in reports? Is one more efficient over the other? My guess is, in the lexical variable case, part of the processing (like parsing) is done on the app server while in a function based ref cursor, the entire process takes place in the DB server and there is probably a better chance for re-use(?)

  • Create table statement in Dynamic SQL

    I am trying to create a table as a select query through a PL/SQL block using dynamic SQL. Following is the query,
    stmt varchar2(2000);
    stmt := '''CREATE TABLE output AS SELECT PATIENT_ID, FIRST_NAME FROM employee''';
    execute immediate stmt;
    it throws the following error.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    I have tried to execute the statement without the variable and it executes fine. I mean,
    execute immediate ' CREATE TABLE output AS SELECT PATIENT_ID, FIRST_NAME FROM employee ';
    works flawlessly. Can you please help me with this.

    stmt varchar2(2000);
    execute immediate stmt;
    end;Nothing different from what Anurag has shown above.
    But you will have to consider a few things.
    1) Since it is possible it is not a must to use it
    2) It is considered a bad design where in you have to create tables on the fly.
    3) Consider if it is absolutely required.If u can give us an idea of your requirement.I am sure the Gurus here can give you suggestions
    4) this kind of design will lead you into trouble sooner or later for sure

  • Pivot and dynamic SQL

    Hi Team,
    I need to write a SQL to cater the requirements. Below is my requirements:
    pagename fieldname fieldvalue account_number consumerID
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken dfsdff 1234 1234
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken1 dfsdff 1234 1234
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken2 dfsdff 1234 1234
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken2 dfsdff 12345 12345
    AFAccountUpdate ArrangementsBroken1 addf 12345 12345
    Create table test_pivot_dynamic
    pagename varchar(200),
    fieldname Varchar(200),
    fieldvalue varchar(500),
    N9_Router_Account_Number bigint,
    TC_Debt_Item_Reference bigint
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken','addf',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken1','dfsdff',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken2','fder',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken2','dfdfs',12345,12345)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken1','dfdwe',12345,12345)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate1','Arrangements','addf',1234,1234)
    insert into test_pivot_dynamic Values('AFAccountUpdate1','Test1','dfsdff',1234,1234)
    --Expected output:
    Select 1234,1234,'AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken','addf','ArrangementsBroken1','dfsdff','ArrangementsBroken2','fder','ArrangementsBroken2','fder'
    Select 12345,12345,'AFAccountUpdate','ArrangementsBroken','addf','ArrangementsBroken1','dfdwe','ArrangementsBroken2','dfdfs'
    Select 1234,1234,'AFAccountUpdate1','Arrangements','addf','Test1','dfsdff'
    so basically we have to pivot and dynamic sql and insert the expected output to a common table which will have all the required fields
    Please don't forget to Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful. It will helpful to other users.

    This should give you what you're looking for
    SELECT N9_Router_Account_Number,TC_Debt_Item_Reference,PageName,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 1 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname1,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 1 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue1,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 2 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname2,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 2 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue2,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 3 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname3,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 3 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue3,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 4 THEN fieldname END) AS fieldname4,
    MAX(CASE WHEN SEQ = 4 THEN fieldvalue END) AS fieldvalue4
    SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY N9_Router_Account_Number,TC_Debt_Item_Reference,PageName ORDER BY PageName) AS SEQ,*
    FROM test_pivot_dynamic
    GROUP BY N9_Router_Account_Number,TC_Debt_Item_Reference,PageName
    To make it dynamic see
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Replication between Oracle Server and MS SQL Server

    Does anybody know of a well known or reliable software that can do data replication between Oracle Server and Microsoft SQL server.
    I suppose I can write my own version using Heterogenous Services in Oracle but I would like to know if such an automated replication between Oracle and SQL is available commercially.
    Thank you.

    Viacheslav Ostapenko wrote:
    Sorry, Aman,
    I couldn't find any info about replication to MS SQL. Is it possible at all? Could you provide link where we can read about this? It could be very interesting.Sorry Viacheslav, even I couldn't find anything for the same. I am not sure that it can be done or not, I haven't heard anyone in my contact doing so. The only place where I have seen Streams being used around me is within Oracle db only. May be someone else can help if he/she has done it.

  • DB link between Oracle 9i and MS SQL server2000

    Is it possible to create a DB link between Oracle 9i and MS SQL server 2000.
    If it is possible what are the different ways of creating it.
    Is it possible without purchasing any propietery drivers.

    I've never seen any documents stating that the enterprise edition is a requirement for the heterogeneous connectivity ....
    There are 2 ways to set up the connection with MS SQL - using generic connectivity driver (OLE DB or ODBC) or using the Oracle Transparent Gateway.
    The generic connectivity is free and comes with Oracle DB - it has several limitations - for example you can't call MS SQL stored procedures from Oracle.
    The Oracle Transparent Gateways are packaged , the MS SQL gateway is part of the Open System Gateways package ($15,000.00 per CPU license cost) and i has less restrictions.
    Chapter 4 - the Oracle Transparent Gateway
    Chapter 7 - the free Generic connectivity.

  • Differnce Between Oracle 9i And MS SQL Server 2000

    What are the difference between Oracle 9i And MS SQL Server 2000.

    Some links
    But you have to remember one big thing - I've not seen yet one compare that was completely indifferent to any of the included DB's. So you can be sure that every doc that you get on MS website will say that SQL server is better, every doc on Oracle website will say that Oracle is better. Every doc on other websites will say that better DB either is:
    1) DB that has payed for the reserach paper
    2) DB that was mostly used by the researchers
    So of course you should be very cautious about each paper you get.
    Gints Plivna

  • Difference between "print" statements and "select" statements , TSQL

     What is the difference between "print" statements and "select" statements when it omces to debugging and watching varibles in the stored procs .....

    SELECT statement is part of the ANSI SQL language.
    PRINT command is not part of the SQL language, it is used for debugging in T-SQL.
    BOL:" Returns a user-defined message to the client.
    A message string can be up to 8,000 characters long if it is a non-Unicode string, and 4,000 characters long if it is a Unicode string. Longer strings are truncated. The
    varchar(max) and nvarchar(max) data types are truncated to data types that are no larger than
    varchar(8000) and nvarchar(4000).
    RAISERROR can also be used to return messages. RAISERROR has these advantages over PRINT:
    RAISERROR supports substituting arguments into an error message string using a mechanism modeled on the printf function of the C language standard library.
    RAISERROR can specify a unique error number, a severity, and a state code in addition to the text message.
    RAISERROR can be used to return user-defined messages created using the sp_addmessage system stored procedure."
    The SSMS (client software) returns SELECT output to Results and PRINT output to Messages.
    The SQLCMD -o (output file) option captures all outputs into one file mixed.
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    T-SQL Scripts at
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • I need some working examples with pl/sql records and pl/sql tables.

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    i am new to pl/sql tables and pl/sql records. i need some working examples on pl/sql records and pl/sql tables from basics to hoghlevelThere is no such thing as PL/SQL "+tables+". This is a misnomer and creates the perception that a PL/SQL "table" is somewhat like a SQL table. Nothing can be further from the truth. The correct term is "+collection+" or "+associative array+". Compared to SQL tables, these are very primitive structures, very rigid structures, cannot scale, and can be quite expensive memory wise.
    That is not to say do not use an associative array or collection. These are very useful tools.. but only when applied correctly. Like using a collection for a bulk fetch to transfer more rows between the PL and SQL engines and thus decrease context switching.
    Unfortunately, quite often we see the row-by-row and slow-by-slow approach - where the developer uses SQL as an I/O only layer, pulls rows into expensive PL engine memory into record structures and arrays, and then process the rows there.
    So before looking at working example (even the wrong approach's code will compile and run and work in practice), make sure that you know the fundamentals of correctly using the PL engine and correctly using the SQL engine. And these fundamentals can be summed up into a very basic rule:
    Maximize SQL. Minimize PL/SQL+
    Get this rule right, and you will have a sound foundation for writing performant and scalable Oracle applications.

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