Permissons inheritance and SP Groups

Sorry in advance for the basic question but today I had a long conversation with a vendor that made me doubt what I know
Say you have a site collection, it has 5 subsites and all inherit from the parent.
They have the default permisson groups
Site1 Owners
Site1 Members
Site1 Visitors
At some point you get asked to break inheritance and give all sites unique permissons.
From now on all the subsites no longer inherit from Site1, so if I add a user or change anything on that site it wont push down to Subsite1
Now here the part where the confusion came in, if the Appovers group or any exisitng group that is on Subsite1 gets modified will the sites below it see a difference in the Aprrovers group, mythoughts are they will because the group is already there and
breaking inheritance doesnt make the assigned groups unique, they are still the same SP group.

So one thing to keep in mind is that all SPGroups and Users are stored at the RootWeb level. Subwebs may or may not use those groups or contain those users.
That said, in your scenario, the subweb(s) would still be leveraging the RootWeb's groups (Site1 Owners, Site1 Members, Approvers...) until you manually removed them. If you created an alternate Approvers group and assigned it to the subweb, then yes you
would have to manage both Approvers groups by hand.
So yes, you're absolutely correct -- it is the same Approvers group when you break subweb inheritance.
Trevor Seward
Follow or contact me at...
This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Hi Poonam,
    Workflow approval cycle is not inheritable as of now. It may be the case that SAP will support in future. For your second question i think custom development is reuired.

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    # CACLS rights are usually
    # F = FullControl
    # C = Change
    # R = Readonly
    # W = Write
    $Verify=Read-Host `n "You are about to change permissions
    on all" `
    "files starting at"$StartingDir.ToUpper() `n "for security"`
    "principal"$Principal.ToUpper() `
    "with new right of"$Permission.ToUpper()"."`n `
    "Do you want to continue? [Y,N]"
    if ($Verify -eq "Y") {
    foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) {
    #display filename and old permissions
    write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow $file.FullName
    #uncomment if you want to see old permissions
    #CACLS $file.FullName
    #ADD new permission with CACLS
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    #display new permissions
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "New Permissions"
    CACLS $file.FullName
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    Check the A011 relationship of the position and get the cost center, from cost center you can get the company code and country grouping from Cost Center Master CSKS.
    ~~~Ganesh Kumar K.

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    Group differs on "Applications/Utilities/AirPort", should be 0, group is 80.
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    Permissions differ on "Applications/Utilities/AirPort", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are -rw-rw-r-- .
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    Permissions differ on "Applications/Utilities/AirPort", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are -rw-rw-r-- .
    Repaired "Applications/Utilities/AirPort".
    Group differs on "Applications/Utilities/AirPort", should be 0, group is 80.
    And on and on.
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    Thanks for the help in advance!

    you are having it sounds like the same problem(s) you had before with this.
    Did you clean install? start from scratch? clone with SuperDuper? Run Disk Warrior?
    Made sure that the Get Info for the destination system volume has "ignore ownership" not selected? it shouldn't be anyway with an install or internal hard drive.
    Hopefully this is brand not a GREEN variety drive?
    It is normal for some messages to show when running REPAIR PERMISSIONS and I'm not sure what you installed or why AirPort and others are listed.
    If you continue to have problem keep eye on Memory tab in System Profile, and test your RAM with Rember/Memtest and AHT.

  • Field Symbols, Field String, and Field Group.

    Can you differentiate between filed symbols, field strings and field groups,
    With regards,
    Bharath Mohan B

    Field Symbols
    Field symbols are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol cam point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
    Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
    Field symbols are similar to dereferenced pointers in C (that is, pointers to which the content operator * is applied). However, the only real equivalent of pointers in ABAP, that is, variables that contain a memory address (reference) and that can be used without the contents operator, are reference variables in ABAP Objects.
    All operations programmed with field symbols are applied to the field assigned to it. For example, a MOVE statement between two field symbols moves the contents of the field assigned to the first field symbol to the field assigned to the second field symbol. The field symbols themselves point to the same fields after the MOVE statement as they did before.
    You can create field symbols either without or with type specifications. If you do not specify a type, the field symbol inherits all of the technical attributes of the field assigned to it. If you do specify a type, the system checks the compatibility of the field symbol and the field you are assigning to it during the ASSIGN statement.
    Field symbols provide greater flexibility when you address data objects:
    If you want to process sections of fields, you can specify the offset and length of the field dynamically.
    You can assign one field symbol to another, which allows you to address parts of fields.
    Assignments to field symbols may extend beyond field boundaries. This allows you to address regular sequences of fields in memory efficiently.
    You can also force a field symbol to take different technical attributes from those of the field assigned to it.
    The flexibility of field symbols provides elegant solutions to certain problems. On the other hand, it does mean that errors can easily occur. Since fields are not assigned to field symbols until runtime, the effectiveness of syntax and security checks is very limited for operations involving field symbols. This can lead to runtime errors or incorrect data assignments.
    While runtime errors indicate an obvious problem, incorrect data assignments are dangerous because they can be very difficult to detect. For this reason, you should only use field symbols if you cannot achieve the same result using other ABAP statements.
    For example, you may want to process part of a string where the offset and length depend on the contents of the field. You could use field symbols in this case. However, since the MOVE statement also supports variable offset and length specifications, you should use it instead. The MOVE statement (with your own auxiliary variables if required) is much safer than using field symbols, since it cannot address memory beyond the boundary of a field. However, field symbols may improve performance in some cases.
    check the below links u will get the answers for your questions,289483,sid21_gci920484,00.html
    Syntax Diagram
    Basic form
    1. ... TYPE type
    2. ... TYPE REF TO cif
    3. ... TYPE REF TO DATA
    4. ... TYPE LINE OF type
    5. ... LIKE s
    6. ... LIKE LINE OF s
    7. ... TYPE tabkind
    8. ... STRUCTURE s DEFAULT wa
    The syntax check performed in an ABAP Objects context is stricter than in other ABAP areas. See Cannot Use Untyped Field Symbols ad Cannot Use Field Symbols as Components of Classes.
    This statement declares a symbolic field called <fs>. At runtime, you can assign a concrete field to the field symbol using ASSIGN. All operations performed with the field symbol then directly affect the field assigned to it.
    You can only use one of the additions.
    Output aircraft type from the table SFLIGHT using a field symbol:
    WRITE <PT>.
    Addition 1
    ... TYPE type
    Addition 2
    ... TYPE REF TO cif
    Addition 3
    Addition 4
    ... TYPE LINE OF type
    Addition 5
    ... LIKE s
    Addition 6
    ... LIKE LINE OF s
    Addition 7
    ... TYPE tabkind
    You can define the type of the field symbol using additions 2 to 7 (just as you can for FORM parameters (compare Defining the Type of Subroutine Parameters). When you use the ASSIGN statement, the system carries out the same type checks as for USING parameters of FORMs.
    This addition is not allowed in an ABAP Objects context. See Cannot Use Obsolete Casting for FIELD SYMBOLS.
    In some cases, the syntax rules that apply to Unicode programs are different than those for non-Unicode programs. See Defining Types Using STRUCTURE.
    Assigns any (internal) field string or structure to the field symbol from the ABAP Dictionary (s). All fields of the structure can be addressed by name: <fs>-fieldname. The structured field symbol points initially to the work area wa specified after DEFAULT.
    The work area wa must be at least as long as the structure s. If s contains fields of the type I or F, wa should have the structure s or at least begin in that way, since otherwise alignment problems may occur.
    Address components of the flight bookings table SBOOK using a field symbol:
    Additional help
    Declaring Field Symbols
    are used to hold/handle large amount of data when the internal table are not useful
    we use EXTRACT statement, HEADER structure in them
    see the example
    REPORT demo_extract.
    NODES: spfli, sflight.
    FIELD-GROUPS: header, flight_info, flight_date.
      INSERT: spfli-carrid spfli-connid sflight-fldate
                INTO header,
              spfli-cityfrom spfli-cityto
                INTO flight_info.
    GET spfli.
      EXTRACT flight_info.
    GET sflight.
      EXTRACT flight_date.
        AT FIRST.
          WRITE / 'Flight list'.
        AT flight_info WITH flight_date.
          WRITE: / spfli-carrid , spfli-connid, sflight-fldate,
                   spfli-cityfrom, spfli-cityto.
        AT flight_date.
          WRITE: / spfli-carrid , spfli-connid, sflight-fldate.
        AT LAST.
          WRITE: cnt(spfli-carrid), 'Airlines'.
    FIELD STRING is nothing but a string with  one row of records.
    Reward points if useful

  • LDAP and everyone group

    I am using wls version 5.1 with service pack 7. I still need to add all
    users the the "everyone" group in order to be able to authenticate. I
    thought this issue was resolved in the latest service pack. But I still
    get an exception thrown if my user is not in "everyone" group. Does
    anyone know what the status of this bug is? Is it resolved or not?
    Here is the exception:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Security violation: insufficient permission to
    access method
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    Glen wrote:
    I just encountered this error and deleted the 'everyone' group as a workaround.We authenticate with LDAP and WL always complained about not finding the group 'everyone'. The app worked fine but I thought I'd be a good guy and add the group to LDAP. Once I did, I got your error.Could the issue be that the 'everyone' group is OK but the permissions on the group deny access? I'm searching BEA to find out the expected permissions when I found your posting.I still need the expected permissions for the 'everyone' group.According to
    .. you don't need to define the everyone group in any version after WLS 5.0
    because of the introduction of the CachingRealm.

  • Need info regarding Oracle UCM Accounts and Security Groups behaviour

    Need information regarding Oracle UCM Accounts and Security Groups behaviour.
    Oracle UCM version:
    1. Log in with "weblogic" user and created a content with id "content1"
    2. Applied "@acc1(R)" and "TestGroup1" to the cotent created in step 1
    3. Log out
    4. Log in as "acc1user1", the user is not able to see the "content1"
    5. Log out
    6. Log in as "role1user1", the user is not able to see the "content1"
    Account and Group information:
    1. User "acc1user1" is part of "@acc1(R)"
    2. User "role1user1" is part of "role1(R)" and is mapped to "TestGroup1" in UCM
    Both "acc1user1" and "role1user1" should be able to see "content1" as they have at least Read permission.
    Please help me understand why the users are not able to see the content.

    ACLs, like Accounts, are optional security setting which may add on some extra functionality to mandatory security groups. Likewise, the resulting permission is taken as an intersection of SG and ACLs.
    But in the second part the number of set of users is huge (approx say 600)I don't get this completely. Does this mean that those "sets of users" (users who see the same data) are distinct and that there is 600 of such groups?
    If you read thoroughly the manual I sent earlier, there is a recommendation that there should be maximum 50 security groups, and you should use accounts, should this number be exceeded. This means you could have all the documents in one security group (and have one common role with Read permission), but combine it with accounts. ACLs are not a good choice here - their performance and manageability is much worse than of accounts. ACLs are primarily used if you expect security settings to change during the lifetime (e.g. a project manager adds temporarily rights to access an item to another user, and revokes it when the user finishes his or her work).
    Note that accounts as well as permissions of users within accounts can also be mapped externally (from LDAP/AD) and it usually follows some kind of org chart.
    I'd feel more comfortable not to speak about users, security groups, roles, etc., but about some real-life objects and scenarios.

  • What are filed simbols and filed groups

    what are filed simbols and filed groups?

    Field Symbols
    Field symbols are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol cam point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
    Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
    Field symbols are similar to dereferenced pointers in C (that is, pointers to which the content operator * is applied). However, the only real equivalent of pointers in ABAP, that is, variables that contain a memory address (reference) and that can be used without the contents operator, are reference variables in ABAP Objects.
    All operations programmed with field symbols are applied to the field assigned to it. For example, a MOVE statement between two field symbols moves the contents of the field assigned to the first field symbol to the field assigned to the second field symbol. The field symbols themselves point to the same fields after the MOVE statement as they did before.
    You can create field symbols either without or with type specifications. If you do not specify a type, the field symbol inherits all of the technical attributes of the field assigned to it. If you do specify a type, the system checks the compatibility of the field symbol and the field you are assigning to it during the ASSIGN statement.
    Field symbols provide greater flexibility when you address data objects:
    If you want to process sections of fields, you can specify the offset and length of the field dynamically.
    You can assign one field symbol to another, which allows you to address parts of fields.
    Assignments to field symbols may extend beyond field boundaries. This allows you to address regular sequences of fields in memory efficiently.
    You can also force a field symbol to take different technical attributes from those of the field assigned to it.
    The flexibility of field symbols provides elegant solutions to certain problems. On the other hand, it does mean that errors can easily occur. Since fields are not assigned to field symbols until runtime, the effectiveness of syntax and security checks is very limited for operations involving field symbols. This can lead to runtime errors or incorrect data assignments.
    While runtime errors indicate an obvious problem, incorrect data assignments are dangerous because they can be very difficult to detect. For this reason, you should only use field symbols if you cannot achieve the same result using other ABAP statements.
    For example, you may want to process part of a string where the offset and length depend on the contents of the field. You could use field symbols in this case. However, since the MOVE statement also supports variable offset and length specifications, you should use it instead. The MOVE statement (with your own auxiliary variables if required) is much safer than using field symbols, since it cannot address memory beyond the boundary of a field. However, field symbols may improve performance in some cases.
    check the below links u will get the answers for your questions,289483,sid21_gci920484,00.html
    Syntax Diagram
    Basic form
    1. ... TYPE type
    2. ... TYPE REF TO cif
    3. ... TYPE REF TO DATA
    4. ... TYPE LINE OF type
    5. ... LIKE s
    6. ... LIKE LINE OF s
    7. ... TYPE tabkind
    8. ... STRUCTURE s DEFAULT wa
    The syntax check performed in an ABAP Objects context is stricter than in other ABAP areas. See Cannot Use Untyped Field Symbols ad Cannot Use Field Symbols as Components of Classes.
    This statement declares a symbolic field called <fs>. At runtime, you can assign a concrete field to the field symbol using ASSIGN. All operations performed with the field symbol then directly affect the field assigned to it.
    You can only use one of the additions.
    Output aircraft type from the table SFLIGHT using a field symbol:
    WRITE <PT>.
    Addition 1
    ... TYPE type
    Addition 2
    ... TYPE REF TO cif
    Addition 3
    Addition 4
    ... TYPE LINE OF type
    Addition 5
    ... LIKE s
    Addition 6
    ... LIKE LINE OF s
    Addition 7
    ... TYPE tabkind
    You can define the type of the field symbol using additions 2 to 7 (just as you can for FORM parameters (compare Defining the Type of Subroutine Parameters). When you use the ASSIGN statement, the system carries out the same type checks as for USING parameters of FORMs.
    This addition is not allowed in an ABAP Objects context. See Cannot Use Obsolete Casting for FIELD SYMBOLS.
    In some cases, the syntax rules that apply to Unicode programs are different than those for non-Unicode programs. See Defining Types Using STRUCTURE.
    Assigns any (internal) field string or structure to the field symbol from the ABAP Dictionary (s). All fields of the structure can be addressed by name: <fs>-fieldname. The structured field symbol points initially to the work area wa specified after DEFAULT.
    The work area wa must be at least as long as the structure s. If s contains fields of the type I or F, wa should have the structure s or at least begin in that way, since otherwise alignment problems may occur.
    Address components of the flight bookings table SBOOK using a field symbol:
    Field Groups
    Field groups use a mechanism called extract to store and process data. You define a header and then line structure and the fields that you would like those to have and process them fairly similarly to a table; unless you are dealing with millions of records.
    Since internal tables have fixed line structures, they are not suited to handle data sets with varying structures.
    An extract is a sequential dataset in the memory area of the program. You can only address the entries in the dataset within a special loop. The index or key access permitted with internal tables is not allowed. You may only create one extract in any ABAP program. The size of an extract dataset is, in principle, unlimited. Extracts larger than 500KB are stored in operating system files. The practical size of an extract is up to 2GB, as long as there is enough space in the file-system.
    Reward points if this explains well

  • Restrict permissions to use the groups/users/roles in User Administration

    Hello gurus,
       I want to find out if there is a way we can restrict permissions to use the GROUPS in User administration. We want to assign the user administration role to the users, but do not want the users to have permissions to DELETE groups from User administration page.
    Please also let me know, if we can just have users use the NWA to do the user administration instead of from the Portal?
    Thank you,

    Hi MariaKutty,
    Koti is right, you need to create custom User administration role from standard role and restric the access in the custom role and assgined to the users.
    >Please also let me know, if we can just have users use the NWA to do the user administration instead of from the Portal?
    Then can to do from NWA also, if the user not required to have the portal access.
    Hope it helps

  • How to restrict Sales office and Sales Group.

    Hi All,
    I want to restrict the users from changing the sales office and sales group in the sales order.
    Is there any standard way to achieve this or do we need to do with User exit??
    Please help.

    there is no standard settings for estrict the users from changing the sales office and sales group in the sales order
    so you have to write the logic in userexit
    DATA: lt_user_list   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tvarvc,
           lw_user_list   TYPE tvarvc,
           lr_user        TYPE RANGE OF syuname,
           lw_user        LIKE LINE OF lr_user.
    IF screen-name EQ ' VBAK-VKBUR' and   VBAK-VKGRP.
    * IF sy-tcode EQ 'VA02'.
    **Get list of users who are allowed to change SO - only they can change payment terms
         SELECT *
           FROM tvarvc
           INTO TABLE lt_user_list
          WHERE name = 'ZSD_VA02_ALLOWED'
            AND type = 'S'.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           LOOP AT lt_user_list INTO lw_user_list.
             lw_user-sign = lw_user_list-sign.
             lw_user-option = lw_user_list-opti.
             lw_user-low    = lw_user_list-low.
             lw_user-high   = lw_user_list-high.
             APPEND lw_user TO lr_user.
             CLEAR lw_user.
    **    If user is not in the users listed for change allowed
           IF sy-uname NOT IN lr_user.
             screen-input = 0.
             screen-input = 1.
    go to STVARV t code here you check the NAME and give the user ids who need to change

  • Difference between inheritance and abstract class

    difference between inheritance and abstract class

    See this thread:
    And before Post New Topic, just search in this forums. All most will get answers.

  • V I Engineering, Inc has immediate needs for Systems Engineers (Contract) and Senior Systems Engineers (Contract) (reporting to the Test Software and Integration Group Manager)

    Company: V I Engineering, Inc.
    Locations: Various - USA
    Salary/Wage: $negotiable
    Status: Hourly Contractor
    Relevant Work Experience: 5+ years system integration (LabVIEW/TestStand experience required)
    Career Level: Intermediate/Experienced
    Education Level: Bachelor's Degree
    Residency/Citizenship: USA Citizenship or Greencard required
    Driving Business Results through Test Engineering
    V I Engineering, Inc. has a vision for every client we engage. That vision is to achieve on-time and on-budget program launch more efficiently that the competition. To realize this vision, customers need to achieve predictable test systems development, eliminate waste in test information management, and drive increased leverage of test assets. An underlying requirement for all of these areas is metrics tracking and measurement based decision making.
    Job Description
    Ready to make a difference? Bring your experiences and skills to the industry leading test organization. Help us to continue to shape the way the world views test. We are seeking a talented Systems Engineer Contractor to be responsible for technical execution of successful projects in the Medical, Military, Transportation, Consumer Electronics and Aerospace Industries. The position will have very high visibility to customers and vendors. This is a very fast paced team with close customer contact and strong career development opportunities. A large part of the position is to identify, own and drive technical design, development and installation of test systems. You will work alongside other like-minded and equally talented engineers, and be creative in a fast-paced and flexible environment that encourages you to think outside the box. You will be available to spend extended periods at our customer sites to complete system installations.
    5+ years of Systems Integration experience
    3+ years LabVIEW experience
    1+ years TestStand experience
    Experience in Implementation and Delivery of Test Systems, including integration
    Experience in ATE usage and development
    Experience in building and Integrating Mechanical Fixtures
    Experience in Understanding the design of Circuit Boards as they relate to a total system, and their fault-finding
    Experience in Taking Part in Technical Teams throughout All Phases of Project Lifecycle
    Experience in Interfacing with Sub-vendors and Customers
    Ability to Multitask
    Comfortable Working on Various Team Sizes
    Excellent Communication Skills
    Requirements generation and review experience
    National Instruments Hardware knowledge
    Experience with Source Code Control (SCC)
    Experience executing verification and validation for projects
    Experience generating and/or reviewing cost proposals
    RF Technology (DAQ, General RF Theory)
    FPGA (with LabVIEW)
    Professional software engineering processes and metrics experience
    V I Package Manager (VIPM)
    Experience with Projects for Regulated Industries
    MS Project
    Formal Education
    Technical degree (BS Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Math)
    National Instruments Courses a plus
    National Instruments certification a plus
    Expected Travel Time is up to 50%.
    V I Engineering, Inc. offers a dynamic work environment and the flexibility of a small company.
    The Test Software and Integration Group values innovation, out-of-the-box thinking, high-tech toys and a fun / amazingly collaborative working environment. We're a National Instruments Select Integrator, and we're the closest you can get to playing with all the pre-released and new NI toys without joining the NI R&D team - and we get to play with them in the real world.
    To apply for this position, email a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the subject "TSIG Systems Engineer (Contract) employment application".
    Copyright © 2004-2015 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.


  • V I Engineering, Inc has immediate needs for Systems Engineers and Senior Systems Engineers (reporting to the Test Software and Integration Group Manager)

    Company: V I Engineering, Inc.
    Locations: Positions available in our Farmington Hills, MI Office
    Salary/Wage: $negotiable
    Status: Full Time, Employee
    Relevant Work Experience: 5+ years system integration (LabVIEW/TestStand experience preferred, but not required)
    Career Level: Intermediate (Non-Manager)
    Education Level: Bachelor's Degree
    Residency/Citizenship: USA Citizenship or Greencard required
    Driving Business Results through Test Engineering
    V I Engineering, Inc. has a vision for every client we engage. That vision is to achieve on-time and on-budget program launch more efficiently that the competition. To realize this vision, customers need to achieve predictable test systems development, eliminate waste in test information management, and drive increased leverage of test assets. An underlying requirement for all of these areas is metrics tracking and measurement based decision making.
    Job Description
    Ready to make a difference? Bring your experiences and skills to the industry leading test organization. Help us to continue to shape the way the world views test. We are seeking a talented Systems Engineer to be responsible for technical execution of successful projects in the Medical, Military, Transportation, Consumer Electronics and Aerospace Industries. The position will have high visibility to customers and vendors. This is a very fast paced team with close customer contact and strong career development opportunities. A large part of the position is to identify, own and drive technical design and development of test systems. You will work alongside other like-minded and equally talented engineers, and be creative in a fast-paced and flexible environment that encourages you to think outside the box.
    5+ years of Systems Integration experience
    Experience in Design and Implementation of Test Systems, including integration
    Experience in ATE usage and development
    Experience in reviewing of Mechanical Fixtures
    Experience in understanding the design of Circuit Boards as they relate to a total system
    Experience in Taking Part in Technical Teams throughout All Phases of Project Lifecycle
    Experience in Interfacing with Sub-vendors and Customers
    Ability to Multitask
    Comfortable Working on Various Team Sizes
    Excellent Communication Skills
    Requirements generation and review experience
    National Instruments Hardware knowledge
    LabVIEW/TestStand experience
    Experience with Source Code Control (SCC)
    Experience executing verification and validation for projects
    Experience generating and/or reviewing cost proposals
    RF Technology (DAQ, General RF Theory)
    FPGA (with LabVIEW)
    Professional software engineering processes and metrics experience (statement coverage, code size, reuse measurement, etc)
    V I Package Manager (VIPM)
    Experience with Projects for Regulated Industries
    MS Project
    Formal Education
    Technical degree (BS Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Math)
    National Instruments Courses a plus
    National Instruments certification a plus
    Expected Travel Time is up to 25%Re
    location assistance is possible.
    V I Engineering, Inc. offers incredible opportunities to grow and advance your career, a dynamic work environment and the flexibility of a small company.
    The Test Software and Integration Group values innovation, out-of-the-box thinking, high-tech toys and a fun / amazingly collaborative working environment. We're a National Instruments Select Integrator, and we're the closest you can get to playing with all the pre-released and new NI toys without joining the NI R&D team - and we get to play with them in the real world.
    To apply for this position, email a cover letter and resume to [email protected] with the subject "TSIG Systems Engineer employment application".
    Copyright © 2004-2015 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.


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