Persistent connection problems

I am having persistent and infuriating problems connecting with iChat. When attempting to connect with a buddy the connection fails with the message "(my name) did not respond". If I try connecting with the apple test site the message is "insufficient bandwidth" although sometimes I have been able to connect. I have a G4 iBook connected to a cable modem through a DLink 524 wireless router.
I have tested my connection speed and the download tests at 1354 and the up load at 481. This seems more than sufficient for a video conference.
Quicktime streaming is set at 1.5 mbps
The router has the proper ports open
DHCP is disabled when trying to connect
All firewalls are down
I am running OS 10.4.8 and iChat 3.1.6
The buddy I am trying to connect with is using a .MAC account and AIM as am I. While trying to connect, we are able to use the text messaging with no problem.
What is going on? It already seems that even using iChat is a challenge but this is ridiculous. I would appreciate any help. Thanks

Hi Geoff,
This is a recent quote from a post by a user who had, not identical but maybe noteworthy for your set up, problems and found a way to get up and running again. I wonder if his fix might apply to your connection problems as well:
"I have been using a D-Link DI-614+ wireless router for several years in tandem with my iBook with no problems. When I switched to a new MacBook Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Ghz the problems started. The connection became extremely slow. I tried numerous things such as turning off DHCP, turning off WEP, changing the DTIM and Beacon Interval and all those things corrected the problem -- that is, until I put my MacBook to sleep then when wake-up time came the problem came back. I concluded that the speed up resulted from the re-setting of the router and not the changes in the setup. I returned the router back to their original settings and now every time I connect I automatically login to the router and restart it and the problem if fixed -- until the next time."
(D-link DI-624, DI-524, 54g This router was mentioned by several users as exhibiting the dropped-connection issue. This is unfortunate as the DI-624 is one of the third-party wireless routers that supports AppleTalk connectivity. The DI-524 was also mentioned by a few readers as occasionally having the problem.)
Maybe it is something worh giving a try,

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    If Mail complains that it timed out on port 0, that means there is something wrong with your network and/or account settings.
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list.
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    This is just a suggestion that may help you.
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    Since we haven't heard back from you or have received a form submission as requested in your private support case, it appears assistance is no longer required. If you need any future help with your Verizon service, please make a post here on the forums so we can assist.
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

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    2) Why is it reverting and not staying the way I change it?
    3) What's the purpose of this and why is it just recently doing it when I haven't put any new add-ons or made any other refinements to Firefox that I'm aware of?
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    I've recently purchased the new Haswell 13" retina MBP, and I'm having exactly the same WiFi connectivity problems the 2013 Airs had. I have a solid connection for a short time, and at irregular intervals it just drops out. All of my other devices are still connected and have no problems. I've tried with two different routers/modems, but the problem persists.
    Is this a known problem - with hopefully a software fix in the forseeable future, or do I need to return the MacBook?
    Many thanks in advance for your help,

    I haven't got a Retina, but I do have the same wifi problem. And if you've looked at these forums, you'll see it's been going on for years and no one seems to have a handle on what the issue is. All I can say is if I were in your place I'd take it back and exchange it. You have the chance now, so take it.

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    Connection is lost to the WebServer hosting the PDF review files.
    After connection to the WebServer is regained, access to the PDF review files is blocked by Adobe Acrobat/Reader.
    Sometimes this can be resolved by deleting the entire contents of the folder:
    We have experienced this behaviour especially when connecting to the WebServer via VPN. I reckon the connectivity issues could be initially our problem, that Acrobat/Reader simply do not handle.
    Clearing the contents of the Synchronizer folder does not always work.
    Team members have also seen situations where significant numbers of review comments or status values have been not been displayed, but exist in the XML review files. In some cases comments/status values have been automatically deleted without warning from the Adobe review XML files.
    PDF reviews are sent out via email as links to the PDF review file hosted on an internal WebServer.
    Writers and reviewers in the team either have either:
    Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.08 with Reader 11.0.08
    Acrobat XI Pro 9.5.5 with Reader 11.0.08
    I have personally experienced the above behaviour with Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.08 and Reader 11.0.08.
    Could this experience be connected the Synchronizer ( )?
    For example, where a reviewer uses a different version of Acrobat/Reader?
    Could anyone please provide a list of compatible versions of Acrobat/Reader?
    Expected results:
    Adobe Acrobat/Reader should really handle connection issues with a warning and later check for recovered connections.
    However, what appears to be happening is that Acrobat/Reader writes some sort of blocking code to the Synchronizer folder that prevents future checks of the PDF review files on the review WebServer.
    As far as I understand, the connection issues are not caused by Adobe software, however the problems we are experiencing relate to how Adobe Acrobat/Reader handle this loss of connection.
    Plea for Help!
    I have checked and the experience of missing comments and persistent "connectivity issues" seems to be a reported but sadly outstanding issue...
    This has been an ongoing headache for some time, so solutions would be great, but any thoughts or suggestions are welcome...?
         For example, has anyone using SharePoint to host PDF reviews experienced anything similar?
    Many thanks!

    Adobe Acrobat 11.0.09 with Microsoft SharePoint Repository Trial Update
    We've completed week one of a three week trial (see above) that will go on until Friday 24th October.
    We currently have just four PDF files out for review that make use of the SharePoint repository.
    Each review file has had multiple concurrent reviewers posting comments over several days from both over the office LAN and also via VPN when working remotely.
    Dynamic stamps seem to be working as hoped and are all visible.
    We have not experienced any connection-type issues and the we have not had reason to clear out the Synchronizer folder as described above.
    Counter balance:
    I have experienced the situation with a remote VPN connection, where Adobe Acrobat could not connect to our internal WebServer repository. At the same time, I was able to connect to PDF review files hosted in SharePoint.
    The experience so far does suggest that problems are caused by the an inconsistent connection to the WebServer repository (especially over VPN) combined with Adobe Acrobat/Reader's inability to cope with the resulting situation.
    At the moment I must say that while it is early days, I am hopeful that the combination of SharePoint as the repository and the update to Adobe Acrobat/Reader 11.0.09 will continue to prove to be reliable.
    I'll provide an update to this post on Friday 24th October...
    Here's hoping!

  • Persistent connections on Cisco ACE

    Hello Team,
    Currently I have the below persistence settings for the vips and they are set as cookie based which would match where a session cookie is used.The cookie is set for "browser-expire" . So, this will allow the clients browser to expire the cookie when the session ends.
    sticky http-cookie http-cookie-default
    cookie insert browser-expire
    sticky http-cookie http-cookie-default
    cookie insert browser-expire
    Please see the following snippet of information from Akamai:
    "It has come to our attention that your Origin does not support pconns. This may possibly result in a significant overhead. Can you enable pconns on the load balancer and also back to the Origin with a idle timeout of 301 or 302 seconds? Our default is 300 secs of idling before terminating a pconn, so one sec more will avoid a race condition (assuming your server and NLB clock is sync'ed using NTP)"
    I am assuming that this refers to TCP connections from the Akamai Edge Server to our end Load Balancer
    I am presuming that they make a TCP connection(s) to the LB from the Akamai Edge Server and use it for multiple requests from clients and they would need ties connections to remain active for at least 301 seconds
    Can this request be made possible. Pls assist. Thanks !!

    Hi Karthik,
    I believe you are confusing persistence with stickiness. What they mean by a persistent connection is one in which multiple HTTP requests are sent inside the same TCP flow, and ACE will always accept those.
    I would suggest you to go back to Akamai and clarify what exactly is the issue, along with some more details on how they reached that conclussion, and then we can see if there is any way to avoid the problems.

  • There appears to be a persistent connection limit of 2 for cross domain requests

    I am building a service that allows anybody to add real-time push updates to their website or web application. To do this I'm using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header response from a cloud hosted server.
    When establishing a connection we create one persistently connected HTTP connection and use a second connection to send requests (subscriptions/commands).
    The problem I'm seeing looks very similar to the old 2 socket to a server connection limit (related to about:config "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server").
    Is there a limitation on the number of persistent cross domain connections that can be established from a single Firefox process? If so, where is the configuration options to override this?
    This problem can be easily duplicated by going to the following page in two tabs within the same Firefox process:
    You will notice that one page connects and starts to receive updates. The second will not connect until you close the first tab/page.
    I'd like to be able to provide feedback to the users of Kwwika about this problem so any information you can provide me with would be very much appreciated.
    == URL of affected sites ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.70 Safari/533.4


  • MacBook Pro Network Connectivity Problems

    Hi everyone!
    I am baffled with an issue connecting my MacBook Pro to the internet.  My wifi worked okay until about two or three months ago, when it stopped being able to automatically connect to networks.  I simply used my phone to pick up the IP/DNS information, and then entered it manually into network settings.  Then, last month, that solution stopped working, and I am unable to connect to any network via wifi or Ethernet, even when manually entering IP information.
    I have restarted my laptop and router multiple times.  Reset the PRAM.  Created a new location.  Deleted and added the network again.  Deleted network settings in Library.  Symptoms are not present on other wifi devices – other laptops and devices connect fine. 
    I am running OS X 10.8.
    Any help would be much appreciated!

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    If, after updating, your connection problems persist, call back. There's no guarantee that updating is going to 'fix' your problem.

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