PHOTISHOPING CLIPS ... frame by frame BUT !???

So anybody who wants to better their iMovie clips using Photoshop can do it - even I know it - BUT what makes me worry is that in order to do it you have to export iMovieHD clip as sequence of frames ... which is logical ... HOWEVER you can Export from iMovieHD only (the best in single frames export) as CD ROM which is 15 frames per second so it deteriorates the quality since clips actually run more that 20 (24-25, not sure) freams per secon.... so what next?
How do we keep the clip in best quality, but still export that clip frame by frame to do Action on them in Photoshop?
thank you

... in export/Quicktime Expert Settings..
you're offered in the drop down menu 'Picture Sequence'...
and, under options, a picture compressor of your choice...
a second iM contains 30 pictures... if you incidently export a 40minute sequence to your Desktop, your Mac could get stalled... freezed... kaputt
for doing such elaborated tasks, I would strongly suggest the purchase of QTpro.. it allows to manipulate the frame rate (= e.g. exporting only 12 or 15 fps), AND converts a bunch of.. folder of pics automatically into a .dv for iM...
and, doing some ad...:
a new tool is on the market, I'm still doing some tests (tiiiiime....) :

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    mattias.rylander wrote:
    I meant to say it only (if I may generalize here) makes a difference when you edit. Don't try to edit 30 fps material in a timeline meant for 25 fps. Very few applications can accomplish this with a good end result.
    Are you speaking about this particular change of frame rates or any?
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    The easiest way to change a projects framerate is to edit the project xml file.
    Right click on your iMovie project file and choose "Show package contents..." (or something similar)
    Edit the "Project" file (no extension) using the free Textwrangler editor or a plist capable editor.
    Find the node "frameRate" and update to 30.
    Really? That's a cool trick! But it sounds like it could easily mess things up. Have you tried this and with what scenarios?
    or easier just create a new project
    Message was edited by: betaneptune. Changed "under" to "with" for better clarity.

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    To fill in the void in the background, you can use the clone tool. However, for a large area that may not work well.
    A good alternative is to use a "digital patch". With the rectangular marquee tool , select a pleasing substitute from somewhere else in the picture (not a fire hydrant!),  then place this on its own layer (CTRL+J), and with the move tool position the patch and resize it if indicated
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      Read Roberts

    I would check for overflow, if then, create the new page, create your 'particular textFrame', set nextTextFrame of tf1 to your 'particular textFrame'
    Hans-Gerd Claßen

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    It may stroke, on the control panel set stroke color to none, and weight to zero [0].

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    Look for a page with a layout like this or the red warning triangle (for iPhoto 9):
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    You only get the "This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them." text if either frames are disabled or you use a browser that doesn't support frames (the text is in a &lt;noframes&gt; &lt;/noframes&gt; block). Firefox would display this text under normal conditions.
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    Answers in this forum have shown different things have worked for different people.
    For some clearing YouTube cookies and the cache solved the problem. For details of how to do that see and
    Others had to go a step further after deleting YouTube cookies and block YouTube from saving cookies. In the Tools menu select Options to open the Options window. Go to the Privacy panel and make sure it is set to "Use custom setting for history". Click the Exceptions button, type in and click on Block
    Another option is to disable hardware acceleration for Flash. To do that right-click on a Flash video, select Settings, go to the first tab of the settings for the option to enable/disable hardware acceleration for Flash. This is something recommended by YouTube for those having problems -

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    You cannot drag the effects themselves to the timeline.  You add them to a clip in the Viewer, just as you have done. 
    If the clip was already in the timeline when you  opened it in the Viewer (by double-clicking it in the timeline to open it in the Viewer) and then added the reverb effect, there is nothing further to do, you have added the effect to the clip.  You don't drag it back to the timeline.
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    Depending on the effect you add, you may have to render the timeline after adding the effect.  But I don't think reverb requires immediate rendering.  One other note, you said you were working with an audio clip ... audio clips need to be AIFF (not MP3 or something else) and preferably 16-bit stereo.

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    When FCP/FCS begins to act unexpectedly, the usual first step is to trash your preferences:

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    Here's my final (and simple diagnosis) You have 4 x 3 footage that your are trying to screen at 16:9. This won't work.
    Artistically, you have three options:
    1.) Stay with the "black bars." What some of us call "Bat Wings," in the biz.
    2.) Do what some editors do and create a large "fuzzy" background to extend the edges...
    3.) Or transform / crop the image. (Or just use the "fill" option in the "Spatial Transform" section of the inspector
    But... You WILL lose some of the image

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    Any thoughts?
    Mac os 10.9.5
    AE 2014 Latest
    Cleared Caches

    Here is a start. The program is used to make precise transitions and is not. Everything looks fine in the timeline previews, then get garbled by one frame when output.

  • Identical actionscript works in one frame but not another...?

    Hi all,
    I'm working on this electronic sheep creator for my Masters
    degree (don't ask haha..) which is online at
    [url][/url] . The problem I'm having
    is that a piece of actionscript I'm using for saving the sheep as a
    jpg using BitmapData works in one frame with one movie clip but not
    in another frame..
    In frame 1 I create two movie clips - mc_modifysheep and
    [CODE]on(release) {
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_modifysheep", 1)
    mc_modifysheep._x = 150;
    mc_modifysheep._y = 70;
    mc_modifysheep.attachMovie("sheep_body", "body", 1, {_x:42,
    mc_modifysheep.attachMovie("sheep_head", "head", 2, {_x:0,
    mc_modifysheep.attachMovie("sheep_legs", "legs", 3, {_x:77,
    _global.bodycolour = "default";
    _global.headcolour = "default";
    _global.legscolour = "default";
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mc_dna", 2)
    mc_dna._x = 0;
    mc_dna._y = 0;
    mc_dna.attachMovie("mc_DNA_empty", "DNA empty", 1, {_x:8,
    mc_dna.attachMovie("mc_dna_default_default_top", "top", 2,
    {_x:45, _y:374});
    mc_dna.attachMovie("mc_dna_default_default_right", "right",
    3, {_x:65, _y:400});
    mc_dna.attachMovie("mc_dna_default_default_left", "left", 4,
    {_x:32, _y:401});
    the sheep in 'mc_modifysheep' and the dna in 'mc_dna' are
    built up over frames 2 and 3 and then in frame 4 the user decides
    whether the sheep is given freedom or captivity. If freedom is
    chosen then the user is prompted to name their sheep and the movie
    clip mc_modifysheep is saved as a jpg on the server using
    BitmapData and PHP. If captivity is chosen then the user is
    prompted to name the dna and the movie clip mc_dna is meant to be
    saved as a jpg on the server but only a white blank jpg is
    produced, not what is contained in mc_dna.. I've tried all sorts
    but I can't figure out why it's doing this..
    Here's the code I'm using, that works, to save the
    [CODE]import flash.display.BitmapData;
    btn_freedom.onPress = function() {
    function freedom() {
    snap_sheep = new BitmapData(305, 290);
    var pixels:Array = new Array();
    var w:Number = snap_sheep.width;
    var h:Number = snap_sheep.height;
    var a:Number = 0;
    var sn:String = txt_Freedom.text;
    high = 99999;
    low = 00000;
    ran =
    var rn:Number = ran
    var filename:String = dn+sn;
    for (var a = 0; a <= w; a++) {
    for (var b = 0; b <= h; b++) {
    var tmp = snap_sheep.getPixel(a, b).toString(16);
    var freedomoutput:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    freedomoutput.img = pixels.toString();
    freedomoutput.height = h;
    freedomoutput.width = w;
    freedomoutput.filename_sheep = filename;
    freedomoutput.send("save_sheep.php", "_self", "POST");
    and here's the near identical code apart from different
    variable/movieclip names I'm using to try and save (but failing)
    [CODE]import flash.display.BitmapData;
    btn_capt.onPress = function() {
    function capt() {
    snap_dna = new BitmapData(305, 290);
    var pixels:Array = new Array();
    var w:Number = snap_dna.width;
    var h:Number = snap_dna.height;
    var a:Number = 0;
    var dn:String = txt_Capt.text;
    high = 99999;
    low = 00000;
    ran =
    var rn:Number = ran
    var filename:String = dn+rn;
    for (var a = 0; a <= w; a++) {
    for (var b = 0; b <= h; b++) {
    var tmp = snap_dna.getPixel(a, b).toString(16);
    var captoutput:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    captoutput.img = pixels.toString();
    captoutput.height = h;
    captoutput.width = w;
    captoutput.filename_dna = filename;
    captoutput.send("save_dna.php", "_self", "POST");
    I know it's a problem with the flash and not the PHP as I've
    tested for that, definately in the flash. I just don't understand
    how the same code can capture mc_modifysheep, but not mc_dna.
    If you need to take a look at the FLA file it's up at
    Thanks everyone!!

    If you dont find anything specific, a lot of the problems i
    encounter like this are because one little thing is spelled wrong.
    like it doesnt match whats in your php file, ect. my suggestion,
    though a long one, if you know its supposed to work, and theres no
    syntax error, re type it, not copy and paste, and just be careful.
    keep tripple checking. you might not even find what was spelled
    wrong, but it might fix the situation,

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