Photo Not Centered

i am creating a simple photo gallery using ActionScript 2's
CreateMoveClipLoader. I have a MovieClip instance named myPics_mc
which is centered on the stage. the Stage, Moviclip and picture all
have the same dimensions. When the mvie is run or published only
the upper left hand corner of the picture is display is displayed
in the lower left section of the player window. How can I get the
entire picture to be centered on the stage?
Here's the code:

I switched to Flash MX 2004 and I've gotten rid of the error
message. But now I can't see
any of the picture in the movie.
On the stage I've place a movieclip instance of a movieclip
named myPics_mc.
Below is the actionscript code I'm running.
============ THE CODE =============
var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader;
// -----------------<Create Listener>----------------
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
mclListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
target_mc._x = Stage.width/2-target_mc._width/2;
target_mc._y = Stage.height/2-target_mc._width/2;

Similar Messages

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    Every time I print a photo with iPhoto either the top (in Portrait mode) or the left side (in Landscape mode) is shortened. I cannot find an adjustment to correct the lack of centration. Can anybody help me with this?

    Yes! ...all the obviuos things I've ruled out. These include drivers and options/settings. I even made sure to try and isolate the problem by removing the shared driver on the server and installing the latest drivers on just one computer to compare but got no differing result..all the computers sharing the driver on the server produced the same results as the islotated computer with direct access to the printer with the newest driver. So it's not the software nor the drivers that causes this problem. The problem is more noticable when printing on SRA3 (450 x 320mm) with 250gsm - 300gsm.
    You are right about what the tech would say +/- 1 - 2mm tolerance. There is no problem when copying straight from hardcopy on the machine ...all tests conclude prefect registration.
    I'm corrently using PCL drivers because they are better at handling graphics...I'm wondering if Postscript drivers would sort the problem out?
    Other that that the only wa7y I can see to work arund this issue is to offest the spread/page in the software environment's only when I want to print 2 sides the tray won't print 2 sides on greater than 120gsm I use the bypass tray to print then work & turn to print the other side...if I didn't offset the page in the software/application, side 2 would be out of registration by upto 4mm.
    Let me know if can think of any other way I can resolve this issue...I'm sure that the registration was pretty good previuosly ...may have been 1-1.5mm difference but now it's almost 3-4mm!

  • Why are the photos not centered on the paper

    I have a inkhet d4360 and It always prints the pictures off center - how do I fix that?   Gerretw

    HI gerretw,
    Here is a link to a support document that should help with your issue.
    Just follow the steps in this document and let us know if you still have problems.
    Hope this helps.
    If I helped you at all it would be great if you clicked the blue kudos star!
    If I solved your post please mark it as solved to help others.
    I'm a printer tech with HP.

  • Nested DIV's Not Centering

    On my page I'm working on, one of my div's is not centering correctly.  The class applied has margin set to auto, but the image in the tag is still justifying to the left.  The class the is not displaying correctly is .portfolio-center. 
    Here is the page:
    Here is the code:
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    Thank you!

    Use text-align center and apply the center class to a paragraph tag.
    .center {text-align:center}
    <p class="center"><img src="images/print-movie-lovers-onesheet.jpg" alt="Movie Lovers One Sheet" height="627" width="485"></p>
    Nancy O.

  • Camera pictures not centered

    tried taking pictures with new iphone 5.  I centered my picture in the frame and took picture.the result was not centered at all.  it had a lot more picture at the bottom of the picture.  i took several more pictures, but same results.  I tied  friends iphone4, it took picture correctly.  anyone else seeing this problem?

    Did you find a permanent resolution to this? I've tried restarting phone and resetting the apps at the bottom. But I tested it and after I've taken if say 10 photos it goes back to doing this. My phone is used for business so I don't want to restore in iTunes or I will lose everything

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    How do I get iphoto to import videos from my iphone 3s? It only imports photos, not videos. My iPhoto is v. 4.0.3.

    My iPhoto is v. 4.0.3.
    Is your QuickTime up to date?
    Video importing requires QuickTime 7.6.2 or later.

  • Can I send an E-Mail with photo (not as an attachment)?

    I would like to send an E-Mail with a small photo (not as an attachment) to someone who is reluctant to open attachments. Can I do this and how??
    Thank you

    If you insert an image into the body, it will still be 'attached', even though it won't be listed as an attachment in the usual way. Another option is to upload the photo to your personal storage space such as OneDrive or Google Drive, and then email the link to the image. The image can then be displayed in a web browser. If you don't have a storage space, there are plenty of free image-hosting services.

  • How to delete photos not in camera roll?

    How to delete photos not in camera roll?

    The only way to delete photos NOT in the camera roll is to sync the phone with those photos deselcted.
    @iLikeCheesyStuff:  The photo stream photos are in the camera roll  as well.  The OP is referring to photos synced to his phone, which can't be deleted directly on the phone.

  • Photos not syncing after update to photo app

    photos not uploading to photo app after update, I have over 10,000 photos that are trying to upload and the last import says 2013 instead of last week.   I have a MacBook pro and my icloud sharing is on and I purchased more space so that is not the problem

    i can sync movies, music, podcasts and tv shows just fine, but whenever i try to sync photos, then i am getting the exclamation mark and nothing - not even the movies and tv shows that worked before - get synched anymore.
    This seems contradictory, I'm not clear whether music, movies etc work for you or not.
    In regard to the photos, make sure iphoto sharing is enabled and not blocked by your firewall, you could try creating a new photo library in the same location but with a different name to your existing library to avoid overwriting it, to see if it's a photo library issue or something else.

  • Iphoto 9.6.1 Slideshow Places Theme randomly reordering photos - not sure why?

    I've manually reordered photos in Library based on location (and manually assigned gps location in info).
    After creating slideshow, when I choose 'Places' theme it seems to randomly reorder photos - not just into 'places' order.
    Also, when I use export - the option of creating a quicktime movie seems to have disappeared (custom option gone).

    Alternatives to iPhoto's slideshow include:
    iMovie is on every Mac sold.
    Others, in order of price:
    PhotoToMovie  $49.95
    PulpMotion  $129
    FotoMagico $99
    Final Cut Pro X $299
    It's difficult to compare these apps. They have differences in capability - some are driven off templates. some aren't. Some have a wider variety of transitions. Others will have excellent audio controls. It's worth checking them out to see what meets your needs. However, there is no doubt that Final Cut Pro X is the most capable app of them all. You get what you pay for.

  • I have photos on my iphone 4 that i'm trying to transfer to iphoto.  The problem is when I plug the phone in, it only wants to transfer the new photos, not all.  How can I take all the photos off my phone and put them into iphoto?

    I have photos on my iphone 4 that i'm trying to transfer to iphoto.  The problem is when I plug the phone in, it only wants to transfer the new photos, not all.  How can I take all the photos off my phone and put them into iphoto? Even if there are duplicates, I'd like to make sure I get all the photos from my phone into iphoto.  Thanks

    To see all the photos on the phone, including photos that have already been imported into iPhoto, deselect the "Hide Photos Already Imported" checkbox. If the camera contains photos that have already been imported into iPhoto, those photos are hidden by default.

  • Photos not displaying in Album

    Hi, I am unable to view photos I have taken since 28th June. I have cleared the data and the cache for the album app and restarted my phone several times but am still unable to view the photos and just have a black thumbnail for each photo. Please help as there are photos of my children which are irreplaceable.

    i too have the added problem of photos not being viewed or being shared etc.. ever since the newest android update.. i have a 128gb memory card in my z3 so i thought it was just that, cos its very large, so i replaced it with a new 64gb micro card. but it too is now doing same thing... please help as this is really annoying now. and i do not want to format any more of my photos.. my phone isuk issueandroid version 5.0.2build no 23.1.A.1.28

  • Why when I make a dvd from an album are my photos not in order?

    Why when I make a dvd from an album are my photos not in order?

    hansm99079164 a écrit:
    Why when I make a dvd from an album are my photos not in order?
    Simply because your Explorer/Finder only takes into account the file names and dates of your files.
    For instance, in Windows, you have to tell the explorer to sort by 'date taken' otherwise the default sort orders are file dates or file names.
    If you have given a 'custom' sort order to your albums, the only way for the Explorer to sort in the same way is to set the custom sort order in the album, export to a new folder with the 'rename' option - same starting text string plus order.

  • TS1315 I have just purchased the new iPad with the camera connection kit. I just want to bewant to be able to insert my SD card into the Pad and only view my photos, not import them to the pad.  Can this be done and how do I do this.  Please advise.  Thaj

    I have just purchased the new iPad with the camera connection kit.  I just want to be able insert my SD card into the Pad and view my photos, not import them.Can this be done and how?  Please advise.  Thank you.

    See this article: iPad: Using the iPad Camera Connection Kit
    No, this canot be done, afaik. When your camera or card is connected, you will see the thumbnails in the camera pane, but not full size preview. So to browse your photos on the iPad you will need to import them to your camera roll. But you need not delete them from the camera or card after importing, so you might simply import selected photos to your camera roll from the camera grid and then delete them again from the camera roll after importing and browsing, without removing them from the card/camera.

  • My document is not centered on page

    I am running Acrobat 10.0.0, MAC OSX 10.7.2 (Lion), and Indesign CS5.5
    I can not get my document to center on the printed page.
    When I open my PDF document, it appears normally and shows in portrait mode. The document was created as 6.88 in wide x 10.25 in tall.  The Properties of the PDF file for the document correctly show the page size as 6.88 x 10.25.
    When I click on PRINT, the default dialog shows the document correctly but indicates a 8.5 x 11 page size.  I click on the Page set up and select a custom paper size of 6.88 x 10.25 inches and return to main print dialog.
    The print dialog now shows my document and the page dimensions show my newly created page size.  I click auto rotate and center.  The page orientation and size match the document and PDF orientation regardless of auto rotate on or off.  I still select auto rotate and center as I want the centering.
    The print comes out not centered and clipped.  No combination of selections yields a correct print out.  I just can't get my image to center on the output page.
    I can print the same PDF file from Preview with same selections and have no problem with getting the document to center on the page.  I would use Preview as the work flow except preview does not print the document faithfully for color compared to Acrobat.
    Thanks in advance for all help and advice!
    dan mckinney

    OK,  Mystery solved.  There is no great problem with OSX, CS5.5, etc.  I was the problem.
    I went back and created a document from scratch that was very simple in order to convence myself that a document could print correctly as a simple page.  (basically removed all other variables that might have crept into the file that was frustrating me.)  I created a PDF by exporting as well as printing to the postscript creating "printer" and then distilling the PSD file into a PDF as well as letting Preview convert the file into a PDF.  Point is that I created a PDF various ways.
    I then loaded Adobe Acrobat Pro (10.0) to generate the output.  I found that the Page Set Up button would allow me to overide the default successfully despite the warning.
    The "trick" was to be sure that I had the paper size AND orientation selected correctly in the Print Set Up that matched exatly how I used Print Set Up in InDesign.
    Voila, output as expected.
    The take-a-way for those also frustrated is that there is no great devious problem with the OSX 10.7 or CS5.5 software packages.  The output CAN be obtained just keep playing until you ask the system to do what you want it to do. =)

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