Photo stream/Photo albums that aren't mine need removing!

The company I work for has 4 iPhones on one account. My supervisor purchased all the phones at the same time, my phone & my supervisors phone specifically were set up with the same apple ID until I was able to take the time and set up my own (which was later done). Basically, her pictures and multiple albums were sycned onto my phone. Now having my own apple ID I am unable to delete the extra photo library, and 6 photo albums from my device and we are unable to find these albums to remove them from her iCloud or iTunes account in hopes it will remove them from my phone. I am unable to do any updates, I have virtually no data/storage for any of my stuff because all of hers is taking up the room, and facetime won't work anymore due to me being I believe 2 updates behind! I have NO idea what to do other than to go to an Apple store, which I really don't want to do OR get a new phone all together and set it up correctly from the get go. Help??

So I can't plug her phone into a computer at our office and remove them? I HAVE to login to the laptop she originally backed the pics up in/ set up the iTunes account with to remove them?

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    The iPhone does no such thing. When a photo is captured with your iPhone or saved from a received email, MMS, or website, a single copy is stored in the Camera Roll. If you have HDR enabled for capturing a photo along with keep the normal photo selected as well, two copies of the captured photo will be saved in the Camera Roll - the normal version, and the HDR version. Photos captured by the iPhone are stored on one place - in the Camera Roll. Now with Photo Stream enabled with iOS 5, a copy will be placed in the Photo Stream as well.
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    Are these folders that are no longer on the computer? I see you unchecked the albums, but the sync did not change things. Try this:
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    If you sync with the new computer it will erase the current content from the iphone and replace with the selected content of the new computer.
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    Import to the computer and choose to delete from iphone /ipod / ipad. Then let the computer sync them from the pictures folder. You duplicates are one copy from camera roll and second that was transferred from the computer.
    You can also uncheck to sync photos and hit apply to remove the computer set from the device. That doesn't solve the issue if you want to sync folder again later..

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