PhotoBooth won't save/delete photos

PhotoBooth will not save photos nor will it delete photos that are there. How can I fix this?
This is a school computer. I cannot/will not create a new user account as one post suggested previously.
iMac 21.5"OS 10.9; 3.1 GHz Intel Core i3; 2GB 1333 MHz DDR3;  206 GB available space
This is the only computer with this issue. Other 29 are fine.

oh ok, I found my PhotoBooth library file finally. I could have sworn I looked for it and couldn't find it.  My husband did find it and noticed that my permissions were set to read-only.
However, changing my permissions to read-write didn't work either.  (running repair permissions didn't seem to help either before this change or after it.)
Manually changing permissions did solve part of my problem -- it did allow me to delete old photos but still wouldn't allow me to take new ones.  We also tried setting all the users (Staff and everyone) to read-write, but that didn't help.
My husband changed the name of the library to something else (just appended 'copy' on the end) and reopened photo booth.  Then it asked if I wanted to create a new library because the old one could not be found.  The new library now allows us to use Photo Booth normally.  However we will have to merge the one movie I wanted to save from the old copy of the library, into the new one.  Hopefully that won't recreate the problem.

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    I couldn't say exactly what Cocktail might have done, but it sounds like you've lost a small index file (~/Library/Application Support/Photo Booth/Recents.plist) that Photo Booth uses to keep track of pictures it takes. If you can recover that index from a backup, that's the quickest approach.  If you have no backup, here's an explanation of how to rebuild the index by hand,

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    Hello SRHeimes,
    I'd recommend restarting the iPhone, if you haven't done so already. If restarting the phone hasn't got you on your way to sending pictures again, we've an article that provides further helpful information.
    If you still can't send or receive MMS messages
    To send and receive MMS messages on your iPhone, verify that your wireless carrier supports MMS2.
    Ensure that MMS Messaging is turned on in Settings > Messages.
    Verify that your phone is able to access cellular data.
    Some carriers allow you to edit your APN (Access Point Name), which may prevent MMS from working.
    If you are roaming outside your calling area, make sure you have Data Roaming turned on in Settings > General > Cellular to send or receive MMS content.
    While on a phone call, you will be unable to send or receive MMS messages when using an EDGE, GPRS, or any CDMA cellular data network. After the phone call ends, you will receive any incoming messages. If you tried to send an MMS message, you may need to send it again.
    If the issue persists and your wireless carrier has confirmed that your wireless account is provisioned2 for MMS, restore the iPhone.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages

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    Hi Victoria,
    Thanks for the very prompt reply!
    And yes, I indeed did use the adjustment brush in all the obstinate cases. I
    think that I'll go for Jeffrey's for the time being and wait for my purse to
    fatten up a bit to get the CS upgrade which I was planning anyway. Thanks a
    lot for your help
    2010/6/19 Victoria Bampton <[email protected]>
    I'll bet you've used the adjustment brush or graduated filter?  There's a
    CS2 bug that falls over that perfectly legitimate metadata.  Your options
        •    Upgrade to CS3 or later.  (While we’re on the subject of CS2 and
    upgrades, CS5 is the last upgrade that CS2 users can buy at an upgrade
    price.  Once CS6 is available, CS2 users will have to pay the full price to
    upgrade, as only the previous 3 releases qualify for the discounted upgrade
        •    Check the ‘Minimize Embedded Metadata’ checkbox in the Lightroom
    Export dialog, which will strip ALL of the metadata.  It solves the problem,
    but leaves you short of any metadata in your files.
        •    Use Jeffrey’s Metadata Wrangler to strip just the problem metadata
    from the file, which is by far the best option.
    To use Jeffrey’s Metadata Wrangler Export plug-in, you’ll first need to
    download it and install the plug-in from
    Select the plug-in in the lower left of the Export dialog, and you’ll see
    the additional section appear in the main Export options panel — scroll down
    if you can’t see them.
    The only part you need to remove is the ‘crs’ block -– all of the rest of
    the metadata can stay.  The ‘crs’ block is the Camera Raw Settings metadata,
    better known as the Develop settings, and photos exported with that block
    removed will quite happily save as a JPEG, even with Photoshop CS2.

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    bluetooth is an APPLE issue: they have blocked many of the 'normal' bluetooth features on 'other' handsets..
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    Have you Tried Clearing the The Cache in the Camera or Gallery in your Applications Area.. Go to Settings--> Applications--> Manage Applications--> Select All--> Clear the Cache in Both the Camera & Gallery Clearing the Data however might Clear you Pictures in your Gallery but if your Ok with it Give it a Shot,

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    Back up all data.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership and access-control lists to the default. If you've set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it.
    I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, they may not work as described.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user account, and the one in question is not an administrator account, then temporarily promote it to administrator status in the Users & Groups preference pane. To do that, unlock the preference pane using the credentials of an administrator, check the box markedAllow user to administer this computer, then reboot. You can demote the problem account back to standard status when this step has been completed.
    Triple-click anywhere in the following line on this page to select it:
    { sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR.. ; sudo chown -R $UID:staff ~ $_ ; sudo chmod -R u+rwX ~ $_ ; chmod -R -N ~ $_ ; } 2> /dev/null
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use  another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command may take a few minutes to run, or perhaps longer if you have literally millions of files in your home folder. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1 or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Boot into Recovery. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

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    2) Can I back up the newsstand to iCloud and save memory on the iPhone?
    3) Can I back up the bookshelf to icloud and save memory on the iPhone?

    1. What format is the external drive? It sounds like it's ina format that Macs can't write to. Is it a NAS or NTFS?
    2. Easiest thing: just move your iPhoto Library to the external
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

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    If you just got your new MBP you have phone support from Apple (which is quite good) call them.  800-692-7753 tell the automated answerer "mail technical support" you'll have human quite quickly.  Hope this helps.

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    Hi Clarkett99,
    To use an external hard drive for your iTunes library, see the steps in this article -
    iTunes: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive
    iPhoto can be used in a similar way, follow the steps in this previous discussion -
    how do I save photos and their albums...: Apple Support Communities
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L

  • Iphoto lost all my photos and won't save new ones

    I know this has been asked before, but I am computer illiterate and a first time Mac user (just got my macbook in July). I had approx. 1000 photos saved in iphoto and now when I open the application they are gone! Plus, I just loaded more pics directly from my camera, named and organized them last week (about 25 pics) and now they are gone too! What gives? Am I supposed to be saving these somehow in iphoto? The weird thing is the pics are still in my applications under pictures. (most of them anyway). Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
    Also, for future reference, whenever I put a cd in and import photos the photos are fine as long as the cd is in, but if the cd is not in the computer iphoto says that it cannot read, also when I try to download photos from friends website it won't show the photo, only a white page with the .jpg logo...this is really frustrating-i never had these problems with my pc, and the reason I got a mac was because of the great pic. capabilities.

    I wonder if your database file has been corrupted.
    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
    2. Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums back.
    3. If neither of these work then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    In the iPhoto Preferences -> Events Uncheck the box at 'Imported Items from the Finder'
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library (Right Click -> Show Package Contents) on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

  • I have updated my ipod and it deleted everything including my photos and i did not save my photos on any other device, How do i get them back?

    I have updated my iPod and it deleted everything including my photos and I did not save my photos on any other device, How do I get them back?

    You didn't import all of your pics regularly?  Particularly before an update?
    They may very well be gone.
    You can try restoring from backup.

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  • Memory is full, won't permit me to delete photos to increase storage

    Greetings, All!
    Here's the gist:  Made the mistake of purchasing the iPad 3 with storage capacity of only 16gb, and now my iPad is full and misbehaving terribly.  I recently purchased an external hard drive, thinking I could transfer my pics to it and then delete them from the iPad to free up memory.  Unfortunately, my iPad is so full that the laptop I'd planned to use to transfer the pics to the external drive is unable to even recognize the iPad.  Not a terribly big deal, I thought, as I knew I could delete some photos from my iPad without missing them.  Thought I could free some storage which would then allow me to make the transfer.
    Unfortunately, my iPad is so squirrelly now that most days it won't even allow me to delete photos from it.  Last night, for example, even when I attempted to delete just one pic at a time, the iPad would instantly freeze up and return me to the homepage!  The same thing occurs when I attempt to view my email - I open my email and in a split second it returns me to the homepage.  Also have approximately 30 pending updates, but none can be downloaded because of the lack of available memory. 
    Tonight the iPad is behaving a little better, as I am able to delete about half a dozen photos at a time.  Unfortunately, with nearly 19,000 photos to review, 6 at a time is going to be a very, very slow go!  (To clarify, I have zero intention of deleting all of them; I merely want to delete enough of them so that I can transfer the remaining photos to the external hard drive.)
    I am a newby at this, and am utterly stumped!  I'd be beyond grateful if anyone in the community could advise me on what I'm doing wrong.   Resetting my iPad is just absolutely not an option for me; it would break my heart to lose the overwhelming majority of my 19,000 photos! 
    Many thanks for your time and your assistance!
    P.S.  If I can further clarify the situation or answer any questions for you at all, I'd be VERY HAPPY to do so!  Thanks again!

    Greetings, People, this is Michelle again, the original (and only) poster. 
    Looks like I've had 45 views thus far, but not a single response.  :(  Can someone clue me in?  Is it that my post is too long?  Is it unclear?  Is my problem just so complex that no one knows how to advise me? 
    I am desperate, and will be elated with any advice on what I need to do to get a knowledgeable individual or two to make some suggestions as to how to ameliorate my problem.
    Thanks so very much for your time!

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