[Photoshop basico] Invitacion

Les paso una invitación por si les interesa suscribirse:
Las lecciones están en video y son gratuitas.
P.D. Si conoces alguna otra persona interesada
en aprender Photoshop, o participas en foros
sobre el tema y te parece que nuestro material
podría serle de utilidad, simplemente dales
nuestra dirección web: www.dominaphotoshop.com
para que ellos también puedan registrase y tener
acceso al curso.

Los tutoriales en video están en youtube y la
invitación me llegó a través
de desarrolloweb.com porque estoy registrado allí.
Seguramente, una vez finalizado el curso, te enviarán un
par de correos con
grandes ofertas, pero no creo que pase de ahí.
Aclaro que los tutoriales son básicos. En este primer
día, publicaron 6
(blanqueo de dientes, herramienta punto de fuga,
composición de imagen,
maquillaje digital, eliminación de ojos rojos y
desenfoque de superficie)
A propósito de YouTube. ¡Que buen medio para hacer
publicidad! (esta me
pareció muy buena:
": : Ale Photoshop : :" <[email protected]>
escribió en el mensaje
news:eph8tm$cq3$[email protected]..
> mmm... se me hace que le voy a dejar mis datos y ademas
de mandarme el CD
> , me llenan mi casilla de spam... ¿o me equivoco?
> Ale Photoshop
> "BIGOTE" <[email protected]>
escribió en el mensaje
> news:epghtn$iq8$[email protected]..
>> Les paso una invitación por si les interesa
>> Las lecciones están en video y son gratuitas.
>> P.D. Si conoces alguna otra persona interesada
>> en aprender Photoshop, o participas en foros
>> sobre el tema y te parece que nuestro material
>> podría serle de utilidad, simplemente dales
>> nuestra dirección web: www.dominaphotoshop.com
>> para que ellos también puedan registrase y
>> acceso al curso.

Similar Messages

  • Otra vez  atajos en photoshop

    saludos colegas
    halle que el photoshop cs2 es mucho mas personalizable que el 7, el que usaba hasta hace poco, y que los atajos son mucho mas consecuentes con mi teclado español. todo seria estupendo de no ser porque a veces , sin saber cómo, se altera la configuracion y los atajos originales ya no hacen lo que originalmente, sino otra cosa muy distinta.p.ej. aumento el tamaño de pincel con "¡" y disminuyo con "'", y presionando mayus. con estas teclas vario dureza de pincel, pero creo que al presionar alguna combinancion de teclas,no estoy seguro, se altera la config. y esta combinacion pasa a cambiar el mudo de fusion del pincel.este es un ejemplo,
    igualmente les pasa a varias otros de los atajos, salvo a los mas basicos, como crtl y + para acercar etc. el problema solo se arregla cuando reinicio el programa.
    a ver si algun coleguita puede resolver este frustrante misterio...

    Hola, es un poco tarde para responder esto, pero si el interesado aún no ha solucionado el problema, quizás siga revisando este post cada cierto tiempo jeje.
    El problema está en tu configuración de idioma de la pc (o el teclado), debes tener seleccionado un solo idioma predeterminado y eliminar todos los demás que no uses.
    Esta solución es para Win xp sp2, desconosco si en Mac suceda lo mismo.

  • Photoshop en serigrafia textil...

    Empece a ejercitarme en la utilizacion de este programa, para la separacion de colores en imagenes destinadas a la estampacion textil.
    es mas o menos sencillo cuando las imagenes las trabajo a partir de cero.
    la situacion se complica cuando debo separar los colores en ilustraciones
    ya terminadas. reducir muchisimos colores a una docena, a 8 o 5 basicos es una tarea bastante compleja. la cuatricromia del offset pocas veces es util en textiles, por el tramaje y la ganancia de punto.
    hay algunas conexiones o plug-ins que hacen esta tarea automaticamente, pero quisiera aprender yo mismo esta tecnica tan interesante...
    Ojala algunos delos colegas pueda recomendarme algun libro o sitio donde hallar esta info.
    muchas gracias

    Hola, mi nombre es Sebastián y estoy estudiando serigrafía, y trabajo en diseño digital, contretamente web.
    Para hacer separacion de colores en photoshop a partir de una imagen, hay que trabajar con el modo de color CMYK.
    Hacer cruces de registro para usar como guia a la hora de crear las matrices. El color de las cruces deben tener 100% de negro, cyan, magenta y amarillo, asi aparece en todos los canales.
    En canales, hacemos separacion de canales, allí obtendremos 4 imágenes en escala de grises respectivos a cada color.
    Ahora, hay que aplicar un tramado a la imagen, que la convierte en puntos.
    Esto se hace a c/u de los canales, desde Imagen - Modo - Bitmap.
    En el cuadro emergente, le damos la resolucion de salida, y en el método, tramado de semitonos (halftone screen).
    En frecuencia, la cantidad de lineas por cm2, para una malla de tela ( de 35 a 45 hilos por cm2), yo uso entre 15 y 18 lineas.
    Lineatura expresada en líneas/cm. lineal Trama expresada en líneas/cm. lineal
    Lineatura de malla Nº 80 Trama de película Nº 12
    Lineatura de malla Nº 90 Trama de película Nº 18
    Lineatura de malla Nº 120 Trama de película Nº 23
    Lineatura de malla Nº 140 Trama de película Nº 28
    Lineatura de malla Nº 150 Trama de película Nº 34
    El ángulo, hay que darle un angulo distinto a cada color.
    Aqui hay 3 combinaciones:
    negro l5º magenta 75º amarillo 0º cyan 45º
    negro 7º magenta 37º amarillo 97º cyan 67º
    negro 75º magenta 45º amarillo Oº cyan 15º
    Tipo de punto
    Circulo, diamante, cuadrado.
    Imprimir c/u de los canales con el tramado.
    El orden de impresion en la tela de los colores es:
    Espero se útil, claro que yo también estoy aprendiendo, si alguien tiene un método mejor o ve errores en lo que digo, que lo aclare.
    Todos estos pasos si se dispone de impresora con capacidad Post Script no son necesarios.

  • Error in starting Adobe Bridge in Photoshop CS2

    I've just installed Photoshop CS2, however upon opening Adobe Bridge this error message appears " The application has failed to start because libagluc28.dll was not found. Reinstalling to application may fix the problem"
    I have reinstalled and click repair but to no avail
    I followed Adobe Support Knowledgebase solution and run CMD and this appears:
    c:Documents and Settings/Jesus M Ferraris>
    then i entered the command
    cacls c:\windows\installer /T /E /C /G administrators:F
    but an error message appears - 'cacls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or bathc file
    I also entered the next command
    cacls "c:\documents and setting\all users" /Y /E /C /G administrators:F
    still the same error as above appears, Please help, have I miss something or was my procedure correct...
    P4, 512ram, WXP 80gHD

    Very useful.
    Good Luck.

  • Error:  "Could not complete your request because of a program error" (photoshop CS2 9.0.2 on MAC OSX

    Today I started my program (photoshop CS2 9.0.2) and opened a JPG file. When I went to print the file the program crashed and closed. When I restarted the program and went to open the file I got this error message, "Could not complete your request because of a program error".
    I have tried several different file types/sizes and all result in the same error message since the program crashed. It will not open any file I try to open. As I indicated above I am using Photoshop CS2 9.0.2 it is on a MAC with OSX 10.4.11.
    I called Adobe and the Rep directed me to Tech Note 331307 and told me to Re-create the Photoshop preferences files. Which I did and restarted the program, but when I tried to open a file (any file) I still get the same error message so it doesn't appear to be the preferences.
    Does anyone have any info as to what the problem may be and how to correct it.

    Thanks for the response. OK... This is the first day I have been able to get back to the problem.
    My system I am running Photoshop on is a Power Mac G4, AGP Graphics ATY Rage 128Pro chip set 16MB VRAM LCD 1280x1024 32-bit color, 500MHz, 1.75GB of memory, 1 MB L2 Cache, 100 MHz Bus Speed. I had installed the latest security update and repaired the permissions the day the problem started.
    Now to day I started the system and went in and created a Guest Account. I logged into the guest account and started Photoshop. Low and behold it worked just fine. So I logged out of guest and logged into my main user account And started Photoshop. Wouldn't you know it.... It works just fine. I can open any file I want with now problems.
    I got to thinking after I had done all of this that I wished I had tried to open a file in Photoshop today prior to creating the guest account to see if it still had the problem in my main user account.
    I did not change anything else on the system and all seems to work fine now. So at his point I am really not sure what the problem was.
    Again thanks for taking the time to respond to this issue.

  • Adobe Stock Photos Stuck in Trash and Photoshop CS2 won't run!

    Okay, I apparently did something stupid. I'm not even sure how this happened, but I realized that Adobe Stock Photos folder was sitting on my desktop (I'm using OS X 10.5.6). I don't know when this happened and I didn't think I needed it so I dragged it to the trash. NOW I cannot run any of my Adobe software (includes Photoshop CS2, Illustrator CS2 and GoLive CS2).
    I can see the folder sitting in my trash, but it won't let me drag it back out. So, just as a test, I tried dragging out the one other file (.jpg) and I can't get that one either. I know this isn't a Mac forum, but I'm desparate and cannot find anything to help me.
    Probably I am going to have to reinstall everything and (of course) I can't find my CDs!!! Please don't get angry if I'm asking the wrong question. I've done an internet search and I cannot find any solutions.
    Thanks, Anne

    Adobe stock photos does not even exist anymore.
    Have you tried deleting your trash? I have no Adobe stock Photos on my computer and everything works. try restarting the computer.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 posterization problem on vignette

    I am having a problem with posterization in my image. When I try to vignette my photo (with black) it starts to block up in areas, mostly in the darkest part of the gradient. It ends up not making a smooth transitional gradient and leaves a line where it blocks up. It shows up on the screen as well as on the print. I have a calibrated LaCie CRT 19" monitor, G5 and I am working from digital raw files from a Fuji S2 that are AdobeRGB and also film scans that have done the same thing. What can I do to prevent this? Is it something to do with my G5 or is it the software in Photoshop? If there is any info that left out to help solve the problem please let me know!
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    If it shows up on screen and in print, then issue is with the software.
    Adobe has forums. Might try there.
    best wishes
    Remember to mark an response helpful or solved.
    It protects the integrity of the board.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 shuts itself down after printing..

    Not sure whether I'm in the right place to post this..
    In my workplace, we just bought some new iMacs for design class. They are a 2GHz with Intel Core Duo, and has 1GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM, and running Mac OSX 10.4.8.
    The Photoshop CS2 is version 9.0
    I've config-ed the five new iMacs so they can print to a printer, using IP printing. Problem is, most of the time after the students sends the document they want to print to the printer, Photoshop CS2 just shuts itself down. Then the dialog box saying 'the software just unexpectedly quit' appears.
    It is confusing me, because our older iMacs (that's not an Intel-based) doesn't have this problem, at all.
    is it something to do with CS2 compatibility with Intel-based Macs? or something else.. what needs to be done to stop this annoying problem?
    iMacs Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    eMacs, iBook G4s Mac OS X (10.3.9)

    Windows 7 error “key not valid for use in specified state” | The Oracle Instructor

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2

    Photoshop CS2 and Nikon D200
    Chuck Dell - 09:20am Dec 19, 2005 Pacific
    Just purchased new Nikon D200. RAW Images will not open in Photoshop CS2. Receive Adobe Photoshop CS2 error message "Could not complete your request because of a program error." Images taken with this camera will open in Nikon Capture 4.4 and then can be transferred to CS2 But attempting to open RAW images directly with CS2 is futile.
    Images taken with Nikon D2h and Nikon D100 flow perfectly through CS2
    Only images taken with Nikon D200 will not open in CS2.
    Is this Nikon problem or an Adobe problem?
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    Messages 2 messages. Displaying 1 through 2.
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    Joseph liftik - 11:12am Dec 19, 05 PST (#1 of 2)
    Wait for Adobe update on ARC that will support D200.
    Post Reply | Bookmark
    Chuck Dell - 12:11pm Dec 19, 05 PST (#2 of 2)
    Excuse me, but what is ARC?
    And does anyone know when Adobe will release supporting update?
    Post Reply | Bookmark | Edit

    upon importing i had the option of selection importinf from a "PICT Resource..."
    this was the only option that allowed me to select my JPG images (digital caerma images, btw)
    when i select and clikc OK, a message that comes up that says "There are no PICT resources in this file"
    moreover, when i convert the JPG images to PICT images (via preview) i get the same message
    strange, since i've been able to copy and past my JPG files all along until now...

  • Adobe Photoshop CS2 has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    Just starting to get this error on open in CS2 after a few months of smooth sailing on a new system (below). CS2 now cannot open. It started occasionally and increased. Tried reinstalling. Tried deleting the PS config files and same error. Any suggestions?
    Here's a sysinfo paste of my system.
    XP pro SP2
    Small Bus. Server network node
    Profile- Username.DOMAIN
    Photoshop CS2 (upgrade from ver. 6)
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\9.0
    MB - ASUS P5K-E
    Disk C: 819 GB Available, 931 GB Total, 819 GB Free
    Disk D: 96 GB Available, 232 GB Total, 96 GB Free
    Intel ICH8R/ICH9R SATA RAID Controller
    Physical Memory 2048 MB Total, 1149 MB Free
    Virtual Memory 4740 MB Total, 3900 MB Free
    PageFile Name \??\C:\pagefile.sys
    PageFile Size 800 MB
    PageFile Name \??\D:\pagefile.sys
    PageFile Size 2047 MB
    One Physical Processor / 2 Cores / 2 Logical Processors / 64 bits
    Intel Core2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz
    Video1: ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series
    Video2: ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO
    Memory Capacity 2048 MBytes
    Slot 1
    1024 MBytes
    DDR2-800 (400 MHz) running 1066
    64 bits
    Voltage SSTL 1.8V
    Slot 3
    1024 MBytes
    DDR2-800 (400 MHz) running 1066
    64 bits
    Voltage SSTL 1.8V

    Just ran memtest and received no errors. This more or less clears the hardware. I have no idea how to proceed. Does adobe offer any direct support for this sort of problem?

  • Error 400 when trying to sign-in to Adobe Photoshop 9 [was:Error]

    Getting an Error 400 when trying to sign-in to Adobe Photoshop 9.  What is the problem?

    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

  • In adobe bridge in Tools menu below the cache submenu it only says "process collections in Photoshop". It does not give me the option to "load images in layers is Photoshop"

    No tengo la opción de cargar imagenes en capas en photoshop desde adobe bridge en el menu herramientas

    If all the items do not appear, consider resetting Bridge Preferences.
    Close Bridge, hold down Command-Option-Shift (PC: Control-Alt-Shift) and then launch Bridge again. A dialog will appear asking what you want to do. Turn on the Reset Preferences checkbox and click OK. Now when Bridge appears, the preferences are factory-fresh.

  • Error message when installing Photoshop CS2 in Windows 8

    I just upgraded to a computer with Windows 8.  I use Photoshop CS2.  I am getting the error message below when starting photoshop after installation.  I changed program folders, but that did not work.  Please advise. 
    Error: an error has been detected and activation cannot continue. Please restart your computer and reinstall application.

    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.htm l

  • PhotoShop CS2 Bridge caused strange loss of desktop visibility/memory ??

    I have a G5 (Duel) running Tiger 10.4.6. Just lately the Bridge in Photoshop CS2 has not been working too well - it became very slow and sometimes didn't "see" my images. Yesterday I could get it to find my image folders at all. Then all my desktop started to look weird - even when I wasn't using the Bridge. So I closed all the applications and restarted the computer. To my horror all my desktop and preferences (dock, safari, desktop picture, folders etc.) had been lost. At first I thought I had somehow lost all my image folders but using spotlight I found them all there - distribted in places I had never put them. I sorted everything out again and re-did all my customised stuff but it was scary! At no time did the computer give me any warning of any trouble. It did not crash or anything. I was running QuarkXpress 5 (classic 9) as well and had a Skype window open (although I wasn't using it to talk at the time) Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this happened - has it happened to anyone else ? Thanks for any help.. Diana
    Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Duel 2.3 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM

    windscape wrote:
    Hi jamba,
    I think the issue is that your output of lspci shows no Audio device. Perhaps it got disabled in the BIOS? dmesg output may indicate something else afoot with your audio hardware.
    Hope that helps.
    I'll check out dmesg output.  also still need to check if something got disabled in the BIOS.
    !snd_intel8x0m  <- is your problem. Your sound module got blacklisted so un-list it. Modprobe it then try sound again or just reboot and it should work.
    moonswan.  snd_intel8x0 is the sound card (I think), in the alsa wiki it said it was recommended to blacklist snd_intel8x0m as a quirk fix. 
    No sound with or without it blacklisted still :-(

  • Adobe media encoder error in photoshop

    Hi everyone!This morning i have tried to render a video timelapse in photoshop but it showed to me an error which says:''Could not complete the render video command because of a problem with Adobe Media Encoder''.Could anyone tell me how can i fix this error?

    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details like exact versions, render settings, details about the source files and so on.

Maybe you are looking for