Photoshop element 12 catalogue

I have an error showing up and I need help to fix my problem:
error said:   the request operatoin could not be completed because the catalogue is currently locked by another process.
Please, HELP  and I do not have an other catalogue open.

Which operation can't be run? Which OS and OS version ?
Things to try in the following order:
- check if you have a file still open in the editor
- re-try with the editor shut down
- closing the organizer and restarting
- re-booting the computer
If that does not work, we'll have to check if some background process like autoanalyzer, watched folders or automatic reconnecting are the reason of the message.

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    Please try couple of probable solutions as mentioned below:
    Solution 1:
    1. Close Elements.
    2. Launch the Photoshop Elements Welcome Screen and hold down ctrl + alt + shift as you click Editor.
    3. Continue to hold the keys until you see a message box asking if you want to delete Photoshop Elements settings file; click Yes. Elements will open with default preferences.
    Solution 2: In case any network printer is attached try to launch without network or printer uninstall or make different printer as default.
    Solution 3: Try launching with anti-virus off or removing PSE from conflicting list.
    Solution 4:
    On the drive on which you have installed PSE,on my machine it is on C:
    Go  to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements  10\Locales\<locale>\Plug-Ins\Import-Exportand you will find twain  plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere  else.
    Now launch PSE and check if it works.
    For related post for Twain please see this:

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    All the best,
    Seymour Remen

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    Please give a try to Photoshop Elements (PSE) knowledge base. steps mentioned on this and see if it works.

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