Physical channel choice .exe

I have built a .exe (and it's setup) for a data acquisition system. My problem is that depending on the computer it is installed, the physicall channel to read may change (not the ai, but the Device number; that is, Dev1/ai7 to Dev2/ai7, depending if there are any previous devices installed).
I want the user to be able to select the Physical channel, but, my problems come here: I cannot make the program 'wait' for the user to set the channel before starting the acquisition (it takes the default value, and gives an error since it won't match).
I have tried looping the whole program and using a case structure so that when the physical channel is selected then the user should press a button to start the acquisition, but then I get an error (sorry can't rememeber the code), saying something like 'Attemped to read samples that are no longer available... try increasing fs...'.
Any help?

Hi usuario, 
The other way of doing this is...
- you need min 1 spare terminal on your device
1) Scan your system for all H/W of type x (Product Type)
2) Scan specified lines on all devices you have just filtered out - get line status
3) Ensure that the H/W pull the input of the specified device up (out of default state) on selected channel.
You can now detect which if the device is attached, and programatically determine it's name - very difficult to simulate though.
Using boolean logic you can add more lines for more devices
1 line = 1 devices
2 lines = 3 devices
3 lines = 7 devices
Try coding up Phil's example and see what it does when you add new devices - simulated or real. You'll learn lots and see it's not that complicated really.
P.S. - You have a race condition in your code between the input and the property node, just wire the output of the physical channel straight into the string stuff. You could do it simpler as well, like this:
Edit: -correct spelling of a name
Message Edited by James W on 05-20-2010 10:33 AM

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    Hello Christophe,
    With the newer versions of NI DAQmx and NI MAX there was a choice made to go from the relatively limited VI Logger options to a more extensive form of configurable applications.
    For this purpose (and others) NI Signal Express was created, which allows you to configure applications with a limited amount of programming.
    To do similar (and more things) then you were used to do with VI Logger you can use NI SignalExpress
    This specific VI logger functionality for the creation of ""virtual channels" (step 5 to 10) through VI Logger Tasks (directly from inside NI MAX) however does no longer exist.
    This also more clearly seperates your Configuration Tools (like NI MAX) from your actual applications made with LabVIEW or SignalExpress.
    Would using NI SignalExpress be an option for you?
    Kind Regards,
    Thierry C - Applications Engineering Specialist Northern European Region - National Instruments
    CLD, CTA
    If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo.

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    Check out this KB.
    -Alan A.

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    Thank you for your answer!
    The point is, that this bug is independent from the code. DAQmx Physical Channel controls don't work even when I'm trying to use NI examples - for instance, Strain - Continuous; Voltage - Continuous, etc.
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    Thank you very much, I hope, that this information will be useful to solve this problem.
    Screen 1.PNG ‏87 KB
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    Screen 3.PNG ‏129 KB

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    Attachments: ‏18 KB

    You can use Measurement I/O>>NI-DAQmx>>Advanced>>DAQmx Utilities>>DAQmx Flatten Channel String, and DAQmx Unflatten Channel String.

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    NIPXIe-1082 chassis
    slot 1: PXIe-8133 Embedded Controller
    slot 2-3: PXIe-6363 X-Series Multifunction DAQ
    slot 4: TB-4353 32-Ch. Thermocouple
    slot 5: PXI-4496 Analog Inputs 16-ch
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    Windows 7
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    I need help, I'm desperate!
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    Thanks a lot

    You can configure IO Name Filtering by choosing the following option in the context menu:
    But you cannot select a certain device type there, but only certain device names (which is a huge difference).
    So the easiest way to accomplish your task is to define a name for your USB-9234 (like MyDevice) and then limit the selection to "MyDevice".
    You have to make sure, that each PC using the application as aware of "MyDevice". This setting is done in MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) and can be distributed with your application using the Application Builder (or manual export/import within MAX).
    hope this helps,
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    There really isn't a great way to do this. I've attached a zip file with a couple of VIs that might give you a an idea or two about how you might want to go about it. Hope one of these helps!
    -Alan A.
    Chanel ‏23 KB

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    physical channel  global virtual channel
    a0                       vtc00
    a0                       vtc01
    a0                       vtc02
    My questions are:
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    physical channel  global virtual channel
    a0                       vtc00
    a1                       vtc01
    a2                       vtc02
    2-How do I re-name/delete the global virtual channel, when it's not in the task?
    Thanks you for your time, Dylan
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks you Carisa for fast response, but that not the right answer I am looking for. 
    May be I did not make myself clear.  I attached two screenshots for example: On one screenshot, you will see bri00, bri01, bri02, bri03, bri04, bri05, bri06, bri07, bri08, bri50 on the virtual channel tab, however you won't see them display under NI-DAQmx Global Virtual Channel (second screenshot).  On the second screenshot, you only see bri00, bri01, bri02, bri03, bri04, the rest of bris do not display on here like they display on the virtual channel tab. 
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    Thanks again for your time, Dylan
    virtual-1.png ‏45 KB
    virtual-2.png ‏226 KB

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    Hello all,
    I am using "Dev1/port0/line4" (Physical channel constant) of my PXI-6602 as a digital input.
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    "Dev1/port0/line4". But the property node only accepts "Dev1/PFIx" (Terminal Constants) as inputs.
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    What is the best way of converting a "Physical channel" name to a "Terminal Name" ?

    Having faced the same problem, I think I can say why there is no mapping.
    Channels are for data aquistion, so actually a DAC, ADC, DO-Driver ...
    Terminals are used for timing (trigger) and internally routed. So a diffrent concept, and a diffrent circuit.
    Actually the same goes if you use analog triggering, you will have a different ADC (I found out because I got only 10-bit on a 18-bit M Series Device).
    My latest community nugget on producer/consumer design
    My current blog: A journey through uml

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    The NI 6733 is not yet support by NI-DAQmx. Thus, you will need to use Traditional NI-DAQ to program this device until this support is added. I would suggest that you examine the following Traditional NI-DAQ examples:
    Examples >> Hardware Input and Output >> Traditional DAQ >> Analog Output
    Good luck with your application.
    Spencer S.

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    I am trying to get the labview 10.0 working in opensuse 11.4. I installed the components and all of them seem to be working fine.
    The PCI card is also detected by labview. When I tpe lsdaq on the command line. I get the following output
    Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
    Found the following DAQ Devices:
    NI 6025E:    "Dev1"    (PXI8::15::INSTR)
    But when entering "Dev1/ai1" or "Dev1/ai0:3" in the DAQmx physical channel constant I get an error saying invalid channel name. How do I get rid of this error?
    Go to Solution.

    Hey Justin,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I am working with labview 10.0.
    I installed DAQmx 8.0.2 but it did not help. DAQmx is not ideally meant for labview 10.0  and probably that is the reason why it does not work.
    The installation also does not seem to go smoothly since it looks for support files from labview 8.6 and previous version which do not exist. I have attached the messages after installation of DAQmx.
    Let me know if you find some way out.
    DAQ_inst.txt ‏5 KB

  • Extract device from physical channel

    As always I want to do something absolutely trivial and am running into all sorts of issues
    I define (through a control) a physical channel that I want to take data on. I want to be able to programmatically reset the device the channel is on. i.e. i don't want someone to have to open up the code and change the device on the reset vi if necessary. Even if there is only one device physically connected, you can’t guarantee the device will be Dev1, because Labview keeps a history of devices that have been plugged in. The obvious solution – extract the device name from the physical channel control which contains the channel(s) you have selcted. Can I find a trivial way to do it, NO!  There is a property node called device but it does not (despite its name) return the device you have selected along with the physical channel.  There are convoluted ways of doing this, but i'm hoping there is some easy way. Suggestions
    Go to Solution.

    I think this might be the "trivial" way you're looking for: some string pattern matching and a simple
    regular expression to extract the device name prefix from a physical channel name.
    -Kevin P

  • Testing without physical channel

    I am developing a Labview VI to control a DC motor.
    I am using DAQmx and I will use the timing block and the create channel one.
    I would like to know if I could test the VI without having the physical channel like with a pulse generator (square waveform).
    Thank you very much,

    An encoder will generate voltage pulses and is linked to the acquisition card.
    I am developing the program but I don't have the encoder with me.
    If I link the square waveform to the "Create channel" block from DAQmx, it won't link.
    It will link if I wire the physical channel, witch is not with me.
    Thank you,

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