Pin number to pin alignment on 74ls107n

OK,  I give up.   I am trying to get the pin numbers to align with the top of the pins and when you move 1 pin number the opposite pin number moves the opposite way.   Given that the pin numbers are all misaligned,  they are useless for my students to use.
When Select all pin numbers and move them,  they still do not align.
Is it me or something I said that is making the symbol editor hate me?

Just to clarify. Are you trying to move the footprint pin name (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) or the symbol pin name (1J, 1Q, etc)?  Could you please attach a screenshot o have a better idea of the issue?
Also, what's your Multisim version?
Fernando D.
National Instruments

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    Hi Uday,
    You are making number as a string, by adding a character :) , so it will be displayed as string with space and not as number.

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    If you want to make it left aligned then change the Data type of the item to VARCHAR and you will be able to see the number in right align format.

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    Hello all!
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    sta-cy wrote:
    sorry to have bugged you.
    Seriously, if we didn't enjoy this stuff we wouln't be here. It's not like we even get T-shirts. :-P
    An awful lot of what I know and am able to pass on comes from having spent waaaaay to much time here reading about odd problems and trying to figure out ways to solve them. I'd never seen a requst like yours until the other day, but then up pops Joel with a similar story, and what do you know, this may not be such a strange thing to want at all. Hopefully your question, and the work we put into trying to find an answer, has not only helped you, but some other users who come along next week or next year.
    Everybody starts someplace and at some point in time. There's no shame in being a beginner, and less in asking for help when you need it, especially after you put in the effort you did on your own to try to find a solution. It's also true that some folks are more design oriented and others more process oriented, and that's just the way it is. This forum has many, many, followers who are expert in different areas of InDesign (even the engineers who write the program are not experts in all the various parts) and are here to share what they know as volunteers. You are always welcome here, especially when the question is as intersting as this one.

  • Printing 4 up 6x9 pages on 11x17 and not aligning up

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    Can someone tell me if I'm missing something here or what my layout is not setup.
    I appreciate it.
    Thank you.

    While Eugen is coorect about what I'm asking, his solution may not work on every printer. Even relatively expensive commercial printers like the Minolta BizHub series and similar products from other vendors don't have the same sort of sheet-to-sheet tolerance for alignment that yo will find with a printing press because they use differnt technology for moving the paper through the machine.
    It's not unusual to see drift through a long run of up to 3mm or .125 inch overall acros both the length and the width of the page when working with digital printing equipment. In general that's within the machine tolerance specifications (+/- 1.5 mm) for page-to-page registration, and the only thing you can do is design to account for the possibility and use margins large enough to hide a discrepancy.

  • ROWNUM does not return number

    I´ve watching many forums but haven´t seen anything about this matter. I have just a test table to create an interactive report. This interactive report has one text_item with a #ROWNUM# but is not returning the number when generating the HTML code.
    The sql from the interactive report region:
    select campo1, campo2, campo3, APEX_ITEM.TEXT(1, campo4, null, 5, 'class="miocampo4"', 'f01_' || '#ROWNUM#') micampo4
    from testThe generated html for the apex_item (a text item from a number column):
    <td  align="left" headers="MICAMPO4"><input type="text" name="f01" size="20" maxlength="5" value="20" class="miocampo4" id="f01_#ROWNUM#" /></td></tr>As you can see the ROWNUM is not returning its number. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
    RDBMS Oracle 11.1
    APEX 4.1.1.
    Edited by: user1748339 on 20-jul-2012 8:01
    Edited by: user1748339 on 20-jul-2012 8:55

    user1748339 wrote:
    I´ve watching many forums but haven´t seen anything about this matter. I have just a test table to create an interactive report. This interactive report has one text_item with a #ROWNUM# but is not returning the number when generating the HTML code.
    The sql from the interactive report region:
    select campo1, campo2, campo3, APEX_ITEM.TEXT(1, campo4, null, 5, 'class="miocampo4"', 'f01_' || '#ROWNUM#') micampo4
    from test
    The generated html for the apex_item (a text item from a number column):
    <td align="left" headers="MICAMPO4"><input type="text" name="f01" size="20" maxlength="5" value="20" class="miocampo4" id="f01_#ROWNUM#" /></td></tr>
    As you can see the ROWNUM is not returning its number. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.The substitution string<tt>#ROWNUM#</tt> substitution string is used in report templates.
    In a query use the standard SQL pseudocolumn<tt>ROWNUM</tt> pseudocolumn:
    select campo1, campo2, campo3, APEX_ITEM.TEXT(1, campo4, null, 5, 'class="miocampo4"', 'f01_' || to_char(ROWNUM, 'tm9')) micampo4
    from testAlways post code wrapped in <tt>\...\</tt> tags.

  • Need box to align to top

    Hi there. Just wondering if anyone has a quick minute to look
    at this page and tell me how to get the date number divs to align
    to the top of the table cell. I had it correct before but made some
    other changes: general clean up of html, a browser
    compatability/validation which came back with
    "Support for the top, text-top, middle, bottom, and
    text-bottom values of the CSS property vertical-align is
    incomplete; these values may not produce the intended effect.
    Affects: Internet Explorer 5.5; Internet Explorer for
    Macintosh 5.2"
    Not thinking I deleted it then realized it was needed, put it
    back in....
    Now it won't work, I have tried quite a few things and this
    is the second time it has happened.
    thanks in advance for your time.

    > Affects: Internet Explorer 5.5; Internet Explorer for
    Macintosh 5.2"
    Why are you even checking for these nasty things?
    And why are you using all those position:relative styles? On
    tags? Wow.
    Anyhow, just do -
    td {
    border: thin solid #B54221;
    /*position: relative;*/
    border-collapse: collapse;
    height: 100px;
    Did I ask why so many position:relative styles?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "jennlmont" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gomnst$4a4$[email protected]..
    > Hi there. Just wondering if anyone has a quick minute to
    look at this
    > page and
    > tell me how to get the date number divs to align to the
    top of the table
    > cell.
    > I had it correct before but made some other changes:
    general clean up of
    > html,
    > a browser compatability/validation which came back with
    > "Support for the top, text-top, middle, bottom, and
    text-bottom values of
    > the
    > CSS property vertical-align is incomplete; these values
    may not produce
    > the
    > intended effect.
    > Affects: Internet Explorer 5.5; Internet Explorer for
    Macintosh 5.2"
    > Not thinking I deleted it then realized it was needed,
    put it back in....
    > Now it won't work, I have tried quite a few things and
    this is the second
    > time
    > it has happened.
    > thanks in advance for your time.
    > Jen

  • FCS and alignment erros

    What is the difference between FCS errors and alignment erros ? Both have a bad CRC ?

    "An Alignment Error indicates a received frame in which both are true:
    * The number of bits received is an uneven byte count (that is, not an integral multiple of 8)
    * The frame has a Frame Check Sequence (FCS) error.
    Alignment Errors often result from MAC layer packet formation problems, cabling problems that cause corrupted or lost data, and packets that pass through more than two cascaded multiport transceivers.
    Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Errors, a type of CRC, indicate that frames received by an interface are an integral number of octets long but do not pass the FCS check. The FCS is a mathematical way to ensure that all the frame's bits are correct without having the system examine each bit and compare it to the original. Packets with Alignment Errors also generate FCS Errors.
    Both Alignment Errors and FCS Errors can be caused by equipment powering up or down or by interference (noise) on unshielded twisted-pair (10BASE-T) segments. In a network that complies with the Ethernet standard, FCS or Alignment Errors indicate bit errors during a transmission or reception. A very low rate is acceptable. Although Ethernet allows a 1 in 108 bit error rate, typical Ethernet performance is 1 in 1012 or better.
    A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Error is an RMON statistic that combines "FCS Errors" and "Alignment Errors". These errors indicate that packets were received with:
    * A bad FCS and an integral number of octets (FCS Errors)
    * A bad FCS and a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Errors)
    CRC Errors can cause an end station to freeze. If a large number of CRC Errors are attributed to a single station on the network, replace the station's network interface board. Typically, a CRC Error rate of more than 1 percent of network traffic is considered excessive."
    for more infos:

  • What's the best external dvd drive (including Mac software) for an iMAC

    Would like to know.

    Assembly of External Drive Solution
    1) Take out the optical drive (DVR-112D-BK) from its box, and slide it into the tray mechanism, and align the black plastic facia (the front of the drive) with the front edge of the case so it's a flush fit, so it looks like it belongs there. There are 4 small phillips head bright, polished screws in the kit...put those aside for now, but you'll use those to fasten down the drive in the tray after everything's buttoned up
    2) Attach the 40-pin/80-wire ATA/100 cable to the drive. It *only goes on one way*, as you'll see a notch at the top that fits into the notch in the back of the can't install it but one way, the right way. BE CAREFUL to not bend those pins, and get all 40 pins aligned before you push it on. Secure it well, pushing it *all the way in*; it has to be 100% onto the pins.
    3) Attach the power Molex connector to the drive; it also only fits one way. Once again, push it in *all the way* so it "snaps" a'll feel it do that, and then it's secure.
    4) Attach the 4-pin sound board pigtail to the small 4-pin slot, to the LEFT of the ATA/100 connector/cable. It can be fitted either way, but be sure to fit it with the notch on the pigtail toward the left side of the drive
    5) Make sure that everything's hooked up, and do a final alignment of the drive in the tray (it should move in the tray with a little force from your thumbs, easily), again making the front aligned with the front of the case, so it looks OEM nice.
    6) Now use those 4 phillips screws to secure the drive onto the side of the tray. Don't overtighten the screws! Just a snug torque is good.
    7) Take the silver case cover and slide it over the tray, until it's snug with the back of the tray. It should be *perfectly aligned* and fully compressed so there's no gap between the case and the careful closing the tray on the LED's power wires by the way...just tuck them inside of the tray so when you close it the thing doesn't get in the way.
    Finally) Use those two long black screws to secure the tray and the case aluminum cover through the two holes *in the back of the tray*, and again...*don't overtighten those screws!*...just a snug torque is all that's needed.
    You're done!
    Now hook it up to your Mac via FireWire, and do an Apple System Profiler report and *make sure it's supported* by your System: highlight "Disc Burning" and see if it says "Apple Shipped/Supported" in the right display window, which it will say if you're using 10.4.3 or higher. If you're running Panther 10.3.9 you have to use Patchburn.
    Basically, what PatchBurn does, is generate a new System Profile for the optical drive in question, and it does so for a huge variety of drives, not just Pioneer drives. Once the profile is in your System, simply restart your Mac, and Viola! Instantly your new drive will be available to work with all the iApps, that is iTunes, iMovie, iDVD etc, and it will be integrated with all Finder functions also. That means the drive will then function with Disk Utility's "Burn" commands in all applications, and Disk Utility itself.
    Please don't worry if you try to use your new drive combo and it doesn't work, or isn't recognized by your Mac...just do the above procedure with PatchBurn v3.x for 10.3.x, or v4.x, for 10.4.x, and all will be fine!

  • Trouble with Mini PCIe Slot on X220

    After years of not going for a mSATA SSD due to cost, I finally took the plunge & bought a Plextor 256Gb M5 series mSATA SSD. Upon trying to install it earlier today it just wouldn't fit, no matter what angle I tried. On closer inspection the reason became apparent: 2 of the slot pins/grooves (if that's what you call them) had collapsed down into the gap through which the drive was meant to fit, & wouldn't budge at all.
    Given that I didn't check the slot before initially trying to insert the drive I don't know if it was of my doing, but I highly doubt it. I'm now left with an expensive (for me anyways!) piece of hardware that I was really looking forward to, just lying in it's box.
    I was wondering if anyone had some advice as to what I should do next with regard to fixing the problem e.g. is there anyway of fixing/replacing the slot myself (apologies if that's a foolish/idiotic comment, I'm happy to tinker with my gadgets but certainly no expert) or do I need to get a professional involved?
    Any advice would be hugely appreciated. Many thanks.

    It is a bit hard for me to tell from the photo, but it appears that two pins on the top row near the ends are the ones you are talking about.  Is that correct?
    If the unit is still under warranty, I would suggest checking with Lenovo support and see what suggestions they might have.
    Otherwise... have you tried gently trying to lever them up using a toothpick (or other relatively soft non-metallic object)?  If so, did that allow you to get the pins aligned correctly?
    Aryeh Goretsky
    I am a volunteer and neither a Lenovo nor a Microsoft employee. • Dexter is a good dog • Dexter je dobrý pes
    S230u (3347-4HU) • X220 (4286-CTO) • W510 (4318-CTO) • W530 (2441-4R3) • X100e (3508-CTO) • X120e (0596-CTO) • T61p (6459-CTO) • T43p (2678-H7U) • T42 (2378-R4U) • T23 (2648-LU7)
      Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • UMI-7764 with Simudrive 611 Universal

    Hi there,
    we`re currently trying to connect a NI UMI-7764 to a 1-axis motion system controlled by a Siemens Simudrive 611 controller.
    We would be glad to find anybody providing information on how to connect both these interfaces, regarding pin alignment and/or available options.
    Thanks, Ulrich 

    Wow, that's a manual! Almost 1000 pages...
    I hope you understand, that I can't work through this huge manual, so I'll give you some general hints:
    Don't forget to connect an externl +5 V power supply to the UMI-7764.
    Connect the AOUTx to the +/- 10 V input of the drive
    Connect the encoder signals (ENCAx, ENCBx,...) to the appropriate outputs of the drive. Please note, that the phase relation of Phase A and B are not standardized, so you may need to change the polarity of the phases in NI-MAX.
    Connect the INHOUTx to an ENABLE input of the drive. This allows the NI motion controller to turn off the power of an axis completely if necessary.
    Connect the limit switch inputs (FWDLIMx, HOMEx, REVLIMx) to mechanical limit switches if applicable.
    These are the most important connections. Please refer to the manuals of the drive and the motion controller to find out, if the voltage levels are compatible.
    Here are some more general pieces of advise:
    Use the drive in torque mode. This makes tuning easier.
    Here you can find help for tuning your system.
    I hope this helps,
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments

  • Vertical line issue in SAP Script main window

    Hi All,
    I want to draw a vertical line in my main window in SAP Script output.
    But problem is in main window i am printing some texts at the beggining then i am printing line items.
    So this is not fixed line (box). It may increase/decrease based on text available before line items.
    How can i manage this prining vertival line as i don't know height, top of this line!
    Thanks in advance.

    Hai Deep,
    Use Elements as suggested by Kodarapu.
    Now goto Paragraph Formats create a format for Item lines.
    Name Paragraph Format as 'IL' Now click on the Push Button "Tabs" on bottom Right.
    now in "Tab Position" enter the spacing that you need for your item dispaly
    Number     Tab position       Alignment
    1               6.00   CH          LEFT
    2               25.00  CH         LEFT
    3               54.00  CH         LEFT
    The above example is for 3 items
    Now in your Script Windows-> Main
    do the following.
    /E           ITEM_LINE_A
    IL           &EKPO-EBELP&,,&EKPO-EMATN&,,,,&EKPO-TXZ01&
    Hope it SOlves your Issue.

  • How best to include additional on-page info (*as well as*) page numbers in a Table of Contents?

    Hi all -
    I'm creating a directory / listings document. At the end of the publication, I need to create a "quick reference" section - with an alphabetised listing of each entry, some key info from each entry, and the page number for each entry.
    I've created a unique paragraph style for each of the lines that I need to include here - so the Table of Contents is picking them up successfully.
    However, I'm struggling to style the outputs of the Table of Contents the way I need: I want a tab between each of the included paragraph styles that are returned for each entry, and then a line return at the end.
    First Hotel name -> Star Rating -> Number of Bedrooms -> etc etc
    Second Hotel name -> Star Rating -> Number of Bedrooms -> etc etc
    Instead of…
    First Hotel name
    Star Rating
      Number of Bedrooms
    Second Hotel name
    Star Rating
      Number of Bedrooms
    Any suggestions?
    One important point to note - I'm using CS5.5… an upgrade is in my future, but I want to finish this project first! (Don't want to switch mid-stream.)

    Thanks. I went there and bulleted align by decimal, but it didn't work on the page. For one thing, when I highlight that page, for some weird reason the numbers from 9 up DO NOT HIGHLIGHT. !  Only the text following those numbers highlight, altho all the other numbers and text following 9 highlight!
    Don't know why it would have this weird situation! Seems like a flaw in the design.
    I tried moving the little blue cursors above, but I'd need to move it half a step either way to bring those one-digit number decimals in alignment with the rest. For some reason the cursors will ONLY move a full step! So they're out of alignment no matter what I do. Darn!
    gemsandbeyond at aol dot com

  • Date and Time text format

    Hello, I am working with a .csv file that i extracted from a SCADA. When I convert that file into excel 2013, all of the dates become unusable. It appears like the dates have become text. I have tried to convert the date columns into the date format from
    the conversion wizard, leave them in the general format, but it stays the same.
    The problem with the solutions I have found so far browsing the internet is that my date format appears like this: 06/06/2014 12:58:37 p.m., and no one has given any solution for this kind of format.
    Another issue I am facing is that since it is a file extracted from a SCADA I have at least 5000 registers and the width of the file can go from A to AZ, where half of the columns are dates.
    If anyone can help me with this, I would be very grateful

    Re:  a date or something
    A number/date will align right in a cell.  If your "Date" aligns right then just change the cell number format to meet your needs.
    If Excel is treating the cell contents as text (aligned left in cell) then...
    It appears as if the punctuation (dots) in the "p.m." suffix makes Excel read the entry as text.
    Removing all dots can be done using Edit/Replace or whatever it is called in xl2013.
    That may be enought to change the entries to dates.  If not you then have to...
    1.   Change the number format of the cells to the appropriate date format.
    2.   Force the conversion of the cells to a number/date.
         (enter 1 in an empty cell, copy the cell, select the data, use Paste Special (with the 'Multiply' option check marked)
    Jim Cone
    excel Date Picker add-in (free - no ads, no trackers, no cookies, no registration)
    After Installing, Right-click Any Cell

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