PL/SQL portlet with images

We use a Portal Form to load images into the database. The field in the database is a BLOB. We do not know how to display the imagefield in PL/SQL. Can anyone explain to us how we can solve this problem?
Lene & Anniken :o)

procedure query_row(p_empno in varchar2 default null)
l_size integer;
l_imedia ordsys.ordimage;
l_tmpblob blob;
select emp_image into l_imedia
from imedia.imtest1 where
empno = p_empno;
if l_imedia.islocal() then
htp.p('Pragma : no-cache');
htp.p('Cache-control: no-cache');
htp.p('Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT');
htp.p('Content-length: '||l_imedia.getcontentlength());
htp.p('Content-length: 0');
end if;
end query_row;
This example retrieves data from ordsys.ordimage datatype.
But if you are storing the data in blob, alter the above code something like the following :

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    I suggest you look at the database services provider in the PDK which is an example provider showing how to do the basic things within a provider/portlet - like customise and edit defaults.
    You could also generate a provider using the pl/sql generator - that will produce code that you can use as a starting point for your development.
    Basically you have to add code to the show procedure of the portlet to render a different page if the mode is 'MODE_SHOW_EDIT_DEFAULTS'. Look in the samples - it should be clear.
    Hope this helps.

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    PL/SQL portlets can (and should) utilize the wwui_api_portlet user interface portlet API package to render the portlet content. For additional font classes (not availble through the API) you can simply generate the appropriate HTML output using PL/SQL Web Toolkit (htp.p).

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    Yes, it has is_runnable function and it looks like this :
    function is_runnable
    p_provider_id in integer
    ,p_reference_path in varchar2
    return boolean
    If p_reference_path is null the caller may be the provider
    framework (i.e. the Refresh operation of the Portlet
    if (p_reference_path is null) then
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    security mechanism.
    This security mechanism checks if the current user is logged
    on or just accessing the portal through the public account.
    if (wwctx_api.is_logged_on) then
    return true;
    return false;
    end if;
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    a security check against the portlet instance.
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    instances is null so true is returned. Returning this value
    indicates that all users have access to this portlet instance.
    return true;
    end if;
    end is_runnable;
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    Not sure. I'll look into it. In the meantime, you may get a faster response if you repost your question to the Portal Caching forum. A lot more Portal expertise there.

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    Here's the code from Helloworld_Portlet example:
    procedure show
    p_portlet_record wwpro_api_provider.portlet_runtime_record
    l_portlet wwpro_api_provider.portlet_record;
    if (not is_runnable(
    p_provider_id => p_portlet_record.provider_id
    ,p_reference_path => p_portlet_record.reference_path)
    ) then
    raise wwpro_api_provider.PORTLET_SECURITY_EXCEPTION;
    end if;
    Retrieve the portlet information.
    l_portlet := get_portlet_info(
    p_provider_id => p_portlet_record.provider_id
    ,p_language => p_portlet_record.language
    if (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_SHOW) then
    if (p_portlet_record.has_title_region) then
    Draw the portlet header and specify what links are available
    from that header (i.e. details, customize, help, and about).
    The has_title property is set at the page region level.
    p_provider_id => p_portlet_record.provider_id
    ,p_portlet_id => p_portlet_record.portlet_id
    ,p_title => l_portlet.title
    ,p_has_details => true
    ,p_has_edit => true
    ,p_has_help => true
    ,p_has_about => true
    ,p_referencepath => p_portlet_record.reference_path
    ,p_back_url => p_portlet_record.page_url
    end if;
    Draw the portlet borders.
    The has_border property is set at the page region level.
    Display the content of the portlet in the show mode.
    Use the wwui_api_portlet.portlet_text() API when
    generating the content of the portlet so that the
    output uses the portlet CSS.
    p_string => 'Hello World - Mode Show'
    ,p_level => 1
    if (p_portlet_record.has_border) then
    end if;
    elsif (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_SHOW_ABOUT) then
    Display the about page for the portlet.
    htp.p('Hello World - Mode Show About');
    elsif (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_SHOW_EDIT) then
    Display the edit page for the portlet.
    htp.p('Hello World - Mode Show Edit');
    elsif (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_SHOW_HELP) then
    Display the help page for the portlet.
    htp.p('Hello World - Mode Show Help');
    elsif (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_SHOW_EDIT_DEFAULTS) then
    Display the edit defaults page for the portlet.
    htp.p('Hello World - Mode Edit Defaults');
    elsif (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_SHOW_DETAILS) then
    Display the details page for the portlet.
    htp.p('Hello World - Mode Show Details');
    elsif (p_portlet_record.exec_mode = wwpro_api_provider.MODE_PREVIEW) then
    Display the preview page for the portlet.
    htp.p('Hello World - Mode Show Preview');
    end if;
    end show;
    I think you need to add this:
    You can get the values of your html-form with this command:
    v_hidden_1 varchar2(256);
    v_hidden_2 varchar2(256);
    v_hidden_1 := wwpro_api_parameters.get_value('name_of_hidden_1_in_html_form','p');
    v_hidden_2 := wwpro_api_parameters.get_value('name_of_hidden_2_in_html_form','p');
    You can get the actual URL with this command:
    v_url := p_portlet_record.page_url;
    Hope that helps.

  • Keeping pl/sql portlets state...

    I'll keep this as short as possible :)
    On my Portal I have one pl/sql menu/navigation-portlet and one or more java portlets.
    The menu portlet expands end extracts depending on where you click.
    The menu knows its own state (the way it is extracted) by posting parameters (id's) whenever it's clicked on.
    Url example:
    By getting the parameters above the menu can restore/reload its own state.
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    When the user navigates to a page where I have a java portlet, the menu is extracted a certain way.
    My javaportlet has navigation on itself.
    When the user navigates by clicking a link on the java portlet the menuparameters are lost because the javaportlet can't see them, thereby the menus state is lost and "closed".
    I find it very awkward/clumsy to put "menulogic" on all portlets in order to be able to keep the state of the menu.
    The menuparameters must always be present somehow so that the menu knows how to restore its state!!!
    Public parameters perhaps? (how do I make the parameters public for a pl/sql portlet?)
    Any hints on how to solve this?

    You would need to generate MobileXML from the portlet if it has to work with mobile devices. There is no automatic conversion from a regular portlet to a mobile portlet simply because the layout issues are vastly different on each mobile browser. However, you would only need to specify content in MobileXML once and this should work with most mobile browsers including WAP/WML, CHTML, TinyHTML etc. and cover most devices including PocketPC, Palm, Symbian etc. For the exact details of mobile-enabling a portlet, please refer to the Portal documentation. For advanced details on writing content for a mobile portlet, please see the wireless developer's guide.

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    You would need to generate MobileXML from the portlet if it has to work with mobile devices. There is no automatic conversion from a regular portlet to a mobile portlet simply because the layout issues are vastly different on each mobile browser. However, you would only need to specify content in MobileXML once and this should work with most mobile browsers including WAP/WML, CHTML, TinyHTML etc. and cover most devices including PocketPC, Palm, Symbian etc. For the exact details of mobile-enabling a portlet, please refer to the Portal documentation. For advanced details on writing content for a mobile portlet, please see the wireless developer's guide.

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    Attachments: ‏51 KB

    TimeWaveZero wrote:
    Just use the Array to spreadsheet string and insert the array, then retrieve with Spreadsheet string to array. 
    This is a lossy conversion that does not allow recovery of the identical DBL array due to limitations in the decimal formatting. Not the same! It is also significantly less efficient.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Try creating your portlets as java providers using jdbc instead of in PL/SQL.

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