Playing 20 bit or higher audio from CD directly

Will my revision A imac G5 play 20 bit audio CD's at 20 bits or does it downgrade them to 16 bit. I use the fiber optic audio out to my receiver and have good speakers. Can iTunes import 20 bit audio files as 20 bit? What do you think of apple lossless at 700kbs compared to 1.6 mps of uncompressed audio or even 20 bit? It is like computers have drifted away from audio quality to save disk space but hard drives are getting bigger and bigger so this shouldn't be an issue anymore! Internet speeds are up also, mine is 15mps a second and can download large files very fast but can't find high quality audio on the internet that is near 20 bit.

Hi Paul Riley-
I am a conspiracy theorist nut-case for sure, but I have been convinced that MP3 technology was a corporate scam from day one intended to dumb-down the ears, but don't get me started (;>)
These old ears still prefer the dynamic range of reel to reel tape.
These type of things you ask are driven by consumer demand. I think it is old dudes like myself that will eventually drive the market towards something a little more "pure".

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class MediaPanel {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Movie Player");
        static Player player = null;
        public MediaPanel(){
            try{ // method using URL
                URL url=new URL("file",null,"c:\\temp\\A.mpg");
                player = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(url);
            } catch( Exception e) {
                System.out.println(" Unable to create the audioPlayer :" + e );
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            frame.getContentPane().add( control, BorderLayout.CENTER);
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                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
            frame.setSize( new Dimension(600,600) );
        public static void stop(){
        public static void main( String args[]){
            MediaPanel panel = new MediaPanel();

    use this code "Component control = player.getVisualComponent(); "
    instead of this code " Component control = player.getControlPanelComponent();"
    But if you want show both of them, modify as following
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    Component control2 = player.getVisualComponent();
    then add the two control (control1 & control2 ) to your JFrame panel

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    DTS Studio Sound
    DTS Inc.
    Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit
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    Integrated Device Technology Inc.
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    audio.png ‏6 KB
    test2.png ‏7 KB
    specs.png ‏16 KB

    Can you check the full model and part number from the laptop?
    - Peter

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    DTS Inc.
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    Sound Driver
    Integrated Device Technology Inc.
    Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit
    IDT audio driver has newer release date, but the driver version is the same as the 2013 one..
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    I see that the option called “give exclusive mode applications priority” has been checked.
    Usually different applications and programs can access the sound card simultaneously.
    For example: you can hear the sound in game, while you can run your own music via an external player.
    This is prevented with these options “give exclusive mode applications priority”.
    Maybe you should disable (uncheck) this option to prevent the different applications for using this exclusive mode stream.
    I did it for my DAC. I set the DAC for exclusive mode. Once my audio playback software starts to play music, no other software is able to share the DAC.
    However, I use Win 7 and Realtek sound driver… It’s another configuration.
    So it’s not known to me if your issue is related Win 8.1 system or maybe limitation of sound driver… it could be also possible that one of your sound applications don’t allow multiple sound streaming.

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    Sounds like a bad battery.  You'll need to bring the phone into Apple for evaluation.
    I'm sure you've been using your phone as designed and properly backing up your data, so you should have minimal, if any data loss should the phone need to be replaced.

  • Audio from inserted video keeps playing on next slide

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    unfortunately keeps playing if I advance to the next slide. If I go
    once slide further ahead, the audio from the video stops. Has
    anyone else encountered this problem? It's driving me crazy!

    Hi Doc!
    I actually ran into the same situation...not with a video
    clip, but with a basic flash animation that had audio in it. I'm
    not suggesting that the following will definitely work for you, but
    it might be worth taking a look at:
    Any audio that's set to "Event" while editing in Flash will
    continue to "stream" , even while navigating between slides. In
    most cases that I've seen (from my experience), audio will stop if
    the offending slide is placed immediately before a question slide.
    I realize that might not be practical in every case, so....
    1. Make sure that audio sync settings in flash are set to
    "Stream". What this does is effectively kill off any audio once you
    navigate away from the slide that has the embedded flash on it.
    2. you can always add a stopAllSounds(); method in flash, but
    that's not highly recommended
    UNLESS your content slide (with the offending flash object )
    comes immediately before, or within a range of question slides.
    Again, this too might not be entirely practical based on what
    you're trying to do.
    I realize that might not help, but as I said, it might be
    worth taking a look at how you're incorporating your video.

  • Audio from one clip plays in preview, not on burned DVD

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    Can't thank you enough for taking the time to hazard a guess about my problem.
    I'm a real newbie with regard to video editing, so not conversant with much of the language, but all of the movie's clips were recorded in 16-bit stereo and the resulting DVD was played back through my television, which is a widescreen playing through its own speakers. I think the pertinent information, however, is that everything in the movie plays perfectly with the exception of this one clip, which was produced in exactly the same way as the rest of the movie. The one difference is that we used a different microphone for this clip. But again, this clip, like the rest of movie, plays fine when being previewed in the computer. Go figure.

  • Audio from video clips not playing

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    If your audio is 32 bit, then it's not 16 bit.
    You audio will need to match your sequence settings. You are likely looking for audio to be 48Khz/16bit
    Take the offending piece of audio and export it with the appropriate settings to match your sequence.
    1 Select your sequence, then choose Sequence > Settings.
    2 Check the sample rate of the sequence in the Audio Settings area of the General tab,
    then click OK.
    3 Select the offending audio clip in the Browser that you want to convert to a new sample rate.
    4 Choose File > Export > Using QuickTime Conversion.
    5 Choose AIFF from the Format pop-up menu.
    6 Click Options.
    7 In the Sound section of the Movie Settings dialog, click Settings.
    8 In the Rate pop-up menu, choose the sample rate of your sequence, then click OK.
    Make sure the size is kept at 16-bit.
    9 Click OK.
    10 Choose a new name and location for the new file, then click Save.
    Once the conversion is complete, you need to import the new media file into
    Final Cut Pro.
    11 Import the newly converted audio media file, and use that as the audio portion of your clip.

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    just to be clear, i am not trying to add audio. i am trying to leave the audio from ONE CLIP playing, while viewing a new frame. thanks.

    This is simple in iMovie 11 (drag and drop), but in iMovie 08, you can still do it.
    [See this blog post for details| l]

  • Process audio from mic and play it back. (What is wrong with my code?)

    Hi, I am trying to take the audio from the mic (at javasound://0), process it (add the JMF API sample plug in and then play the processed data source. The code I have so far is below.
    I am getting no errors - compiles fine - but nothing seems to be happening.
    The grand goal is to take the audio being captured from the mic and process it in real time using a plug in (not necessarily GainEffect) and also play it back (the processed audio) at the same time.
    Where am I going wrong? Thanks!
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class audioProcess {
         public static void main(String[] args){
              CaptureDeviceInfo audioCapDevInfo = null;
              Vector audioCapDevList = null;
              Vector plugIn;
              Player p;
              Processor pro = null;
              TrackControl[] tracks;
              DataSource ds;
              Vector plug;
              TrackControl audioTrack = null;
              AudioFormat audFormat = new AudioFormat(
              Format[] alinear=new AudioFormat[]{new AudioFormat(     AudioFormat.LINEAR,
            audioCapDevList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(audFormat);        
            if ((audioCapDevList.size() > 0)) {
                 audioCapDevInfo = (CaptureDeviceInfo) audioCapDevList.elementAt(0);
                audioCapDevLoc = audioCapDevInfo.getLocator();
            MediaLocator dest = new MediaLocator("javasound://0");  //take sound captured directly from microphone
                 PlugInManager.addPlugIn("GainEffect", alinear, alinear, 3);
                 plug = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(audFormat, audFormat, 3);
                 int vectorSize = plug.size();
                 if(plug.elementAt(vectorSize - 1).equals("GainEffect")){
                      plug.removeElementAt(vectorSize - 1);
                      plug.insertElementAt("GainEffect", 0);
                      PlugInManager.setPlugInList(plug, 3);
                 pro = Manager.createProcessor(dest);
                 pro.configure(); //must configure before call getTrackControls
                 while(pro.getState() != Processor.Configured);
                 tracks = pro.getTrackControls();
                 for (int i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++){
                      if(tracks.getFormat() instanceof AudioFormat){
                   audioTrack = tracks[i];
         //add plug in effect
              Codec codec[] = {new  GainEffect()};
         } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException e){
         while(pro.getState() != Processor.Realized);
         ds = pro.getDataOutput();
         p = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ds);
    catch(NoPlayerException e){
    } catch (IOException e) {

    Ok, I narrowed my code down to this. There doesn't appear to be any infinite loops in the code now, but perhaps I'm wrong? The processor is realizing, and I am creating a player with the data source output from the processor, yet there still is nothing playing... which leads me to think that there is something wrong with my plug in implementation or my processor creation. Do you have any ideas or points in the right direction?
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class audioCapture {
         public static void main(String[] args){
              MediaLocator audioCapDevLoc = null;
              CaptureDeviceInfo audioCapDevInfo = null;
              Vector audioCapDevList = null;
              Vector plugIn;
              Player p;
              Processor pro = null;
              TrackControl[] tracks;
              DataSource ds;
              Vector plug;
              TrackControl audioTrack = null;
              AudioFormat audFormat = new AudioFormat(
              Format[] alinear=new AudioFormat[]{new AudioFormat(     AudioFormat.LINEAR,
            audioCapDevList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(audFormat);        
            if ((audioCapDevList.size() > 0)) {
                 audioCapDevInfo = (CaptureDeviceInfo) audioCapDevList.elementAt(0);
                audioCapDevLoc = audioCapDevInfo.getLocator();
            MediaLocator dest = new MediaLocator("javasound://0"); //take signal from soundcard
                 PlugInManager.addPlugIn("GainEffect", alinear, alinear, 3); //register plug in
                 plug = PlugInManager.getPlugInList(audFormat, audFormat, 3);
                 int vectorSize = plug.size();
                 if(plug.elementAt(vectorSize - 1).equals("GainEffect")){ //take the last plug in
                      plug.removeElementAt(vectorSize - 1);
                      plug.insertElementAt("GainEffect", 0);
                      PlugInManager.setPlugInList(plug, 3);
                 pro = Manager.createProcessor(dest);
                 pro.configure(); //must configure before call getTrackControls
                 while(pro.getState() != Processor.Configured);
                 tracks = pro.getTrackControls();
                 for (int i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++){
                      if(tracks.getFormat() instanceof AudioFormat){
                   audioTrack = tracks[i];
    Codec codec[] = {new  GainEffect()}; //add plug in effect
         while(pro.getState() != Processor.Realized); //don't move on until realized
         ds = pro.getDataOutput();
         p = Manager.createRealizedPlayer(ds); //create a player using the data source from the processor
    catch (IOException e){
    catch (CannotRealizeException e){
    catch(NoPlayerException e){
    catch(UnsupportedPlugInException e){
    PS - sorry for the late reply.

  • I have a docking station to charge and play audio from my ipod touch 3rd gen.  Just bought a new ipod touch 5 th gen.  Is there a converter/ adapter available so I can continue to use my dock?

    I have a docking station to charge and play audio from my ipod touch 3rd gen.  Is there an adapter available for the ipod touch 5th gen so that I can keep using the old dock?

    Lightning  Adopters
    One of these adopters/cables should work: de=45

  • How to rip lossless high res audio from VIDEO_TS folder (DVD)?

    Freeware would be nice but I'll pay if I have to.
    I want to rip the audio from a DVD Video disc (not a DVD Audio disc - already got that covered).
    Let me be clear here so as to avoid all the lossy suggestions.
    I need to rip the full resolution audio to wav. If the DVD contains 24bit 96k audio, that's what I need in wav files with NO LOSS OF ANY KIND. 16/44.1 would not be OK. Don't even think of mentioning mp3.
    I've seen "DVD Audio Extractor" mentioned but can't find an OSX version.

    I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here in that I used to play in a band where occasionally the sound person would record the tracks and give us a CD afterward. Although we owned the music we still had to rip it from a CD to get it into another format.
    Klaus1 is correct if what you want to do is with a DRM protected DVD. I will go out on a limb since strictly according to the Terms of Use the "no discussing" clause applies only to discussions on working around DRM protection (but frankly often any mention of any kind of DVD gets the hosts agitated and may well get this whole topic removed; still, if they don't want any talk of DVDs period then they should say so in the TOU). MPEGstreamclip might be able to do what you need. Again, that will only work with non DRM protected DVD (your family home videos).
    By the way, just about any DVD audio is already in a compressed format, be it AC3 or other audio codec, so there is already loss in quality from a raw format such as AIFF or WAV. In analogy, even the highest bitrate MP3 or AAC file is not going to be identical to the original CD.
    Message was edited by: Limnos

  • No audio from HDMI output because High Definition Audio Driver cannot start (Envy 17 Quad)

    Ever since I first bought this laptop two months ago, the audio from the HDMI output has always been inconsistent. I remember it working a couple times, but there were more times when my audio driver didn't recognize that an HDMI cable was plugged in. Yes, I tried all the obvious: shutting down computer, checking disabled devices in Playback Devices, reinstalling drivers, etc. Now, when I plug an HDMI cable in, the video comes out fine but the IDT High Definition Audio CODEC does not recognize HDMI/my TV. The High Definition Audio Driver says it cannot start, but I could not reinstall nor find a download from HP's website. How can I get audio through HDMI to my TV??
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  • Streaming audio from my IPAD to my Apple TV from Rhapsody application.  when Apple TV go into Screen Saver mode, about 5 minutes after that it stops playing the Audio Stream and goes into Sleep mode.

    I am Streaming audio from my IPAD to my Apple TV from Rhapsody application.  when Apple TV go into Screen Saver mode, about 5 minutes after that it stops playing the Audio Stream and goes into Sleep mode.  I am using the Optical Out from the Apple TV to my receiver, the Apple TV is hard Wired to the Network, the IPAD is Wirelessly attached to the network (it continues to play the Audio Stream).  When the Apple TV is turned back on it resumes playing once I manual select it for output from the IPAD.  All device are on current releases of software.  I have no Video hooked up to the Apple TV.  How do I correct this?

    Intermittent problems are often a result of interference. Interference can be caused by other networks in the neighbourhood or from household electrical items.
    You can download and install iStumbler (NetStumbler for windows users) to help you see which channels are used by neighbouring networks so that you can avoid them, but iStumbler will not see household items.
    Refer to your router manual for instructions on changing your wifi channel or adjusting your multicast rate.
    There are other types of problems that can affect networks, but this is by far the most common, hence worth mentioning first. Networks that have inherent issues can be seen to work differently with different versions of the same software. You might also try moving the Apple TV away from other electrical equipment.

  • ITunes will not play audio from inserted cd

    I have been experiencing an issue with iTunes on my PC. It will not play any audio from inserted discs. This includes burned discs and commercial discs. When I attempt to play the music the song will stay highlighted briefly, about 2 sec., and then it goes directly to the next song on the disc. This continues through the disc to the end. I experience the same issue when trying to import the disc.
    I have tried removing the iTunes application and doing a fresh re-install, but I have the same issue.
    Also, this is on a PC, and I am able to open the disc's in question and play the content fine within Media Player.
    Any idea's on this would be greatly appreciated!
    Dell Latitude D410   Windows XP  

    Here is my Diagnostics log:
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Dell Inc. Latitude D410
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Current user is an administrator.
    Video Display Information:
    Mobile Intel(R) 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset Family
    Mobile Intel(R) 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset Family
    Connected Device Information:
    DiskDrive, FUJITSU MHV2040AH, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    DiskDrive, Apple iPod USB Device, Bus Type USB
    DiskDrive, SanDisk U3 Cruzer Micro USB Device, Bus Type USB
    CDROM, TSSTcorp CDRW/DVD TSL462C USB Device, Bus Type USB
    Check the Windows Update website to verify that you have the latest service packs and patches for your OS. Service packs affect the performance of USB and firewire CD / DVD drives.
    D: TSSTcorp CDRW/DVD TSL462C, Rev DE01
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 13 songs on CD, playing time 48:25 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 03:48:56
    Track 3, start time 07:49:53
    Track 4, start time 10:46:57
    Track 5, start time 14:11:62
    Track 6, start time 18:12:35
    Track 7, start time 21:35:67
    Track 8, start time 25:03:11
    Track 9, start time 28:05:61
    Track 10, start time 31:23:07
    Track 11, start time 35:01:65
    Track 12, start time 40:00:61
    Track 13, start time 44:30:26
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are: 4 8 10 16 20 24.
    The drive CDRW speeds are: 4.

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