Playing Media File

I want to be able to write to a media file and also play the media file at the same time while it is being written to. I tried it but it gave me an error.
Please how do i go about that

I am looking into this as well.
there are two approaches that I am considering:
I presume you want to read from the beginning of the file when it is about 10 mins long, but you will be recording for about an hour, as an example.
Close off the file and create a new one when you start playing..
or - a trickier solution....
Clone the datasource somehow so that there is a delay-buffer, allowing you to start playing from the beginning on the clone.
I am goning to attempt the latter first, as it seems more adventurous, but to be honest, under JMF, I don't think that it can be done.

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    Hello darksyde999r,
    What type of files are you trying to play? Where are these files coming from? Also here are supported media formats on the BlackBerry smartphone(make sure the encoding is correct):
    Thank you
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    The TC has no upnp.. no Apple device does.. Apple refused to join and went off in a huff, sat in the corner and created their own.. NAT-PMP.. which as you can imagine.. doesn't work with anything else but Apple stuff.
    So first issue.. no upnp but that isn't a biggie.
    SMB file protocol which the rest of the world uses.. has rules which Apple also breaks.
    Make sure your TC is setup with all short names. no spaces and pure alphanumeric.
    On the file sharing page of the airport utility.. (you may need to use 5.6 from Mac or Windows), ensure that you set a workgroup.. generally now WORKGROUP. And make sure you turn on the guest account to full read and write permissions.
    It would be good to ensure a normal windows computer can access the TC..
    In windows explorer type in the address bar
    \\TCname or \\TCIPaddress (where you replace with actual name or IP).
    I do not know the Argosy player but I will look it up.
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    Have you downloaded any apps?
    My son had this problem last week and it turned out he had download an app(rok tv) that was continuosly buffering as it couldnt load and this stopped the video or music being able to play..I conected it to my laptop removed the app rebooted and now it works fine..Maybe worth checking.


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    Message Edited by JIT on 02-12-2009 04:57 PM

    Here is the link with the formats supported, check if your items are supported​ayKC&docType=kc&externalId=KB05482&sliceId=1&docTy​...
    If I help you with any inquire, thank you for click kudos in my post.
    If your issue has been solved, please mark the post was solved.

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    Edited by: imtoocute on Aug 22, 2012 11:18 AM
    Edited by: imtoocute on Aug 22, 2012 11:19 AM
    Edited by: imtoocute on Aug 22, 2012 3:53 PM

    To allow playback on Windows XP, you need to install the correct software in addition to JavaFX.
    Once the system has been upgraded to meet the minimum requirements for playback of a particular type of video encoding, then playback should work fine.
    See the JavaFX Media portion of the JavaFX 2.2 System Requirements:
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    - use a 3rd party player like VLC.
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    I am looking into this as well.
    there are two approaches that I am considering:
    I presume you want to read from the beginning of the file when it is about 10 mins long, but you will be recording for about an hour, as an example.
    Close off the file and create a new one when you start playing..
    or - a trickier solution....
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    I tryed to use such method but an exception was raised: Cannot set media time on a unrealized controller
         at com.sabily.mualim.main.MediaFileDemo.loadMediaFile(
         at com.sabily.mualim.main.MediaFileDemo.<init>(
         at com.sabily.mualim.main.MualimStandalone.main(
    Exception in thread "main" Cannot set media time on a unrealized controller
         at com.sabily.mualim.main.MediaFileDemo.loadMediaFile(
         at com.sabily.mualim.main.MediaFileDemo.<init>(
         at com.sabily.mualim.main.MualimStandalone.main(
    below is the code related to playing media file:
    package com.sabily.mualim.main;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Panel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class MediaFileDemo extends JFrame{
         private Player player;
         Component center;
         Component south;
         private void loadMediaFile() {
              final Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              if (player != null) {
              try {
    //               player = Manager.createPlayer(new URL("file:C:/Nouveau dossier/e1_intro.wav"));
                   player = Manager.createPlayer(new URL("file:C:/mp3/001.wav"));
                   //player = Manager.createPlayer(new URL("file:D:/Film/Earth_Planet/Planet.Earth.EP08.Jungles/Planet.Earth.EP08.Jungles.avi"));
              } catch (NoPlayerException e) {
              } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
              } catch (IOException e) {
              ControllerListener listener = new ControllerAdapter() {
                   public void realizeComplete(RealizeCompleteEvent event) {
                        Component vc = player.getVisualComponent();
                        if (vc != null) {
                             contentPane.add(vc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                             center = vc;
                        } else {
                             if (center != null) {
                        Component cpc = player.getControlPanelComponent();
                        if (cpc != null) {
                             contentPane.add(cpc, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
                             south = cpc;
                        } else {
                             if (south != null) {
                        //setTitle("Lesson 1");
              player.setMediaTime(new Time(15));
         public MediaFileDemo() {
         public Player getPlayer() {
              return player;
         public void setPlayer(Player player) {
              this.player = player;
    Best Regards

  • Application crashes when I am simultaniously loading media file

    I am using JavaFx 2.2.3
    if I am simultaniously loading media file to MediaPlayer again and again after a while it reflect un-supported media file error message and then a JVM show a fatal-error message box and then application crashes.
    I donot understand what i am doing wrong.
    Please suggest if anu one knows.
    The code which i used for this as bellow.
    *public class Mp4Player {*
    private MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;
    private String mediaFileName = "";
    private MediaViewBuilder mediaViewBuilder;
    private MediaView mediaView;
    private PlayerResMgr ResMgr;
    private String snapShotFileName;
    private boolean mediaErrorOccured = false;
    private boolean playerErrorOccured = false;
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Mp4Player.class);
    *public Mp4Player(PlayerResMgr ResMgr){*
    this.mediaViewBuilder = MediaViewBuilder.create();
    this.ResMgr = ResMgr;
    *public MediaView loadMediaToPlayer(String sourceMovieFile){*
    *try {*
    String MEDIA_URL = new File(sourceMovieFile).toURI().toURL().toString();//("file:\\"+sourceMovieFile).replaceAll("\\", "/");//
    mediaFileName = new File(sourceMovieFile).getName();
    final Media media = new Media(MEDIA_URL);
    mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(media);
    mediaView =;
    *} catch (Exception ex) {*
    return mediaView;
    *public void setForwardingLevel(double forwardingLevel){*
    *public void playMedia(){*
    *try {*"Playing Medaia File "+mediaFileName);
    *if (mediaPlayer != null) {*;
    *} catch (Exception ex) {*
    log.error("Exception While playing media file ", ex);
    *} catch (Error er) {*
    log.error("Error While playing media file ", er);
    ** Pause media file.*
    *public void pause() {*
    *try {*"Inside HandlePause Button");
    *if (mediaPlayer != null) {*
    *} catch (Exception ex) {*
    log.error("Exception while Media-Player paused ", ex);
    *} catch (Error er) {*
    log.error("Error while Media-Player paused ", er);
    *public void stopMedia() {*
    *try {*"Inside HandleStop Button");
    *if (mediaPlayer != null) {*
    *} catch (Exception ex) {*
    log.error("Exception while stopping-Media file ", ex);
    *} catch (Error er) {*
    log.error("Error while stopping-Media file ", er);
    *public Duration getMediaCurrentTime(){*
    Duration currentTime = null;
    currentTime = mediaPlayer.getCurrentTime();
    return currentTime;
    *public void seekMediaPlayer(Duration seekDuration){*
    *public Duration getTotalMediaDuration(){*
    Duration totalDuration = null;
    totalDuration = mediaPlayer.getMedia().getDuration();
    return totalDuration;
    *public void playerStartTime(Duration startDuration){*
    *public void playerStopTime(Duration stopDuration){*
    *private void handleDefaultErrorEventOnMedia(final Media media) {*
    *if (media != null) {*
    *media.setOnError(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    *if (media.getError() != null) {*
    mediaErrorOccured = true;
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    final String errorMessage = media.getError().getMessage();
    *media.onErrorProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Runnable>() {*
    *public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Runnable> arg0, Runnable arg1, Runnable arg2) {*
    *if (media.getError() != null) {*
    mediaErrorOccured = true;
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    final String errorMessage = media.getError().getMessage();
    *media.errorProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<MediaException>() {*
    *public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends MediaException> arg0, MediaException arg1, MediaException arg2) {*
    *if (media.getError() != null) {*
    mediaErrorOccured = true;
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    final String errorMessage = media.getError().getMessage();
    *private void handleDefaultEventOnPlayer() {*
    *if (mediaPlayer != null) {*
    *mediaPlayer.setOnPlaying(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    *// if (stopRequested) {*
    *// mediaPlayer.pause();*
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    *// stopRequested = false;*
    *// } else {*
    *// playButton = "||";*
    System.out.println("Set On Playing method ");
    *mediaPlayer.setOnReady(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    *// mediaPlayer.setCycleCount(repeat ? MediaPlayer.INDEFINITE : 1);*
    *mediaPlayer.setOnEndOfMedia(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    *// if (!repeat) {*
    *// mediaPlayer.stop();*
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    *// stopRequested = true;*
    *// atEndOfMedia = true;*
    *mediaPlayer.setOnStopped(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    *if (mediaPlayer != null) {*
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    *// System.out.println("" + mediaPlayer.getStatus());*
    *// if (cutInDuration != null && cutOutDuration != null) {*
    *// timeSlider.setValue(cutInDuration.toMillis());*
    *// ResMgr.get_CNTResMgr().getEditorController().handleStopAction(null);*
    *private void handleDefaultErrorEventOnPlayer() {*
    *if (mediaPlayer != null) {*
    *mediaPlayer.onErrorProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Runnable>() {*
    *public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Runnable> arg0, Runnable arg1, Runnable arg2) {*
    *if (mediaPlayer.getError() != null) {*
    playerErrorOccured = true;
    final String errorMessage = mediaPlayer.getError().getMessage();
    String errorMessageStr = "Procedure contains incompatible video files and cannot be imported";
    *mediaPlayer.errorProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<MediaException>() {*
    *public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends MediaException> arg0, MediaException arg1, MediaException arg2) {*
    *if (mediaPlayer.getError() != null) {*
    *// movieRuning = false;*
    *// isError = true;*
    final String errorMessage = mediaPlayer.getError().getMessage();
    String errorMessageStr = "Procedure contains incompatible video files and cannot be imported";
    *mediaPlayer.setOnError(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    *if (mediaPlayer.getError() != null) {*
    *// movieRuning=false;*
    final String errorMessage = mediaPlayer.getError().getMessage();
    String errorMessageStr = "Procedure contains incompatible video files and cannot be imported";
    *mediaPlayer.setOnPaused(new Runnable() {*
    *public void run() {*
    System.out.println("On set On Paused Method ");
    *// if(movieRuning)*
    *// System.out.println("On set On Paused Method movieRunning == "+movieRuning);*

    hello again, i tryed repair again and i think i have fixed it , also i reduced the file size from HD to 1024x720 and it seams to be working good , i also exported to one of my external drives, but i think it might have been a problem with the main drive, so the repair seems to have sorted it out , thank you all for your help

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    Can any one help me please.
    Thx alot

    26-Jun-200708:08 PM
    trendkillsp wrote:
    The latest n73 firmware supports the H.264/AVC codec and the DivX codec... I use this codec to convert my movies without problems...
    Btw, the other 2 n73 phones that you used to play the video must have a new firmware, yours is too old!!
    You mean the latest FW lets N73 to play DIVX video files without installing any 3rd party software like smartmovie?

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    How can I write code in servlet for SEEKING FUNCTIONALITY.
    Thank U

    If you uncheck a movie by its name it won't get listed on the tv. So there isn't actually any need to give the two versions of the same movie a different name.
    So for the movie encoded for tv, check its name and it will appear on the tv.
    For the movie encoded for ipod, uncheck its name so it won't appear on the tv and add it to a playlist for syncing with your ipod.

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