Please comment on my bash script

Hi guys.
This is the first bash script I wrote (well - beyond really basic ones).
I run it from ~/.config/openbox/ and it is supposed to check whether I'm online and if I am - it starts several internet dependent apps I use. It works great, I would like to have your input though on how I could've done it better/differently.
Here it comes:
exec 10</sys/class/net/wlan0/operstate
while read LINE <&10; do
if [ $LINE = "up" ]; then
exec 10</sys/class/net/eth0/operstate
while read LINE <&10; do
if [ $LINE = "up" ]; then
if [ $STATE_IS = "online" ]; then
thunderbird &
liferea &
kadu &
skype &
transmission &
firefox3-bin &

Something like this would achieve the same result in a lot less?
/bin/egrep -q '^up$' /sys/class/net/wlan0/operstate && STATE_IS='online'
/bin/egrep -q '^up$' /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate && STATE_IS='online'
if [ $STATE_IS = "online" ]; then
thunderbird &
liferea &
kadu &
skype &
transmission &
firefox3-bin &

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  • Wrote a Gmail bash script

    I've always been using a python script for this. I found the curl command and decided to learn some bash and parse the output.  I'm pretty sure there's a better way of chaining the sed commands but for the life of me I wasn't able to get it to work.Comments and criticism please.
    #Script to check gmail
    #Needed packages :: curl,sed,grep
    #Created by Julian Gagnon
    #Setting the variable
    username="" #Input Gmail username here.
    #OBD (On Bash Display)
    echo "###############"
    echo "Gmail Bashified"
    echo "###############"
    echo " "
    read -p "Password : " -esr password
    echo " "
    curl -su "$username":"$password" -o /tmp/gmail.out # get the email and stick it in /tmp
    #Parse xml file
    grep -E "title|tagline|fullcount|summary|issued|name|email" /tmp/gmail.out \
    |sed '/<summary><\/summary>/d'|sed '/<link/d'|sed '/<\/fullcount>/ a\ '\
    |sed '/<\/email/ a\ '| sed -e :a -e 's/<[^<]*>/ /g;/</{N;s/\n/ /;ba;}'
    # Delete temporary email
    rm /tmp/gmail.out

    I've always been using a python script for this. I found the curl command and decided to learn some bash and parse the output.  I'm pretty sure there's a better way of chaining the sed commands but for the life of me I wasn't able to get it to work.Comments and criticism please.
    #Script to check gmail
    #Needed packages :: curl,sed,grep
    #Created by Julian Gagnon
    #Setting the variable
    username="" #Input Gmail username here.
    #OBD (On Bash Display)
    echo "###############"
    echo "Gmail Bashified"
    echo "###############"
    echo " "
    read -p "Password : " -esr password
    echo " "
    curl -su "$username":"$password" -o /tmp/gmail.out # get the email and stick it in /tmp
    #Parse xml file
    grep -E "title|tagline|fullcount|summary|issued|name|email" /tmp/gmail.out \
    |sed '/<summary><\/summary>/d'|sed '/<link/d'|sed '/<\/fullcount>/ a\ '\
    |sed '/<\/email/ a\ '| sed -e :a -e 's/<[^<]*>/ /g;/</{N;s/\n/ /;ba;}'
    # Delete temporary email
    rm /tmp/gmail.out

  • Simple Mencoder Bash Script

    I have an old PC that I use to play videos using mplayer. However, for some reason the graphics card can't handle a width resolution of more than 768 and I have a lot of hi-def videos. I currently have a .bashrc alias that converts the file and then I play it with mplayer using a second command (all over ssh of course :-P) but I would really like to have it all automated so I can type "play file.avi" and it'll convert and then play the file. Here are the commands I currently run:
    mencoder [file] -ovc lavc -oac pcm -vf scale=768:432 -o [outputfile]
    DISPLAY=:0 mplayer -cache 16384 -fs
    Does anyone have a similar script that they can share or help me write one that does this?

    Since I'm only learning bash scripting at the moment I took this as an opportunity to experiment with some things.  Here is a maxi (probably an overkill) version of the script.  It allows you to specify the directory where you want the converted file saved and after playback it asks if you want to delete the converted file or not.  It also allows you to specify mplayer and mencoder options to be used for conversion and playback.  I'm not sure if you'll find it useful, but I'll post it anyways.  If anyone has any comments or criticisms please let me know.
    # ****Configuration****
    # Enter the save directory here; if there is no value here the converted file
    # will be saved in the source directory. The correct format is "/aaa/bbb" --
    # leave the final slash out. Other options should be self-explanatory.
    MENCODER_OPTIONS="-ovc lavc -oac pcm -vf scale=384:216"
    MPLAYER_OPTIONS="-fs -ao alsa"
    # ****End of configuration****
    # Other variables
    # Check if the SAVEDIR exists
    if [ ! -z $SAVEDIR ] && [ ! -d "$SAVEDIR" ]
    echo "$SAVEDIR does not exist or is not a directory. Exiting...";
    exit 1
    # Play if converted file already exists, otherwise play after converting
    if [ -z "$SAVEDIR" ]
    if [ -f "$SCALED" ]
    mencoder "$1" $MENCODER_OPTIONS -o "$SCALED"
    if [ -f "$SCALED_SAVEDIR" ]
    mencoder "$1" $MENCODER_OPTIONS -o "$SCALED_SAVEDIR"
    # After playback is done ask if the file should be deleted
    while true
    echo -n "Would you like to delete the converted file? (y or n) "
    read CONFIRM
    case $CONFIRM in
    echo "You entered \"$CONFIRM\" -- the converted file will not be deleted."
    echo "Please enter only y or n"
    # Option to delete file was selected
    echo "You entered \"$CONFIRM\" -- deleting the converted file."
    if [ -z "$SAVEDIR" ]
    rm "$SCALED"

  • Best practice for migrating data tables- please comment.

    I have 5 new tables seeded with data that need to be promoted from a development to a production environment.
    Instead of the DBAs just using a tool to migrate the data they are insistent that I save and provide scripts for every single commit, in proper order, necessary to both build the table and insert the data from ground zero.
    I am very unaccustomed to this kind of environment and it seems much riskier for me to try and rebuild the objects from scratch when I already have a perfect, tested, ready model.
    They also require extensive documentation where every step is recorded in a document and use that for the deployment.
    I believe their rationale is they don't want to rely on backups but instead want to rely on a document that specifies each step to recreate.
    Please comment on your view of this practice. Thanks!

    Please comment on your view of this practice. Thanks!
    Sounds like the DBAs are using best practices to get the job done. Congratulations to them!
    I have 5 new tables seeded with data that need to be promoted from a development to a production environment.
    Instead of the DBAs just using a tool to migrate the data they are insistent that I save and provide scripts for every single commit, in proper order, necessary to both build the table and insert the data from ground zero.
    The process you describe is what I would expect, and require, in any well-run environment.
    I am very unaccustomed to this kind of environment and it seems much riskier for me to try and rebuild the objects from scratch when I already have a perfect, tested, ready model.
    Nobody cares if if is riskier for you. The production environment is sacred. Any and all risk to it must be reduced to a minimum at all cost. In my opinion a DBA should NEVER move ANYTHING from a development environment directly to a production environment. NEVER.
    Development environments are sandboxes. They are often not backed up. You or anyone else could easily modify tables or data with no controls in place. Anything done in a DEV environment is assumed to be incomplete, unsecure, disposable and unvetted.
    If you are doing development and don't have scripts to rebuild your objects from scratch then you are doing it wrong. You should ALWAYS have your own backup copies of DDL in case anything happens (and it does) to the development environment. By 'have your own' I mean there should be copies in a version control system or central repository where your teammates can get their hands on them if you are not available.
    As for data - I agree with what others have said. Further - ALL data in a dev environment is assumed to be dev data and not production data. In all environments I have worked in ALL production data must be validated and approved by the business. That means every piece of data in lookup tables, fact tables, dimension tables, etc. Only computed data, such as might be in a data warehouse system generated by an ETL process might be exempt; but the process that creates that data is not exempt - that process and ultimately the data - must be signed off on by the business.
    And the business generally has no access to, or control of, a development environment. That means using a TEST or QA environment for the business users to test and validate.
    They also require extensive documentation where every step is recorded in a document and use that for the deployment.
    I believe their rationale is they don't want to rely on backups but instead want to rely on a document that specifies each step to recreate.
    Absolutely! That's how professional deployments are performed. Deployment documents are prepared and submitted for sign off by each of the affected groups. Those groups can include security, dba, business user, IT and even legal. The deployment documents always include recovery steps so that is something goes wrong or the deployment can't procede there is a documented procedure of how to restore the system to a valid working state.
    The deployments themselves that I participate in have representatives from the each of those groups in the room or on a conference call as each step of the deployment is performed. Your 5 tables may be used by stored procedures, views or other code that has to be deployed as part of the same process. Each step of the deployment has to be performed in the correct order. If something goes wrong the responsible party is responsible for assisting in the retry or recovery of their component.
    It is absolutely vital to have a known, secure, repeatable process for deployments. There are no shortcuts. I agree, for a simple 5 new table and small amount of data scenario it may seem like overkill.
    But, despite what you say it simply cannot be that easy for one simple reason. Adding 5 tables with data to a production system has no business impact or utility at all unless there is some code, process or application somewhere that accesses those tables and data. Your post didn't mention the part about what changes are being made to actually USE what you are adding.

  • Sending email using bash script

    I am working on writing a bash script to notify one or more users by email of certain events. Run from the Terminal command line, and having the script "echo" text of (what would be) a form letter with in-line variable expansion (i.e., ${VARIABLE}), all seems to work as anticipated. Eventually, I want cron to launch this shell script, and send an email to an "on-subnet" user (I have postfix enabled on my Mac, and there are multiple local user accounts).
    I found some stuff on the web about sending mail from bash scripts, and so I made a small little test script, that reads like this:
    VARIABLE[1]="The 12,345 quick brown foxes "
    VARIABLE[2]="jumped over the 67,890 lazy dogs."
    mail -s "a test email" jv << EOF
    This is a test:
    This is the last line of the test message.
    echo "script completed"
    It worked... almost... It sent a local email to my postfix mail account that read like this:
    This is a test:
    The 12,345 quick brown foxes
    jumped over the 67,890 lazy dogs.
    This is the last line of the test message.
    echo "script completed"
    So, I have two questions. First, the easy one (I hope):
    How do I delimit the end of the text, that I want to be the message body of the email, from portions of the script that follow said email text?
    Next question is a little more involved. You know how, in, if you go to Mail Preferences>Accounts>Account Information, you can put multiple email addresses, comma-delimited, in the "Email Address" field? So, if a person entered "[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]" in this field, then, even though (s)he may be at home, and using their home ISP's mail server, (s)he could send an email apparently from either their home, work, or school email address. Of course, the mail headers clearly would show it came from and through their home machine and home ISP, but it would be displayed in the recipient's Mail client viewer as having come from one of [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].
    I'd like to do something similar here, whereby the email (that is being sent to one or more local users' postfix account on my computer) would apparently be sent from "watchdog@localhost" rather than from "jv@localhost" like it seems to do by default. Whatever account the script is run from (or presumbably, whose cron tab is launching the script) is what the "From" address is set to.
    I'd rather not create an additional mail account, because I am using Mac OS X built-in accounts for the postfix mailboxes (I don't want to have to maintain a plaintext username:password file in postfix, and I don't want to create an additional user account on the computer).
    So, is there a way to specify an alternate "From" username when invoking the mail -s ${SUBJECT} ${RECIPIENT} command in a bash script? Or is there a different, alternate mail command that will let me do so? (please include a description of syntax and how I'd package the above message text for the alternate method).
    Thanks in advance, all!

    Hi j.v.,
    The > after EOF is just a typo (or may be added by the Discussion ?) and you must delete it; other > are prompts from the interactive shell. Andy's post shows an interactive use of shell, not a shell script (note the shell prompt % in front of the commands). A typical use of here document may look like
    command <<ENDOFDATA
    There must be no spaces before and after ENDOFDATA. The word ENDOFDATA can be EOF or any other string which is guaranteed not to appear in the text (the .... in the example above).
    You can modify the From: header by using sendmail command (postfix has it as a compatibility interface):
    /usr/sbin/sendmail -t <<EndOfMessage
    Subject: test mail
    To: jv
    From: watchdog
    This is a test:
    This is the last line of the test message.
    There must be a blank line between the headers and the mail body.
    I assume that you send these mails only to users on your local Mac. Please do not send mails to remote users by using the sendmail command unless you know what you are doing completely.
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • Can't get conky-cli and bash scripts to both display in dwm statusbar!

    I'm trying to configure my dwm status bar to display some simple information using conky-cli and bash scripts. At first I tried just letting conky run the bash scripts (for network and volume state), but this increased my cpu usage by about 5%, which is significant considering I normally have 1-3% usage when idle. Also, I wanted to keep conky because it makes the display of certain information easy, such as cpu & RAM usage.
    The problem is I'm having trouble getting both to display side by side. Here are the relevant parts of my .xinitrc:
    iwconfig wlan0 2>&1 | grep -q no\ wireless\ extensions\. && {
    echo wired
    exit 0
    essid=`iwconfig wlan0 | awk -F '"' '/ESSID/ {print $2}'`
    stngth=`iwconfig wlan0 | awk -F '=' '/Quality/ {print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f 1`
    bars=`expr $stngth / 10`
    case $bars in
    0) bar='[-------]' ;;
    1) bar='[#------]' ;;
    2) bar='[##-----]' ;;
    3) bar='[###----]' ;;
    4) bar='[####---]' ;;
    5) bar='[#####--]' ;;
    6) bar='[######-]' ;;
    7) bar='[#######]' ;;
    *) bar='[--!!!--]' ;;
    echo $essid$bar
    exit 0
    vol=$(amixer get Master | awk -F'[]%[]' '/%/ {if ($7 == "off") { print "MM" } else { print $2 }}' | head -n 1)
    echo Vol: $vol%
    exit 0
    conky | while true; read line; do xsetroot -name "`$line` `volume` `network` `date '+%a %m-%d-%Y %I:%M%p'`"; done &
    exec dwm
    (let me know if it would help to post any other files)
    For some reason when I run this I only get the network/volume scripts and date running, updating every second (I think). The conky line just doesn't show up. I don't know what could be wrong, since I didn't see any error messages.
    An even better solution would be to just have shell scripts to display CPU and MEM usage. I have a dual-core cpu, cpu0 and cpu1. I'd like to see both percentages if possible, or at least a percentage that is an accurate average of the two or something. In conky-cli I have something that shows:
    cpu0/1: xx% xx%
    Also, seeing RAM usage would help a lot. In conky it shows:
    mem: xx% (xxxMB)
    These are the ways I would like to have bash scripts show them, if possible, but I have zero skill in bash programming. I made this an option in case it's easier/cleaner/less resource hungry than a conky solution. Personally, if they're about the same in these aspects, I would prefer something with conky and the shell scripts because conky is so extensible, yet it's only flaw is executing scripts with minimal resource usage.

    Thanks. I was thinking of using load average to save a few characters, but I didn't quite understand the numbers. I'll try that once I get to my Linux box, but could you please explain or post a link to something that explains load average (what's low, high, normal, etc.)?
    EDIT: I found a website that explains loadavg. I now have my dwm status bar displaying it perfectly (yay!). Now I just need to add a few more things like battery status, etc. and I might be done. I'll probably post here if I have more questions, though.
    Thanks for your help!
    Last edited by Allamgir (2009-07-18 14:41:11)

  • Bash script: Rotate your wallpaper and SLiM theme at the same time

    I've decided I should really thank Cerebral for his help with writing this script; this thank you should have been here from the get go.
    After writing:
    echo "Hello World!"
    I wrote a script to rotate my fluxbox background and SLiM theme at the same time, so I could have a contiuously changing background and still have a smooth transition from SLiM to fluxbox.  (It just looks so much cooler when both have matching backgrounds).  By the time you finish reading it, and configuring your box so it will work, you will probably have decided you could have writtin your own, better script to do the same thing.  But, on the off chance anybody finds use for it, here it is:
    (this should be obvious, but: don't run this script without at least reading the comments)
    #this is a script to rotate a number of backgrounds
    #to be shared by the fluxbox desktop and SLiM login manager.
    #it is the first meaningful script I've written. It may be
    #freely distributed and used with the understanding that you are
    #using it at your own risk.
    #Before running this script you need to check that your SLiM
    #themes are installed to the path /usr/share/slim/themes, which
    #is the defulat path for installation in Arch. Here are some
    #other things you need to set up:
    #1. create (if you don't have it) the directory /usr/share/wallpapers
    #2. create a wallpaper in /usr/share/wallpapers called 'dummy' by copying
    #you current wallpaper to that filename
    #3. set your window manager to display the wallpaper 'dummy', this works fine
    #using a style overlay in fluxbox, I haven't tested it with any other window
    #manager, but I don't see why this would cause a problem.
    #4. create a directory /usr/share/slim/themes/current, you can copy one of
    #your slim themes into that directory if you want. (this will prevent you
    #from seeing some error messages the first time you run the script)
    #5. define the names of the themes you want to rotate, in order for this
    #script to work, you must name them "themeNUMBER", where NUMBER is replaced
    #by an integer. Your themes must be numbered consecutively, start with 1
    # that is:
    #theme1 , theme2, theme3, etc. , theme305
    #If you don't number consecutively, this script will not run properly. You
    #must also define the total number of themes as "rotate_number"
    #6. Check if the script runs, if it does, you should change /etc/slim.conf to
    #use the theme "current"
    #7. This theme will now rotate your SLiM theme and wallpaper in such a way as
    #to make them match each other. Note that SLiM will not let you change themes
    #"on the fly", (as of July 6, 2008), so changes will not be apparent unless you
    #restart SLiM. I run the script before I run slim in my etc/rc.local local
    #script, so each time I reboot I get different wallpaper / login background.
    #Fred Drueck 2008
    #Define here all themes to be rotated and the total number of
    #themes to rotate:
    #check you are running this script as super-user:
    if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then
    echo "You must be the superuser to run this script" >&2
    exit 1
    echo "rotating themes"
    #figure out which theme is currently set, then name it as the variable
    #"last theme number", otherwise set last theme number as 0
    if [ -f /usr/share/slim/themes/current/current_theme_number ]
    echo "checking current theme"
    cd /usr/share/slim/themes/current/
    eval last_theme_number=$(cat /usr/share/slim/themes/current/current_theme_number)
    echo $last_theme_number
    echo "no theme is currently set, using theme 1"
    echo $1 > /usr/share/slim/themes/current/current_theme_number
    #set the new theme number
    eval new_theme_number=$(($(($last_theme_number % $rotate_number))+1))
    #select the new theme
    eval new_theme=\$$placeholder$new_theme_number
    echo $new_theme
    #now clean out the "current" theme where I keep the current
    #theme for slim
    rm /usr/share/slim/themes/current/background*
    rm /usr/share/slim/themes/current/panel*
    rm /usr/share/slim/themes/current/slim.theme
    #the wildcards are there since the themes use jpg and png files
    cp $new_theme/background* /usr/share/slim/themes/current
    cp $new_theme/panel* /usr/share/slim/themes/current
    cp $new_theme/slim.theme /usr/share/slim/themes/current
    #increase the theme number, but first clear the old file
    rm /usr/share/slim/themes/current/current_theme_number
    echo $new_theme_number > /usr/share/slim/themes/current/current_theme_number
    #copy over the dummy wallpaper in "/usr/share/wallpapers" (with the theme
    #background file
    cp $new_theme/background* /usr/share/wallpapers/dummy
    exit 0
    Last edited by pseudonomous (2008-07-07 21:59:42)

    oh i forgot to mention... its rotating while moving. i.e. is doesn't have to stop rotate and then continue back to origin.

  • /etc/rc.d/network: bash script: how to find out, if there was an error

    i want to write a bash script for my wireless lan. for this i need the information, if the network daemon has connected successfully or failed.
    but there is a big problem: starting network success' every time, whether there was an error or not:
    $ /etc/rc.d/network start
    :: Starting network profile: 00wlan_home [BUSY]
    Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
    SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device.
    :: Starting Network [DONE]
    $ ls /var/run/daemons/
    ... network ...
    can someone help me please? how can i realize  that "::Starting Network ..." also fails and the script returns an exit status 1?
    thanks for your help, maybe we can improve the script. but i'm not a geek in bash!
    mfg iggy

    iggy wrote:
    i want to write a bash script for my wireless lan. for this i need the information, if the network daemon has connected successfully or failed.
    but there is a big problem: starting network success' every time, whether there was an error or not:
    $ /etc/rc.d/network start
    :: Starting network profile: 00wlan_home [BUSY]
    Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
    SET failed on device wlan0 ; No such device.
    :: Starting Network [DONE]
    $ ls /var/run/daemons/
    ... network ...
    can someone help me please? how can i realize  that "::Starting Network ..." also fails and the script returns an exit status 1?
    thanks for your help, maybe we can improve the script. but i'm not a geek in bash!
    mfg iggy
    try using netcfg to start the wireless profile, that should keep you happy until the new network scripts are unleashed... which won't have this problem.

  • Using Bash script to edit config file

    This is a really simple question, but given that I'm just learning Bash scripting and having this solved now would be really illustrative for me, I would really thank some help here.
    I'm using uzbl, and running Tor+Polipo. So, as you will see below in the tail of the config file, there is a line to redirect the requests of uzbl through Polipo.
    # === Post-load misc commands ================================================
    sync_spawn_exec @scripts_dir/
    sync_spawn_exec @scripts_dir/ @data_home/uzbl/session-cookies.txt
    # Set the "home" page.
    #set uri =
    # Local polipo proxy
    set proxy_url =
    # vim: set fdm=syntax:
    What I want to accomplish is to comment in/out that line with a key shortcut on Awesome. I've thought of doing 2 scripts to do so and using 2 differente key shortcuts, but I want to "toggle" the proxy redirection with only 1 shortcut. To do so, I suppose that the script should go something like:
    tool 'set proxy_url =' config_file
    tool '#set proxy_url =' config_file
    tool '#set proxy_url =' config_file
    tool 'set proxy_url =' config_file
    I know little about sed, but I think is the tool for this job. The most intriging part to me is to ask sed to print the regular expression when it finds it in the config file, and use that as an input in the conditional statement.
    Well, this is a mess I have done here. Hope there is a simple answer to this.
    Thanks in advance.-

    You can do this with a single sed command:
    sed -i 's/^#set proxy_url/set proxy_url/;
    t end;
    s/^set proxy_url/#set proxy_url/;
    : end' config_file
    This edits the file in-place (-i) and first tries to replace the commented with the uncommented line. If that suceeds, sed jumps to the "end" label. If not, it tries to replace the uncommented with the commented line. Thus you don't have to include any logic about the current state: if the first substitution succeeds, the line was obviously commented, if not, it was uncommented, and the second substitution should succeed.
    Note that my knowledge of sed is very limited. There might be a simpler way to do this.
    EDIT: For the sake of example, here's how to do the same in bash using regular expressions. Note how this script needs to use a temporary file to simulate in-place editing, how it needs to process the file line by line manually, etc. All things that sed does out of the box...
    echo -n "" > "$tmp"
    while read line; do
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^#set\ proxy ]]; then
    echo "${line/\#/}" >> "$tmp"
    elif [[ "$line" =~ ^set\ proxy ]]; then
    echo "#$line" >> "$tmp"
    echo "$line" >> "$tmp"
    done < test.conf
    mv test.conf.tmp test.conf
    To answer your original question, the line
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^#set\ proxy ]]; then
    reads: if the line begins with a "#", followed by "set proxy", then...
    Last edited by hbekel (2011-03-20 10:40:16)


    HI. Here's a tricky little problem i have. There's a unix bash script that has some commands in it, that manipulate a file. It appends a certain string variable to a file called users. The users file is an ordinary text file.
    I know this script to work perfectly, when i invoke it like this directyl from the command line: ./
    or even: bash /downloads/selinux/policy/
    Now, i have a java program, and its meant to just execute that script. It doesnt throw any Exceptions at runtime. But when i look at the users file, and expect it to have an extra line that was the string variable, the file is UNTOUCHED!
    Again, direct command line invocation works, but not from java. Here's what my invocation from java looks like:
    Process p = Runtime.getRunTime().exec("bash downloads/selinux/policy/");
    The strange thing is, i tried a different bash command. I tried:
    Process p = Runtime.getRunTime().exec("mkdir /temporary");
    and this worked!
    so why not the other one??
    I cant figure it out.

    You say:
    bash /downloads/selinux/policy/
    And you say in Java:
    Process p = Runtime.getRunTime().exec("bash
    As if a leading / would be missing from the Java
    version...nyix says:>
    ...OK sorry about that. i DO have a / in front of the downloads.... section in the java method. So its:
    Process p = Runtime.getRunTime().
    exec("bash /downloads/selinux/policy/");
    HELP please?

  • Bash script doesn't work (Also, help me condense it)...

    I am trying to make myself a bash script which combines files together based off of a config file. It is automating combining the audio book tracks I ripped of my CDs into chapters for easier reference. My first problem is that even though I used ', cat still thinks that everything is a separate file. My second problem is that it is way too long, any way I can have it automatically go up 1 chapter until a specified number (ie, until the value of the CHAPTERS variable)? Thanks to those who help.
    # * ChapterCombine *
    # * By smartboyathome *
    # * A script which was made to combine *
    # * chapters from ripped audio books *
    # * together, but can be edited to *
    # * combine just about anything. *
    # * The config file is located in your *
    # * home directory, under the name *
    # * '.chapcomb.config'. If you do not *
    # * have this file, create it. *
    # * Otherwise this script will not *
    # * run, as it won't have the proper *
    # * variables. *
    # * This can be changed by changing *
    # * the CONFIG variable below. *
    # * Licensed under: *
    # * SmartLicense version 1.0 *
    usage() {
    echo "Chapter Combine v$VERSION"
    echo "A configuration file must be made in order to use this script. Configuration files are located at $CONFIG. This can be changed by adding CONFIG='blah' before this command, or by changing the script directly. See the sample file for how it should look."
    while [ "$#" -ne "0" ]; do
    case $# in
    exit 0
    exit 0
    # The config file stuff.
    if [ -z "$CONFIG" ]; then
    . $CONFIG
    cd "$BOOKDIR"
    combine() {
    # Checks if file exists, and if so, deletes it.
    if [ -a $NAME ]; then
    rm $NAME
    # Combines files
    cat $FILES >> $NAME
    # Checks to make sure that the chapter combined ok.
    if [ -s "$NAME" ]; then
    echo "File $NAME is ok."
    echo "File $NAME had an error and didn't combine. Please fix config file and rerun this script."
    exit 0
    # Config file for ChapterCombine
    # Book's Directory
    BOOKDIR='/media/Home/aabbott/Star Wars Fate of the Jedi Outcast'
    # Each chapter's settings.
    chapter01() {
    # FILES='Outcast\ Disc\ 1/01\ Track\ 1.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/02\ Track\ 2.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/03\ Track\ 3.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/04\ Track\ 4.mp3'
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 1'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4'}.mp3"
    chapter02() {
    # FILES='Outcast\ Disc\ 1/05\ Track\ 5.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/06\ Track\ 6.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/07\ Track\ 7.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/08\ Track\ 8.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/09\ Track\ 9.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/10\ Track\ 10.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/11\ Track\ 11.mp3'
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 1'/{'05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8','09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11'}.mp3"
    chapter03() {
    # FILES='Outcast\ Disc\ 1/12\ Track\ 12.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/13\ Track\ 13.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/14\ Track\ 14.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/15\ Track\ 15.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 1/16\ Track\ 16.mp3'
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 1'/{'12 Track 12','13 Track 13','14 Track 14','15 Track 15','16 Track 16'}.mp3"
    chapter04() {
    # FILES='Outcast\ Disc\ 2/01\ Track\ 1.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 2/02\ Track\ 2.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 2/03\ Track\ 3.mp3 Outcast\ Disc\ 2/04\ Track\ 4.mp3'
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 2'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4'}.mp3"
    chapter05() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 2'/{'05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8'}.mp3"
    chapter06() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 2'/{'09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11','12 Track 12','13 Track 13'}.mp3"
    # This one needs some special parameters as the chapter is split between two Discs.
    chapter07() {
    FILES="{'Outcast Disc 2'/{'14 Track 4','15 Track 15','16 Track 16','17 Track 17'}.mp3,'Outcast Disc 3'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3'}}.mp3"
    chapter08() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 3'/{'04 Track 4','05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8'}.mp3"
    chapter09() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 3'/{'09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11'}.mp3"
    chapter10() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 3'/{'12 Track 12','13 Track 13','14 Track 14','15 Track 15'}.mp3"
    chapter11() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 4'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3'}.mp3"
    chapter12() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 4'/{'04 Track 4','05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8'}.mp3"
    chapter13() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 4'/{'09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11'}.mp3"
    chapter14() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 4'/{'12 Track 12','13 Track 13','14 Track 14'}.mp3"
    chapter15() {
    FILES="{'Outcast Disc 4'/'15 Track 15','Outcast Disc 5'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4','05 Track 5'}}.mp3"
    chapter16() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 5'/{'06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8','09 Track 9'}.mp3"
    chapter17() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 5'/{'10 Track 10','11 Track 11','12 Track 12','13 Track 13'}.mp3"
    chapter18() {
    FILES="{'Outcast Disc 5'/'15 Track 15','Outcast Disc 6'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2'}}.mp3"
    chapter19() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 6'/{'03 Track 3','04 Track 4','05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8'}.mp3"
    chapter20() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 6'/{'09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11','12 Track 12','13 Track 13','14 Track 14'}.mp3"
    chapter21() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 6'/{'15 Track 15','16 Track 16','17 Track 17','18 Track 18','19 Track 19'}.mp3"
    chapter22() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 7'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4'}.mp3"
    chapter23() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 7'/{'05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8'}.mp3"
    chapter24() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 7'/{'09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11','12 Track 12','13 Track 13'}.mp3"
    chapter25() {
    FILES="{'Outcast Disc 7'/{'14 Track 14','15 Track 15','16 Track 16','17 Track 17'},'Outcast Disk 8'/'01 Track 1'}.mp3"
    chapter26() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 8'/{'02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4','05 Track 5'}.mp3"
    chapter27() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 8'/{'06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8','09 Track 9'}.mp3"
    chapter28() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 8'/{'10 Track 10','11 Track 11','12 Track 12','13 Track 13'}.mp3"
    chapter29() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 8'/{'14 Track 14','15 Track 15','16 Track 16'}.mp3"

    kumyco wrote:
    for FILES=test/{a,b,c} you may want to do something like
    FILES=$(echo test/{a,b,c})
    That's a good one. And eval would work with simple examples, but once you have spaces and such in filenames it won't work I think.
    If you are going to do this often, then there are too many things that can go wrong with a script that tries to automatically generate the filenames. Even 01* can go wrong.
    So if you do have the filenames all in the .conf, then you can replace FILES= with cat and NAME= with >
    The actual script doesn't add that much, except checking if it exists (just use > instead of >>) and if it isn't empty (not really necessary) (why did you put a license on that? is that even legal?)
    So just use the .conf file as the main script.
    Turn this:
    BOOKDIR='/media/Home/aabbott/Star Wars Fate of the Jedi Outcast'
    chapter01() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 1'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4'}.mp3"
    chapter02() {
    FILES="'Outcast Disc 1'/{'05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8','09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11'}.mp3"
    into this:
    cd '/media/Home/aabbott/Star Wars Fate of the Jedi Outcast'
    cat 'Outcast Disc 1'/{'01 Track 1','02 Track 2','03 Track 3','04 Track 4'}.mp3 > 'Chapter01.mp3'
    cat 'Outcast Disc 1'/{'05 Track 5','06 Track 6','07 Track 7','08 Track 8','09 Track 9','10 Track 10','11 Track 11'}.mp3 > 'Chapter02.mp3'
    Why would you build anything around that?
    If you are sure the filenames are all the same, you can use *
    cat *\ 1/*\ {1..4}.mp3 > Chapter01.mp3
    cat *\ 100/*\ {70..99}.mp3 > Chapter99.mp3

  • How to download file using ftp in bash script

    Hi! I'm runnig a bash script in solaris i want within the script to dowload file using ftp
    How can i do it?
    Tanks a lot

    please try this way:
    1. In the bash script, try following command:
    ftp -n < ftpcmdfile2 in the ftpcmdfile (which is a file),coding the interactive commands of FTP such as:
    user anonymous  [email protected]
              cd /var/sun/download
              mget *.*
         try it and good luck!
    Wang Yu
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

  • Dowload file using ftp in bash script

    Hi! I'm runnig a bash script in solaris i want within the script to dowload file using ftp
    How can i do it?
    Tanks a lot

    please try this way:
    1. In the bash script, try following command:
    ftp -n < ftpcmdfile2 in the ftpcmdfile (which is a file),coding the interactive commands of FTP such as:
    user anonymous  [email protected]
              cd /var/sun/download
              mget *.*
         try it and good luck!
    Wang Yu
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

  • A bash script to backup system only with modified files

    I've made a simple bash script to exam which files are modified and needed to be backed up.
    It will use:
    1. the hash in Pacman's database (/var/lib/pacman/local/<pkg_ver>/files
    2. if no hash in the database, calculate it by our self from cache (/var/cache/pacman/pkg/<pkg_ver>.pkg.tar.gz
    3. if no cache found, compare build date and last modified date
    4. otherwise, this file better be backed up.
    Currently it will only print which files are needed to be backed up, but no backup actually happens. (dry run)
    And it is only in early development stage, please be careful.
    <the script name> <where to backup files, a directory> <the files, or directories, separated by space, that are going to be examined>...
    Here is the code.
    # usage:
    # $1: file to backup
    function do_backup() {
    function smart_bak() {
    pkg=$(pacman -Qo "$1" 2>/dev/null)
    if [ 1 -eq $? ] ; then
    # No package owns $1 (locally created)
    if [ "$1" != "${1%.pacsave}" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (left by removed package)"
    echo "backup $1 (local file)"
    pkg=${pkg#$1 is owned by }
    # evaluate
    # by hash
    cur=$(md5sum $1)
    cur=${cur%% *}
    pkg_ver=${pkg/ /-}
    org=$(grep "^${1:1}" "/var/lib/pacman/local/$pkg_ver/files")
    org_hash=${org##* }
    if [ "$org" != "$org_hash" ] ; then
    # the org hash is in Pacman's database
    if [ "$org_hash" = "$cur" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (original config)"
    echo "backup $1 (modified config)"
    # no hash
    # find out hash myself?
    ARCH=$(uname -m)
    if [ -r "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pkg_ver-$ARCH.pkg.tar.gz" ] ; then
    org=$(tar -Oxzf "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pkg_ver-$ARCH.pkg.tar.gz" "${1:1}" | md5sum -)
    org_hash=${org%% *}
    if [ "$cur" = "$org_hash" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (original)"
    echo "backup $1 (modified)"
    # no cache, may be a AUR package
    # fall back to built date?
    date=$(pacman -Qi ${pkg% *} | grep "^Build Date")
    date=${date#*: }
    date=$(date -d "$date" +%s)
    mod=$(ls -l $1)
    mod=${mod% $1}
    mod=${mod#* * * * * }
    mod=$(date -d "$mod" +%s)
    tmp1=$(expr $mod "+" 60)
    tmp2=$(expr $mod "-" 60)
    if [ "$date" -le "$tmp1" -a "$date" -ge "$tmp2" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (the same date)"
    echo "backup $1 (unknown)"
    function smart_bak_dir() {
    for i in $(ls -A "$1") ; do
    if [ -f "$tmp" ] ; then
    smart_bak "$tmp"
    elif [ -d "$tmp" ] ; then
    smart_bak_dir "$tmp"
    echo "skip $tmp (not a regular file nor a directory)"
    # usage:
    # $1: the directory to store this backup
    # $2: directory to evalualte for backup
    # function main()
    # init
    # check
    if [ ! -d "$target" -o ! -x "$target" -o ! -w "$target" ] ; then
    exit 4
    for i in $* ; do
    if [ -f "$i" ] ; then
    smart_bak "$i"
    elif [ -d "$i" ] ; then
    smart_bak_dir "$i"
    echo "skip $i (unknown argument)"
    Good luck,
    Last edited by (2008-12-30 07:53:05)

    Thanks for this script. Nice work.
    Can we traverse the pacman.log backwards up and rollback each operation (including "installed" in this). Something like:
    history=$(tail -n +$(grep -m 1 -n "$1" "$LOG" | cut -d ":" -f 1) "$LOG" | tac | grep -E "(upgraded|installed)" | cut -d " " -f 3-)
    Last edited by g33k (2008-11-04 15:08:07)

  • Comment in Unix shell script

    i have a doubt as to how to comment a line in a shell script as i have to do that in a config. file of Oracle 9i Application Server. Is it a "--" in a line. Please help.

    Try to use # as a comment in unix shell script.
    The config files in Oracle AS are xml based so the comment
    therefore is
    <!-- This is a comment -->
    Hope that helps.

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