Please help - do I have a screen saver virus?

I have my screen saver set to display pics from iPhoto. All of the sudden the pics are now becoming fuzzy and random foreign objects are showing up, covering and distorting the pics. How can this be fixed? Do I have a virus?
Message was edited by: Kurko

Hello, Leopard came with pictures installed for some reason or another. If they are coming up with iPhoto, in the screensaver mode, delete them. They will be found in your Pictures and All Documents folder, along with some music Apple so kindly gave us. In iPhoto you can chose the slide show and resolve this issue without deleting the "pictures." I don't think the previous poster was incorrect, just brief. "Completely impenetrable", wonder what Freud would think of this terminology. (Just kidding, don't get angry life's too short for all that) This is an answer, and I hope you take it with the good spirit in which it is intended. I post here to help, and try to add humor if applicable. The solution is in iPhoto, set up a slide show. Delete unnecessary photos if you like.
Hope all is well,

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