Please help if you have time

I'm trying to write a program that will take employee entries using JOptionPane and then display the list. It's still in its early stages, but I'm already having issues. After I finish adding my entries, it only prints the line "The list contains:" I can't get it to print the contents of the array. I'm not real familiar with using JOptionPane in regards to arrays. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import javax.swing.*;
public class SquiresMethod
    public static int START_POSITION = 1;
    public static int DEFAULT_SIZE = 50;
    //entry.length is the total number of items you have room
    //for on the list. countOfEntries is the number of items
    //currently on the list.
    private int countOfEntries; //our counter -- must be less than entry.length.
    private String[] entry;     //our array
    public SquiresMethod(int maximumNumberOfEntries)   // constructor
        entry = new String[maximumNumberOfEntries];
        countOfEntries = 0;
     Creates an empty list with a capacity of DEFAULT_SIZE.
    public SquiresMethod( )   // constructor
        entry = new String[DEFAULT_SIZE];
        countOfEntries = 0;
    public boolean full( )   //  we use this method in ListDemo
        return (countOfEntries == entry.length);
    public boolean empty( )
        return (countOfEntries == 0);
     Precondition: List is not full.
     Postcondition: If item was not on the list,
     it has been added to the list.
    public void addItem(String item)
        if (! onList(item))
            if (countOfEntries == entry.length)
                System.out.println("Adding to a full list!");
                entry[countOfEntries] = item;
        }//else do nothing. Item is already on the list.
     If the argument indicates a position on the list,
     then the entry at that specified position is returned;
     otherwise, null is returned.
    public String getEntryAt(int position)   //  used for printing entire list, for example
        if ((1 <= position) && (position <= countOfEntries))
            return entry[position - 1];
            return null;
     Returns true if position is the index of the
     last item on the list; otherwise, returns false.
    public boolean atLastEntry(int position)
        return (position == countOfEntries);
     Returns true if item is on the list;
     otherwise, returns false. Does not differentiate
     between upper- and lowercase letters.
    public boolean onList(String item)    //  Searches list for item
         boolean found = false;
         int i = 0;
         while ((! found) && (i < countOfEntries))
             if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(entry))
found = true;
return found;
public int maximumNumberOfEntries( )
return entry.length;
public int getNumberOfEntries( )
return countOfEntries;
public void eraseList( )
countOfEntries = 0;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class SquiresProject3
    public static void main(String[] args)
      SquiresMethod employeeList = new SquiresMethod();
       boolean more = true;
     String next = null, ans  = null;
     while ( more && (! employeeList.full( ))) 
           JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the employee name");                    
            if (employeeList.full( ))
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(     null, "The list is full");            }
                               ans =
                               JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to make another entry?");
                     if (ans.trim( ).equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
                     more = false;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(     null, "The list contains:");         
            int position = employeeList.START_POSITION;    
            next = employeeList.getEntryAt(position);
        while (next != null) 
            next = employeeList.getEntryAt(position);
}I'm really tired right now, so this code may be beyone simple suggestions. But, any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks a lot

Thanks for the suggestion:
boolean more = true;
       boolean runagain;
     String next = "", ans  = "", name = "";
               //Creates 4 buttons for the different operations
               Object[] options = { "Add new employee ", "delete employee", "Search for employee name" };
               int select = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "What operation do you want to perform", "Choose an option", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
               switch (select) {
                    case 0:
                     while ( more && (! employeeList.full( ))){
                         JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the employee name");
                                                     if (employeeList.full( ))
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(     null, "The list is full");            }
                 employeeList.addItem(name); ans = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to make another entry?");
                           if (ans.trim( ).equalsIgnoreCase("no"))
                            more = false;
       }Still printing blank JOptionPane. I think I must have something messed up with the print
int position = employeeList.START_POSITION;    
            next = employeeList.getEntryAt(position);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(     null, "The list contains:" + next);
        while (next != null) 
            next = employeeList.getEntryAt(position);
                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(     null, (next));;
            }     select = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Run Again?", "Run Again Dialog",     JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
               //if yes is selected "runagain" equates to true if no is selected "runagain" equates to false     
               runagain = (select == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION);
          } while (runagain); //end of main do-while loop

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    The problem!!!!
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    Some pre-work I have done:
    I have unit tested this component in  standalone Flash movie, with 3 LCD monitors totalling 4000 pixels in  height. I produced 10 charts in a single flash movie, and then resized  the window from 600px to 4000px, no charts disappear. 
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    Hello to all who has, or are, reading this post:
    Just a few things added to the "Some pre-work I have done":
    I have read up this issue on "the Flash height problem" and have changed the parent <div> to also accommodate style:"height=100%". No, problem still persists.
    I am using SWFObject 1.5 to insert the flash movie on the page and I have studied their issue/bug reports. I have not finished reading the list of bugs, but so far have not found any useful information. However, please kindly let me know if you know an issue with SWFObject making flash contents disappear.

  • Flash mysteriously and partially disappears – please kindly help if you have time!!

    Hello to all supportive and knowledgeable Flash developers around the  world!!
    Please please please help me for this very  mysterious and strange problem!! I've tried to shorten the description  to minimum, but please kindly spend 5-10 min to have a read!! And offer  any insights...I am very desperate for some helps
    Some backgrounds
    I  am implementing a charting tool for my project, which is very similar to  Google’s finance chart but much more tailored-made to meet different  requirements. The charting interface is made up of the following core components:
    Time  selection panel: to change the time span of the chart
    Measurement  points panel: to select different points of measurement
    Chart  area: to display the measurement data of the selected measurement points over the selected time span
    For example,  the Apartment’s power administrator can view the total power consumption in Unit 101 of Building A, in the Pacific Apartment’s  complex (a made-up name).
    Similarly, the  administrator can also “stack” up charts of multiple measurement  points, having an all-in-one view like below:
    Only  the chart is implemented in Flash/AS3, the other panels are JSP, JavaScript and Dojo.
    When an  user clicks on a measurement point to add a chart to the chart area, the following things happen in order  (briefly):
    User clicks on a  link (say,      Total Amps)
    Dojo event listener attached to the link picks up the mouse click event
    The Dojo event  listener calls an AS3 method (addChart) through the External Interface to add a chart to the Flash  chart:
    The Flash chart  picks up the method call, adds a chart to the stage and reposition all charts on the stage. Since the  stage height is fixed at 600 pixels, each chart added will be fitted into the  600 pixels. Eg, 1 chart on the stage = 600 px/chart, 2 charts = 300  px/chart, 3 charts = 200 px/chart…etc.
    This is what  the Flash chart looks like, when 3 charts have been added, before display the chart on the actually page  (see below)
    Once a chart  has been successfully added to the stage, Dojo will stretch the <div> tag that the chart resides so  that each chart still “looks” like 400 pixels tall. For example, 3 charts on  the stage means each chart is 200 pixels tall, but Dojo will stretch the  entire <div> to 1200 pixels, making each chart look like 400 pixels
    The above step  is the same concept as resizing the stage
    The problem!!!!
    When  an user adds more than 7 charts, the 8th chart will start have  Flash contents disappeared. To be exact, I used firebug to increment the  <div> height, and found that when height exceed 2924 (a magic number) pixels,  Flash contents start to disappear. See below (the red-boxes indicate the  missing contents)
    The situation gets worse when continue to add charts, eventually half of the  bottom chart will disappear.
    Some pre-work I have done:
    I have unit tested this component in standalone Flash movie, with 3 LCD monitors  totalling 4000 pixels in height. I produced 10 charts in a single flash movie, and  then resized the window from 600px to 4000px, no charts disappear. 
    This happens in all of IE7, IE8, FF3+, and Chrome. Although slightly  different manifestation, but they all have contents mysteriously disappeared.
    This also  happens to GOOGLE's finance chart, when you enlarge the chart's  <div> to over 10000 pxs (yet another magic number)
    The funny thing is, however, when a graph has been cut in half, the visible half  is still operatable. For example, if the zoom window as been cut in half, I can  still move it, zoom in and zoom out.
    Please allow me  to thank you heartfully, if you have finished reading all of the above  information. At this point of time, any useful  suggestions/solutions will be highly appreciated! Please help! THANK  YOU!

    Hello to all who has, or are,  reading this post:
    Just a few things added to the "Some pre-work I have  done":
    I  have read up this issue on "the Flash height problem" and have changed  the parent <div> to also accommodate style:"height=100%". No,  problem still persists.
    I am using SWFObject 1.5 to insert  the flash movie on the page and I have studied their issue/bug reports. I  have not finished reading the list of bugs, but so far have not found  any useful information. However, please kindly let me know if  you know an issue with SWFObject making flash contents  disappear.
    It is nearly 11pm in my time zone, I am going home but will keep watching this space. Please kindly share anything you've got!

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    Why do you keep making multiple posts with this issue? You have now posted it three times in the last hour and have two different people helping you in two different threads!
    This is bad internet manners.

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    You can try these steps in case of issues with web pages:
    You can reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Hold down the Shift key and left-click the Reload button
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (Mac)
    Clear the cache and cookies only from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > "Use custom settings for history" > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window

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    Why can't the songs be transferred to the device?  Is it because they are not authorized?  Were these 25 tracks purchased/downloaded with the same account you have used to authorize the PC/new iTunes library?
    Have you seen this article yet?
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

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    Maybe its a Viber problem. As that is not an Apple product, why don't you try and contact the developer?

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                                                       
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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    First, confirm that ActiveX Filtering is configured to allow Flash content:
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    If that is too inconvenient, using Google Chrome may be a preferable alternative.

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    Its an iPhone 4
    Message was edited by: zzziggy85

    Here is how

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    Use the Report a Problem link in the iTunes email receipt you received. Also in-app purchases can be made without the password if you bought the app within the last 15min. You should enable the in-app restriction in Settings.

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    Have you opened the ports on the router....?
    If not then,you need to open ports 53-3074 on the router..Read this link. Also,under the security tab on the router,uncheck Block Anonymous Internet Requests and click on Save Settings...

  • 7 Hours left :(! I hate Java Forte SO MUCH. Please help! Not much time

    7 Hours left :(! I hate Java Forte SO MUCH. Please help! Not much time
    Ok I first Installed Java Forte cause I had to a Course and the teacher gave us an Exe which was 62 MB on a Disc and i ran it and put Java Forte On My Computer. I also put a JDK program on my computer through a Java book(Got a CD with it).I could do my Java at home but there was a massive problem. I am using Windows XP and if i used java, My Computer would never shut down cause java would always be running. So this got frustrating and i decided to uninstall it.(Also the Java Plug in decided to stop my java Yahoo chat on IE).When i uninstalled it, I am not sure if i deleted the folder, Did it through control panel(Add/Remove), Or use the uninstaller, I didnt think there was an uninstaller.
    Anyway there was still some and java Web Start folders and J2SDK folder on my HDD.
    A while later I get a big Java Assignment to do, I decide to install the Java again on my Computer, I go ahead and click the exe, It takes me to an intall place, I wait, Wait impatiently for 1 hour, It just froze on the install screen. I also tryed it on my old PC which had java, It froze But before it frose it said i already had it installed (Which it wasnt anymore). So i though maybe its the CD or something. So my friend gives me his CD and i try, Yet again it stayed like that for 2 hours. I was so frustrated. I ended up Going to control panel and removed the java Web Start and deleted the J2sdk FOlder and deleted the java Plug in from where it locates it.
    I then decide to install Java again but this time it takes me to the uninstaller? Why did it try to install from this exe but after i deleted stuff both CD's Mine and my Friends take to to the uninstaller? Well anyway i decided to Uninstall it like it said"Java Forte 3 and Some other little thing" Then i waited and it said Uninstall Complete. I double click the exe on the CD again and it takes me to the uninstaller again? I was like WTF? How do i install Java? Its just the biggest pain? Why is it taking me there instead of the actuall installer?
    Also I dislike other java programs as 1, You cant Execute the code cause its only HTML compatible and or you need the JDK files accosiated with the JCreator which i cant Understand.
    Also i got Jreal and it actually worked, But there is no uninstaller for it and it has no Removeal in the Control panel? Whats up with that? Also its good how it works. But for some reason it doesnt accept the code properly as the buttons and labels just appear everywhere and stay there even if i change forms and are messed up compared to when i run it on Java Forte at School.
    Also i have a Major Problem with Jreal as it states everytime i run an Applet "Start Applet is not Initialized?" And it shows a Blank applet? Whats up with this? I got no Errors and i think it said Exit Statement:1. But It worked before then i tryed it and it does this all the time for all my Java Program Applets. So I have no idea. It really frustrates me as it was working and i did no changes to the code and it wont let me test any more :(! Why is this happenning to me?
    Please help me in the best way you can, I dont have much time, 7 Hours to be Precise to do it in!
    Please if you can help me with any problems about installing or evening trying to be able to run Jcreator(Dont understand How to link it with JDK) or any good Java Programs to download that are easy to use(I dont have enough time to read). I couldnt understand CoffeeCup as it was HTML only? and only could run as a Web Page! But any help on Any of these problems that i suffer including Jreal How to Uninstall? Plus Mainly trying to get Java Forte Runnign as that was the only one that was properly showed the correct format of my Coding Applet.

    Awww :(

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    ozyyy wrote:
    Thank you for your reply. I do not think it was connected to internet and saved in I Tunes or I cloud
    Sorry... but... No Sync + No Backup = No photos.

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