Please help in correcting the Decode function

DECODE(p_resp_key,'||'''AP'''||',LINT_LOGI_STG_ITEM_DETAILS_PKG.GET_AP_ITEM_CATEGORY_DTL(ol.inventory_item_id),ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_wwdb_prod_description(ol.inventory_item_id)) AS description
I am getting parsing errors during runtime.I believe that something is incorrect in Decode statement.I am calling this Decopde statement in the package.Please help.

Thanks Sven for replying i am pasting the full function kindly tell me which will be the proper manner to correct teh decode statement.Please look for "--CO73977 iStore product description change start by manish" in the belwo defintion there i have used decode function.Kindly help.
v_statement := 'SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ DISTINCT ooh.order_number AS "Order Number",
NVL(bill_cas.attribute5,hp.party_name) AS "Customer Name",
TO_CHAR(ooh.ordered_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Order Date",
TO_CHAR(ooh.booked_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Booked Date",
TO_CHAR(ol.request_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Requested Date",
oel.meaning AS "Order Status",
ooh.cust_po_number AS "PO Number",
ooh.transactional_curr_code AS currency,
terms.NAME AS "Payment Terms",
freight.meaning AS "Freight Term",
fob.meaning AS "FOB",
ooh.sales_channel_code AS "Sales Channel",
bill_to.LOCATION AS "Bill To Location",
ship_to.LOCATION AS "Ship To Location",
terr.segment1 AS "Sales Territory - Country",
ott.NAME AS "Order Type",
oe_totals_grp.get_order_total (ooh.header_id,NULL,'||'''ALL'''||')* DECODE (ooh.order_category_code, '||'''RETURN'''||', -1, 1) AS "Order Total",
CONCAT(CONCAT(ol.line_number,'||'''.'''||'),ol.shipment_number) AS "Line Number",
ol.ordered_item AS "Item Number",
ldmf_get_customer_item(ol.sold_to_org_id,ol.inventory_item_id,ol.invoice_to_org_id,ol.ship_to_org_id) AS "Customer SKU",
--ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_wwdb_prod_description(ol.inventory_item_id) AS description,
                         --CO73977 iStore product description change start by manish
                         --DECODE(p_resp_key,'||'''AP'''||',LINT_LOGI_STG_ITEM_DETAILS_PKG.GET_AP_ITEM_CATEGORY_DTL(ol.inventory_item_id),ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_wwdb_prod_description(ol.inventory_item_id)) AS description,
          --CO73977 iStore product description change end by manish
                         LINT_LOGI_STG_ITEM_DETAILS_PKG.GET_AP_ITEM_CATEGORY_DTL(ol.inventory_item_id) AS description,
ol.ordered_quantity AS "Ordered Quantity",
ol.shipped_quantity AS "Shipped Quantity",
TO_CHAR(ol.schedule_ship_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Schedule Ship Date",
ol.unit_selling_price AS "Unit Price",
ol.ordered_quantity * ol.unit_selling_price AS "Extended Amount",
ol.tax_value "taxes_total",
ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_freight_charges(ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Freight Charges",
ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_pallet_charges (ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Pallet Surcharge",
oe_oe_totals_summary.line_charges (ooh.header_id, ol.line_id ) AS "Total Charges",
DECODE(oell.meaning,'||'''Awaiting Shipping'''||','||'DECODE(TO_CHAR(LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.CHK_DELIVERY_LN_EXISTS(ol.header_id,ol.line_id)),'||
                                                                                                                   '''2'''||','||'''Picked Partial'''||','||'oell.meaning)
                         ,oell.meaning) AS "Line Status",
TO_CHAR(ol.actual_shipment_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Ship Date",
(SELECT ware_house.NAME
FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl ware_house
WHERE ware_house.organization_id = NVL(ol.ship_from_org_id,ooh.ship_from_org_id)) AS WAREHOUSES,
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_TRACKING_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Tracking Number",
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_WAYBILL_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Waybill Number",
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_DELIVERY_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) delivery_number,
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_PRO_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Pro Number",
LDMF_ISTORE_SALESREP_PKG.LDMF_ISTORE_CHECK_HOLDS(hcaa.cust_account_id,ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Hold Applied",
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_CONV_RATE(ol.ordered_item_id,ooh.org_id) AS "Pallet Qty",
ROUND(ol.ordered_quantity/DECODE(LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_CONV_RATE(ol.ordered_item_id,ooh.org_id),0,1,LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_CONV_RATE(ol.ordered_item_id,ooh.org_id)),2) AS "Pallet#",
ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_invoice_number(ooh.order_number,ol.line_id) AS "Invoice Number",
ldmf_istore_salesrep_pkg.get_promonum(ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Promo Number",
terms.description AS "Payment_Term_Desc",
                         ol.SHIPPING_METHOD_CODE )),'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Arrival_Date",
                         DECODE (LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_ORD_AMDMT_STATUS(ooh.header_id,ol.line_id),1 ,'||'''YES'''||',NULL) AS "Pending_Approval"
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,
oe_order_lines_all ol,
hz_cust_accounts_all hcaa,
oe_transaction_types_all otta,
oe_transaction_types_tl ott,
hz_parties hp,
hz_party_sites hps,
oe_lookups oel,
oe_lookups oell,
ra_terms terms,
fnd_lookup_values freight,
fnd_lookup_values fob,
wsh_new_deliveries dl,
wsh_delivery_details dd,
wsh_delivery_assignments da,
oe_order_holds_all holds,
hz_cust_site_uses_all bill_to,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all bill_cas,
hz_cust_site_uses_all ship_to,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all ship_cas,
hz_locations loc,
ra_territories terr,
org_organization_definitions ware_house,
wsh_carrier_services wcs
WHERE ooh.header_id = ol.header_id
AND ooh.sold_to_org_id = hcaa.cust_account_id
AND wcs.ship_method_code(+) = ol.shipping_method_code
AND hcaa.party_id = hp.party_id
AND hps.party_id = hp.party_id
AND loc.location_id = hps.location_id
AND ship_cas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
AND ooh.order_type_id = otta.transaction_type_id
AND ooh.order_type_id = ott.transaction_type_id
AND terms.term_id(+) = ooh.payment_term_id
AND da.delivery_id = dl.delivery_id (+)
AND dd.delivery_detail_id = da.delivery_detail_id(+)
AND ship_to.cust_acct_site_id = ship_cas.cust_acct_site_id
AND ship_to.site_use_id = ooh.ship_to_org_id
AND ware_house.organization_id(+) = ol.ship_from_org_id
AND bill_to.cust_acct_site_id = bill_cas.cust_acct_site_id
AND bill_to.site_use_id = ooh.invoice_to_org_id
AND bill_to.territory_id = terr.territory_id
AND ol.header_id = dd.source_header_id(+)
AND ol.line_id = dd.source_line_id(+)
AND ol.line_id = holds.line_id(+)
AND freight.lookup_type = '||'''FREIGHT_TERMS'''||'
AND freight.LANGUAGE =USERENV('||'''LANG'''||')
AND freight.lookup_code = ooh.freight_terms_code
AND ott.LANGUAGE = USERENV('||'''LANG'''||')
AND fob.lookup_code = ooh.fob_point_code
AND fob.lookup_type = '||'''FOB'''||'
AND NVL(otta.attribute10,'||'''Y'''||') <> '||'''N'''||'
AND oel.lookup_code = ooh.flow_status_code
AND oel.lookup_type = '||'''FLOW_STATUS'''||'
AND oell.lookup_code = ol.flow_status_code
AND oell.lookup_type = '||'''LINE_FLOW_STATUS'''||'
AND ol.line_category_code <> '||'''RETURN'''||'
AND ooh.order_category_code IN ('||'''ORDER'''||','||'''MIXED'''||')
AND ooh.sold_to_org_id = '||p_sold_to_org_id
|| ' AND TRUNC(ooh.ordered_date) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE - '||p_no_of_days||')';
v_statement := v_statement || ' ORDER BY ooh.ordered_date DESC,ooh.header_id,ol.line_number,ol.shipment_number ';
OPEN p_data FOR v_statement;
errbuf := SQLERRM ;
retcode := SQLCODE ;
--This Procedure fetches the Order details between the given from date and to date.
,p_search_by IN VARCHAR2
,p_start_date IN DATE
,p_end_date IN DATE
                         ,p_resp_key IN VARCHAR2
,p_data OUT shop_cartdownload
,errbuf OUT VARCHAR2
,retcode OUT NUMBER
) AS
v_start_date VARCHAR2(1000);
v_end_date VARCHAR2(1000);
v_search_by VARCHAR2(1000);
SELECT ''''||p_start_date||'''' INTO v_start_date FROM dual;
SELECT ''''||p_end_date||'''' INTO v_end_date FROM dual;
v_statement := NULL;
v_statement := 'SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ DISTINCT ooh.order_number AS "Order Number",
NVL(bill_cas.attribute5,hp.party_name) AS "Customer Name",
TO_CHAR(ooh.ordered_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Order Date",
TO_CHAR(ooh.booked_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Booked Date",
TO_CHAR(ol.request_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Requested Date",
oel.meaning AS "Order Status",
ooh.cust_po_number AS "PO Number",
ooh.transactional_curr_code AS currency,
terms.NAME AS "Payment Terms",
freight.meaning AS "Freight Term",
fob.meaning AS "FOB",
ooh.sales_channel_code AS "Sales Channel",
bill_to.LOCATION AS "Bill To Location",
ship_to.LOCATION AS "Ship To Location",
terr.segment1 AS "Sales Territory - Country",
ott.NAME AS "Order Type",
oe_totals_grp.get_order_total (ooh.header_id,NULL,'||'''ALL'''||')* DECODE (ooh.order_category_code, '||'''RETURN'''||', -1, 1) AS "Order Total",
CONCAT(CONCAT(ol.line_number,'||'''.'''||'),ol.shipment_number) AS "Line Number",
ol.ordered_item AS "Item Number",
ldmf_get_customer_item(ol.sold_to_org_id,ol.inventory_item_id,ol.invoice_to_org_id,ol.ship_to_org_id) AS "Customer SKU",
--ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_wwdb_prod_description(ol.inventory_item_id) AS description,
                         --CO73977 iStore product description change start by manish
                         DECODE(p_resp_key,'||'''AP'''||',LINT_LOGI_STG_ITEM_DETAILS_PKG.GET_AP_ITEM_CATEGORY_DTL(ol.inventory_item_id),ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_wwdb_prod_description(ol.inventory_item_id)) AS description,
          --CO73977 iStore product description change end by manish
ol.ordered_quantity AS "Ordered Quantity",
ol.shipped_quantity AS "Shipped Quantity",
TO_CHAR(ol.schedule_ship_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Schedule Ship Date",
ol.unit_selling_price AS "Unit Price",
ol.ordered_quantity * ol.unit_selling_price AS "Extended Amount",
ol.tax_value "taxes_total",
ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_freight_charges(ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Freight Charges",
ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_pallet_charges (ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Pallet Surcharge",
oe_oe_totals_summary.line_charges (ooh.header_id, ol.line_id ) AS "Total Charges",
DECODE(oell.meaning,'||'''Awaiting Shipping'''||','||'DECODE(TO_CHAR(LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.CHK_DELIVERY_LN_EXISTS(ol.header_id,ol.line_id)),'||
                                                                                          '''2'''||','||'''Picked Partial'''||','||'oell.meaning)
                         ,oell.meaning) AS "Line Status",
TO_CHAR(ol.actual_shipment_date,'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Ship Date",
(SELECT ware_house.NAME
FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl ware_house
WHERE ware_house.organization_id = NVL(ol.ship_from_org_id,ooh.ship_from_org_id)) AS WAREHOUSES,
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_TRACKING_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Tracking Number",
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_WAYBILL_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Waybill Number",
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_DELIVERY_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) delivery_number,
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_PRO_NUMBER(ol.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Pro Number",
LDMF_ISTORE_SALESREP_PKG.LDMF_ISTORE_CHECK_HOLDS(hcaa.cust_account_id,ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Hold Applied",
LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_CONV_RATE(ol.ordered_item_id,ooh.org_id) AS "Pallet Qty",
ROUND(ol.ordered_quantity/DECODE(LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_CONV_RATE(ol.ordered_item_id,ooh.org_id),0,1,LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_CONV_RATE(ol.ordered_item_id,ooh.org_id)),2) AS "Pallet#",
ldmf_istore_order_pkg.get_invoice_number(ooh.order_number,ol.line_id) AS "Invoice Number",
ldmf_istore_salesrep_pkg.get_promonum(ooh.header_id,ol.line_id) AS "Promo Number",
terms.description AS "Payment_Term_Desc",
                         ol.SHIPPING_METHOD_CODE )),'||'''DD-MON-YYYY'''||') AS "Arrival_Date",
                         DECODE (LDMF_ISTORE_ORDER_PKG.GET_ORD_AMDMT_STATUS(ooh.header_id,ol.line_id),1 ,'||'''YES'''||',NULL) AS "Pending_Approval"
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,
oe_order_lines_all ol,
hz_cust_accounts_all hcaa,
oe_transaction_types_all otta,
oe_transaction_types_tl ott,
hz_parties hp,
hz_party_sites hps,
oe_lookups oel,
oe_lookups oell,
ra_terms terms,
fnd_lookup_values freight,
fnd_lookup_values fob,
wsh_new_deliveries dl,
wsh_delivery_details dd,
wsh_delivery_assignments da,
oe_order_holds_all holds,
hz_cust_site_uses_all bill_to,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all bill_cas,
hz_cust_site_uses_all ship_to,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all ship_cas,
hz_locations loc,
ra_territories terr,
org_organization_definitions ware_house,
wsh_carrier_services wcs
WHERE ooh.header_id = ol.header_id
AND ooh.sold_to_org_id = hcaa.cust_account_id
AND wcs.ship_method_code(+) = ol.shipping_method_code
AND hcaa.party_id = hp.party_id
AND hps.party_id = hp.party_id
AND loc.location_id = hps.location_id
AND ship_cas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
AND ooh.order_type_id = otta.transaction_type_id
AND ooh.order_type_id = ott.transaction_type_id
AND terms.term_id(+) = ooh.payment_term_id
AND da.delivery_id = dl.delivery_id (+)
AND dd.delivery_detail_id = da.delivery_detail_id(+)
AND ship_to.cust_acct_site_id = ship_cas.cust_acct_site_id
AND ship_to.site_use_id = ooh.ship_to_org_id
AND ware_house.organization_id(+) = ol.ship_from_org_id
AND bill_to.cust_acct_site_id = bill_cas.cust_acct_site_id
AND bill_to.site_use_id = ooh.invoice_to_org_id
AND bill_to.territory_id = terr.territory_id
AND ol.header_id = dd.source_header_id(+)
AND ol.line_id = dd.source_line_id(+)
AND ol.line_id = holds.line_id(+)
AND freight.lookup_type = '||'''FREIGHT_TERMS'''||'
AND freight.LANGUAGE =USERENV('||'''LANG'''||')
AND freight.lookup_code = ooh.freight_terms_code
AND ott.LANGUAGE = USERENV('||'''LANG'''||')
AND fob.lookup_code = ooh.fob_point_code
AND fob.lookup_type = '||'''FOB'''||'
AND NVL(otta.attribute10,'||'''Y'''||') <> '||'''N'''||'
AND oel.lookup_code = ooh.flow_status_code
AND oel.lookup_type = '||'''FLOW_STATUS'''||'
AND ol.line_category_code <> '||'''RETURN'''||'
AND ooh.order_category_code IN ('||'''ORDER'''||','||'''MIXED'''||')
AND oell.lookup_code = ol.flow_status_code
AND oell.lookup_type = '||'''LINE_FLOW_STATUS'''||'
AND ooh.sold_to_org_id = '||p_sold_to_org_id ;
IF p_search_by = '1' THEN
v_search_by := ' AND TRUNC(ooh.ordered_date) ';
ELSIF p_search_by = '2' THEN
v_search_by := ' AND TRUNC(ol.request_date) ';
ELSIF p_search_by = '3' THEN
v_search_by := ' AND TRUNC(ol.actual_shipment_date) ';
ELSIF p_search_by = '4' THEN
v_search_by := ' AND TRUNC(ol.schedule_ship_date) ';
v_statement := v_statement || v_search_by;
v_statement := v_statement ||' >= '|| v_start_date || v_search_by ||' <= '||v_end_date;
v_statement := v_statement || ' ORDER BY ooh.ordered_date DESC,ooh.header_id,ol.line_number,ol.shipment_number ';
OPEN p_data FOR v_statement;
errbuf := SQLERRM ;
retcode := SQLCODE ;

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        HashMap map = null;
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          String line;
          map = new HashMap();
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        BufferedReader in = null;
        StringBuffer out = null;
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          in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
          out = new StringBuffer();
          String line = null;
          while( (line=in.readLine()) != null ) {
            out.append(SearchAndReplaceWordsInText(words, line)+"\n");
        } finally {
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        while( it.hasNext() ) {
          String key = (String);
          text = text.replaceAll("\\b"+key+"\\b", (String)words.get(key));
        return text;
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  • Please help me with the step by step instructions on how to install a Windows server 2008 on a computer that has Windows 8 installed on it

    Please help me with the step by step instructions on how to install a Windows server 2008 on a computer that has Windows 8 installed on it without formatting windows 8.Please email the steps , Thanks

    Please help me with the step by step instructions on how to install a Windows server 2008 on a computer that has Windows 8 installed on it without formatting windows 8.Please email the steps , Thanks
    Assuming your rig can support virtual machines, you can use Hyper-V and run another OS there.
    Better practice however is to use a dedicated machine and use remote desktop to the server.
    Corsair Carbide 300R with window
    Corsair TX850V2 70A@12V
    Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 CFX/SLI
    AMD Phenom II 965 C3 Black Edition @ 4.0 GHz
    G.SKILL RipjawsX DDR3-2133 8 GB
    EVGA GTX 6600 Ti FTW Signature 2(Gk104 Kepler)
    Asus PA238QR IPS LED HDMI DP 1080p
    ST2000DM001 & Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
    Microsoft Wireless Desktop 2000
    Wacom Bamboo CHT470M
    Place your rig specifics into your signature like I have, makes it 100x easier to understand!
    Hardcore Games Legendary is the Only Way to Play!

  • [Urgent] Please help me verify the debug output on E&M interface.

        I've got a problem when trying to make a call from the E&M interface on the router to PABX(Panasonic). I've got any dail-tone back. Please help me verify the logging output. It seemed to already send the digits.
    ###########################debug vpm signal####################
    .Sep 20 06:43:43.911: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_ONHOOK, E_DSP_SIG_1100]em_onhook_offhook htsp_setup_ind
    .Sep 20 06:43:43.911: [0/0/0] get_local_station_id calling num= calling name= calling time=09/20 13:43  orig called=
    .Sep 20 06:43:43.915: htsp_timer - 3000 msec
    .Sep 20 06:43:43.923: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_WAIT_SETUP_ACK, E_HTSP_SETUP_ACK]em_wait_setup_ack_get_ack
    .Sep 20 06:43:43.923: htsp_timer_stop interdigit timer cfgd to 3000
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.183: htsp_digit_ready: digit = 38
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.183: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_VTSP_DIGIT]em_offhook_digit_collect
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.443: htsp_digit_ready: digit = 39
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.443: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_VTSP_DIGIT]em_offhook_digit_collect
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.724: htsp_digit_ready: digit = 30
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.724: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_VTSP_DIGIT]em_offhook_digit_collect
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.996: htsp_digit_ready: digit = 38
    .Sep 20 06:43:44.996: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_VTSP_DIGIT]em_offhook_digit_collect
    .Sep 20 06:43:45.004: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_HTSP_PROCEEDING]
    .Sep 20 06:43:46.224: htsp_call_bridged invokedhtsp_progress_notify
    .Sep 20 06:43:46.228: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_HTSP_VOICE_CUT_THROUGH]em_offhook_voice_cut
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.184: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_DSP_SIG_0000]em_offhook_onhook, HF duration=480
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.184: mlpp_detection_enabled MLPP is not supported on this interface
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.184: em_start_timer: 480 ms
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.184: htsp_timer - 480 msec
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.664: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_OFFHOOK, E_HTSP_EVENT_TIMER]em_offhook_wait_release_req
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.664: htsp_timer_stop
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.664: htsp_timer_stop2
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.676: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_RLS_WAIT_RLS_REQ, E_HTSP_RELEASE_REQ]em_wait_rls_release em_onhook (0)
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.676: [0/0/0] set signal state = 0x0 timestamp = 0
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.676: em_start_timer: 400 ms
    .Sep 20 06:43:51.676: htsp_timer - 400 msec
    .Sep 20 06:43:52.076: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_WAIT_CLR_DONE, E_HTSP_EVENT_TIMER]em_clr_done
    .Sep 20 06:43:52.076: htsp_process_event: [0/0/0, EM_ONHOOK, E_DSP_SIG_0000]em_onhook_onhook
    ##########################debug vpip vtsp all####################
    .Sep 20 07:02:51.640: //44/D16BA46380FC/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_timer_stop:
       Timer Stop Time=23417277
    .Sep 20 07:02:51.640: //-1/D16BA46380FC/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_free_cdb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.416: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_allocate_cdb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.416: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_insert_cdb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.416: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.416: htsp_timer_stop3
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.416: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_og_call_req:
       Echo Cancel=TRUE, Gain Control=0
       Auto Gain Control=FALSE, Dual Tone Detect Mask=0x0, Seq Tone Detect=FALSE
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.416: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_do_call_setup_req:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_opened_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_req_pend_succ:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_request_call:
       Mode=0, Peer=2
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_create_call_active_on_setup_req:
       Target Carrier ID=
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_create_call_active_on_setup_req:
       Source Carrier ID=htsp_setup_req
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_request_call:
       Progress Indication=3, Info Trans Capability=16
       Calling Number=, TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed
       Called Number=7744, TON=Unknown, NPI=ISDN
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.420: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_ONHOOK, E_HTSP_SETUP_REQ]em_onhook_setup
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: em_offhook (0)
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: [0/0/1] set signal state = 0x8 timestamp = 0
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_SETUP_REQUEST, event:E_TSP_PROCEEDING]
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_pend_proceeding:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_timer:
       Timer Start Time=23417655, Timer Value=10000(ms)
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_pend_proceeding:
       Peer=2, Progress Indication=0, Return Code=2
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_BRANCH, EM_EVENT_IMMEDIATE]em_branch_immediate
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: htsp_timer - 300 msec
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_opened_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_NULL, event:E_VTSP_DSM_OPEN_SUCCESS]
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_req_wait_pend_success:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.424: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_timer_stop:
       Timer Stop Time=23417655
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.724: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_WAIT_DIALOUT_DELAY, E_HTSP_EVENT_TIMER]em_imm_send_digits  em_send_digits  htsp_dial
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.724: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, event:E_TSP_DIAL]
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.724: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_pend_dial:
       Digits=7744, Tone Mode=0
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.724: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dial:
    .Sep 20 07:02:55.724: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/ds_do_dial:
       Digits To Dial=7744
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_dial_done_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/ds_dialing:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/ds_do_dial:
       Digits To Dial=
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_pend_dial_comp:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/ds_do_dial:exit@556
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_WAIT_DIAL_DONE, E_DSP_DIALING_DONE]em_offhook_digit_done
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: htsp_timer_stop2 htsp_progress
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: htsp_timer2 - 850 msec
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, event:E_TSP_PROGRESS]
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_setup_pend_progress:
       Progress Indication=8, Signal Indication=2, cdb->answer_supervision=0
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_ring_noan_timer_start:
       Timer Start Time=23417770, No Answer Timer Value=180000(ms)
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.568: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_bridge_check_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: htsp_call_bridged invoked
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_bridge_check_cb:exit@1187
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_bridge_status_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_save_fax_config:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_save_fax_config:
       Fax Relay=ENABLED
       Primary Fax Protocol=CISCO_FAX_RELAY, Fallback Fax Protocol=NONE_FAX_RELAY
       Fax Relay CM Suppression :=ENABLED, Fax Parameters Set By=Global Settings
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_set_fax_feat_param:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_save_tty_config:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_save_tty_config:
       Save TTY configuration
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_set_tty_feat_param:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_set_tty_feat_param:
       Set TTY feat parameters
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.572: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, event:E_CC_DO_CAPS_IND]
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.576: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_peer_event_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.576: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, event:E_CC_CAPS_IND]
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.576: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_peer_event_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.580: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_feature_notify_cb:
       Feature ID=0, Feature Status=1
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.580: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_reactivate_ringback:
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.580: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_reactivate_ringback:exit@996
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.580: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_WAIT_FOR_ANSWER, E_HTSP_VOICE_CUT_THROUGH]
    .Sep 20 07:02:56.580: htsp_timer_stop2
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.913: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_dsm_bridge_status_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.913: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
       [state:S_SETUP_REQ_PROC, event:E_CC_DISCONNECT]
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.913: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_disconnect:
       Cause Value=16
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.913: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_ring_noan_timer_stop:
       Timer Stop Time=23419504
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.913: htsp_timer_stop3
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.925: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.925: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_dsm_dsp_stats_complete:
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.925: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_timer:
       Timer Start Time=23419505, Timer Value=60000(ms)
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_WAIT_FOR_ANSWER, E_HTSP_RELEASE_REQ]em_wait_answer_release
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: em_stop_timers
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: htsp_timer_stop
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: htsp_timer_stop2 em_onhook (0)
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: [0/0/1] set signal state = 0x0 timestamp = 0
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: em_start_timer: 400 ms
    .Sep 20 07:03:13.929: htsp_timer - 400 msec
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_GUARD_ALL, E_HTSP_EVENT_TIMER]em_guard_all_timer
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: em_stop_timers
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: htsp_timer_stop
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: em_start_timer: 3000 ms
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: htsp_timer - 3000 msec
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: htsp_process_event: [0/0/1, EM_PARK, E_DSP_SIG_0000]em_park_onhook
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: htsp_timer_stop
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: htsp_timer_stop2 htsp_report_onhook_sig
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_call_feature_ind:
       Feature Type=6
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/act_wrelease_release:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_play_busy_timer_stop:
       Timer Stop Time=23419546
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_timer_stop:
       Timer Stop Time=23419546
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_do_call_history:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.329: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:1:2/vtsp_do_call_history:
       Coder Rate=16
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.333: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_dsm_closed_cb:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.333: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_process_event:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.333: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/act_terminate:
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.333: //48/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_timer_stop:
       Timer Stop Time=23419546
    .Sep 20 07:03:14.333: //-1/E9FE7CA28104/VTSP:(0/0/1):-1:-1:-1/vtsp_free_cdb:
    Thanks in advance.

                I've not got any dial-tone back from PABX.
    Thanks in advance

  • HT1338 Could you please help me with the problem. I have mac os 10.7.4 on my macbook pro retina and want to update it to 10.7.5. I had been waiting for 2 hours to do it, but then it appeared that it was impossible. What should I do?

    Could you please help me with the problem. I have macbook with retina with mac os 10.7.4 ann want to update it to mac os 10.7.5. I had been waiting for 2 hours to do it and had tried 3 times but it appeared that it was impossible. What should I do?

    You can download the standalone updates:
    OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 (Client Combo)
    OS X Lion 10.7.5 Supplemental Update

  • Please help me get the latest version of adobe flash onto my iPad. Thanks so much

    Please help me install the latest version of adobe flash
    Onto my iPad. Thanks so much

    Unfortunately, you cannot install adobe flash player on your iPad. This is because the iPad was not made to support the flash player software. However, you can try using third party apps to try and play flash videos on your iPad. Check out for more details.

  • Why doesn't my iPhone 4 have an 'Internet tethering' options? Is it carrier related or iOs related? Please help me find the solution for this. thanx

    Why doesn't my iPhone 4 have an 'Internet tethering' options? Is it carrier related or iOs related? Please help me find the solution for this. thanx

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  • Hello. i have a musical keyboard which is yamaha psr e433 and i want to connect it to my macbook pro. please help me give the name of the connector so i can use it for my band. thank you. your help is much appreciated.

    hello. i have a musical keyboard which is yamaha psr e433 and i want to connect it to my macbook pro. please help me give the name of the connector so i can use it for my band. thank you. your help is much appreciated.

    hello. i have a musical keyboard which is yamaha psr e433 and i want to connect it to my macbook pro. please help me give the name of the connector so i can use it for my band. thank you. your help is much appreciated.

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