PLEASE HELP Mountain lion problem!

Hi, I just purchased a program called Pro Tools 11 and it requires me to run Mountain Lion or higher so i purchased it in the app store, When i went to redeem my purchase it said i cant support it. The Pro Tools Program i bought is non-refundable and i cant afford a new computer what can i do? Is there anything i can do? please help im going crazt here!

Mountain Lion requires EFI64, so if your Mac Pro is older than eary2008 Mac Pro, you need a "trick"  to install it. -do-it/

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    Hello Salmomma,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing when trying to connect your iPhone to your Mac.  I recommend following the steps in the tutorial below for an issue like this:
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    Additionally, you can delete music directly from the iPhone by swiping the song:
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    iPhone User Guide df
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Hi Dimitris,
    Thank you , a minimal example is provided now.
    Version of the Epsilon that I am using is : ( Epsilon Core
    Instructions for reproducing the problem :
    1-Run the uml2etl.etl transformation with the supplied launch configuration.
    2-Open lqn.model.
    There are two folders inside MinimalExample folder, the one which is called MinimalExample has 4 files, model.uml , lqn.model, uml2lqn.etl and MinimalExampleTransformation.launch.
    The other folder which is LQN has four files. (.project),LQN.emf,LQN.ecore and untitled.model which is an example model conforming to the LQN metamodel to see how the model looks like.
    Thank you

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    Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2010 20:34:32 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Please help with slideshow problems!
    You need to save the slideshow project in order to be able to go back later and make changes or additions to an existing slideshow . The wmv file is a final output format.
    Now you are most probably using only the Output command: that is what makes the wmv file.
    You should also do the Save Project command. (and I make it a practice to do the Save Project command before I do the Output command).
    If you look at the Elements Organizer 8 Help, there is a topic on "Create a slide show".
    -- Very close to the beginning of that topic is a screen shot of the Sldie Show Editor screen,
    -- The bar below the usual menu bar is labeled with a "B" and called the Shortcuts bar.
    -- The 1st entry on that Shortcuts bar is "Save Project"
    It is the Save Project command that saves the information about which photos, audio, etc you placed in that specific slide show so that you can come back again to do subsequent editing.  Save each Project with a unique name.
    After completing the Save Project command, you shoud see an "icon" in the Organizer for that slide show.
    Note:  you must also keep the photo files and audio files which you have used in this slide show: you can't delete them because the project file does NOT contain a copy of the photos, it only has the identification and folder location of the photo and audio files.

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    No, don't do that. You don't need anti-virus, anti-malware, or any Clean Up utilities, unless you want to spend a lot of time fixing all the damage those things do to your Mac.
    The author of JavaScript Blacklist was apparently hosting it on his MobileMe web page, which is no longer available. This guy has it for download: s-javascript-blacklist-safari-extension/
    I don't know where else to find it.
    Here is a screenshot of Safari's Extension preferences, where it will be installed:

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    Terence I find it surprising that you would say use Iphoto Manager after saying that I used it to rebuild using it took me to 99% of the way and just hung. I even spent my $20 and got the latest version 3.8.3  which was supposed to remedy these issues. See below my email to Fat Cat software the makers of Iphoto Manager:
    "Email to Fat Cat Software : Re Iphoto problems:
    My Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard, had hard drive failure so I had to borrow a friends similar machine to access my iPhoto library ( 523 GB) on a 1TB drive
    after editing the photos and after exporting one folder of images the program quit and the asked me to repair which i tried …it hung up at 99% and would not open the event thumbnails .I have tried everything trying to transfer the particular event from the library to a new library using Iphoto Manager just so I can work on my project but still no success as IPLM is telling me that it is getting no info from the library, I changed permissions on the drive ..still no success .
    I opened it using IPLM and it took hours to show the images but all events said "0" and it shows all the event cover photos as a gray photo with a palm tree in it or something . I tried rebuilding again this morning and the new library says "0" photos and a library size of 7.3 mb . There
    really seems to be a serious problem with Iphoto 9.3 as it
    asks you to rebuild or repair the library then IPLM stops at 99% leaving
    the thumbnails
    unviewable and just hangs up after that or wont open and there the problems start.
    Please advise and give me some viable options on this issue."
    Its days later and the support at Fat Cat software emailed me asking a question and are apparently just as floored as I am with this malfunction ..I hope they are working feverishly to address this as my conclusion and solution is as follows :
    Using the older version of Iphoto Library Manager when my machine asked me to upgrade and rebuild instead of the first aid function in Iphoto 9.3 did not help but actually corrupted my library and downloading the latest version did not help remedy it either. What I should have done and am now doing is using the Iphoto first Aid function in Mountain Lion and Iphoto 9.3 using option command to rebuild the entire library. So far it is working with no hangups is now rebuilding image version number 6715 and counting with 33000+ images to go ..if this solution really rebuilds then that is the ONLY way to go with this issue which has cost me a lot of time and money in missed deadlines , lost income and lost business . Iphoto and Iphoto Library manager are normally great in what their purposes are and in ease of use and function but whenawry with compatibility in version software issues arise things go terribly awry and the tedious painstaking fixes available that go for days on end  just do not cut it.

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    Sorry guys. I discovered that Safari / Preferences / Security tab I had the 'enable plug - ins' unchecked. I checked it and it solved the problem.
    Hope it helps - took me a couple of days before I found it by chance (thrashing around!)

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    I turn off the tv for a while, and come back and turn the TV back on.
    I see one of four things:
    Sometimes, it still works fine (but not very often).
    "No signal" on the TV.  Power off and on the TV and receiver in every combiniation ever, still no luck.
    Blue screen, this is rare, but sometimes it's just a blue screen.  I can't do anything though with a mouse or keyboard.
    White noise.  Again, I can't do a thing.  This is also rare.
    When 2-4 happens, I also lose the ability to VNC into the mac mini using Real VNC from Windows (it just stays at "connecting...").  In Mountain Lion, without this problem, I VNC right in in less than a second (after entering the PW, of course). 
    Sleep is disabled, screensaver is disabled. As I said, it's random; sometimes it's fine, other times it's broken.
    The ONLY fix when this happens is to hard power off and turn it back on.  Obviously not what I am wanting to do with my brand new mac mini.  I am about to throw this thing against a wall, or maybe return it, lol.
    With Lion, this did not happen (although I had plenty of other problems).
    I do not think it has to do with sleeping, because sleeping is disabled...  So what else could be the issue?   I've heard EDID issues, but I have no clue where to begin to fix that. 
    More people with this problem here: reezing-when-attached-displays-are-power-cycled/

    If your Vizio has audio return capability via HDMI, you could do it that way...although I'm not sure it would pass anything more than 2-channel stereo from the TV back to the receiver.  It's not a feature that my TV is capable of, so I can't speak to its real-life application.
    If your TV doesn't support ARC, you can buy a TOSlink cable to run digital audio from your mini to your receiver.  Check monoprice for some good deals on those cables.  I got one for less than five bucks. 
    It's a bit of a dance, but you would need to switch your audio output between HDMI (when you want the audio to come out of your TV) and TOSlink (when you want it to go to your receiver).  There are applescripts that can automate this so that you just double-click a link and it performs the switch.  I am running this exact setup in my house for the times when I want to watch a movie but everyone's asleep so I can't run my receiver.

  • Mountain Lion Problem? Or maybe SSD problem?

    My Macbook Pro has been acting strange lately. Almost on a regular basis my computer needs to be restarted, from apps freezing or failing to load. When I try to restart, however, my computer simply gives me a gray screen with the cursor and sits there. So, I have to preform a hard reset. This happens consistenly through out the day. The main app that keeps giving me trouble is Safari, which will either completely fail to load or just stop working as I use it.
    I did just recently both upgrade to Moutain Lion and my hard drive to an SSD from Crucial. However, these problems really started AFTER installing Mountain Lion.
    I have an 15" Macbook Pro from 2007 with an Intel Core 2 Duo, if that helps...

    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    If you have an optical drive, make sure there is no disc in it.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the page that opens.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left.
    Enter "BOOT_TIME" (without the quotes) in the search box. Note the timestamps of those log messages, which refer to the times when the system was booted. Now clear the search box and scroll back in the log to the last boot time when you had the problem. Post the messages logged during the time something abnormal was happening. That time might be before or after the boot.
    For example, if the problem is a slow startup taking three minutes, post the messages timestamped within three minutes after the boot time, not before. If the problem is a system hang or shutdown failure, post the messages from before the boot time, when the system was hanging or was failing to shut down. In either case, please include the BOOT_TIME message at the beginning or the end of the log extract.
    Post the log text, please, not a screenshot. If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Edit it out by search-and-replace in a text editor before posting.
    Step 2
    Still in Console, look under System Diagnostic Reports for crash or panic logs, and post the most recent one, if any. In the interest of privacy, I suggest you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if present (it may not be.) Please don’t post shutdownStall, spin, or hang logs — they're very long and not helpful.

  • Mountain Lion problems with Mail Signatures, Pages, Numbers, Keynote - This quick fix solved all my problems with these. Pages etc wouldn't launch and needed to be force quitted. Mail signature changes wouldn't save.

    The solution was simple in my case. I don't know why it worked and it may have been entirely coincidental but its worth a try.
    Close all applications and restart Mountain Lion.
    Log in as Guest. I opened Pages at this point but I don't know if that's required.
    Log out and then back in as your normal user.
    Pages, Numbers and Keynote now were fine for me and Mail signature changes were saved and available for later use.
    For those trying to edit the signatures to get their old ones back - I just found an old sent mail and copied the signature there into the newly created one via the normal preferences. No need for opening .mailsignature files and editing them. This included various colours, sizes, an image and a link with no problems.
    I hope this helps anyone having some of these problems.

    The solution was simple in my case. I don't know why it worked and it may have been entirely coincidental but its worth a try.
    Close all applications and restart Mountain Lion.
    Log in as Guest. I opened Pages at this point but I don't know if that's required.
    Log out and then back in as your normal user.
    Pages, Numbers and Keynote now were fine for me and Mail signature changes were saved and available for later use.
    For those trying to edit the signatures to get their old ones back - I just found an old sent mail and copied the signature there into the newly created one via the normal preferences. No need for opening .mailsignature files and editing them. This included various colours, sizes, an image and a link with no problems.
    I hope this helps anyone having some of these problems.

  • Dictation mountain lion problem

    hello, i've a simple problem with dictation: it does not work....
    when i try to use dictation, the icon appears, i say a simple sentence in french ( i don't have any weird french accent, and Dictation is set on "French" ), then, Dictation seems to search a little and finally disappear without writting anything...
    One more information : I dont live in france but in an french island in the pacific ocean, does it have any influence ?
    (sorry for grammar and syntax mistakes)

    SOLUTION:  Je viens enfin de reussir à utiliser mountain lion, je viens donc poster ma "solution" si ca peut aider certain:  j'ai téléchargé et utilisé le logiciel de maintenance m-pour mac : Onyx.  j'ai executé l'automation de ce logicel puis redémarré mon ordi et miracle ! ca marche !
    Google translate: 
    I finally succeed to use mountain lion, so I just post my "solution" if it can help some: I downloaded and used the m-maintenance software for mac: Onyx. I executed the automation of this SOFTWARE and restarted my computer and miracle! it works!

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