Please help. Recovery Mode issues

My iPod touch ran out of battery last night, and as normal, i went to go plug it in to charge it. Instead of charging, it is frozen on a screen that says "connect to iTunes". When I connect to itunes, it says that my iPod is in recovery mode, and that I need to restore it before it can be used with iTunes. I have over 6,000 photos on my iPod that I have taken throughout the years, and I'd rather not have them all deleted. Is there a way that i can fix my iPod without restoring it?

No, you have to restore the iPod via iTunes and thus erase the iPod.

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    my iphone went into recovery mode and i dont know why ?. i went into itunes like it said and it did the process then an error came up that said this iphone canot be restored i dont know why .

    Maybe you'd like to tell us what the error was, exactly?


    hi i just bought a MSI ea2260 006uk off somebody manual calls it a wind top series,
    but it has windows 8 installed instead of the windows 7
    so what it looks like has happened is the person who installed the windows 8
    firstly not made a set of recovery discs and 2, has formatted the hard drive before hand so recovery sector has been deleted
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    is there any body out there with the same or similar machine that is prepared to burn me off a copy of their recovery discs
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    so please please can somebody help me,
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    i have tried eBay but to no avail
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    and if any of you aint backed up your discs, make sure you do cos if you hdd buggers then you buggered too...
    any help will be greatly appreciated
    there is an small mini Aeriel  socket on the back of the all in one touchscreen PC and an Aeriel was also supplied with it
    so im assuming there is a tv card in there as it has all the option extras in the manual like sata connection, hdmi, remote control etc....
    also if peeps can tell me what softaware is on their 22xx series one that may be a big help too
    many thanks scott 

    Are you able to start in Recovery mode ?.   OS X: About OS X Recovery
    If so, then after the language choice screen, click Utilities at the top of the screen & choose Terminal.
    Once Terminal opens, type resetpassword  then press the enter key.
    Choose your user from the list & follow the prompts to create a new password. Then restart the computer normally.
    This won't allow you to update app store apps which the previous owner bought, but will let you install new software.
    Ideally, you'd erase the HD & reinstall OS X yourself : you may be able to do that from Internet Recovery, but may need original install DVDs,
    which Apple will usually supply for a small charge, if you call them with the serial number.
    Computers that can be upgraded to use OS X Internet Recovery

  • Please help with Contribute issue- Adobe or anyone!

    My issues are many- I don't know where to start. First, as a long-time Adobe customer, I can not believe how support has declined- I really miss my "support package" from the early 90's when I spoke with a person who really knew how to address my problems and/or questions. I am so tired of being outsourced to someone who has no idea how to address my problem- only to send me to "Document #8932023912 03" off of the Adobe website. I want to talk to someone who KNOWS and APPRECIATES this product, and who understands its internal behavior (like what I get when I call MAC SUPPORT). I will pay for it! I have invested thousands of dollars on Adobe software and am now at an unacceptable standstill.
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    A special note to anyone from Adobe: I want to talk to someone via a support package-- NOT outsourced. Does this fee-based option exist? It doesn't seem to from the main support number. If someone can help direct me, I would appreciate the proper instruction to do so. I need to get my InDesign running again and I have already invested multiple hours, days with Adobe support with NO solution at all. This is unacceptable in my mind, especially for the moneys invested.
    Thank you in advance... Aimee M.

    I totally share your views on Adobe period. I loved Macromedia., they also answered all my questions, then Adobe had to buy them out! I called them today (sales Dept., that's where they answer rather quickly., of course), they explained the following: You can pay for a live person, but the prices differ  in that they come in packages. In other words, you can pay a flat rate per hour for one-on-one OR pay for one-on-one tech support 5 times per month, and the amount of times per month vary from that point on., and so does the price!  I'm baffled! They are HORRIBLE!! . Like yourself, am on a standstill ever since I've been stuck with not being able to publish my site with current edits and it gives me a message whereas my own company name is "currently editing the page," so it keeps kicking out. I've tried everything, including but not limited to the following: going to the library and checking out books to troubleshoot; going on Adobe pages for support as well the Help features on the software program., etc...I'm exhausted!  ADOBE you guys need to reassess your Customer Care Support and your outsourcing business as well!!! YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR CUSTOMERS RATHER QUICKLY!!

  • Please help with this issue "To Run a SSIS Package outside of Server Data Tools You must install Drived Column of Integration sercvies of higher" From C# app

     i have searched all over the google and here on MSDN(I have read all the threads related to my problem ) , i am new to SISS and doing my clg project ,
    I have this package which loads data from  dim tables to a fact table , my Package runs without any problem in BIDS (2012)
    I have installed SQl Server integration services on SQL and service is also running in services.msc,
    the problem comes when i execute my package using my C# application i am using MSDN Method to execute a SSIS package programmatically given here.
    For loading my FactTable i have used a Derived columns  and some lookups , 
    Now if i don't use derived columns and looks ups and just use source and destination component then my package runs fine from my C# application but if i use derived columns or looks ups etc it gives the following error
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    IS this causing problem ?  if yes then what i have to do  ?

    Hi BlaxButt,
    The package is developed in SSDT installed by SQL Server 2012, so it is a SSIS 2012 package. However, the Integration Services you have installed is SQL Server 2008 R2 version. To run the package outside SSDT, you need SSIS 2012 installed. The reason why
    the package runs fine with only Source and Destination components is that such a simple package can be executed by the DTExec utility installed by SQL Server 2012 Data base Engine or Client Tools (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard). To run a package that
    uses other tasks/components outside SSDT/BIDS, the SSIS runtime is also required except the DTExec utility. To obtain the SSIS 2012 runtime, we have to install SSIS 2012 on the server where the package runs.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • [HELP] Recovery Mode Loop - iPhone 5

    Dear all,
    Kindly help me. I'm trying to exit this ***ty Recovery Mode Loop. It is driving me crazy.
    Here is the story:
    Yesterday, I was updating my iDevices to the latest 6.1 iOS. When I tried to update my Mom's iPhone, suddenly, the iTunes sync logo appeard.
    I synced it with iTunes, and it gave me this message: "Your iphone is in Recovery Mode",
    I clicked "Restore iPhone"
    But after I had downloaded the latest update, the iPhone doesn't want to restore.
    I tried to Power it off, but it brings me back to the Recovery mode continuosly.
    It was never jailbroken (as there is no jailbreak for iPhone 5) + I have looked thru google but found nothing that helps!
    I tried (iREB and iRecovery and TinyUmbrella) all of them failed at putting the iPhone back to the normal state or to DFU mode.

    Hi there nxtbardi,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below. If you used a computer to initiate the update, there is a possibility that the device created a backup before updating.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    -Griff W.

  • URGENT!!! Java Gurus Please Help with adf issue!

    Hello All,
    We have a requirement where our adf/jsf app needs to pick an EXCEL file from the server where the application is deployed. The sequence is :
    User comes to the page
    Clicks on "Open EXCEL" button
    EXCEL file located in the c:/ of the server opens up.
    How can this be done? I do not see any coding needed because the EXCEL file is being opened as is (and after user views it he closes the file) and the data is not being transferred to the jspx page.
    *We are totally flexible in how this is implemented - ie, using button, link , html etc etc. What ever works!!!!*
    Edited by: user12054715 on Aug 17, 2010 8:54 PM
    Edited by: user12054715 on Aug 18, 2010 4:11 PM
    Edited by: user12054715 on Aug 18, 2010 4:13 PM

    Hello Timo,
    I am using 10.1.3g so your response is not going to help me.
    However, I have another question that I have already posted on the Forum. Please help me...
    *1. Java application should be able to write "Hello World" in the excel file, when the user opens it.*
    HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
    HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("newSheet");
    HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(1);
    *2. A "Write To Excel" button on jsf page opens a dialog asking user to Save or Open the excel file. (user can save the file anywhere on his machine)*
    In jsf:
    <af:commandButton text="Download" action="#{myBackingBean.writeToExcel}" useWindow="true"/>
    In backing bean:
    public static void writeToExcel() throws IOException
    String filename = "workbook.xls";
    // //Setup the output
    String contentType = "application/";
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)fc.getExternalContext().getResponse();
    response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    BOTTLENECK: When the user opens the excel how do I show "HelloWorld!!!!!!!!!" ?

  • Please help - CD import issue in itunes

    I would really appreciate some help.
    I have a Sony Vaio laptop and a HP I Pod.
    Have used Itunes with no problems for 9 months and have imported/ripped hundreds of CDs into my library with no issues.
    Recently, however, iTunes stopped allowing me to import/rip CDs into my library. When I try, it imports the first 4-5 seconds of the first song and then locks my entire computer up. I have to power down the laptop.
    I attempted to run the CD diagnostic through iTunes, that also locked up the laptop.
    I have uninstalled and re-installed iTunes several times.
    I had my IT guy look at the laptop and do some preliminary research. He indicated that this is not uncommon and that others have reported having this problem since upgrading to iTunes 6.0.
    Based on that, I un-installed 6.0 and went back to the version that came with the iPod. I think it is 4.9. Problem still exists.
    Please help. I still have a lot of music I would like to load into iTunes.

    This is what my CD Diagnostics results are:
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
    HP Pavilion 061 PE529A-ABA A523X
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: Pfc (, PxHelp20 (, AFS2K (, MxlW2k (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: VIA/S3G UniChrome Graphics\VIA/S3G UniChrome Graphics Adapter
    IDE\DiskSAMSUNGSP1203N________________________TL100-24, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    USBSTOR\DiskGenericUSB_CF_Reader__1.01, Bus Type USB
    USBSTOR\DiskGenericUSB_MS_Reader__1.03, Bus Type USB
    USBSTOR\DiskGenericUSB_SD_Reader__1.00, Bus Type USB
    USBSTOR\DiskGenericUSB_SM_Reader__1.02, Bus Type USB
    IDE\CdRomNEC_DVD+RW_ND-2100AD___________________1.26___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Current user is administrator.
    E: _NEC DVD+RW ND-2100AD, Rev 1.26
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 12 songs on CD, playing time 54:58 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 06:08:02
    Track 3, start time 10:47:27
    Track 4, start time 15:01:15
    Track 5, start time 19:07:55
    Track 6, start time 22:46:30
    Track 7, start time 27:29:05
    Track 8, start time 31:34:72
    Track 9, start time 35:35:07
    Track 10, start time 39:56:50
    Track 11, start time 43:22:07
    Track 12, start time 49:42:17
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are: 4 8 16 20 24 32.
    The drive CDRW speeds are: 4 8 16 20.
    The drive DVDR speeds are: 4.
    The drive DVDRW speeds are: 4.

  • Please help with export issue with HD.

    I have a current project set at 1920x1080 HDTV 1080i (16x9) and my customer has decided to change his mind and not go HD 16x9 which I had shot in specifically for this reason. What settings could I use to export for 720x480 DVD 4:3? Please help.

    +Do I copy and past the Sequence file from the HD into a DV NTSC new project? Yes or no?+
    Yes. Once you are done export it to Compressor to encode your video into an m2v and the audio into an ac3 dolby stereo. Then import those as assets in DVDstudio4, create your menu, if you need one and burn your DVD.
    +Can you give me a more step by step?+
    As I asked before...are you not familiar with using Compressor and/or DVD Studio Pro?
    If not (and if the links I sent to you are not helpful enough) then follow these two approaches:
    (Hope Shane Ross doesn't mind if I report one of his stock answers about a basic way to make a DVD followed by my basic "step by step" use of Compressor in order to give the OP a quick and easy support).
    Shane Ross wrote:
    +The absolute simplest way to make a DVD using FCP and DVDSP is as follows:+
    +1. Export a QT movie, either a reference file or self contained using current settings.+
    +2. Open DVDSP, select the "graphical" tab and you will see two little monitors, one blue, one green.+
    +3. Select the left blue one and hit delete.+
    +4. Now, select the green one, right click on it amd select the top option "first play".+
    +5. Now drag your QT from the broswer and drop it on top of the green monitor.+
    +6. Now, for a DVD from an HD source, look to the right side and select the "general tab" in the track editor, and see the Display Mode, and select "16:9 pan-scan."+
    +7. Hit the little black and yellow burn icon at the top of the page and put a a DVD in when prompted. DVDSP will encode and burn your new DVD.+
    +THATS ALL!!!+
    +NOW...if you want a GOOD LOOKING DVD, instead of taking your REF movie into DVD SP, instead take it into Compressor and choose the BEST QUALITY ENCODE (2 pass VBR) that matches your show timing. Then take THAT result into DVD SP and follow the rest of the steps. Except you can choose "16:9 LETTERBOX" instead of PAN & SCAN if you want to see the entire image.+
    Gogiangigo wrote:
    Creating your MPEG2 and AC3 files with Compressor:
    Compressor will create an Mpeg2 of your edited video and an ac3 (dolby stereo) for the audio (You can't create ac3audio with DVDstudio).
    (Use google for any farther information about any word or definition that remains slightly unclear to you).
    After that is done burning your DVD with DVDStudio will be quicker and easier.
    Step 1
    Once you are done with the edit you can:
    either export it straight from the timeline to Compressor (File>Export>Using Compressor)
    or create a QT movie (check self-contained in the export window) and import into Compressor after you open it.
    If you export it straight from the timeline Compressor will open automatically,
    if you wish to use the self-contained QT movie you can still export it from an open FCP project or open Compressor independently. If the the latter is your case once you open Compressor click on Add File in the toolbar (top left corner ).
    In both cases your video will appear in an untitled project right below the toolbar. You can see the movie (or FCP) icon and the title of your project.
    Now, the simplest way to proceed is as follow:
    you see the text next to the icon of your movie (in the blue rectangle) saying "drag here settings and destinations"? Now go to the settings window below, you can see the settings and destinations tabs. Go to Settings>Apple 4 groups>DVD 10 groups>DVD best quality 90 minutes two settings. This is the most common setting to use.
    In a nutshell drag the DVD best quality 90 minutes folder over the "drag settings and destinations here" text. Choose your destination. If you click each setting the inspector window activates. Now before we go ahead I suggest you to read the manual and understand the importance of the inspector window and its functions. In particular read about Avarege bit rate, maximum bit rate and in general Variable frame rate (VBR) and constant frame rate. With regard to audio read about ac3.
    This time we leave default settings and proceed by clicking the Submit button.
    In the preview window, right below the player commands you can see a little arrow and a date, click on the arrow and you can see that Compressor is encoding your video.
    Step 2
    When the encoding process is over open DVDstudio.
    See the first button of the toolbar , top left? Click on Import Asset, find your encoded audio and video files and open them.
    Now since your movie has been already compressed video(Mpeg2) and audio (ac3) they will show in the assets tab below the graphical tab followed by two green lights.
    From now follow Shane Ross's steps from point 3 if you don't want a menu.
    If you need a menu there's a simple video tutorial that came with FCP studio 2 discs . Take a look at that.

  • Please help, user browser issue.

    Hi guys, i have re developed phpbb site mercedes dubai  in Dreamweaver and cant able to splash top image to resize as per the user screen resolution. Please help.

    Hi Carnity,
    This forum is for questions and feedback about the  Adobe BrowserLab cross-browser testing service. Unfortunately the BrowserLab team doesn't have the bandwidth to help with individual questions regarding HTML/CSS coding issues.
    It's possible one of the other forums users may be able to help you, but you may have better luck getting an answer if you post to the HTML5 forum here:
    Best of luck,

  • HT1766 iOS7 update help - recovery mode

    I updated my iphone 4 today to iOS7.  I'm now in recovery mode.  When connected to itunes, it says I have to restart my phone.  I'm afraid to do this because it says I will lose my data....lose all my photos!!  Or am I too late, have I already lost my photos?  I'm a new iphone user and pretty upset that before installing the update it did not warn me to back up files, that they would be deleted.  Is there anyway I can back up my photos before I get out of recovery mode?  I had some very precious photos on my phone that mean a lot to me.  Thank you for you help.

    Once the iPhone is in Recovery mode, personal data is lost, unless backed up in iTunes or iCloud.
    Did not mention which iPhone and iOS on it !

  • Please help - Openreach charge issue

    Please help! Is there anyone with technical knowledge and authority over my account charges that I can speak to with regards to an unfair charge that has been placed on my account through a false Openreach engineer's report?
    I transferred to BT on 1st August and, as instructed, waited for the 'go live' email before connecting my HomeHub 4 router. Something that concerned me at the time was that my phone line still had not come back up after being disconnected by my previous supplier, anyhow I went ahead and followed the setup instructions. As I only went for the BT Broadband package (not Infinity) and as decribed here on BT's own help pages, I connected my wired home network which includes a media server and my Sky box to the red GigE port so I wouldn't be short of streaming bandwidth. However, when I turned the router on it would not connect to broadband and nothing I did made any difference. I had no phone and no broadband. I still had no phone line when I disconnected everything and connected my phone directly into the engineer's port behind the master socket faceplate.
    I had to wait 5 days for an Openreach engineer to come out (my wife dealt with him while I was at work) he apparently unplugged my home network from the GigE port and plugged it into one of the yellow 100Mb ports, telling my wife I'd wired it up wrongly(!), but still the phone and broadband would not work. The next thing he did was to replace the master socket and all of a sudden everything was up and running.
    The engineer has subsequently submitted his report stating the reason for the line not working was that I'd wired up the HH4 router incorrectly, which can't be done anyway, and now I'm being charged £99 which is unfair and is patently untrue as it was the master socket that was at fault - borne out by the fact that the phone line was not working before I'd even opened the HH4 packaging. Since his visit I've reconnected my home network to the GigE port and all is working fine - or at least as fine as things can get on a HH4 anyway. I've also been in touch with BT Technical Help who have told me that it is not possible for my network, connected to the GigE port, to have any affect on the master socket, quote "It is illogical [that it should]".
    Is there anybody I can speak to to sort this out?
    Many thanks,

    Hi DaveJFT,
    Please use the 'contact the mods' link in my forum profile under the 'about me' section to send in your details and we'll be happy to look into this for you. You can find the link by clicking on my username.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Please help with WSRPi Issue

    Hi Gurus,
    I am using the Application Workspace Portlet extension for JDEV 1013.
    This morning I deployed successfully some JSR-168 Portlets in my WSRP OC4J container and registered the providers successfully with Portal 10.1.4
    Now I am following exactly same steps but I am encountering the following error:
    An error occurred during the call to the WSRP Provider: Java stack trace from root exception:
    java.rmi.ServerException: Internal Server Error (java.lang.RuntimeException: oracle.webdb.wsrp.server.ContainerException: Unable to load resource bundle "project1.resource.Portlet1Bundle")
    at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._raiseFault(
    at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.WSRP_v1_ServiceDescription_PortType_Stub.getServiceDescription(
    at Source)
    . (WWC-43273)
    Any Ideas for this issue??
    Please Help.

    Hi JO,
    I remember this problem - it used to occur in one of my Portlets. It usually happens when the Portlet is not compiled using the same JDK compiler as the OC4J.
    Does your JDev 10.13 ( the default JDK is JDK 1.5 ) & the OC4J contaier for Portal 10.1.4 have the same JDK version ?

  • IPhone Software/Recovery Mode Issue

    After updating my iPhone Software a few moments ago, my iPhone appears to no longer work (I can't get past the apple icon start screen, which keeps refreshing) and iTunes is saying that the iPhone is in recovery mode. I now am being offered the option of restoring the iPhone as the only way to get it working again. Is there any other way here to not lose the 700 photos and other personal information I have amassed on my iphone and get my iphone working again (my software update seems to have also wiped all my photos of off iPhoto). Help very much appreciated.

    Hey iPhone Owner 17,
    Restoring the iPhone is the only option when it is in recovery mode. You can try resetting though:
    You should have a backup in iTunes from the last time the iPhone was synced. Check iTunes> Preferences> Syncing. That backup will recover the pictures taken on the iPhone.]
    Just restore and after restoring, iTunes will ask you if you want to recover from backup or setup as a new iPhone.

  • Ipod restore recovery mode issue

    my ipod is in recovery mode, but when i try to restore it, it will say extracting software but halfway through, my ipod will turn off and the restore will stop. help?

    Try deleting the update file and try again.. It is located here:
    IPSW file location for Mac and Windows
    Next try on another computer.

Maybe you are looking for