Please help-- system command

can someone tell me how to embed a command line in my java code?
for example to send email using my java program. The operating system can execute this command line.
Is it the system class? Please help.
Thank you.

Yes, you can run a command in the system command prompt.
See the java.lang.Runtime.exec() method calls.
Below is a part of some code a was writing yesterday.
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        Process process = runtime.exec("java engine.Session1");It starts a new Java process.
Note that you may need to read and write from process.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream(), process.getErrorStream() if the process started is using the standard input/output/error streams.

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    Hey, NovJoe asked you about memory timings and that was the first thing I was going to ask you too. I have a similar system I'll list on the bottom. I have the Corsair 512x2 PC3700 @3,4,4,8 timing.....My system used to reboot itself A LOT. For NO apparant reason, no matter what I was doing, playing a game, chating online, or surfing websites. I've always had something wrong with my system so I can't tell you exactly what will help, but maybe you can check out some things and decide if you want to change them.
    I guess first, you need to make sure all your voltage settings are right. Your processor will run OK with the stock voltages, but uping them a little doesnt hurt. I have mine at 1.55...
         Your memory timings should be set at 2.7....The Bios auto is 2.5, but there have been a lot of posts and reviews that say uping the memory voltage to 2.7 (even PC3200), will give you better stability. I have mine at 2.75 because I overclock....I wouldnt recommend anything above 2.7 for you though unless you choose to...I've learned AGP voltages should be at 1.5, nothing more.
    On the software side, my random reboots and lockups has 75% of the time corrupted important windows system files. Sometimes a little icon will appear at the corner next to the time, other times I will get no message. Run "chkdsk" through "Start" ~> "Run" and type "CHKDSK" in. If you have, good, but this is only one program to run. Disk Defragmenter also checks for corrupt files and will let you know if you have any.
         Your reboots could be due to a corrupt file, and it doesnt have to be a Windows file either. I installed "CORECENTER" at least 3 time, fresh installs and updates, and I didnt have to run the program for it to corrput my system. I ended up deleting it and have not used it since.
         I guess if your not sure a program is the problem, the last resort you should take is to format your system. I've formatted at least 15 times (my luck) and I'm sorry to say I've gotten used to it...I just partition my hard drive and store EVERYTHING important on that if Windows refuses to boot or locks up and doesnt want ot start, I can safely partition the WINDOWS parition without loosing any of my data. Windows will even let you have partions with different file systems such as NTFS or FAT32 at the same time....(this is my case).  
    Ahhhh....I was writing my specs and I REMEMBERED SOMETHING! Corny i know, i'm on medication  ......     anyway....try to run your MAT..found in BIOS under "Frequency and Voltage" (or something like that) to "FAST"....I know if I set it to "Ultra", my system was a little less reliable. Try changing your memory speeds in the same options list to "AUTO" or "200", give one a try because you should be running your memory at either one of these speeds. I assume "200" will give you a more reliable system because it is not workig faster than its rated speed.
    Write back and tell me if any of this helped. It took me months of playing around and with my luck, to get this far, and things are working for me. It took a while to know and get a feeling of working with the BIOS to know my system well enough. If its not the hardware, then blame Microsoft  .....serisouly though, it could be them and a nice format is needed (sorry to tell you)
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    ATI Radeon 9700 non-pro @ 1.5v
    Zalman Alum/Copper Heatink/Fan
    Santa Cruz sound card
    Western Digital Special Edition 120gig hard drive w/ 8meg cache
    *AGP/PCI bus frequency should be something like 66/33, greyed out but u can highlight it and change it
    **AGP Aperture size get to should be no higher than 128

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    Quote from: soldat32 on 06-August-09, 05:16:16
    CPU Type   QuadCore AMD Phenom, 2500 MHz (12.5 x 200)AMD Phenom X4 9850 Quad Core Processor HD985ZXAGHBOX - Black Edition, Unlocked 2.50GHz, 4MB Cache, 2000MHz (4000 MT/s) FSB, Agena, Quad-Core, Retail, Socket AM2+, Processor with Fan
    No errors were found in my memory.My PSU seems to be working fine.My VGA is a XFX Nvidia 9600GT with 512mb.
    Have you tried that?:
    Quote from: Svet on 06-August-09, 03:52:32
    Try with your second stick alone in the same DIMM slot.
    Quote from: soldat32 on 06-August-09, 05:16:16
    CPU Type   QuadCore AMD Phenom, 2500 MHz (12.5 x 200)AMD Phenom X4 9850 Quad Core Processor HD985ZXAGHBOX - Black Edition, Unlocked 2.50GHz, 4MB Cache, 2000MHz (4000 MT/s) FSB, Agena, Quad-Core, Retail, Socket AM2+, Processor with Fan
    Its 125W CPU.
    Can you shows picture of your board? Is it V2? Is there a heatsink over mosfets?:

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    thank you,

    I've seen other posts with this questions, and answers. Unfortunately I didn't pay much attention. But the basic idea is to exec and pass the specifc batch or command as an argument.

  • Command or Canvas Events for Recording ?? Please Help..

    Hi I am Abhijith I am a total newbie to the j2me world, And I am learning it now,
    My project topic is "Bluetooth Walkie Talkie " , And I am trying my best and putting
    all my efforts to code incrementally by learning , Before I could implement bluetooth,
    I thought let me complete the recording The audio and playing part first,
    The recording and playing of audio is working fine , But i would like to do it a real manner as Real Walkie talkie does, I want to record audio ONLY when the Key is being
    pressed , and when its released it should exit the player hence saving the recorded file,
    (Actually i dont want to save it in future,i would be sending the bytearray though the bluetooth , but for now , I want the Current module to be ready)
    I tried my best searching online to implement my requirement but the couldnot find
    such events I found Canva's KEYPRESS, KEYRELEASE , etc events but they dint not
    serve my purpose, Let me clearly tell where I am stuck , After the midlet starts(by launching it) then i would like to press a key( keypressed say No 5) for certain
    amount of time and the audio should be recorded only for the keypressed duration ,
    after I release , it should stop recording and save as a wav file .
    Whats happening is When i keep the key pressed , The midlet asks whether to allow
    the recording , for this purpose when I release key the control is going out, and
    i am not able to achieve the needed , I am posting the code here, Please Help me.
    I am not asking for the complete spoon feeding or ready made code, But as a beginner
    I need help from you all to learn and implement it.(at least it should satisfy me,i would feel i have learnt something then)
    Here below is my code ( i AM using WTK 2.5 )
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Key extends MIDlet{
      private Display  display;
      private KeyCodeCanvas canvas;
      public Key(){
        display = Display.getDisplay(this);
        canvas  = new KeyCodeCanvas(this);
      protected void startApp(){
      protected void pauseApp(){}
      protected void destroyApp( boolean unconditional ){
    class KeyCodeCanvas extends Canvas implements CommandListener{
      private Command exit;
         public StringItem message ;
         private Player player;
         private byte[] recordedAudioArray = null;
      private String keyValue = null;
      private Key midlet;
         Thread t = null;
         private String eventType = null;
      public KeyCodeCanvas(Key midlet){
        this.midlet = midlet;
        exit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
      protected void paint(Graphics g){
          g.setColor(255, 0, 0);
          g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        if (keyValue != null){
          g.setColor(0, 0, 255);
           g.drawString(keyValue + eventType+message, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2,
         Graphics.TOP | Graphics.HCENTER);
      public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){
        String label = c.getLabel();
      protected void keyPressed(int keyCode){
         eventType = "pressed";
        keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);
      public void keyReleased(int keyCode)
                eventType = "released";
                keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);
           catch (Exception e)
      public void keyRepeated(int keyCode)
           eventType = "repeated";
           keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);
                Thread t1 = new Thread()
                     public void run()
                               player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio?encoding=pcm");
                               RecordControl rc = (RecordControl)player.getControl("RecordControl");
                               ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                               eventType = "Recording";
                               message.setText("Recording Done!");
                               recordedAudioArray = output.toByteArray();
                          catch (Exception e)
                }; t1.start();
           catch (Exception e)
         //Runnable r1 = new Runnable()
         //    public void run()
         //        try
         //            System.out.print(" here 1");
         //            message.setText(" here 1 ");
         //            player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio?encoding=pcm");
         //            player.realize();
         //            RecordControl rc = (RecordControl)player.getControl("RecordControl");
         //            ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         //            rc.setRecordStream(output);
         //            rc.startRecord();
         //            player.start();
         //            eventType = "Recording";
         //            message.setText("Recording...");
         //            Thread.sleep(5000);
         //            message.setText("Recording Done!");
         //            rc.commit();
         //            recordedAudioArray = output.toByteArray();
         //            player.close();
         //        catch (Exception e)
    }I am really sorry at the end I messed with the code and its altered a Lot, But hope the
    logic Will is clear which is my requirement . I know the code for recording and
    playing is not complete as said, i Messed around a working code and tried adding Canavs
    for keyrepeat method,tried putting a thread around , AT last totally messed,
    I tried working on this for two days but couldn't be successfull , Please Help me!!
    The control goes out when midlet asks whether to allow recording ,
    I thank you anticipation ...
    -Abhijith Rao

    Midlet asking whether to allow the recording are typical permissions prompts specified by MIDP security policy. You need to sign the MIDlet and give it proper permissions.
    Problems like this were discussed in an older thread at WTK forum: *[MIDlet keeps asking for permission.|]* According to one of the posters in the thread, +"...I got it to work on the emulator by setting the permission to 'manufacturer'. It runs smoothly without annoying questions..."+
    If you're interested, check documentation and tutorials on MIDP security policy for more details.
    For events to record audio only when the key is being pressed, consider GameCanvas API, method getKeyStates.
    I am not certain though if doing it this way is a good idea. I doubt that phone users have same habits as those of walkie-talkies; for them it might be indeed more comfortable to use single simple key presses to start and finish recording.

  • Help! How to call Unix system command?

    In my java application.there are some code as following:
    String cmd = "ls -a > temp.txt";
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process process = runtime.exec(cmd);
    int rc = process.exitValue();
    if (rc == 0){
    catch(Exception ex){
    But when i run the application, it always throws IllegalTreadStateException,
    return code(rc) is 2, exception's content is as below:
    java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process hasn't exited
    at java.lang.UNIXProcess.exitValue(
    at MyApplication.main(...)
    If someone know what happened, please help me, my E-mail address is:
    [email protected]

    public class RunCommand {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String s = null;
    try {
         // run the Unix "ps -ef" command
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ps -ef");
    BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new
    BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new
    // read the output from the command
    System.out.println("Here is the standard output of the command:\n");
    while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
    // read any errors from the attempted command
    System.out.println("Here is the standard error of the command (if any):\n");
    while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
    catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: ");

  • Urgent Please help: ORA-00940: invalid ALTER command

    I am not able to start my oracle db that is running Solaris 10, Oracle 10g.
    I made the following changes to Oracle Parameter and now I am not able to start.
    alter system set "_fix_control"='5705630:ON' scope=spfile;
    I get this error: ORA-00940: invalid ALTER command
    I am not even able to reset that parameter back, since oracle db won't start?
    I get this error when i run "startsap: on command
    Please help
    Message was edited by:
            Kumar Subramaniam
    Message was edited by:
            Kumar Subramaniam

    I have renameed the spfile and try to start sap using initPR2.ora file and it worked fine and then I did this to re-create teh spfile.
    sqlplus / assysdba
    create spfile from pfile;
    shutdown immediate;
    Everything works fine.
    Thanks for the quick response.

  • In system preferences my search engine and homepage are set for google but my computer keeps using BING, please help!

    I have system preferences > general > homepage and search engine set as google but my computer keeps using BING! Please help!

    You installed the "Genieo/InstallMac" rootkit. The product is a fraud, and the developer knowingly distributes an uninstaller that doesn't work. I suggest the tedious procedure below to disable Genieo. This procedure may leave a few small files behind, but it will permanently deactivate the rootkit (as long as you never reinstall it.)
    Malware is constantly changing to get around the defenses against it. The instructions in this comment are valid as of now, as far as I know. They won't necessarily be valid in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for more recent discussions or start a new one.
    Back up all data. You must know how to restore from a backup even if the system becomes unbootable. If you don't know how to do that, or if you don't have any backups, stop here and ask for guidance.
    Step 1
    In the Applications folder, there should be an item named "Genieo". Select it and open the Finder Info window. If it shows that the Version is less than 2.0, download and install the current version from the website. This may seem paradoxical, since the goal is to remove it, but you'll be saving yourself some trouble as well as the risk of putting the system in an unusable state.
    There should be another application in the same folder named "Uninstall Genieo". After updating Genieo, if necessary, launch "Uninstall Genieo" and follow the prompts to remove the "newspaper-style home page." Restart the computer.
    This step does not completely inactivate Genieo.
    Step 2
    Don't take this step unless you completed Step 1, including the restart, without any error messages. If you couldn't complete Step 1, stop here and ask for instructions.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.
    If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    A folder should open with an item named "GenieoExtra.framework" selected. Move that item to the Trash. You'll be prompted for your administrator password.
    Move each of these items to the Trash in the same way:
    /usr/lib/libimckitsa.dylib~/Library/Application Support/com.genieoinnovation.Installer~/Library/LaunchAgents/
    If there are other items with a name that includes "Genieo" or "genieo" alongside any of those listed above, move them as well. There's no need to restart after each one. Some of these items will be absent, in which case you'll get a message that the file can't be found. Skip that item and go on to the next one.
    Restart and empty the Trash. Don't try to empty the Trash until you have restarted.
    Step 3
    From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Uninstall any extensions you don't know you need, including ones called "Genieo" or "Omnibar," and any that have the word "Spigot" or "InstallMac" in the description. If in doubt, uninstall all extensions. Do the equivalent for the Firefox and Chrome browsers, if you use either of those.
    Your web browser(s) should now be working, and you should be able to reset the home page and search engine. If not, stop here and post your results.
    Make sure you don't repeat the mistake that led you to install this software. Chances are you got it from an Internet cesspit such as "Softonic" or "CNET Download." Never visit either of those sites again. You might also have downloaded it from an ad in a page on some other site. The ad has a large green button labeled "Download" or "Download Now" in white letters. The button is designed to confuse people who intend to download something else on the same page. If youever download a file that isn't obviously what you expected, delete it immediately.
    You may be wondering why you didn't get a warning from Gatekeeper about installing software from an unknown developer, as you should have. The reason is that the Genieo developer has a codesigning certificate issued by Apple, which causes Gatekeeper to give the installer a pass. Apple could revoke the certificate, but as of this writing, has not done so, even though it's aware of the problem. It must be said that this failure of oversight is inexcusable and has seriously compromised the value of Gatekeeper and the Developer ID program. You cannot rely on Gatekeeper alone to protect you from harmful software.
    Finally, be forewarned that when Genieo is mentioned on this site, the developer sometimes shows up under the name "Genieo support." If that happens, don't believe anything he says, but feel free to tell him what you think of his scam.

  • I have changed default language in the program & have set Language & region in system preferences. My Word (Mac2011) keeps on changing the default language to US english every time I check. Please help!

    I have changed default language in the program & have set Language & region in system preferences. My Word (Mac2011) keeps on changing the default language to US english every time I check. Please help!

    If you're having trouble making changes to files that are inside your home folder (represented by a house icon in the sidebar of a Finder window), or if you can't get changes to the settings of an application to stick, then please see below.
    Back up all data.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership and access-control lists to the default. If you've set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it.
    I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, they may not work as described.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user, and the one in question is not an administrator, then go to Step 2.
    Triple-click anywhere in the following line on this page to select it:
    { sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR..; sudo chown -R $UID:staff ~ $_; sudo chmod -R u+rwX ~ $_; chmod -R -N ~ $_; } 2>&-
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    You'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command may take a few minutes to run, or perhaps longer if you have literally millions of files in your home folder. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Take this step only if you have trouble with Step 1, if you prefer not to take it, or if it doesn't solve the problem.
    Boot into Recovery. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password dialog will open. You’re not going to reset a password.
    In the dialog, select the startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if it's not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if it's not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

  • How to install firefox 36.0 silently thorugh command line? I tried with -ms switch but still it prompts the user. Please help

    I have been using these commands to push Mozilla to client computers and it worked fine so far however now it is not working.
    I treid following command however it prompts the user to install/upgrade instead of installing silently.
    "Firefox Setup Stub 36.0.exe" -ms /qn /norestart
    Please help!!!

    Hi vparmar,
    We recommend installing Firefox in a traditional way to avoid any further problems or conflict with the system. [[How to download and install Firefox on Windows]]
    Thank you.

  • Please help !! Adobe Captivate CS4 Installer stuck at 90% " Checking system profile"

         I had installed Adobe Captivate CS4 previously. .For some reason, I used Adobe CS4 cleanup tool..and it removed captivate installers..and I was not able to uninstall captivate CS4 thro' Add/remove programs and removed Captivate using revo uninstaller.. Now if I try to install Captivate CS4 the installer is stuck at 90% checking system profile..Please help!!
    P.S tried all the possible methods including all the methods listed in the KB atricle

    I'm attaching the log file.. pls go through it
    START - Install Bootstrapper Session
    Install Properties:
        AddRemoveInfoDisplayName=Adobe Captivate 4
        INSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1
        installSourcePath=\\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4
        productName=Adobe Captivate 4
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:12 2011  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    Manipulating bootstrapper.  MSI version check enabled.
    Source media path: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4
    Current MSI Version:4.5.6001.22317
    MSI service already meets minimum version: 3.1.4000.2435
    Setting AFLPath C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:13 2011  INFO
    Installing payload
    Attempting to install package from:\\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\WinBootstrapper.msi
    Payload is already installed with MSI
    MsiSourceListAddSource for  \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\WinBootstrapper.msi is 0
    MsiSourceListSetInfo with updated name: WinBootstrapper.msi, Result: 0
    Payload source is not removable so not updating media info
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:16 2011  INFO
    1: 0 2: 0 3: 1252
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:17 2011  INFO
    1: 0 2: 0 3: 0
    === Logging started: 4/29/2011  14:36:17 ===
    Message type: 0, Argument: 0
    Message type: 1, Argument: Adobe Setup
    Action 14:36:17: INSTALL.
    Action start 14:36:17: INSTALL.
    Action 14:36:17: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action start 14:36:17: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action ended 14:36:17: WindowsFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:17: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action start 14:36:17: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action ended 14:36:17: SystemFolder.63E949F6_03BC_5C40_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:17: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action start 14:36:17: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action ended 14:36:17: WindowsFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:17: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action start 14:36:17: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E.
    Action ended 14:36:17: SystemFolder.98CB24AD_52FB_DB5F_FF1F_C8B3B9A1E18E. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:17: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions
    Action start 14:36:17: LaunchConditions.
    Action ended 14:36:17: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:17: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications
    Action start 14:36:17: FindRelatedProducts.
    Action ended 14:36:17: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0.
    Action 14:36:17: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications
    Action start 14:36:17: AppSearch.
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:18 2011  INFO
    Property: sessionID, Signature: Adobe_ID0EHC
    Action ended 14:36:18: AppSearch. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:18: ProcessPropertyFile.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017.
    Action start 14:36:18: ProcessPropertyFile.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017.
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:25 2011  INFO
    9:6:25:77 -(Adobe)- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- BEGIN - Adobe_ProcessPropertyFile -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-      
    9:6:25:343 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: PROPERTY_FILE       
    9:6:25:343 -(Adobe)- Value D:\DOCUME~1\kra\LOCALS~1\Temp\adb2C.tmp       
    9:6:25:343 -(Adobe)- Processing property file        
    9:6:25:593 -(Adobe)- AFLPATH = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1      
    9:6:25:593 -(Adobe)- AddRemoveInfoAboutURL =      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- AddRemoveInfoDisplayName = Adobe Captivate 4      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- AddRemoveInfoDisplayVersion = 4      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- AddRemoveInfoSupportURL =      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- AddRemoveInfoUpdatesURL =      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- AdobeCode = {07CD1281-D5ED-4BB4-8964-7B4F1F36315D}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload0 = {092DF7B0-6E10-4718-9763-9704CC4E6EF9}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload1 = {4A3E802F-A221-465C-A1A7-E4AF92FFB393}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload2 = {50F104C6-DA8A-4C07-8DAE-819CA09BBF8B}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload3 = {6BE35082-8D96-45BD-B1D6-1B394BC70089}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload4 = {716E0306-8318-4364-8B8F-0CC4E9376BAC}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload5 = {9D1CA210-C2FC-46BA-B833-099FFFCACBF0}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.Payload6 = {A9A71A55-3C8A-4DCD-8291-1F4B749627C9}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.TotalPayloads = 7      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- ConfiguringBootstrapper = 1      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- INSTALLDIR = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- Installed = 00:00:00      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- LanguageIndependent = 1      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- ProductCode = {2B6F6771-46DA-4DEB-B738-E809A81B17F7}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- REINSTALL = ALL      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- REINSTALLMODE = pvoums      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- UpgradeCode = {12ACA7CF-6514-4E99-974B-C1EECECDCA00}      
    9:6:25:609 -(Adobe)- adobeCode =       
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- defaultLanguage = en_US      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- driverAdobeCode = {6BE35082-8D96-45BD-B1D6-1B394BC70089}      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- installSourcePath = \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- platform = Win32      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- productName = Adobe Captivate 4      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- record = 0      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- sessionID = 1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1      
    9:6:25:624 -(Adobe)- setupVersion =      
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: AdobeCode       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Value {07CD1281-D5ED-4BB4-8964-7B4F1F36315D}       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Getting CAPS install session data for payload:  {07CD1281-D5ED-4BB4-8964-7B4F1F36315D}       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- No CAPS payload data available.  Looking for session data.  CAPS return value: 8       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Initializing from sessionID properties.  SessionID: 1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- - Updating session properties -        
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): AFLPATH       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): AddRemoveInfoAboutURL       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: AddRemoveInfoComments       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): AddRemoveInfoDisplayName       
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:843 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): AddRemoveInfoDisplayVersion       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: AddRemoveInfoEstimatedSize       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: AddRemoveInfoSupportPhoneNumber       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): AddRemoveInfoSupportURL       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): AddRemoveInfoUpdatesURL       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: CAPS_28B98837_8526_4159_B4E7_D0FD5E235960.BootstrapperPackage       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: CLE       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: EULA_LANGUAGE       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: ExitWorkflow       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: ExtensionFamily       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: ExtensionParentAdobeCode       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: ExtensionProduct       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: ExtensionVersion       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): INSTALLDIR       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: IsExtensionPayload       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: MEDIATAG       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: OS64Bit       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: StartMenuSubFolder       
    9:6:25:859 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: UPGRADEQUALSN       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): defaultLanguage       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): driverAdobeCode       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: eula_EPIC_EULA_ACCEPTED       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: eula_EPIC_EULA_SELECTED       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: installLanguage       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): installSourcePath       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: mediaName       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: mediaPath       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: mediaType       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: mediaVolumeIndex       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: mostRecentSessionID       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: overrideFile       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: pers_EPIC_SERIAL       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): record       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- No property value for key: removeUserPrefs       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): sessionID       
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:874 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): setupVersion       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinAdministratorsSid       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinAnonymousSid       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinAuthenticatedUserSid       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBatchSid       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- No account found for Well Known SID WinBuiltinAccountOperatorsSid       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid       
    9:6:25:890 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinBackupOperatorsSid       
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinDomainSid       
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinGuestsSid       
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinNetworkConfigurationOperatorsSid       
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinPowerUsersSid       
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:906 -(Adobe)- No account found for Well Known SID WinBuiltinPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessSid       
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- No account found for Well Known SID WinBuiltinPrintOperatorsSid       
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinRemoteDesktopUsersSid       
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinReplicatorSid       
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- No account found for Well Known SID WinBuiltinSystemOperatorsSid       
    9:6:25:937 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinBuiltinUsersSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinCreatorGroupServerSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinCreatorGroupSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinCreatorOwnerServerSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinCreatorOwnerSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinDialupSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinEnterpriseControllersSid       
    9:6:25:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinEveryoneSid       
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinInteractiveSid       
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinLocalServiceSid       
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinLocalSid       
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinLocalSystemSid       
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- No SID found for Well Known SID WinLogonIdsSid       
    9:6:25:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinNetworkServiceSid       
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinNetworkSid       
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinNtAuthoritySid       
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinNullSid       
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:984 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinProxySid       
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinRemoteLogonIdSid       
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinRestrictedCodeSid       
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinSelfSid       
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinServiceSid       
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinTerminalServerSid       
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:26 2011  INFO
    9:6:25:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): WinWorldSid       
    9:6:26:15 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:26:77 -(Adobe)- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- END   - Adobe_ProcessPropertyFile -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-      
    Action ended 14:36:26: ProcessPropertyFile.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:26: EvalScript.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017.
    Action start 14:36:26: EvalScript.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017.
    Action ended 14:36:26: EvalScript.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017. Return value 0.
    Action 14:36:26: ValidateProductID.
    Action start 14:36:26: ValidateProductID.
    Action ended 14:36:26: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
    Action 14:36:26: OEMSupportBlindCopy.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB90171.
    Action start 14:36:26: OEMSupportBlindCopy.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB90171.
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:27 2011  INFO
    9:6:27:734 -(Adobe)- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- BEGIN - Adobe_OEMSupportBlindCopy -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-      
    9:6:27:796 -(Adobe)- CAAdobeOEMSupportBlindCopy::DoCustomAction        
    Action 14:36:27: AdobeBlindCopyOperations. Creating OEM operations
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: OriginalDatabase       
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Value \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\WinBootstrapper.msi       
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: INSTALLDIR       
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1       
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4       
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\       
    9:6:27:890 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EBF0_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EBF0_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EBF0       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_8bd7024b3e9505073505d9f94ed51339_adobe_personalization.dll       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- SourceName Setup.exe       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EBF0_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EBF0_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:905 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: OriginalDatabase       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Value \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\WinBootstrapper.msi       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: INSTALLDIR       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG0_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG0_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:921 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG0       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG0_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG0_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\*.*       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul       
    9:6:27:937 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG1_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG1_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG1       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG1_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG1_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:27:952 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\*.*       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG2_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG2_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG2       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG2_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG2_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:968 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\*.*       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG3_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG3_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG3       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG3_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG3_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:984 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\*.*       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG4_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG4_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG4       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG4_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG4_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:27:999 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    [    3248] Fri Apr 29 14:36:28 2011  INFO
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\*.*       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG5_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG5_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG5       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG5_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:15 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG5_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\*.*       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mul       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mul       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mu l       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG6_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG6_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:30 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG6       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG6_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG6_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mul\*.*       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG7_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:46 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG7_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG7       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG7_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG7_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All\*.*       
    9:6:28:62 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US        
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG8_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG8_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG8       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG8_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG8_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:77 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US\*.*       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mu l       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG9_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG9_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG9       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG9_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG9_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:93 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\*.*       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mu l\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG10_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG10_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG10       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG10_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG10_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:109 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\*.*       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mu l\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG11_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG11_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG11       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG11_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG11_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:124 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\*.*       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mu l\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG12_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG12_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG12       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:140 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG12_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG12_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\*.*       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mu l\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG13_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:155 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG13_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG13       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG13_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG13_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\*.*       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeSuiteSharedConfiguration-mul       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeSuiteSharedConfiguration-mul       
    9:6:28:171 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeSuiteSharedConfigura tion-mul       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG14_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG14_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG14       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG14_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG14_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:187 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeSuiteSharedConfiguration-mul\*.*       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\MSXML4.0       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\MSXML4.0       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\MSXML4.0       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG15_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG15_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG15       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.proxy.xml       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG15_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0EGXBG15_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:202 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\MSXML4.0\*.*       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: OriginalDatabase       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Value \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\WinBootstrapper.msi       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: INSTALLDIR       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG0_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG0_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:218 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG0       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG0_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG0_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\*.*       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul       
    9:6:28:234 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG1_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG1_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG1       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG1_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG1_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\*.*       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:28:249 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG2_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG2_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG2       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG2_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG2_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:265 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\*.*       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG3_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG3_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG3       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG3_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG3_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:280 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\*.*       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG4_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG4_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG4       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG4_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG4_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:296 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\*.*       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG5_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG5_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG5       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG5_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG5_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:312 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAIRHelp-mul\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\*.*       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mul       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mul       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mu l       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG6_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG6_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG6       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:327 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG6_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG6_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeALMAnchorService2-mul\*.*       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG7_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:343 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG7_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG7       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG7_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG7_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeAUM6.0All\*.*       
    9:6:28:359 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US        
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG8_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG8_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- FileKey Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG8       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Component_ Adobe_cae8f59264c8414853b3fa117b2ce301_main.html       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- SourceName *.data       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- SourceFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG8_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- DestFolder Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG8_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Options 0       
    9:6:28:374 -(Adobe)- Wildcard search: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivate4en_US\*.*       
    9:6:28:390 -(Adobe)- Child OEM directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul       
    9:6:28:390 -(Adobe)- Processing blind copy source directory: \\\General\SetupFiles\Adobe Captivate\Adobe Captivate 4\Adobe Captivate 4\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mul       
    9:6:28:390 -(Adobe)- Target directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\1e92effc954e788ad49a56b24f4bcf1\payloads\AdobeCaptivateReviewer-mu l       
    9:6:28:390 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG9_src.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017       
    9:6:28:390 -(Adobe)- Value was set properly        
    9:6:28:390 -(Adobe)- Setting property (wchar_t): Adobe__bc_ID0ENXBG9_dest.E35C3ECB_5FDA_49E1_AB1F_D472B7CB9017     

  • My ebay toolbar and the ebay logo that was in my system tray at the bottom have both disappeared when I installed FireFox??? How do I get them back? Please help.

    my ebay toolbar and the ebay logo that was in my system tray at the bottom have both disappeared when I installed FireFox??? How do I get them back? Please help.

    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In Library Manager it's the FIle -> Rebuild command)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. 

  • I want to disable 'Spotlight' for repairing my disk "Macintosh HD" , but somehow the command 'sudo mdutil -a -i off' does not work in 'Terminal'. I get result as ' bash: sudo: command not found' .I am using OS 10.10.  Please help.

    I want to disable 'Spotlight' for repairing my disk "Macintosh HD" , but somehow the command 'sudo mdutil -a -i off' does not work in 'Terminal'. I get result as ' bash: sudo: command not found' .I am using OS 10.10.  Please help.

    It appears that you may not have a properly installed OS X system.
    You must be connected to the Internet to reinstall OS X.
    In the menu bar, choose Apple menu > Restart. Once your Mac restarts (and the gray screen appears), hold down the Command (⌘) and R keys.
    Select “Disk Utility,” and then click Continue.
    Select your startup disk from the list on the left, and then Repair Disk.
    After disk is repaired, select Reinstall OS X, then click Continue.
    Follow the onscreen instructions. In the pane where you select a disk, select your current OS X disk

  • Bought IMAC sept2012 after updates gray screen shows up with logo at start up. Please help! I don't know the system as I just start using it and the package did not come with CD to reinstall system. I tried to reboot holding shift but it does not work.

    Please help.
    I bought the IMAC 21.5" /2.5QC /2X2GB /500GB /6750M sept2012. After the automatic update run when restart computer the screen is on the gray screen with the logo and wont' do anything else. I tried to reboot holding the shift key without success. The package did not come with a CD so I can not reinstall the previous system. I even don't know what is the system that came with the computer because I just start using it. I bought in the US but am in Brazil. HELP PLEASE, how can I get the previous system so I can reinstall it? I do not mind loosing data but I need to work on it. PLEASE HELP! Thanks!

    Try booting into the Recovery HD which is on the HD. Restart holding down Command+r and at the screen with four choices select Disk Utility>Macintosh HD and click on 'repair disk'. If any changes are made click on repair disk again until you get a clear pass. Restart as normal from the Apple menu.
    More about the Recovery HD:

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